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eternity? Why should a nation which | in declaring that it would give no furowes all its greatness to the triumph of ther allowance."* Protestant principles expend many thousands annually for no better purpose than to enable Romanists to counteract those influences upon which its true glory depends?


If any thing, in the shape of argument, were necessary to show that state policy should never tempt men to trample upon great moral principles, or to do evi! that good may come," it might well be supplied by the working of the Maynooth Endowment. Has it conciliated the Roman Catholic priesthood? Has it abated, in the slightest degree, their hostility to Protestants and the Protestant religion? Has it aided the good government of the Sister-Island? Has it diminished the number of Irish assassins, urged on to deeds of murder on the slightest pretences? Has it facilitated the progress of liberal education?—or done any good thing?

What can statesmen, who aided the Endowment of Maynooth, say, in reply to these questions, but simply, No? Their very pleas for the Endowment are now staring them in the face, as carrying with them their bitterest refutation. When the late Prime Minister was speaking in support of Sir Robert Peel's Bill, he is reported to have uttered the following words:

"But, I will say, that if you found you were doing that which was mischievous to the community, and that the religious scruples of the community would not allow of the continuance of this grant, or, with reference to civil and political reasons, you found that those you meant to be the teachers of religion, had become the teachers and conductors of rebellion,-if, I say, you found for any of these causes that there was ground sufficient to refuse this grant, then I can see no valid reason why any compact should restrain you, or why, upon strong grounds of this kind, the House would not be justified

Most thoroughly has it been demonstrated, that the Maynooth Bill has been mischievous to the community;— that it has, beyond any other act, outraged the religious scruples of the nation;—and that Irish priests have been engaged in a fresh crusade against the tranquillity of the Sister-kingdom,doing all they could, short of actual rebellion, to fan the spirit of social discord and animosity. Upon his own showing, Lord John Russell ought to be foremost in the ranks of those who are now moving for the destruction of the obnoxious Bill of Sir Robert Peel.

But let earnest Protestants trust to their own energetic action, and they have nothing to fear. Policy, so ill supported by facts, must yield to principle; and a victory of this kind once achieved will render it impossible for any British statesman, in future, to trifle so egregiously with the conscience of a free and enlightened people. Let the expiring Parliament witness a thorough outburst of sound Protestant feeling;-let the same battle be fought, if need be, when a new Parliament has been elected;-and let the struggle never cease till our country is rescued from the awful inconsistency and guilt of educating the Priests of Rome.

N.B.-The preceding appeal was written before Lord Derby and his party came into power. It is highly probable that this event will lead to a speedy dissolution of Parliament. But whether it does or not, let right-minded Protestants be up and doing. They have no hope of success from the Peelites, the Whigs,--the Protectionists, the Manchester school,-or the Radicals: their only hope is in the energy and sleepless perseverance of their own


* Hansard's Debates, vol. iii. p. 92, Session 1845.



The Prayer that penetrates Heaven. If the arrow of prayer is to enter heaven, we must draw it from a soul full bent.-Bp. Hopkins.

Importunity in Prayer.

There is nothing more pleasing to God than holy violence in prayer. He loves to see us, while trusting in his faithful word, disregarding the discouragements of his providence.-Jay.

Important Hint respecting Prayer. Prayer is not to inform a Being who is perfectly wise, but that we may be affected with our condition, and be prepared for the display of his mercy. It is we who are changed by prayer, not God. The land is not drawn to the boat, but the boat to the land—the result of the contact is the same.-Ibid.

A valuable Admonition. Make a serious business of a holy life. We must make piety more than a matter of form. We must make a study of a holy life, in order to advance from strength to strength in the ways of the Lord. It is with religion as with the other pursuits of life. In those arts where success depends upon genius and industry, unless a man have an enthusiasm for his own profession-unless he follow it from choice, and prefer it to all others, he will never rise to eminence and fame. In like manner, unless a man have an attachment of the heart to the cause of religion-unless he be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord-unless he prefer a good conscience to everything upon earth, he will never obtain that crown of glory which is reserved for the righteous.-Logan.

The grand Business of the Christian. In pursuing the journey of life, the Christian pilgrim is always to remember and regard his supreme end. He may turn aside occasionally to behold a beautiful scene, to realize a passing and in

nocent delight, to pluck some fair and fragrant flowers near him, but he is never to forget that his chief object is to "press forward," to prosecute his way steadily and vigorously, until he arrive at the promised land.--Anon.

The Religion of Numbers. The religion of many is Paganism dressed up in a Christian fashion.Bates.

Humility and Love.

Humility can never descend too low, nor Love ascend too high.-Ibid.

The Gospel and the Saviour. If the gospel be the field, Christ is the pearl hid in it; if the gospel be the ring, Christ is the diamond in the ring. Indeed, what would the gospel be without Christ? where would be its beauty, its power, its life; indeed, it would be no gospel, no "glad tidings" to sinners at all.-Anonymous.

Why Christ is not admired. Men admire not the sun, because the cloud comes between, shrouding its beauty, and eclipsing its glory; so sinners admire not the Sun of Righteousness, because there is the cloud of nature's darkness or infidelity intercepting his beams, and veiling his splen

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which leaves out the doctrine of salva- | profession, of God-God in Christ

tion by an atoning sacrifice, that can afford you any relief? Is it not like the priest and Levite who passed by on the other side?-Andrew Fuller.

a holy God, a just God and a Saviour, you will soon find who is the intruder. God is the intruder; I desire to speak His name with reverence-He is the intruder.-Harington Evans.

The Sense of Adoption.

The Value of the Atonement. Is not the doctrine of atonement by the blood of Christ, like the oil and wine of the good Samaritan? Under all the pressures of life, whether from inward conflicts, or outward troubles, is not this your grand support? What but 66 an advocate with the Father," one "who is the propitiation for our sins," could prevent you, when you have sinned against God, from sinking into despondency, and encourage you to sue afresh for mercy? What else could so divest affliction of its bitterness, death of its sting, or the grave of its gloomy aspect? In fine, what else could enable you to contemplate a future judgment with composure? What hope could you entertain of being justified at that day upon any other footing than this-lions of ages with Him are less than "It is Christ that died?"-Ibid.

An excellent Definition of Socinianism.

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The frigid zone of Christianity." Still it may be asked, is it Christianity at all? Is it not rather Christianity denuded of everything benignant, vital, and efficacious? Some, also, might inquire, "Has Christianity any frigid zone ?"

The Presence of God. Who can utter what there is in a sense of the Divine presence, when a man has it in a deep trial, a bitter moment, the light of God's countenance beaming on his heart? What shall we say of it? Why, it is turning winter into the brightness of summer, and midnight into the clear noonday. But suppose a man has not the relationship of a child, and he is brought into the presence of God? Why, it would be his misery. What forms the great intruder to a worldly man? The presence of God. He cannot bear to think of it. Talk to a man in his business, or his

Live, Christians, at no uncertainty— realize your adoption, and look up to God as a Father, and repose in a Father's love. Consider well the depth of the mercy. Who can utter it? It is the highest round in the ladder. It takes in every privilege and relationship besides, the tender relationship of a child to an ever-loving Father. Here is a Father, too, who never dies. We look on our earthly fathers, we see them wax and wane, we see their infirmities increase, and we are prepared to expect that we shall soon lose them, and they sink and die, and are gone; but here is One whom age never impairs, "who inhabiteth eternity:" mil

a moment with me. What a thought! -Ibid.

A beautiful Remark.

Men of mere speculation play with doctrines. It is the plain and serious Christian that knows most of their real tendency. In a question, therefore, which concerns their happy or unhappy influence, his judgment is of the greatest importance.-A. Fuller.

Where Faith grows.

Faith is a plant which grows always in a moist soil; in a weeping eye and a broken heart.-Watson.

The Walk of Believers. Christians walk after God as servants, with God as friends, and before God as children. Mind how you walk, believers in Christ.—Anonymous.

Departed Saints.

They who die in the Lord are not lost, but only sent a little before. We shall shortly overtake them; and, when we do, no more separation for ever.

Definition of Hell. Hell may rightly be called Bochim— the place of weepers,-and not only will all there weep, and bewail bitterly, but the tears will be ceaseless, the lamentation will be eternal.

The Worthlessness of Human Merit. We may just as well attempt to level the lofty trees of the forest, with a gentle touch of the finger; to overturn, with a breath, the stupendous mountain, whose summit pierces the clouds, or to move the world, with a lever of straw, as, with our poor performances, to remove the load of our guilt, and avert the awful consequences of Jehovah's indignation.-Ebenezer Temple.

The Marks of real Faith. Genuine faith is always connected with four things:—

I. Divine light.

II. Holy love.

III. Ardent desires.
IV. Practical godliness.
Have we these developments?

What Prayer requires.
Prayer is the daughter of charity, and

the sister of meekness; and he that prays to God in an angry spirit, is like him who retires into a battle to meditate, and sets up his closet in the out-quarters of an enemy, and chooses a frontier garrison to be wise in.-Jeremy Taylor.

Fear in the Anticipation of Death. Fear, in the prospect of death, makes the Christian see double. Shut the eye of sense, and open the eye of faith, and death will appear less formidable.Watson.

The Fulness of Scripture. What a book of inexhaustible subject is the Bible! One sometimes unbelievingly fears, lest one should come to the end of one's subjects; and yet, the more we are led to look into any one of them, the more one finds one has been only travelling upon the surface.-Harington Evans.

The Feeling of many Believers when

thinking of the Grave.

How often do Christians say, when contemplating death and the grave," We could rejoice at the gain which death will bring; but we fear the pain, the agony, with which it may be associated. We desire, we long for the fair, the quiet haven, but tremble at the stormy voyage."

The Desire of Austin.

Austin wished that he had seen three

things before he died-
First. Paul in the pulpit.
Second. Rome in its glory.
Third. Christ in the flesh.

What, however, would these sights have been, when compared with the vision of the Saviour in his glory in heaven?

Excuses for neglecting Religion. Ignorance and prejudice respecting religion can never be fairly pleaded in excuse, by minds cultivated by diligent inquiry on other subjects. - Hannah More.

How to increase spiritual Vigour. by the retrospection of former faults.Our spiritual strength is increased


Humility in Prayer.

Believers are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace; but does not the very word Throne imply majesty on the one part, and prostration on the other?

The Affections of the Christian.

A believer's affections are too often like a cascade or waterfall, that flows downward; instead of being like a fountain which rises and shoots upwards toward heaven.-Toplady.

Weak Memories.

Many of God's people lament the badness of their memory; and yet, after all, heart-memory is better than head-memory. Better to carry away a little of the life of God in our souls, than to be able to repeat every word of every sermon we have heard.-Ibid.

The Evil of Captiousness. Disputing, captious, bigoted people do but pump themselves dry.—Toplady.

Paul's Three Desires.

The apostle had three great desires, and each centred in Christ :

The first was, to be found in Christ,

Phil. iii. 9.

The second was, to magnify Christ,
Phil i 20.

The third was, to be with Christ,

Phil. i. 23. Each was realized.

How the Sight of the Heart affects. Who can look into his own heart with dry eyes?- Watson.

The Character of our Life.

Our whole life, Austin observes, is nothing but a temptation. We tread upon snares, and we do so everywhere. The blessed Result of Death to the Believer.

Death will free the Christian from the imperfections of his holiness. How numerous are they now! but, after death, he will be as pure as the angels of God. There will be no spot to defile, no wrinkle to mar, no blemish to disfigure. The robe will be virgin-white, and completely so for ever. Who should not desire this state of blissful, of unsullied purity? March 1.

T. W.


NEARLY sixty years, Mr. Editor, have passed away since the purer delights of religious associations dissipated the taste for theatrical amusements, of which I was passionately fond. But eloquence, from whatever source, never fails to excite a lively interest, and my attention was recently attracted by a published speech of a celebrated tragedian, at an advanced period of life, taking leave of the stage. The concluding paragraph I deem a jewel worthy the acceptance of my younger brethren, to whom I beg leave respectfully to present it. would venture," said the speaker, "to express one parting hope, that the rising actors may keep the loftiest look, may hold the most elevated views of the duties of their calling. I would hope that they will strive to elevate themselves above the level of the player's


easy life, to public regard and distinction, by a faithful ministry to the genius of our incomparable Shakspeare. To effect this creditable purpose, they must bring resolute energy and unfaltering labour to the work-they must be content to spurn delights, and live laborious days. Remember, whatever is excellent, must spring from labour and endurance."


Deep the oak must sink in stubborn earth its roots obscure,

That hopes to lift its branches to the sky!"

Holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, know ye that they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.

Brixton Rise.


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