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materialize the mind, if I may with propriety use that expression. Dr. Reid was not quick at seeing analogies: he saw the thing itself, with wonderful minuteness;-to employ the terms of his own favourite science, he saw the origin, course, and intention of every fact which he studied; but he saw not so readily the mutual dependency of facts-that beautiful chain of amalgamated truth known as Nature. He was a fine natural logician; he could detect a scientific sophism, however cleverly concealed, and had the patience of a new philosopher, to await the development of system, rather than fancy it perfected."

To watch the progress of this most earnest student and philosopher,-to trace his steady advancement in knowledge and reputation, in the medical schools of his native metropolis, would be an object of intense and peculiar interest. Never was a public lecturer and demonstrator more bent on self-improvement, or more anxious for the cultivation of his pupils. Unlike some men of great powers and attainments, he was free from all vanity, dogmatism, professional jealousy, and overweening self-conceit. Loved and trusted by all, above and below him, he had as fair a reputation as ever has been accorded to a public man; while in the more retired circles of private life he was at all times the object of blended confidence and affection,-a most dutiful and devoted son, a loving husband and father, and a friend whom the best and wisest would have been glad to claim. As a medical practitioner, he was as eminent for his personal sympathy, as for his professional skill, especially in his visits to the poor and the neglected. Altogether, Dr. Reid was an exquisitely interesting character. Professor Forbes bears the following beautiful testimony to him :-" Before I left Edinburgh I had learned to esteem him warmly as a friend. His truthfulness, warmth of heart, hatred of sham, and quiet sense of humour, were qualities eminently combined to win friendship and affection. For fame, or rather, what may better be called éclat, he cared nothing, and seemed to have no appetite. He was unchanging in his friendship, and when he had once taken a liking, was not easily driven out of it."

In the study of Dr. Reid's character, we have been struck to perceive how far natural amiableness and conscientious integrity may develop themselves, in the absence of the spiritual and saving element. Up to 1827, there is no proof whatever that he was under the influence of Christianity. He was no scoffer; but neither was he a true believer. It may be that he had his moments of thoughtfulness;-but, if he had, there is no decisive evidence of it. In that year, however, in the very zenith of his powers and of his fame, it pleased God to visit him with a malady, from


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which he was never to recover. cer in the tongue; a disease too well understood by him, not to be the cause of serious apprehension as to the result. In May, 1848, he repaired to Keswick, in Cumberland, for change of air and scene. He derived little or no benefit from the experiment. His correspondence, with medical friends and others, from the Lake scenery, has a dash of melancholy in it. One to his wife, affords a bright ray of hope in reference to his highest interests:"In my lonely state to-day, I have been thinking a good deal more of religion than I have been in the habit of doing of late years, and a deep conviction, which I sincerely hope may be permanent, of the importance of religion, and the unsatisfactory nature of all earthly honours and pleasures, has been ever present with me. I felt that honours (scientific) which I have been so anxious to obtain, are but as dross compared with the enduring peace of mind arising from a full dependence upon God, and faith in his Son Jesus Christ." * * * "I sincerely hope that this may not be a fleeting impression, but that it may yield fruit meet for repentance. I am aware that the things of this world are still regarded by me far above their real value; but it may have pleased the Lord to send this dispensation upon me for my eternal benefit. If so, I may have great reason to be thankful for what has occurred, and my present vexation may be the cause of much rejoicing."

To Dr. Duncan he writes on the 12th June, 1848, that, "for the last five weeks he has been preparing for the fatal issue, and seeking, he trusts, not altogether unsuccessfully, to make his peace with God." In similar terms he writes, on the 17th of June, to his friend, the Rev. Dr. Cook. "There can be no question, then," observes his biographer, Dr. Wilson, "that it was during his lonely journeys among the hills and lakes of Cumberland, in May, 1848, that he first tasted that peace, which hereafter abode with him to the last. The Keswick letters, which have been quoted from, imply a gradual, though swift transition, from the chill source of consolation, that better men than he had met a fate as hard, to the Christian thanksgiving for God's mercy in leading him to Himself by the path of affliction. At first there is more resignation to an evil which could not be escaped; at last there is rejoicing at an unexpected joy which had been found. It is implied in saying this, that he came now to know God in a way he had never known him before. This was his own judgment on himself, not given once, but reiterated many times."

When he left for Cumberland, "in his travelling trunk his wife had been careful to place a Bible; and one of his earliest letters

to her was full of gratitude for the thought- | ful kindness. This Bible was his daily companion in his lonely walks. He studied it with an intensity such as he had never displayed in the study of any book before. He studied it as a book which only those who have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who inspired it, can understand; and he was earnest in prayer to God for the gift of His Spirit. Nor did He who loveth to be entreated, forget His promise to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. Within some three weeks at furthest, a peace, composure, contentment, and joy, which John Reid had never known in the most healthful and prosperous season of his past life, pervaded his soul, and his heart began to fill with "the perfect love that casteth out fear."

All his scepticism, all his doubts as to the efficacy of prayer, all his indifference to the great realities of Christian truth, had for ever vanished; and he was now a humble-penitented disciple at the foot of the cross.

To his mother he concludes an affectionate letter in the following terms:-" I seriously hope that my present affliction will be for my spiritual advantage. It has brought me to think over the folly of placing our affections and happiness upon the fleeting and uncertain things of time, which at any moment may be snatched from our grasp."

To Dr. Duncan he writes, June, 1848: "It is hard to think of leaving wife and bairns, and many kind friends, but I must bow submissively to the chastening rod. Had it been the will of my Almighty Father, I would gladly have lived a few years for the sake of my family, as it would have been considerably for their advantage; but if He has decided otherwise, it is my duty patiently to submit."

To Dr. Adamson he writes: "I have been disciplining my mind to take the worst view of my case ever since I left St. Andrews, and my thoughts have naturally turned to the only source capable of yielding consolation under such circumstances."

To Dr. Cook he writes: "Whatever be the result, I sincerely hope that I shall have great reason for rejoicing that I have been thus afflicted; for it has led me to think of the careless and unprofitable life I have been leading, and how unfit I am to give a satisfactory account of my stewardship, if called upon so to do. I have, ever since I left St. Andrews, been frequently and seriously thinking over these subjects, and endeavouring to school my mind to consider this chastening as sent for my advantage, and that I ought to bear it cheerfully and resignedly. I have frequently prayed to my heavenly Father to send down the Holy Spirit into my heart, to strengthen and confirm these good resolutions. I am, however, aware that


all efforts of mine to obtain forgiveness for my sins are vain, unless I throw myself freely upon the mediation and intercession of my Redeemer; and it is through his merits, and his alone, that I venture to ask for forgiveness."

To his sister, Mrs. Tayler, he writes: "I know that until lately I have lived a careless unprofitable life, and that were I to trust in the slightest to any of my own works or deeds, I must fall under the severest wrath of God. I also know that though I had lived as pure a life as it is possible for a mortal and erring man to do, I should have come infinitely short of the requirements of the law of God, and that nothing but a full reliance upon the merits and mediation of my Saviour and Redeemer can save me from the punishment which my sins deserve."

In many other clear and delightful utterances, to various individuals, in letters and personal conversations, did Dr. Reid express his full hope in Christ. There were no quibblings and sceptical reserves in his mode of dealing with the gospel. He became, at once, with all his faculties fresh about him, a little child; and that faith which he had once made light of nobly sustained him to the last. His sufferings amounted to torture;-but patience, and heroic Christian fortitude, not only restrained him from complaint, but invested his last hours with a bright and cheerful resignation.

We cannot but hope that the memoir of this great man will be extensively blessed. Were it not that medical students and practitioners may profit by the details, we should incline to the impression that Dr. Wilson had introduced into his pages too much matter strictly professional. But, upon mature consideration, we think he is right. His task has been exquisitely performed. Of modern biographies the work before us is a modeltype. May it be eminently blessed to thousands, who, like Dr. Reid, have had their minds warped by the flippant objections of scientific men dealing unfairly by the evidence of the gospel.

THE ANALYTICAL GREEK LEXICON: Consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of every occurring inflexion of every word contained in the Greek New Testament Scriptures, with a Grammatical Analysis of each word, and Lexicographical Illustrations of the Meanings. A complete Series of Paradigms, with Grammatical Remarks and Explanations. 4to. pp. 486.

Samuel Bagster and Sons.

THE design of this volume is to afford the same aid in acquiring an accurate knowledge of the Greek of the New Testament, as has been furnished by the Publishers' Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, in acquiring a

sound acquaintance with the language of the Old Testament.

In the first place, it has all the advantages of an ordinary Lexicon, exhibiting the meaning of words which occur in the New Testament, arranged according to their proper classification, and furnishing the primitive signification of each several word.

In the second place, as each word is accompanied by copious references to the principal places in which it occurs, nearly all the advantages of a concordance of the Greek of the New Testament is here supplied.

In the third place, the learned author of this work has, with vast labour and care, supplied an Alphabetical Arrangement of every inflection of the several words occurring in the New Testament, each form exactly named, and referred to its proper root; "the whole," as the author justly observes, "thus forming a precise analysis of the entire verbal contents of the New Testament." This is the characteristic feature of the work, upon which its chief recommendation and excellence depend.

In the fourth place, we are furnished with a grammatical apparatus, placing before the eye of the student, tables of the inflections of various parts of speech, with critical remarks upon particular and irregular forms which frequently occur.

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WERE books always to circulate according to their intrinsic merits, ten editions of this work would have been demanded instead of two. As the first edition, however, appeared in two volumes, and was somewhat expensive, we earnestly hope that the removal of this obstacle will secure the rapid and extensive sale of one of the best treatises on "Female Scripture Biograghy," in our own or any other language. With the Author's last corrections and additions, the value of the book is greatly enhanced, and leaves scarcely anything_to wish in reference to those portions of the Female Biography of Scripture which have been embraced in his plan.

The characters delineated are, Eve-Sarah

The utility of such a work to those who are prosecuting the critical study of the New-Hagar-Lot's Wife-Rebekah-MiriamTestament, with but limited time at their command, and with originally slender educational advantages, is obvious at a glance. And while there is no royal road to matured learning, it is obvious that such a Lexicon,for Lexicon it is,-must save the time of the student who has been regularly devoted, from his youth up, to critical studies.

We cannot do better than close this brief notice by quoting the words of the Editor's Preface. "It is designed," he observes, " to assist in cases where assistance is a kindly and really beneficial service;-such assistance, in fact, as is claimed by those peculiar circumstances where time and labour need to be husbanded, and where ordinary advantages are wanting;-where it would not impair but cheer a true spirit of self-reliance, and call forth rather than enfeeble habits of industry and enterprise. In such cases the earnest student may have recourse to an aid like this, either to shorten or to smooth his path in the acquisition of the fundamental facts of language; or, what is perhaps a still more useful application, to test the correctness of his own independent investigations.

"A design like this involves no vain attempt to render easy the acquirement of true learning, no interference with the employment of a dead language as a means of mental discipline: the aim of the volume is, like

Naomi, Orpah, and Ruth-Deborah-Manoah's Wife-Hannah-Abigail-The Queen of Sheba The Shunammite- Esther - The Virgin Mary-Elizabeth-Anna-The Woman of Samaria-The Woman who was a Sinner-The Syrophenician, or, Canaanitish Woman-Martha and Mary-The Poor Widow-Sapphira-Dorcas-and Lydia.

We think Mr. James has done a real service to the public, in inducing Dr. Cox to bring forth a new edition of this truly enlightened and most beautifully written book, which we should like to see in the hands of every educated woman throughout the land. There is a character of sobriety, intelligence, suggestiveness, and deep devotion, pertaining to it, which adapts it for extensive usefulness. And its lessons are expressly suited, from beginning to end, to the formation of female character upon the highest Christian model.

The preliminary " Essay on what Christianity has done for Woman" is an admirable condensation of a great subject. The author traces, first, the actual condition of woman in every land where the gospel has not penetrated; and, secondly, shows, by an induction of facts, that woman has ever been in the ascendant as to freedom and happiness wherever Christianity has shed its benign influence. We know not of any Essay so perfect of its kind in the English language.

The work deserves, and will realize, an| extended sale; and will sustain the wellearned reputation of the amiable and accomplished writer.

A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. By MOSES STUART, lately Professor of Sacred Literature in the Theological Seminary of Andover, Massachussets. Crown 8vo. pp. 482.

Delf and Trübner.

A MELANCHOLY interest attaches to this volume, as the last production which fell from the pen of the amiable and learned author, the last sheets of which he had but just corrected when called to cease from his mortal toil. His literary passion, as a Biblical scholar, was strong even to the close of life; as may be seen from the last preface he ever wrote. Few, even among the good, have sustained a more unspotted reputation, or deserved better of their contemporaries and posterity, than Moses Stuart. In his private circle he was a man greatly beloved; and, in the walks of sacred learning, he won for himself a world-wide reputation. In the criticism of the sacred text, he was the first in the New World who drew the attention of his countrymen powerfully to this neglected source of Biblical equipment, and became the instrument of inducing many in America and in Great Britain to follow in his footsteps.

Various opinions will be entertained by competent judges, as to how far he served the cause he aimed to promote, by adhering so rigidly, in his Commentaries on Scripture, to the mere criticisim of words and phrases. Though he wrote professedly for the benefit of scholars, and especially ministers, it may be doubted whether it would not greatly have enriched his labours, if he had accompanied his critical investigations with warm and illuminated commentaries on the portions of Scripture to which he devoted his learned research. With all our respect for him, we are of opinion that he formed too high an estimate of the German modes of Biblical criticism, and that he did not always escape a slight taint of some of their objectionable views.

The Introduction to his Proverbs is an article of great ability, and varied learning, which none but a scholar of the first rank could have produced. It will be found very instructive in reference to other parts of Scripture besides the Book of Proverbs. We confess to something like disappointment as it respects the Commentary. Not that we call in question the deep critical skill of the author; but that the whole exposition is so insufferably dry and cold. Still the clear light thrown upon the meaning of words, especially difficult and perplexing ones, will

greatly aid ministers in the fervent and practical exposition of the Book.

We should like to see all our great Biblical scholars imitating the example of Dr. John Brown, of Edinburgh, who has succeeded, to admiration, in exhibiting critical learning in combination with the most fervent and touching enforcement of Christian doctrine and experience.

THE HISTORY OF PALESTINE, FROM THE PATRIARCHAL AGE TO THE PRESENT TIME; with Introductory Chapters on the Geography and Natural History of the Country, and on the Customs and Institutions of the Hebrews. By JOHN KITTO, D.D., F.S.A., Editor of the "Pictorial Bible," the "Pictorial History of Palestine,” the “Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature," fc. With upwards of Two Hundred Illustrations. Crown 8vo. pp. 432.

Black, Edinburgh; and Longman & Co. London. THE industry, no less than the accurate research, of Dr. Kitto, is matter of literal amazement. Among the many labours of his fertile mind, the work before us is entitled to an honourable place. It is, in a fair and honest sense of the term, an original composition, not gleaned from his former productions on Palestine, but thought out and re-written from beginning to end. Intended, in the first instance, for the use of our more advanced schools, for which it is admirably adapted, it will be found an excellent family book of reference, and will well deserve a place in every Congregational and School Library, whether large or small, throughout the United Kingdom. It contains a mass of Biblical information, well-arranged under natural heads, and rendered peculiarly interesting by the introduction of the chief lights which have fallen on the Land of Promise from the records of modern travel.

The First Section of the work is divided into Five Parts. I. Historical and Physical Geography. II. Agriculture and Pasturage. III. Habits of Life. IV. Literature, Science, and Arts. V. Institutions.

The Second Section is devoted to the HISTORY OF PALESTINE; and consists of Eight Books. I. From the Deluge to the Death of Joseph. II. From the Birth till the Death of Moses. III. From the Death of Moses till the Accession of Saul. IV. From the Reign of Saul till the Death of Solomon. V. From the Revolt of the Ten Tribes till the Captivity of the Jews under Nebuchadnezzar. VI. From the Captivity till the Rise of the Maccabees. VII. From the Rise of the Maccabees till the End of the Asamonean Dynasty. VIII. From the Reign of Herod the Great till the Restoration of Syria to the Dominion of the Porte.

We have unusual satisfaction in intro

ducing this most instructive and beautifully illustrated volume to the notice of our readers.

CHARACTER AND TRANSLATION OF ENOCH. A Sermon delivered on the Occasion of the Sudden Death of the Rev. Thomas Weaver. By the Rev. J. A. JAMES. Accompanied with Funeral Address, and a Church-Memorial. 8vo.

Kent and Co.

"THE fathers! where are they? And the Prophets, do they live for ever?" As one after another of the servants of Christ, with whom we mingled in early life, while they were yet in the zenith of their power, is removed from the midst of us, a feeling of something like depression steals over our spirits. And yet, why should it be so? All men are mortal; and the most honoured servants of the church "are not suffered to continue by reason of death." Dear Mr. Weaver lived to a good old age; and, in the midst of usefulness and devoted service in his Master's cause, was suddenly called to his rest and reward at a time when he enjoyed the unabated love and confidence of all the wise and good who knew him. He has gone to his grave like a shock of corn fully ripe; and has left behind him an unblemished reputation, in all the relations of personal and ministerial life.

Mr. James's Funeral Discourse is a glowing composition, and a glorious testimony. By such characteristics as belonged to Mr. Weaver, the Nonconformist minister lives and prospers; and when he dies, his memory is fragrant in a thousand hearts. The Discourse before us is a beautiful and touching appeal, which will be felt deeply by all who read it, and must have been most impressive upon the minds and hearts of those who listened to it.

The two Funeral Addresses by the Rev. Joseph Pattison, of Wem, and the Rev. W. Thorp, the colleague and successor of Mr. Weaver, are peculiarly excellent and appropriate; equally creditable to the living and the dead.

"The Church-Memorial," by our much respected friend, Sir John Bickerton Williams, is a very interesting sketch of the history of Nonconformity in the town of Shrewsbury; and well sustains the antiquarian ability of the distinguished author, to whom we are so deeply indebted for similar efforts of his enlightened pen.

THE EARLY HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN SCOTLAND. By JAMES H. WILSON, Editor of the "North of Scotland Gazette." Crown 8vo. pp. 148.

tic records, are peculiarly valuable. They furnish the popular mind with the main results of learned and laborious research; and, if well executed, leave but little for the unlearned to desire in the shape of actual information. Our early ecclesiastical history is shrouded in much darkness and uncertainty; though the little to be gleaned from existing documents whets the appetite for more ample intelligence.

Mr. Wilson's little volume is very creditable to his zeal and diligence, in collecting so goodly a mass of materials in reference to the darker periods of Scottish history. He has consulted the best authors; and if every thing narrated by them is not so satisfactory as rigid history might demand; the fault is not his, but is to be traced to the imperfect and misty character of the documents upon which we are compelled to rely, prior, and even subsequent to, the Christian era in Scottish history.

We must give Mr. Wilson the credit o having produced a very interesting and instructive volume, which will beguile many a winter-evening hour around the cheerful hearths of Caledonia. Nor will such an interesting fragment fail to find its way into many an intelligent circle south of the Tweed,

THE SUCCESSFUL MERCHANT: Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, late of Kingswood Hill. By WILLIAM ARTHUR, A.M., Author of "A Mission to the Mysore," &c.

London: Hamilton and Adams. Mason. MR. ARTHUR is a writer of considerable power, and of a highly cultivated taste; so that nothing from his pen is likely to assume the character of common-place. His Mission to the Mysore is a volume of peculiar interest; we may say, indeed, of extraordinary fascination.

We have pleasure in welcoming him in the department of Biography; in which he is qualified to shine. The subject selected by him is favourable for the effect which he aims to produce. Mr. Budgett was an eminently successful tradesman; and Mr. Arthur has shown how and by what means. a noble dispenser of the wealth he acquired; and in this he is held up as an example to other religious men whom God hath prospered. A finer moral, better set forth, we cannot conceive of than Mr. Arthur's Life of the successful Bristol merchant.

He was

Under the Heads,-"Sphere wherein he moved-the Born Merchant-the Basis of Character-Early Trials and Troubles-Rise and Progress-Master and Men-In his own Neighbourhood-In the Family-The Inner BRIEF sketches of early ecclesiastical his- Life-the Latter End,"- we have a most tory, when accurately compiled from authen-instructive narrative, carried out to all its

John C. Bishop.

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