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practical results, and rendered admonitory | and usefully stimulating to every Christian tradesman climbing the hill of life. The volume is admirably written, and is deserving of a wide circulation; not only for its prudential counsels to the classes aimed at, but for its spirit of devout earnestness and enlightened piety.

OUR SCOTTISH CLERGY: Fifty-two Sketches, Biographical, Theological, and Critical; including Clergymen of all Denominations. Edited by JOHN SMITH, A.M., Author of "Sacred Biography," &c., fc. Third Series. 8vo. pp. 400.

Simpkin and Marshall.

THIS is the third volume of pulpit sketches from the active pen of the indefatigable editor of the "Glasgow Examiner." It is fully

interesting one. Let infant classes be largely formed; and they will prove a spiritual nursery for the more advanced classes. Infants, thus trained, will make the best and most hopeful scholars, as they are introduced into the higher classes.

Mr. Reed's Prize Essay is just the book that was wanted to bring this subject thoroughly before the public mind. It is a clear, ample, and satisfactory discussion of the entire topic; and should be in the hands of all pastors and Sunday-school superintendents. The value of the Essay is, that it not only advocates a principle, but enters into all the detail and explanations by which it may be carried into effect.


May, No. I. 8vo. pp. 232.

Robert Theobald.

equal in merit to the former volumes; and, 1. THE FOREIGN EVANGELICAL REVIEW, whenever our author finds a good subject, with marked incident and character, he does not fail to draw a correct and vivid portrait. Truthfulness and prevailing kindness are the characteristics of Mr. Smith's delineations. For our own part, we have rather had a prejudice against this species of literature; but as there is an obvious demand for it, which will be supplied, we are glad when the task falls into competent hands. Of Mr. Smith's numerous sketches, extending to nearly two hundred, we may say with truth, that they are most creditable compositions; some of them exceedingly just and realizing, and all of them indicating ability of a high order.

The three volumes now published will be found, north and south of the Tweed, a very valuable and entertaining addition to the "Family Library." They contain a vast amount of biographical information; and are clear and decided in their announcements of evangelical truth.

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As a matter of philanthropy, and a mode of rendering more efficient the working of the Sunday-school system, infant classes ought to be formed in all our Sunday-schools. Very little children cannot come with advantage into the ordinary classes. Are they then to be rejected?-or are they to be admitted, to the utter derangement of the entire school?-To reject them, would be to abandon a large and interesting portion of the young to neglect and irreligion, at the most impressible period of human life. To admit them into our ordinary classes would be to make a Babel of the Sunday-school. Only one alternative remains; but it is an

THE appearance and examination of this New Quarterly have filled our hearts with sincere joy. It consists of a selection of papers from the best portions of the American critical and Evangelical press, of various denominations. The eight articles contained in the first Number are all of standard value; and, with the exception of three, are devoted to a searching investigation of the errors of German origin. We have read, with great delight and profit, the Essays entitled "The Conservative Principle of our Literature,""Inspiration and Catholicism,"—" German Church History,"-"The Spirit of the Old Testament,""-"The Theology of the Intellect and that of the Feelings." In these admirable documents our brethren in the ministry will find ample materials for defending themselves against the sceptical commonplaces of the day.

Most conscientiously can we recommend to our readers this most valuable addition to our Biblical Literature.

XXX. 8vo.

Jackson and Walford.

Ir is matter of great thankfulness that this organ of Nonconforming Literature continues not only to hold its place, but to increase its favourable standing. The present Number is in all respects most creditable to the Editor and his learned coadjutors. We have been peculiarly pleased with the VIIth Article, entitled, "The Old Testament and its Assailants." It is a thorough dissection of De Wette's "Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament." We hope the writer will continue his strictures. "The New Lights-Harriett Martineau," is an admirable off-take of most

insufferable follies. The Number is full of those who wish to penetrate beneath the elaborate and most instructive matter.

New Series. Edited by JOHN KITTO,D.D.,
F.S.A. No. III. April, 1852.

Robert B. Blackader.

surface of things. There is a glowing dissertation "On the nature of a miracle," which deserves and will reward a very thoughtful perusal.


Hamilton, Adams, and Co.

If we do not mistake, this is one of the most vigorous Numbers of this journal that has seen the light. We have read several THE contents will show, at a glance, how of the articles with great care, and we must interesting this issue of the "North British" say with peculiar satisfaction. The 1st, on is. Prospects of British Statesmanship and Romanism as it Is, is a fine documentary ex- Policy,-Phrenology, its Place and Relations, position of that iniquitous system. If fact-Village Life of England,-Romanism and and argument are to decide the fate of this European Civilization,-Life and Chemistry, incubus upon the moral energies of mankind, —King Alfred,—Binocular Vision and the then the question is for ever settled. The Stereoscope, - Memoirs of Dr. Chalmers." 2nd, a Review of Dr. Carl Ullmann's Gre- We would call especial attention to the artigory of Nazianzum, has nearly all the in- cle on "Phrenology," as a powerful answer terest of a romance; and will repay a close to the scepticism of George Combe in his perusal. Dr. Ullmann's work is, as it is "Constitution of Man." "King Alfred" is a described, "A Contribution to the Eccle- most fascinating sketch of the life of that insiastical History of the Fourth Century." teresting sovereign. The "Life of Dr. ChalThe whole Number is rich in Biblical in- mers" is a noble testimony to the worth and formation; and will be very acceptable to genius of that great man.

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General Chronicle.


THIS honoured Society held its Anniversary Meeting in Exeter Hall, on Wednesday morning, May 5th, the Earl of Shaftesbury presiding.

After reading the 19th Psalm, the Rev. Mr. Brown, one of the Secretaries, read a letter received from the Archbishop of Canterbury, apologizing for his absence, and expressing his unabated interest in all the movements of an institution so dear to his heart.

The noble Chairman, in his opening address, alluded to the hostility manifested by certain Powers on the Continent against the Scriptures, and said it was but too evident that their intention was not only to efface the name of Protestant, but, if possible, to get rid of every copy of the word of God, whether in the vernacular, or in a foreign tongue. He urged upon the Society the necessity, under these circumstances, of using the utmost caution and perseverance, with unwearied and undaunted prayer. It was but little that the government of the country could do, further than to protect its subjects from insult, violence, and spoliation; he therefore counselled their dependence upon Almighty God, and upon the great promise he had

given, that "his word shall not return unto him void."

It was then stated to the meeting, that letters had been received from the Bishop of Chester, the Earl of Carlisle, the Marquis of Blandford, and Sir George Grey, regretting their inability to be present on that occasion.

The entire receipts for the year amounted to £108,449, being an increase of £5119 on the income of 1851.

The issues of the Scriptures in the year had amounted to 1,154,642 copies; while the Society had been assisted in its operations throughout the four quarters of the globe, by more than 8000 auxiliaries. The several resolutions of the day were ably submitted to the meeting by the Bishop of Winchester, Chevalier Bunsen, the Bishop of Cashel, the Rev. Dr. Dyer, the Rev. C. E. Vidal, the Rev. James Kennedy, the Rev. T. Percival, the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, and the Rev. W. Kean. The Earl of Roden, in a speech of much energy, but which was not distinctly heard, gave a most interesting account of a visit he had paid to the western parts of Ireland, and of the great things there accomplished by the word of God, whole districts of country having left the church of Rome. Lord Teignmouth moved a vote of thanks to the Earl of Shaftesbury, for kindly presiding on that occasion;

which, having been duly acknowledged, the| large assembly dispersed, more deeply impressed than ever with the importance of circulating the Bible in every clime and in every language.


THIS flourishing Society held its Anniversary, on Tuesday morning, May 4th, at Exeter Hall.

The Earl of Chichester occupied the chair, according to announcement, and after a hymn had been sung, opened the business of the day with a few suitable remarks.

The chief points of the elaborate Report, which was read to the meeting, related to the very great success which had crowned the labours of the Committee at home, and of the Missionaries abroad, during the past year. At home the largest income ever received by the Society had been collected, and this had enabled the Committee to apply the surplus to the extension of the missions, and to the commencement of a new building for the Missionaries' Children's Home. At Sierra Leone the work was prospering. The Rev. C. E. Vidal had been appointed to the Bishopric, and twelve candidates were waiting for ordination. The Society's labours had been productive of the most satisfactory results in the Yoruba country, in the Mediterranean, Bombay, and Western India, New Zealand, Calcutta, and Northern India, and North West America.

The income for the year had been-from the general fund £104,858 12s. 5d.; special fund, £1910 14s. 11d.; China mission, £929 18s. 6d.; local funds raised in India, £10,975 4s. 4d.; giving a total of £118,674 10s. 2d.; and showing an increase of £6421 11s. 7d. over the preceding year. The missions now consisted of 90 English clergymen, 51 foreign clergymen, and 21 native clergymen-in all, 162. Native and country catechists, 1630; attendants on worship at the whole of the Stations, 107,000; number of communicants, 15,302, and scholars in schools, 40,000. The Report, which was full of interest, was cordially adopted, and various resolutions were submitted to the meeting, which was well attended, and very efficiently sustained.


THE Anniversary of the above Society took place on Monday, 3rd of May, at Exeter Hall.

Mr. Henderson, of Glasgow, was called to the chair; and after a missionary-hymn had been sung with much spirit, the Rev. Dr. Newton implored the Divine blessing upon the engagements of the day. The principal speakers were the Rev. Dr. Spencer, the Rev. Dr. J. Hamilton, the Rev. S. Waddy, and

Mr. Cowan, M.P., who expressed his regret at the absence of ministers of other denominations. The Report was considered so favourable, that Dr. Hannah, in moving its adoption, declared that he had never heard one more satisfactory and encouraging. Details were given of the success which had attended the labours of the Society in various parts of the world. The cash-statement showed that the amount of subscriptions and donations for the year was larger than usual, and that the Juvenile, Christmas, and New-year's offering, exceeded £5000; while the clubs, spears, shells, and other articles, sent from the Feejee Islands, had realized the goodly sum of £500. The total income, including the munificent bequest of £10,000, by the late Mr. T. Marriott, was £111,730 198. 9d., and the expenditure £111,555 14s. 4d. Considerable interest was excited by the first appearance of the Rev. R. Percival, recently returned from Ceylon, after an absence, in India, of twenty-six years. His account of the missions which had passed under his own observation was very satisfactory; while he concurred with his brethren of other denominations as to the essential importance of a native agency, and of placing the churches upon a self-sustaining basis. Mr. C. A. Fillan, of Dominica, a man of colour, and a magistrate of the island, who acts as a local preacher, was well received, and announced himself as the fruit of missionary exertions, having been converted under the ministry of the Rev. E. Fraser, himself a negro, and formerly a slave. The meeting was also addressed by the Rev. J. Farrar, Rev. G. Horsford, from Tobago, and other ministers.

Singing and prayer concluded the interesting and protracted proceedings of the day, in which the speakers were earnest, and the assembly enthusiastic.


THE Anniversary of the Baptist Missionary Society was held at Exeter Hall, on Thursday morning, April the 29th, when S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P., succeeded by W. B. Gurney, Esq., his senior colleague in the office of Treasurer, occupied the chair. The platform was crowded with most of the leading friends of the Society in the metropolis, and from many parts of the country, while the hall was well filled. The 67th Psalm having been sung, the Rev. A. Arthur implored the Divine blessing upon the engagements of the day.

The Chairman then delivered a most admirable introductory speech, in which he dwelt on the vast field for Missions in India, and the impossibility of its being rightly cultivated unless the European Missionaries sent thither were instructed to evangelize rather than to pastorize. He also made some very

valuable remarks on the want of a more systematic order of giving, which he considered should be invariably accompanied with prayer, and related an instance of a lady who was in the habit of going to the Mission House every six weeks, or two months, with not less at a time than £10, while she never possessed more than £60 per annum.

The Rev. F. Trestrail, the Secretary, then read a very encouraging and gratifying Report of the operations of the Society in Jamaica, Haiti, Agra, Western Africa, and India. We were glad to find from the Report that, although some of the Missionary families had suffered sickness, not one of the Missionaries themselves had died during the year. The receipts were nearly £500 in advance of the previous year, while reductions in the Home expenditure had been effected amounting to £278. The first resolution was moved by the Rev. C. Stanford, and ably seconded by Dr. Tidman, who expressed his entire concurrence in the remarks made by Mr. Peto as to the appointment of native evangelists and pastors; and who made some very striking and beautiful remarks on Christian union. The Rev. J. Leechman, who, with the Rev. J. Russell, had been as a deputation to visit the Missionary stations in the East, very efficiently supported the resolution. The Rev. G. Gould moved the next resolution, which was seconded in a very thrilling speech by the Rev. H. Dunckley. The third resolution was briefly moved by the Rev. J. Rattenbury, seconded by the Rev. W. Larom, and supported by G. W. Alexander, Esq., who had lately visited Jamaica, and shown great kindness to the Missionaries there. Singing the doxology, and prayer, concluded the highly satisfactory proceedings of the day.

May the Divine blessing rest upon the efforts of our Christian brethren !


THE Anniversary Meeting of the friends and supporters of this valuable Institution took place on Tuesday, April 29th, at the London Tavern. The chair, in the absence of Sir G. Carroll, was occupied by Dr. William Leavers, who opened the proceedings of the day with showing the great importance of such a charity as that whose interests they had met to advance.

The Report, which was full of interest, was then read by Dr. Reed, one of the Honorary Secretaries, and stated that last year there were 141 patients in the Institution, and 180 persons in family. The numbers now were, 170 pupils, and 219 persons in family, which, by the clection of that day, amounted to 234. The year just terminated testified progress, not only in numbers, but also in physical and mental improvement.

In the course of another year, the term of

five years would have expired with several of the pupils, and the Board were already quite prepared to say, that the majority of those would leave qualified for the duties of life.

Since the last Report, the Charity had been benefited by the following donations; viz.J. R. Durant, Esq., 200 guineas; S. W. Shepherd, Esq., 400 guineas; S. M. Peto, Esq., M.P., 1000 guineas; and T. Dickenson, Esq., by will, 2000 guineas.

Most of these sums had been given in favour of the fund for the new building, the foundation-stone of which would be laid as soon as the Board of Management could see their way to £15,000. The Treasurer then stated that the receipts for the year amounted to £8249 10s. 5d., and the expenditure to £7570 78. 7d., leaving a balance in hand of £679 28. 10d.

Sir Robert Harvey moved the adoption of the Report, which was seconded by T. B. King, Esq., and unanimously adopted. Thanks were then voted to the Board of Managers, the gratuitous officers of the Charity, and the Chairman, who concluded the gratifying business of the day with an urgent appeal to those present, on behalf of the noble cause which had summoned them together.


THE Twenty-seventh Anniversary of this Society took place at the Weigh-house Chapel, on Tuesday evening, May 4th. Mr. Alderman Challis, the Treasurer, presided; and his opening address was followed with speeches by the Revs. J. C. Gallaway, M.A., W. Leask, J. W. Richardson, J. Burnet, Dr. Campbell, C. F. Vardy, M.A., and Mr. J. Stilittz.

The Report, which was read by the Rev. R. Ashton, evinced great activity on the part of the Committee, while it showed that much had been done with very slender resources. By the Society's exertions during the year, nearly 1000 persons had been induced to attend public worship, and nearly 1500 children had been brought to Sabbath or day schools: 64,250 covered tracts had been in regular circulation, and 385 copies of the Scriptures distributed.

The miscellaneous efforts of the Societysuch as preaching in tents, and distributing tracts, at the fairs in the neighbourhood of London-had been carried on most vigorously, and not without some very cheering results. But its principal effort had been lecturing to the working classes, to which a more systematic and protracted attention had been given than at any former period, and which the Committee rejoiced to state had been most efficiently conducted, and numerously attended.

Dr. Campbell, in his powerful and impressive address, contrasted the smallness of

that meeting, and the attendance of leading | men upon the platform, with what had been seen in former years; and declared it to be his opinion, that at no period, during the memory of the oldest man present in that assembly, had there been such a general deadness in the church of God, and such a universal dearth of spiritual influence, as at that time; while he feared that ministers shared in the general leprosy.

The receipts of the Society, during the past year, had amounted to £617 1s. 7d., and the payments to £617 18., leaving only a balance in hand of 7d. with which to begin the labours of another year. The chairman, however, stated that, by an anonymous letter, he had received five guineas, with the promise that another five should be added, if any one could be found to give ten guineas; and with his accustomed liberality gave that amount himself. N. B. Gurney, Esq., had also sent, from funds at his disposal, under the will of the late Mrs. Priestley, £25.

We trust that the exchequer of this Society, which we regard as one of the most useful in the metropolis, will soon be replenished, so that the Committee may be encouraged to proceed with undiminished energy in their important operations.



THE Ninth Annual Meeting of this Society was held at Freemasons' Hall, on Friday evening, April 30th, when not only the large room, but the gallery also, was crowded to excess. The Rev. W. Campbell engaged in prayer; after which, the Chairman, Sir J. D. Paul, the Treasurer and stanch friend of the Society, opened the business of the evening with a few remarks, very suitable to the occasion on which they were assembled.

Mr. G. Yonge, the Secretary, was then called upon to read the Report, which, after an expression of gratitude to God for sustaining the Society during another year, went on to speak of what had been done by the agents in this and other parts of the world. We gathered from the Report that the state of the Society was, on the whole, prosperous.

At Manchester, the Missionary was pursuing his labours with zeal, and had been instrumental, recently, in introducing a most respectable individual to the church under the pastoral care of Dr. Halley; and another had been baptized by the Rev. W. Parkes. At Hull, one convert had been baptized. In London, two of the seed of Abraham had "died in the Lord."

The female Scripture-reader had supplied ninety families with the entire Scriptures, by their own purchase. Her Bible-classes comprised fifty-seven Jewish females, and

about sixteen of their mothers attended her Christian instructions.


Paris, Lyons, Marseilles, Bavaria, Frankfort, Gibraltar, and Palestine, were cessively referred to, and it was shown that at every station the labours of the Missionaries had been more or less crowned with the Divine blessing. The Report, which was listened to with marked attention, closed with an earnest and powerful appeal to Christians, to aid the Society in its efforts to preach the gospel to the Jews. The receipts for the year amounted to £4620 48. 2d., and the expenditure was less than that sum by £146 38.

The meeting was very effectively addressed by the Revs. W. H. Rule, R. W. Dibdin, W. Walters, R. Herschell, W. Leask, J. Viney, H. J. Joseph, N. Davies, and W. Kirkus. The doxology having been sung, and the benediction pronounced by Dr. Henderson, the assembly dispersed.


THIS old established charity held its Annual Meeting at the London Tavern, on Friday, April 30th, when J. R. Mills, Esq., the President, occupied the chair. The Report presented by the Committee was most gratifying. It commenced with recording gratitude to God for the mercies which had been bestowed, and the persevering care which had protected the orphan family during another year; by which every life had been spared, and general good health enjoyed by the children of the school. It also stated, that the progress of the children in their education had been satisfactory, and their conduct exemplary; while great industry had been displayed.

From the Auditors' statement it appeared, that the balance and total receipts for the year, amounted to £5692 13s. 3d., and the payments to £5149 78. 8d. A legacy of £300, by the late Ebenezer Wilcocks, Esq., of Devon, was announced.

The number of children, at the present time in this Institution, so excellent and so well conducted, is 171 boys, and 87 girls ; total 258.

VOLUNTARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. THIS Association held its Fourth Anniversary at the London Tavern, on Monday, the 3rd of May.

G. W. Alexander, Esq., the Treasurer, occupied the chair; and, in opening the business of the evening, read letters of apology for non-attendance, from C. Lushington, Esq., M.P., J. Sturge, Esq., and several other gentlemen, all of whom announced their full concurrence in the object and plans of the Association.

The Chairman then proceeded to express

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