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ting my firmest conviction, that on no former occasion has unanimity and harmony been more conspicuous than it will be proved to be here.

Mr. Larkins entirely concurred in the testimony borne by his learned friends, the chairman and seconder of the resolutions, to the public and private worth of Mr. Adam; he also cordially agreed in the spirit of the resolutions which has been just read from the chair.

Their highly respected chairman had said, that he purposely abstained from entering upon the acts of Mr. Adam's pub. lic life; Gentlemen, he continued, I also must abstain from noticing those acts, but I do so from a feeling which cannot influence my learned friend. I do so alone from a conviction of my own utter inability to do justice to his administration of this Government, and to the many public acts of a long life, which are connected with his name. I lament this inability, since no man can hold the public character and private virtues of Mr. Adam in higher veneration than I do. Entertaining these sentiments towards Mr. Adam, I should be most reluctant to originate any proposition that could tend to disturb the cordial and perfect unanimity which at present prevails amongst the gentlemen here assembled ; an unanimity which itself conveys a high eulogium on Mr. Adam; since, however, gentlemen may entertain a difference of opinion on other questions, here all are unanimous in their approbation of his virtues and his talents; and if any difference exists, it is who shall praise him most, or, in other words, who shall best do him justice. This I conceive will be better done, and in a more suitable manner, by presenting him with a service of plate; and I cannot but persuade myself that it would be a more acceptable offering to Mr. Adam himself. I purpose therefore to move, as an amendment to the second resolution, that the words "service of plate" be substituted for "a picture;" and that Mr. Adam be requested to accept of the one, instead of to sit for the other, as a token of the high esteem and veneration which the inhabitants of Calcutta bear towards his character.

I have indeed heard, since I came into the hall, that some objections to the proposition I have submitted may possibly be started on the ground of the expense; but I am persuaded, gentlemen, that no such consideration will deter you from presenting to the distinguished individual whatever you may consider a proper and deserved tribute. For my own part, I consider that a service of plate is the most appropriate, and I beg to move accordingly.

The Chairman said, that he considered the first resolution carried; with respect to the second, an amendment had been

proposed by Mr. Larkins, and before he put it he must say, that no thought of the expense had enter d the minds of those who considered the portrait the most eligible method of conveying to posterity a memorial of their veneration for Mr. Adam. He considered this method, which was more commonly adopted, better calculated to remain a lasting testimony than presenting a service of plate.

Mr. Larkins did not think the picture the most permanent. On the amendment being put to substitute a piece of plate for the portrait,

Mr. Palmer rose, and submitted, that in addition to the portrait, which had been proposed by the Chairman, that the service of plate, as proposed by Mr. Larkins, should also be voted to Mr. Adam; the former to be placed in some conspicuous place in Calcutta, as a memorial to us, and all future inhabitants of the place, of the meritorious services of Mr. Adam, and a proof that they were justly appreciated by the public, to remain for ever a public record of his public and private virtues; the latter to be given to Mr. Adam as an heir-loom, and as a private record to him and his posterity of us, reminding him to his latest hour of our regard and esteem, and conveying to his children, and his children's children, the gratifying testimony of how highly his character had been appreciated by those among whom he had lived.

Mr. Plowden seconded the motion, and Mr. Larkins withdrew his amendment.

This proposal for the portrait, and the service of plate, seemed to meet with the unanimous concurrence of the meeting, and it was understood by many that it was carried; when Mr. Martin rose, and said, that several gentlemen at that end of the table thought that the plate should not be presented now, but reserved until Mr. Adam left us; that the portrait was at present the most appropriate method of convincing Mr. Adam of the respect in which he was held, and would be most acceptable to him. There was, besides, another impediment in the way of any such a method of conveying public testimony to a servant of the Company, which was the order of the Court of Directors, without whose consent Mr. Adam could not, he imagined, accept of it. On this, Mr. Palmer withdrew his proposition.

Mr. Larkins' amendment was then again put, since he only withdrew it on the consideration that Mr. Palmer would persist in his.

Mr. Holt McKenzie opposed it. He considered that the portrait was the most proper and durable method of conveying to the minds of posterity the man to whose worth and transcendant abilities it was a tribute. Indeed, it was impossible to express the high sense of honour, the

firm principle and strict integrity which distinguished the individual on whose account they had met: but there was a radical objection to the adoption of the proposed amendment, while that individual remained in the exercise of the high office which he now held; and certainly he could never require any other memorial of them, or of that country, which had been the field of his exertions, and which had reaped the fruit of his virtue and talents; they, and that country, would ever to his dying day be held in the most grateful remembrance by Mr. Adam. In every sense, and in every view, he considered the portrait by far the more appropriate, and, he thought, the most acceptable method of embodying the feelings of the public. He felt satisfied that very many would be induced, in this manner, to bear testimony of the love and veneration they entertained for Mr. Adam.

The Rev. J. Corrie addressed a few words to the Chairman, the purport of which escaped us-after which,

Dr. Bryce rose, and said that he offered himself with some reluctance to the atten. tion of the meeting. But, entertaining the highest respect for the public conduct and private worth of Mr. Adam, he could not permit the opportunity offered of bearing his public testimony to that conduct and worth to pass over. It was unnecessary, however, he said, for him to add any thing to the warm eulogium, which had been passed by the chair, on the acts which had so much distinguished the career of the late Governor General: he had heard this eulogium with no ordinary degree of satis. faction. He had also listened with the highest pleasure to the very eloquent speech of another gentleman of the law; and, as he could add nothing to the tribute of applause which they had paid to Mr. Adam, he would content himself with stating the grounds on which he preferred the resolution proposed by Mr. Palmer, that both a picture and a service of plate were demanded by the occasion; the one to remain amongst us as a memorial of our late Governor General; the other to accompany Mr. Adam to his native land, as a testimonial to which he could direct the eyes of his children, and his children's children, of the high estimation in which all who knew him in India held his public and his private worth. The Rev. Gentleman went on to state, that he, with several around him, were not aware that Mr. Palmer's motion, voting both the picture and the plate, had been withdrawn by that gentleman; they were, therefore, somewhat taken by surprise. For his own part, he added, that he concurred most cordially in the picture as an appropriate mark of respect: but having heard both that and the plate proposed by so highly respectable a gentleman as Mr. Palmer, and

having moreover seen it meet the warm applause of the meeting, he could not but regard the proposal of confining the mark of our regard to one of those testimonials with some concern. His Rev. Friend, Mr. Corrie, still adhered to the opinion that both ought certainly to be presented; and as it was competent for any one to embody this opinion into a motion, he would take the liberty of doing so, by moving, not an amendment, but an additional resolution, that this meeting still farther mark its respect for the public conduct and private virtues of Mr. Adam, and, to give him a testimonial which may accompany him to his native land, resolve to present him with a service of plate.

The motion was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Corrie, when a discussion arose; Mr. Martin moving, as an amendment, that the consideration respecting the plate be postponed.

The Chairman said there might be some difficulty about the immediate matter in discussion. He should, therefore, put Dr. Bryce's motion; but as Chairman, and having no vote on the occasion, he should certainly protest against the opposition to the service of plate being construed into a feeling of disregard for Mr. Adam.

Mr. Holt McKenzie said that he could not but consider the additional resolution object for which this meeting had been conproposed by Dr. Bryce as injurious to the vened, and that it was equally injurious to Mr. Adam's character. (The Chairman, we believe, here interposed.) Mr. McKenzie continued. If the meeting voted a piece of plate, he should consider it as not adding to the respectable character of the service; and if the resolution should stand on record, respectably proposed and seconded of the service would be in proportion to as it was, the injury done to the character the respectability of the supporters of the resolution. He considered the original resolutions contained the feelings and wishes of the settlement.

Mr. Bayley, we believe, concurred in opinion that it would not be proper to offer Mr. Adam a service of plate while he continued a servant of the Honourable Company.

Under these circumstances, and to prevent every possibility of disturbing the cordiality of the meeting, Dr. Bryce consented to withdraw his resolution; but he would not allow that it was injurious to the object of the meeting, as had been said. He maintained that its tendency was directly the reverse; and the same measure had been first proposed by a gentleman high in the civil service, and afterwards by one of the most respectable and respected merchants in the settlement.

The second resolution was then put, and


Mr. Hogg spoke of a committee to wait on Mr. Adam.

The Chairman proposed that the gentlemen who signed the requisition, with power to add to their numbers, should wait upon Mr. Adam to learn his pleasure, which was agreed to. He then concluded by voting the thanks of the meeting to the Sheriff for convening the meeting.

Mr. McNaghten returned thanks, and the worthy Chairman having quitted the chair, he proposed the thanks of the meeting to him for his able and impartial conduct.-[Cal. John Bull, Aug. 11.

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Col. Paton,

Mr. Sutherland,
Mr. H. McKenzie,
Mr. Plowden,
Hon. C. R. Lindsay,
Mr. Ainslie,
Mr. McFarlane,
Mr. Paton,

Mr. Larkins,

Mr. Trower,

Mr. Palmer,

Mr. Alsop, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. H. Shakespear, Mr. J. Colvin, Mr. Sargent, Mr. 4. Colvin, Mr. Wm. Prinsep. Mr. G. Swinton, and several other gentlemen, appointed by the general meeting to wait on Mr. Adam, to request him to gratify the public wishes by sitting for his picture in fulllength, to be placed in some conspicuous place in Calcutta, had an interview with him yesterday morning (Aug. 11), at half past eight o'clock, at the house of W. B. Bayley, Esq.

The committee on reaching the house were introduced to Mr. Adam, who stood surrounded by several of his personal friends.

Mr. Fergusson immediately addressed him on the subject of their visit as follows:

"Mr. Adam: We have the honour to wait on you, at the desire and on the behalf of a very numerous meeting of the British inhabitants of Calcutta, who have availed themselves of the occasion which has presented itself, to record the sense which they entertain of the merits of your long and efficient public services, and are desirous of obtaining, and preserving among them, some lasting memorial of the virtues for which, in public and private life, you are so eminently distinguished. Your presence, Sir, forbids me from dilating on a topic, on which upon the late occasion, I admit, that I not unwillingly indulged myself; although the attempt was feeble to embody in any language of mine, the sentiments of respect, esteem, and I may add of warm and affectionate attachment, with which the breast of every man who heard me was animated towards you. I will refrain from any such attempt Asiatic Journ.-No. 98.

now, and will content myself with reading the resolutions which were adopted at the meeting, and which will convey to you in their own words the sentiments and wishes of those at whose request we have attended upon you.

"Resolved, I. That it is the opinion of this meeting that some public and permanent testimony should be given, of the high respect and esteem entertained by the British Inhabitants of Calcutta, for the public character and talents, and private virtues, of the Honourable John Adam, late Governor General of India.

"II. That, in order to carry into effect the preceding resolutions in the most suitable manner, a committee be appointed to wait upon Mr. Adam, and request that he will be pleased to sit for a full-length portrait, to be placed in some conspicuous public situation, as a permanent memorial of his public services and private worth.

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If, Sir, the earnest solicitation of myself and other private friends, whom you see around you, and by whom I need not tell you how much you are beloved, could add any thing to the force of the request conveyed from so large a body of your countrymen, that solicitation would not be wanting. But we are assured that you will feel no hesitation in complying with the wish which has been publicly expressed, and that you will be pleased to give effect to the object in view in the manner which has appeared to be the most honourable and pure, and therefore the most suitable, and which, it is believed, will be the most acceptable to you,

"If I were permitted, Sir, upon this occasion, to allude to any thing which is personal to myself, I should not be disposed to conceal how much I have felt gratified in being thought worthy of taking the part which has been allotted to me in these proceedings. You, Sir, are the oldest friend I have in India. I have not forgotten the warm and cordial reception which I met with from you on my first arrival in this country; but I was prepared for that reception, and all the kindness which followed it, by what I had ex, perienced from one whom you, as I well know, in no ordinary degree love and venerate. Your excellent and much re

spected father extended to me his countenance in early life; and indeed, I may say, that the attachment to the name of Adam had come to me as an inheritance from one, no more, whose memory I am bound to cherish; and from whom, in my childhood, I had heard the expressions of regard and esteem which he entertained for William Adam,' with whom, from his younger days, he had been united in the ties of friendship. Need I say, Sir, that the interest of these proceedings will not be confined to this country, or to those who have taken a part in, or been witnesses VOL. XVII. 2 C

of them? Of the feelings with which these tidings must be received by your valued parent, I can, in some degree, judge, from knowing the affection which he once bore towards you, and which cannot surely have abated, because, in the fulness of your reputation, you have realized to the utmost the hopes which he had fondly cherished of you.

"The honours which are paid to you, are his as much as yours. I trust, with my own lips, not only to communicate to him the earliest intelligence to these proceedings, but also to impart something of the feeling which pervades my bosom, and the bosoms of all who, on this occasion, have sought to do justice to the merits of a son so honoured and beloved.

"Allow me, Sir, in conclusion, to request that you will accept from your friends who now surround you, wishes as ardent and as sincere as can have place in the human heart, for the happiness, welfare, and prosperity of yourself and your family."

Mr. Adam, evidently overpowered by the sensations produced in his mind by the flattering manner in which the resolutions had been passed at the Town-hall, and overcome by the pathetic and affectionate address of the learned chairman of the committee, replied,

"I shall endeavour, in the best manner my feelings will admit, to express the deep and grateful sense which I do, and must ever entertain, of the high honour conferred on me by my countrymen, the British Inhabitants of Calcutta; an honour which, however great and gratifying in itself, is much enhanced in my estimation by its being conveyed to me by a body of gentlemen, for whom I have ever felt the highest respect and esteem, and with many of whom I have passed a long term of years in the most cordial intercourse of intimacy and uninterrupted friendship; and even the grateful feelings which these circumstances are so well calculated to produce, are aggravated by the manner in which my kind friend, your learned chairman, has announced to me the flattering intentions of the community of Calcutta. Indeed these united powerful incitements, while they convey the proudest and deepest sensations of delight, that my merits should be deemed worthy of such an honour, create at the same time an uncontrolable agitation, increased by the allusions of your worthy chairman, which absolutely incapa. citates me from returning any adequate tribute of acknowledgment for the high and inestimable mark of favour and distinction which has been manifested towards me by the British inhabitants of Calcutta. With the most heartfelt pleasure shall I comply with the flattering request which has been so handsomely con veyed to me by you."

The agitation alluded to was, we understand, very conspicuous, and may be readily conceived. The committee breakfasted with Mr. Bayley, and the following arrangements afterwards took place :—

Town-Hall, Calcutta, Aug. 11, 1823.

At a meeting of the committee appointed at the general meeting, held at the Town hall on Saturday, for the purpose of con. sidering the best means of paying some suitable mark of public respect and attachment to the Hon. John Adam, on the occasion of his retirement from the office of Governor General :

It was resolved, That a sub-committee, to consist of the undernamed gentlemen, be nominated to carry into effect the resolutions of the general meeting of the British inhabitants of Calcutta, held at the Town-hall on Saturday the 9th instant. Mr. Larkins, Chairman. Mr. Hogg, Mr. H. S. Shakespear, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Atkinson. Mr. Palmer, Treasurer. The sub-committee having met, it was resolved, That it be the duty of this sub-committee to circulate through the Treasurer a book among such gentlemen as may be desirous of subscribing to the fulllength portrait of the Hon. John Adam, and to make the necessary arrangements with Mr. Chinnery, the artist, for the execution of the same.

Resolved further, That in the event of the amount subscribed for exceeding that required to meet the expense of the portrait, it shall be left to the sub-committee to apply the surplus funds to such charitable purpose as they may deem expedient. (Signed) J. P. LARKINS, Chairman.

[Cal. John Bull, Aug. 12.


We have just heard of two measures, lately adopted by this Government, which we are sure our readers will rejoice to learn. The one is the establishment of a General Committee of Public Instruction, which is, we understand, not only to direct its labours to the extension and improvement of existing institutions, but is also authorized gradually to introduce European arts and sciences; and has at its disposal funds for the purpose.

This arrangement cannot fail to bring to the recollection of our readers the feeling and paternal speech of our late respected Governor General, on the occasion of his visitorial address to the College students. The pledge there given that "the attention of the Governor General in Council is sedulously directed to the important subject of public instruction," has been amply redeemed, and redeemed in just such a manner as might be expected from the remainder of the address from which we have taken the above extract, and which

we imagine defines the wise and wholesome principles on which the work of improvement is to be conducted.

The other measure to which we have referred, is the appropriation of the whole of the town duties throughout the country to the purposes first of local, and afterwards of general improvement. The funds derived from the town duties are to be placed under the controul of committees to be appointed at the several towns and cities, with very full powers to devote them to works conducive to the health and comfort of the people-such as opening new streets, making new roads, paving and widening old ones, clearing large unwholesome tanks, filling up stagnant pools, &c. These improvements are in the first instance to be chiefly confined to the city or town in which the duties are collected; but as the most urgent and necessary desiderata are completed, the committees are authorized to extend the benefit of this most noble boon to parts adjacent, even eventually to the extent of the province.

We may first, therefore, congratulate our Calcutta readers on the additional stimulus which will be thus given to the successful efforts which have already been made to add, not only to the health and beauty of the city, but even to the minor comforts of its inhabitants. Much as has been done, this additional aid, in the hands of the active and able individuals who have hitherto so judiciously disposed of the funds derived from the lottery, cannot fail to be felt, and we have no doubt but the effects will be shortly seen.

The extension of the plan adopted in Calcutta, as far as relates to the committee, throughout the whole of the territory, at once gives to the Mofussil public the advantages of local improvement which have hitherto been confined to Calcutta.

The means of defraying the expenses of these improvements, too, are those best calculated to answer the purpose: for it is clearly evident that as the means of communication become improved, the inland commerce must increase, independently of the natural stimulus which is every where given to it as the comforts of the inhabitants are multiplied. We cannot in this place even allude to the one-hundredth part of the advantages which press upon our minds, and which must inevitably take place on any given spot; but when we contemplate the vast extent of country over which these projects are simultaneously and simply to act, shedding the blessings of moral improvement, political and social comfort, over millions, we are lost in admiration at the simplicity with which so much good is to be effected, and are ready to exclaim, happy are the people that have such a Government."

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The combination of these simultaneous improvements mutually increases the in

trinsic value of each. Mere worldly comfort and prosperity, without a mind properly disposed to appreciate them, scarcely reach beyond animal enjoyment; and the Government which thus studies to combine the two, at the same time that it secures to the people the means of comfort and happiness within themselves, evinces a desire to obtain the affection and regard of its subjects on the most secure and praiseworthy grounds.

No human eye can foresee the full extent of the advantages which the above two projects united are calculated to produce. If we write warmly-we feel so; but we feel that we have not done justice to our feelings, nor do we think that any one who, for a moment, considers the prospects here held out, can abstain from joining with us in a grateful acknowledgment to that Government, which has evinced such a disposition to foster and protect the millions committed to their charge.—[Cal. John Bull, Aug. 8.


Forgery, of late years, has prevailed to a rather startling extent in Calcutta. The increase of it may rationally be attributed to the increasing population and opulence of the place, and to their usual attendants, a number of loose hangers-on in the lower walks of society.

From unquestionable authority we learn, that a forging plot has just been frustrated, which, if it had ripened on to success, would most likely have been productive of most serious consequences.

A whole nest of villains, who made it their business and study to prey upon their neighbours, has been broken up, and the most of the conspirators have been appre.. hended through the zeal and activity of Mr. Alsop. That excellent magistrate planned his measures so well, that he in person surprised the gang, to the number, we believe, of about twenty, at work in their den. Mr. A., it seems, had ob. tained correct information respecting the movements of the forgers, and on Friday morning (if we recollect right) proceeded quietly with a constable or two to the rendezvous, in an obscure quarter of the town. Having reached the house in which the work of villainy was going on, the magistrate and his attendants reconnoitred, and, having made some accession to their strength, broke into the premises at several different points. They caught the gang in their den; and the artist, on whose skill and adroitness of chirography the rest depended, was found, we believe, with the graver in his hand. He is a countryborn, of the name of Fraser, and, we understand, a notoriously bad charac He had fallen, it would seem, into the hands of a set of speculative sircars, who resolved to turn his talents to good


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