Imágenes de páginas

of the others to the same source. The fact was, and he could not too often repeat it, that the change observable in India arose from the difference of age in sending out young men, which was now nineteen instead of being seventeen years of age. Some Gentlemen said, "let well alone." This was not treating him fairly, for no man had denied that there were evils inherent in the system. Mr. Malthus, who had been so often quoted, bad plainly admitted that there were evils inherent in the institution, and he had stated them in his pamphlet. He (Mr. Kinnaird) had not attacked the Professors, but the system which was imposed upon them. The Hon. Director (Sir G. Robinson) wished to mitigate the College discipline, and had complained that the prospects of twelve young men had been ruined merely for the commission of childish pranks. He differed with him there; he could not call the act of young men blowing open their doors with gunpowder a childish prank. There was certainly no moral turpitude in the offence, but he thought that after such conduct the Professors could not allow the parties to remain in the College. Still the Legislature was wrong in allowing any recuperative opportunity elsewhere to such young men, and that was the use he made of the circumstance in his argument. Parliament, he had no doubt, would meet their application fairly, and remedy the evil. Why should they be so much afraid of the House of Commons? They had forgot them, altogether, for the space of thirty years, after making a famous scapegoat of their affairs, in the heat of political contention, and only took them up when the question of the renewal of the charter made legislative interference necesary. He was quite sure, that if they went at present before the House of Commons, the matter would be adjusted quietly, by some half a dozen gentlemen who felt an interest in the result; and that, so far from the subject inviting general attention, the moment it was mentioned the great body of the Members of the Honourable House would go quietly away to their own private avocations. (A laugh.) He concluded by earnestly pressing the question upon their mature and deliberate consideration. It was not for destroying, but for repairing and perpetuating their College. (Hear, hear!) On the question being put from the Chair, a ballot was demanded, which the Chairman directed to be taken on Wednesday

the 31st March.

[blocks in formation]

The Chairman (W. Wigram, Esq.) having laid before the Proprietors sundry papers which had been presented to Parliament since the last General Court, proceeded to move the question of adjourn



The Hon. D. Kinnaird said, he would take the liberty which that Quarterly Court afforded, to ask what progress was made in the selection of the papers which the Court of Proprietors, by their vote, had directed to be printed, on the subject of the administration of the Marquess of aware that those Hastings? He was papers must be very voluminous, and he suggested that they should be printed altogether. But previously to their being completed, he thought it would be extremely convenient if an opportunity were given to the Proprietors of knowing what, in the first instance, it was proposed to print, so that any suggestion made by them, with respect to any additional document which it might seem necessary to produce, should be attended


He supposed that the papers selected would comprise a general view of the military, political, and commercial situation of India under the administration of the Noble Marquess. Those, he thought, were the divisions under which the papers would naturally be arranged. There was, however, he understood, a paper before the Court of Directors, a sort of exposé on the part of the Noble Marquess himself, and he wished to know whether it would be printed amongst the other papers?

He was likewise aware that some other papers had been laid before the Court of Directors, and he was anxious to know whether they also were to be printed?

The Chairman had to state, in answer to the Hon. Proprietor, that progress had been made in the selection of the papers alluded to, and a certain number of them had been sent to the printer. It was the intention of the Court of Directors not to deliver any of those papers until the whole series were printed. The paper alluded to by the Hon. Proprietor, as coming from the Marquess of Hastings, would be printed. (Hear!) The Hon. Proprietor had also referred, though not by name, to some papers, which he (the Chairman) supposed to be those which had been sent to the Court by an Hon. Baronet. Those papers would be printed. (Hear!) The military papers which had already been before the Proprietors, relative to the Nepaul, Mahratta, and Pindarree wars, with political documents connected with those


transactions, would also be printed. military selection was very nearly completed, and the other selections would be got ready as speedily as possible. Prior to the papers being delivered to the Pro

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The Chairman said, he could not give the Hon. Proprietor any certainty on that point, for the political selection had not yet been determined on: some of those papers were not before the Court of Directors, but in the possession of the Secret Committee, and application for leave to produce them had been made to the Board of Commissioners. Until the Secret Committee knew whether they would be allowed to lay those papers before the Court of Directors, he could not say when the selection would be ready; but he could assure the Hon. Proprietor that no time would be lost on the occasion.

The Hon. D. Kinnaird said he was quite sure the Hon. Chairman must see the great importance of the observations he had made. The possibility of keeping back from the Proprietors certain papers which were before the Secret Committee, was a matter that deserved very serious attention; yet it appeared that it was competent for the Board of Controul to do this. The possibility of such a circum. stance rendered it very desirable that it should be ascertained, before the papers were ready for delivery, whether the Board of Controul acceded to or refused the request. It was necessary that the Proprietors should receive full information on this point; because, in coming to a just estimate of the services of the Marquess of Hastings, many of these very documents might be of the first-rate importance. If they were withheld, the Noble Marquess might be placed in a situation in which justice could not be done to him. He therefore hoped that a statement would be made, as early as possible, as to the success of the application.

The Chairman wished it to be clearly understood, that he had not stated that those papers would be refused; all he meant to say was, that until the Secret Committee received an answer to the request made to the Board of Commissioners, he could not state when the papers would be ready.

Mr. Trant took the liberty of observing, that as financial papers were mentioned, and as, amongst those papers, there would probably be found an account of the revenues of Bengal and of the ceded territo. ries on the west of the Jumna, during the administration of the Marquess of Wellesley, and during the administration of the Marquess of Hastings, it was, he thought, of importance, that that account should be laid before the Court..

The Chairman said, he could not state whether such an account as that alluded to by the Hon. Member existed; but he trusted that such a selection of papers would be made as would be perfectly sufficient for the purpose of elucidating the administration of the Marquess of Hastings.


The Chairman again put the question of adjournment, when

General Thornton rose, and stated that he wished to propose a motion which appeared to him to be of some consequence.

The Chairman.-" The gallant General may ask a question, but he cannot make a motion. The question before the Court is-that the Court do now adjourn.”

General Thornton observed, that the question of adjournment was put quite suddenly, and before he was aware of it. He trusted that no form of that kind would be suffered to interfere with his motion, which he pledged himself would not detain the Court long. It was a motion with respect to India bonds, and couched in terms perfectly respectful to the Court of Directors. The interest paid on India bonds, and the premium they bore, was too high; and it was of very great importance to the public that the rate of interest should be lowered. motion he would take the liberty of reading was:


"Resolved, That it be recommended to the Court of Directors to take into immediate consideration the propriety of giving the necessary notice for the purpose of a reduction of the present annual inte rest of 34 per cent. paid on India bonds →→ a measure which, it appears to this Court, would not only be beneficial to the Pro prietors, but likewise advantageous to the public; the present premium per centum paid for India bonds being about SOS., rendering it manifest that the existing interest is unnecessarily high, and therefore injurious to the Proprietors, whilst the public is deprived of that accommodation which India bonds, at a moderate premium, are so well calculated to afford.”

The Chairman submitted to the gallant General, whether it was proper to bring forward a question of such importance, by way of motion, at the Quarterly General Court, without notice? This was a subject of a financial nature; and the gallant General must himself feel, that of course the rate of interest on India bonds must form a part of those pecuniary considerations to which the attention of the Court of Directors was particularly called. He was quite satisfied the Court would agree with him, that this subject, amongst others, was one of that peculiar species, the consideration of which ought to be left to the Executive Body. (Hear.)

General Thornton said, he merely wish.

Debates at E.I.H., March 24.-India Bonds.

ed to call the attention of the Directors to
the subject. He should be perfectly satis-
fied with their decision, whatever it might

The Hon. D. Kinnaird said, the gallant
General's object had been quite answered,
for he had called the attention of the Court
of Directors to the subject. If, however,
he wished, contrary to their judgment, to
place his sentiments on record, he had
better give a formal notice for some future
period. If the gallant General pressed
the question now, he must perceive that
the Directors would out-vote the Proprie-
tors at once. (A laugh!) It was a ques-
tion of importance, and certainly the
gallant General had a right to bring it
forward; but he thought the Court of
Directors could give very sound reasons
for not altering the rate of interest at this


General Thornton said he would not press the question on the Court, but he wished it to be put from the Chair.

The Chairman."The question is that this Court do now adjourn.'

[ocr errors]

The Hon. D. Kinnaird.-The gallant
General may move, that all the words
after the word "that
purpose of proposing in their place his
be omitted, for the
own motion, by way of amendment.

The Chairman was surprised that the
gallant General, who had been so long a
member of the Legislature, could imagine
that he could have taken any other course,
save that of moving an adjournment,
when there was no question before the
Court for discussion.

The Hon. D. Kinnaird apprehended the regular course for the gallant General to take would be, to move that all the words after the word "that" be left out, for the purpose of inserting his motion by way of amendment.

The Deputy Chairman (Wm. Astell, Esq.) differed from the Hon. Proprietor on the point of form. He did not mean to say any thing as to the injudiciousness of bringing forward a motion on so delicate a subject as the interest of India bonds without previous notice, but would merely confine himself to the question of form. It did appear to him that no question could interfere with the question of adjournment; if that proposition were negatived, then, indeed, the gallant General might bring forward what motion he pleased. But prior to the entertainment of the present motion of the gallant General, the Court must, he apprehended, negative the question of adjournment; until that was done, the gallant General could not proceed without violating the established practice of this Court, and, as he believed, of other deliberative assemblies.

General Thornton said he believed that, in point of order, the Hon. Deputy Chairman was perfectly right; but he had known instances in the House of Com


had been put, and afterwards withdrawn from motives of courtesy, when a gentle mons, where the question of adjournment that was not calculated to create a debate. man expressed a wish to move something If, however, the motion of adjournment position, it was of course, persisted in. were brought forward to defeat any proHe had known many instances where, put, a member had got up, and had been after the question of adjournment had been hastily as possible. It even seemed to him heard by the House. in this case was, he repeated, moved as The adjournment to be irregular, and he had hoped that the Hon. Chairman would have withThornton's) be brought forward. drawn his motion to let his (General might be recorded. only wished to have his motion put that it He

The Chairman said he was very sorry
gallant General has argued, that the mo-
that he could not concede this point. The
he (the Chairman) had stated, in the usual
tion of adjournment was hastily put. Now
Court, and, no other business offering, he
form, that this was a Quarterly General
moved an adjournment: this was the regu-
lar course, and he could not proceed in
any other way.
House of Commons, a motion was some-
He knew, that in the
times made to put an end to a debate by
journ;" and that, for the purpose of per-
moving "that this House do now ad-
mitting the ordinary business to go on,
agreed to; but this was not analogous to
an adjournment of the specific debate was
the present case.

The Hon. D. Kinnaird again argued,
thing else, it was competent for him to
that, on a motion for adjournment, or any
move, that all the words after the word
"that be omitted, in order to make
room for the insertion of any amendment
he pleased. If any new light could be
thrown on so plain a proposition, he could
very anxious to be enlightened. If it
assure the Hon. Chairman that he was
day fortnight, or this day three weeks,
were moved to adjourn this Court to this
might he not move a contraction or an
extension of the period? The first mo-
business had been gone through which
tion which was made, after the regular
the Court was met to transact, was, as a
adjourn; and he contended it was on
matter of course, that the Court do now
larly be brought forward, because
that motion that business could most regu-


a motion which shewed that there was no farther business then pending. In such a case, if he got up and said he had some business which he wished to submit to the proper way of effecting that object the Court, he had a right to do so; and would be, by moving to omit all the words after the word "that," and introducing in their place his proposition as an amendment.

The Chairman said, the course he had pursued was perfectly regular. He had stated, in the first place, that this was a Quarterly General Court. The gallant General ought then to have declared that he wished to submit a motion to the Court. Instead of that, he got up after the adjournment was moved, and proceeded to address the Court. The gallant General was informed that he might ask a question, but that it was too late to make a motion, and then he placed the matter on the ground of courtesy. His (the Chairman's) opinion was, that if the Court wished to go on with the gallant General's motion, they must negative the proposition for adjournment which was now before them.

General Thornton then gave notice, that he would, at the next Quarterly General Court, if no earlier opportunity occurred, propose his motion, which he handed in to the Clerk.


The Hon. D. Kinnaird said, a question was to be decided by ballot in the course of a few days (he meant that relative to Haileybury College), which, although he knew it would surprise the Hon. Chairman and many of his colleagues, he expected to be carried by a large majority. (A laugh.) In that case, he apprehended it would not be necessary for the Proprietors to go through any other forms beyond those which had already been resorted to. The Directors would then, he supposed, proceed at once to carry into effect the wishes of the Pro

prietors, by causing a petition to be immediately drawn up and presented to Parliament on the subject. He asked for information, as he wished to know whether the Court of Directors would immediately proceed to have such a petition drawn up?

The Chairman. -"If, unfortunately, the question should be carried, which, however, I do not anticipate, I have only to state, that the Court of Directors will consider it their duty to have a petition drawn up and properly presented to Parliament."-Adjourned.

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Asiatic Intelligence.



Judicial Department.

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16. Mr. H. Batson, 3d Member of Board of Revenue in Western Provinces. 30. The Hon. J. R. Elphinstone, Sen. Member of Board of Revenue in Central Provinces.


Fort William, Oct. 10, 1823.—30th N.I.Ens. F. V. McGrath to be Lieut., vice Curgenven, deceased, with rank from 11 Sept. 1823.

Med. Depart. Dep. Superint. Surg. J. Browne to be Superintend. Surg., and Surg. J. Johnston to be Dep. Superintend. Surg., from 25 July 1823, in succession to Keys, dec.

Capt. I. Maling, 32d N.I., to officiate as Town and Fort Adj. of Fort William, during absence of Capt. Wilkinson.

Messrs. F. Grote and G. H. Swinley admitted Cadets of Artil., and promoted to 2d-Lieuts.

Wilson; Ensigns A. S. Singer and G. E. Van Heythuysen.

Messrs. T. Shuldham, H. Kirke, and F. Gresley admitted Cadets of Inf., and promoted to Ensigns.

Head-Quarters, Cawnpore, Sept. 20, 1823.-The Commander-in-Chief is pleased to post officers to regts. and bats., consequent to the promotions and arrangements for new regiments, as follows:

Native Infantry.

1st Regt. 1st Bat. Lieuts. W. Hickey (Adj. Cal. N. Militia), C. J. Oldfield (Chumparun Light Inf.) and W. Y. Torckler; Ensigns R. Macdonald, H. Smith, and A. Bogle.-2d Bat. Capt. S. Speck; Lieut. I. Cooper; Ensigns B. Boswell and P. Goldney.

2d Regt. 1st Bat. Maj. F. A. Weston; Capt. T. J. Baldwin; Lieuts. (B. C.) A. F. P. MacLeod, W. Mackintosh, W. Murray, and R. E. Battley; Ensigns W. Stewart and M. W. Gilmore.-2d Bat. Capt. J. Donaldson; Lieuts. F. Warwick and B. Bygrave (Pioneers); Ensigus J. Peacocke, and N. S. Nesbitt.

3d Regt. 1st Bat. Capt. J. Taylor; Lieuts. E. Wakefield and T. H. Newhouse; Ensigns W. D. Stewart, D. C. Keiller and H. W. J. Wilkinson.-2d Bat. Capt. W. P. Cooke; Lieuts. J. Murray, J. H. Clarkson, and A. K. Agnew; Ensigns W. Macgeorge (furlough), and O. B. Thomas.

4th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieuts. J. K. Mc Causland (1st Nusseree Bn.), H. Huddleston, and W. G. Cooper; Ensigns M. Smith and Hon. H. Gordon.-2d Bat. Lieuts. J. Platt and C. Chester; Ensigns A. Arabin (Pioneers) and W. H. R. Boland.

5th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieut.-Col. W. P. Price; Maj. W. G. Patrickson; Capt. D. G. Scott; Lieut. E. E. Ludlow; Ensigns T. Gear and J. Stephen.-2d Bat. Maj. G. Cooper; Capt. W. Price; Lieuts. F. B. Corfield, F. B. Todd, and J. Maclean; Ensigns A. C. Dennistoun and J. H. Craigie.

6th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieut.-Col. C. Poole; Maj. S. P. Bishop; Capt. F. M. Chambers; Lieuts. J. Brooke, C. Gale, and J. Butler; Ensigns J. Hannay (furlough) and J. R. Bigge.-2d Bat. Capt. R. Blisset; Lieuts. M. Richardson (furlough), and E J. Betts; Ensigns. A. L. Barwell (furlough) and F. W. Anson.

7th Regt. 1st Bat. Maj. G. Cunningham; Capt. A. Macdonald; Licuts. B. W. Ebhart, W. Foley, (furlough), J. Burney, and J. Welchman; Ensigns C. Commeline and J. Cragie.-2d Bat. Maj. P. T. Comyn; Capt. E. Gwatkin; Lieuts. B. W. Beatson, and J. P. Wade; Ensigns E. St. J. Sturt and F. W. Hardwick.

8th Regt. 1st. Bat. Lieuts. J. E. Landers and F. C. Reeves; Ensigns H. Charlton, and E. Du P. Townshend.-2d Bat. Lieuts. P. Gerard, R. Birch, and G. Asiatic Journ.-No. 101.

9th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieut.-Col. G. M. Popham; Lieuts. C. Farmer, G. R. Talbot, and O. Lomer; Ensigns H. Todd and C. J. F. Burnett.-2d Bat. Capt. W. Guise; Lieuts. W. H. Phipps, and C.H. Naylor; Ensigns S. Williams and J. Dyson.

10th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieut.-Col. H. Bowen; Maj. T. Newton; Capts. P. Dudgeon, H. E. Peach, and E. Fell; Lieuts. A. B. Armstrong, C. G. Macan, and J. Burney; Ensigns A. Mac Donald (furlough), H. M. Graves, and C. S. Barberie.-2d Bat. Lieuts. M. Dormer (furlough), C. V. Wylde, R. Chetwode, and W. Struthers; Ensigns J. Buncombe and H. N. Worsley.

11th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieuts. T. Cooke, J. Evans, and R. J. H. Birch (furlough); Ensigns J. C. Plowden (furlough), W. Hunter, and R. Riddell.—2d Bat. Lieut. R. McNair and Ens. H. Stone.

12th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieuts. W. L. Ludlow and J. L. Farrer (furlough); Ensigns W. Innes and J. S. Hodgson.-2d Bat. Licuts. T. Goldney and J. Corfield; Ensigns R. H. Miles, E. Corner, and T. H. Scott.

13th Regt. Lieut. Col.-Com. J. L. Richardson.-1st Bat. Capts. A. Roberts and C. Savage; Lieuts. C. J. Huthwaite and J. B. D. Gahan; Ensigns W. M. Tritton and I. H. Handscomb.-2d Bat. Capt. R. Seymour; Lieuts. G. M. S. Robe and A. Watt; Ensigns G. Burford and W. Glen.

14th Regt. 1st Bat. Capts. R. Hornby and D. D. Anderson; Lieuts. R. W. Halhed, W. Rutherford, and G. N. Irvine; Ensigns J. A. Fairhead and H. Fitz Simons.-2d Bat. Maj. J. Simpson; Capt. A. Stewart; Lieuts. A. Hodges, H. C. Boileau, and W. Wise; Ensigns J. Chesney and J. Bracken.

15th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieuts. E. N. Townsend and J. G. Gordon; Ensigns W. H. Leacock and R. Menzies.-2d Bat. Lieuts. C. Manning, J. W. Rowe, and A. L. Durie; Ensigns W. R. Corfield and C. R. Eyre.

16th Regt. 1st Bat. Capt. J. H. Lester; Lieuts. G. Irvine, and A. E. McMurdo ; Ensigns J. Campbell and W. Mitchell.2d Bat. Maj. P. Starling; Lieuts. E. F. Spencer, A. Lewis, and J. W. Colquhoun (2d Nusseree Bn.); Ensigns F. Hewitt, and T. W. Bolton.

17th Regt. Lieut.-Col.-Com. J. Burnet, C.B.-1st Bat. Maj. E. F. Waters; Capt. W. Mathew; Lieuts. H. H. Arnaud, R. Angelo, and J. Gibb; Ensigns G. T. Marshall and W. Brownlow.-2d Bat. Lieut.-Col. T Penson; Capt. S. Mercer; Lieuts. J. Sheil and J. Gresham; Ensigns H. More and T. Seaton. 18th Regt. 1st Bat. Lieut.-Col. R. VOL. XVII. 4 B

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