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Gerbitsi* river to the left of the Amur, separates the waters which flow towards the north-east, from those which flow towards the southeast. The old boundary, which was fixed upon in 1689, passing from the Amur and Argun to the lake Dalai, was not altered. From lake Dalai, the line was carried on through the plain till beyond the Onon. Thence over Mount Kentei Khan (Kentei han alin in d'Anville's maps), and the springs of the Tchikoi towards the south, till they reached the rivulet of Kiakhta or Kiaktoo. From this point it ran through the forests and across the Selengga, on the back of Mount Uhdensong, which separates, as far as the springs of the Dzida, the rivers running to the north from those running to the south. From the springs of Dzida, it runs over Mount Tsaston ouendour; and the back of Todching chila, which extends as far as the Jenisei, separates all the waters flowing towards the north-east from those which take an opposite direction. It was subsequently that the line was continued from the banks of the Jenisei towards the east, till it reached the Bonktarma, to the right of the Irtish, where, on the rivulet Harym, the last Mongol Chinese watch-house was established opposite the last Russian post.

By another article it was agreed, that on the point where the border touched upon the Kiakhta, a commercial dépôt for the merchants of both empires should be established. For the purpose of preventing farther disorders, it was also settled that the inhabitants of the borders should only be allowed to trade in this place. It was likewise settled that each of the contracting parties should take back such of their subjects as might have crossed the border whilst the limits were being settled. The subjects of both empires, which were found to

*The Chinese have since extended their frontier to the great Gerbitsi.

gether, were to be separated, in order to prevent the mixing of the border tribes. The Ouriangkhai✶ were to remain subject to that one of the two powers to whom they had hitherto paid an annual tribute of five sable skins: this stipulation particularly referred to the Sogetes, who inhabit the highlands of the Upper Jenisei, and about the lake Kossogol. They had, before this, paid five sables a head to the Mongols subject to China. By an ancient custom, they sent at the same time a sable a head, under the title of a voluntary gift, to the Russian chanceries of Krasnoiarsk and Oudinsk. By this treaty they became entirely subjected to China. The fate of the other Ouriangkai, who had paid only one sable to each empire, was decided by the course of the line of demarcation. The Sogetes near the springs of the Dzida and Ouri were divided, a part of them only remaining with Russia, and under the jurisdiction of the Tounkinskoi-ostrog, situated on the Irkout. These people have so much decreased, that there are but few families now remaining in the Russian territories.

By the same preliminary convention, it was agreed, that the details respecting the course of the border line, should be extended in the definitive treaty which was to be drawn up. This treaty having been concluded and ratified at Pekin on the 18th of May, commissioners for the two empires were despatched, in order to survey the proposed line, with directions for fixing signals and border-pillars, and separating the subjects on both sides. There were two different commissions: one from the streams Kiakhta, towards the west, to the frontiers of the Euleuts Dzoun-gars, and the other towards the east, from the Kiakhta to the source of the Argoun. Each of

This is the name which the Mongols give to the Sogetes of the Samojed race, who inhabit the high lands of the Altai, and which in 1755 were subjected to the Dzoun-gars. This people amounts to about 10,000 families, and forms eleven ban-” ners, or military divisions.

these commissions drew up a report of their labours, in which every river, torrent, stream, lake, mountain, valley, and plain, near which a border column was to be raised, was most minutely described. The last-named commission had, on the borders of the Tchikoï, two Russian winter-huts pulled down, which, by the settlement of the boundary, lay on Chinese territory. They had likewise removed the Bouriates, who had been tributaries of Russia, from the south side of the Tchikoï, to the north of this stream. On the other hand, some Tungousians, who had till then lived near the Kieria, which falls from the north into the Onon, were removed by the Chinese to the south of this river. The border columns are made of stone, eighteen feet high, and about as many in breadth at the base. They were raised on each side of the boundary, opposite one another. From a particular precaution, and for the purpose of preventing these landmarks from being disturbed, an inscription in the Russian and Mongol languages, bearing a number, and the name of the spot where it was to be, was buried in the ground near every column. The first and most important of these signs was placed close by the road which leads from Siberia to Mongolia and China, on a little eminence to the right of the Kiakhta, and six wersts from Boro, which is the same spot where subsequently the dépôt of commerce was established. The first Russian column supports a cross, and bears an inscription in the Russian language. On going from this first sign towards the west, the Mayaks, or signals (in the Mongol and Mandchoux languages obo), are found in the following places:

1. On Mount Bourgouteï, twenty wersts from Kiakhta; between this Mayak and the next, the Kiran flows to the north, and falls into the Tchikoï, having its spring beyond the borders.

2. On a mountain twelve wersts Asiatic Journ.-No. 102.

from the former, near the lake Tchaidam, situated beyond the borders.

3. On mount Koûrlik, near a salt lake, situated beyond the borders, twelve wersts from the former.

4. On a hill opposite the pasture Diretou, on this side the borders, eight wersts from the former.

5. On the lower side of the pasture Charbaga, on the left bank of the Tchikoï, called Tchoukou by the Mongols and Mandchoux, nine wersts from the former. From this spot, the border line follows the Tchikoï upwards.

6. On the mountain situated very near and above the mouth of the stream Tchiktaï, on the left bank of the Tchikoï, five wersts from the for


7. Near and above the mouth of the stream Khabtsagai or Khadza, on the same bank of the Tchikoï, nine wersts from the former.

8. On the same side, a little below the mouth of the Arou Kidoure, also called Ara Kuduru, fourteen wersts from the former.

9. On the same side, very close below the mouth of the stream Ouyalga, twenty wersts from the former.

10. On the same bank of the Tchikoï, very close below the mouth of the Arou Khadang sou, a large river, which is also called Arou Khadain oussou or Ara Khatangtsa, nineteen wersts from the former.-Thence the boundary follows up the river Arou Khadang sou.

11. At the mouth of a stream called Oûlolei or Oulilei, which comes from the east, and falls into the above river, sixty wersts from the former.-Thence the border follows up the Ouloleï to its source, crosses the Mensia which falls into the Tchikoï, and runs towards the Upper Onon and its tributaries.

12. Near the spot where the stream Oûber Khadang sou, or Ouber Khadaïn Oussou, commonly called Oubour Khatangtsa, throws itself on the east side into the Mensia, eighty-three wersts from the former.

[blocks in formation]

13. On mount Koumour, or Koumouroun oola, near the source of a stream of the same name, and which falls into the east side of the Mensia, seventy wersts from the former.

14. On a mountain near the source of the stream Kouge, fifty-one wersts from the former. This stream comes from the north; it is the first of those which, crossing the frontier line, throw themselves into the Onon, which flows here from west to east, at some distance from the frontier.

15. To the north of the stream Gounggourteï or Kounggourteï, which, coming from the north-east, falls into the Onon. It is here where Mount Koumour, also called Khingan Koumour, terminates, fifteen wersts from the former.

16. On a mountain, and at a short distance from the Asinga or Ashangaï, which comes from the north, and falls into the Onon, eighteen wersts from the former.

17. On Mount Khariagoutai, or Khara Koutul, on the left bank of the Onon, ten wersts from the former.

18. On a mountain near the stream Khasoulak, a tributary of the Onon, twelve wersts from the former.

19. On Mount Moungge-sili, or Mongko, watered by the Baldzi, a large stream which runs on the southeast, and falls into the Onon, fiftyseven wersts from the former.

20. On a mountain on the south side of the Baldzikha or Baldzikhan, a stream which joins the Kharaoul on the north-west; the latter runs in the same direction into the Baldzi, fortysix wersts from the former."

21. On Mount Beltsir (Beltsir or Beltchir, in the Mongol language means a mountain between two streams, or the place where they join) between the Galdataï and the Mogai, which after having met, fall into the Baldzi, twenty-one wersts from the former.

22. On a mountain near the Kirkhoun, a tributary of the Onon, twentynine wersts from the former.

23. On the high mountain of Khalioz or Khalo, near the Boukoukoum or Bykykykon, which falls into the Kirkhoun, sixteen wersts from the former.

24. On Mount Bain dzourge, or Baïn dzurko, near the Ghilbere, which falls into the Agatsi, or Agoutsa,or Atsa, seventeen wersts from the former.

25. On Mount Bouyouktou, near the river of the same name, which falls into the Agatsi.

26. Near the river Khormaktsi, or Khormoktchi, at a short distance from its junction with the Agatsi, fourteen wersts from the former.

27. On the right bank of the Godzolotai, near its confluence with the Onon, nineteen wersts from the for


28. On Mount Adarga or Adarei, to the left of the Kerou or Kiena, near its confluence with the Onon, twentysix wersts from the former.

29. On Mount Khongoro, near the left bank of the river Onon, twelve wersts from the former.

30. On the spot called Oulkhout, on the left bank of the Onon, a little below the mouth of the Torin, which joins this river on the north-west, ten wersts from the former.-Hence the frontier crosses the Onon, and runs towards the sources of the rivers which fall on the north side into the Ouldza.

31. On Mount Arou bain dzourge, or Ara bain zuruko, situated northwest from the river of the same name, which falls on the south-west into the Ouldza, twenty-eight wersts from the former.

32. On the mountain called by the Mongols Khara tolokhai, and blacktop by the Russians; near the source of the Ouber baïn dzourge, which falls into the Ouldza, twelve wersts from the former.

33. On a hill near the source of the Berke, which flowing from north-west joins the Ouldza, eleven wersts from the former.

34. At the source of the Khourtsa of the Ouldza, on a mountain from which

another river, also called Khourtsa, springs and flows towards the Onon, seventeen wersts from the former.

35. On Mount Moungout nouke or Mangout nouke, near the spring of the Moungout, which falls into the Ouldza, eight wersts from the former.

36. On a hill situated among the sources of the Tourgine, a large river which falls into the Ouldza, eight wersts from the former.

37. On Mount Tosoke, fourteen wersts from the former.

38. On Mount Khoi, near the springs of the Dehoudzi, which falls into the Khorin narasou eight wersts from the former.

39. On a mountain between the sources of the Khorin narasou of the Ouldza, eight wersts from the former.

40. On Mount Chara-tolokhai (yellow head), eighteen wersts from the former.

41. On Mount Toktor, north of the source of the Ouber Toktor, which falls into the Ouldza, ten wersts from the former:

42. On Mount Khara tolokhai, called also in Russian Black Point, among the sources of the Koukou esike or Koukou ichiga, which falls into the Ouber berke, ten wersts from the for


43. On Mount Tourkine, near the sources of the Ouber berke, fourteen wersts from the former.-Near this Mayak, the border line leaves the sources of the rivers which fall into the Ouldza, and runs towards the Imalkho, which discharges itself into the lake Dari noor or Tareï.

44. On a high mountain without a name, ten wersts from the former.

45. On a neighbouring mountain, east of the lake Tsagan noor (black lake), twenty wersts from the former.

46. On Mount Kouke tolokhai (blue head), on the north side of the river Imalkho of the lake Darinoor, thirteen wersts from the former.

head), north of the Imalkho, thirteen wersts from the former.

48. On Mount Irin, on the same side of the Imalkho, eighteen wersts from the former. - Between this mayak and the next, the border line crosses the Imalkho, near its mouth in the Dari noor or Tarei, and the western banks of this lake.

49. On two small hills in the plain, on a spot called Obotou, ten wersts from the former.

50. On a hill situated in the plain, on a spot called Nibisyie or Nipfé, fifteen wersts from the former.

51. On a hill situated at a spot called Moo Gedzgi or Modzige, twelve wersts from the former. Between this and the next mayak, flows the river Ouldza, which falls into the lake Dari noor.

52. On an elevated spot in the plain, called Tsiktou, twenty wersts from the former,

53. On Mount Dzerentou, near the south-eastern edge of the lake Khori Duri noor, nineteen wersts from the former,

54. On Mount Engge-tolokhai or Inke-tolokhai, situated in the plain, twelve wersts from the former. The whole of this plain is without water, except from a few springs. Very rarely a lake or pool is met with in it, for which reason, the border here could only be pointed out by such hills and elevations, as are distinguished by a


55. On Mount Moungge-tolokhai, fourteen wersts from the former,

56, On a spot in the plain called Angarkhai, forty-four wersts from the former.

57. On Mount Koboltsikou or Koubeldchin, ten wersts from the former.

58. On the western bank of the lake Tarbaga dakhou, fifteen wersts from the former.

59. On Mount Tchagan oola, seventeen wersts from the former.

60. On Monnt Boro tolokhai, in the

47. On Mount Khara tolokhai (black vicinity of another, called Taboun to

lokhai, situated to the south of the last-mentioned one, twenty wersts from the former.

61. Farther north in the plain, near Mount Soukte, fifteen wersts from the former.

eastern end, and the source of the river Katsartai or Katsouratai, which runs towards the south, or Mongolia, and falls into the Dzeltoure. The mouth of the Katsartai is fifty-six wersts from that of the Dzeltoure in

62. On Mount Erdeni tolokhai, nine the Dzida. The mountain takes a wersts from the former.

63. On Mount Abagaitou, opposite the mouth of the Gan, on the right of the Argoun, ten wersts from the for


The following Mayaks are on the east, from the Kiakhta, to the ancient borders of the Euleuts Dzoungars.

1. On the right bank of the Kiakhta or Kiaktou.

2. On Mount Orkhoïtou, ten wersts from the former.-Between this and the following mayak, the border line crosses the Selengga.

3. On Mount Bouilesoutou, near the left and western bank of the Selengga, twenty wersts from the former.

4. On Mount Yongkhor oola, west of the stream Isagan oussoun (white water), which falls into the Selengga, sixteen wersts from the former.

5. On Mount Khonggor obo, ten wersts from the former.

6. On Mount Goundzan oola, west of the stream Bougousoun ama (on the Mandchoux maps Bos angga), which falls into the Dzida or Dzede, sixteen wersts from the former.-This mayak is situated between the Mounts Dzormalik and Mertsel, called on the Mandchoux maps, Emeltchek. The former is to the north, and the latter to the south of the Goundzan oola.

7. On Mount Khoudakhaitou or Khoutougaitou, on the left and western 'bank of the river Dzeltoure or Ziltoura, ten wersts above its mouth on the right of the Dzida, twenty wersts from the former.

8. On Mount Koukou nourougou, near the source of the Ouber Khoulada, which falls into the Dzida, twentyfive wersts from the former.

9. On Mount Egouden dchoo, commonly called Uhden dzong; at its

north-westerly direction, and separates the sources of the rivers Dzida Ekhel (Iga) and Ouki. This mayak is thirty-four wersts from the former.

10. Near the source of the Dsedi, which comes from the north, and falls into the Dzeltoure, thirty wersts above the Katsartai, nineteen wersts from the former.

11. At the source of the Modoun Koul (wood river), which falls into the river Ering or Iren, which again falls into the Ekhe, forty-six wersts from the former. Near this mayak, another rivulet, also called Modoun Koul, or rather Arou Modoun Koul, rises, but takes its course towards the north, and falls into the Dzida.

12. On Mount Boukhôtou dabaga, also called Bougoutou, at the source of the Bouroul, which falls into the Ekhe, seventy-seven wersts from the former.

13. On Mount Dosit dabaga or Dochik-tou dabaga, at the source of the Keket, which falls into the Ouri, forty-three wersts from the former.

14. On Mount Kesenektou dabaga, at the source of one of the streams that form the river Keket, seven wersts from the former.-Here the chain of Egouden dchoo or Uhden dzong terminates, and another, called Gourbi,


15. On that part of Mount Gourbi, where the sources of the Ouri are found, forty-three wersts from the former.

16. At the spot where the chain of Gourbi terminates at the north-west, and at the source of the Khangkha, which flows towards the south, and falls into the lake Kosogoul noor or Kosogol, forty-six wersts from the former. A few wersts west from the mouth

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