Relating principally to the FOREIGN MISSIONS carried on under the Direction of the METHODIST CONFerence. MISSIONS IN INDIA AND CEYLON. Ir affords us much pleasure to lay before our readers some very encouraging communications from our Missions in the East. The Missionaries are beginning to reap the reward of their patient and long-continued toils in that difficult field of labour. Indeed, the whole aspect of these Missions is such as to invite an enlarged support, and to excite the most cheering expectations. The Christian zeal and devotion expressed in the letters of Mr. Roberts and the other Missionaries; the baptisms which have taken place at Negapatam, Bangalore, and Goobee; the encouraging commencement which has been made at Trivaloor, and at several places in the Jaffna District; and the seasonable restoration of the chapels in Trichinopoly and elsewhere ;-all afford satisfactory evidence that there is a movement in advance. How desirable is it, under these circumstances, that the appeals which are contained in the letters of Mr. Cryer, Mr. Garrett, Mr. Male, and Mr. Percival, should be solemnly pondered both by our Ministers and our people! Let us in this department of the Lord's vineyard "work while it is day; for the night cometh, in which no man can work." The patronage extended by the Government of Ceylon to the grossest idolatry, as described in Mr. R. S. Hardy's communication, cannot fail to excite the utmost sorrow and indignation of our Christian readers. How greatly must the conversion of the idolatrous natives of that island be hindered, when the highest functionaries of the state hasten to take part in the most absurd superstitions! We trust that our remonstrances will be supported by those of other Christian Churches, and will not fail to attract the attention of some of our statesmen, and of the members of the Imperial Legislature. CONTINENTAL INDIA. ARRIVAL OF MR. ROBERTS IN MADRAS. THE MISSION. STATE AND PROGRESS OF MADRAS.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Joseph Roberts, I AM Sorry to find that the few lines I wrote immediately after crossing the surf, on June 12th, were not in time for the Bombay mail, as all the Madras letters were, strange to say, fifteen hours too late. We have had a very long and trying voyage, extending from the 20th of January to the 12th of June; and I can truly say I never felt such an aversion, such an unconquerable distaste, for a sea-life VOL. XXIII. Third Series. before calms, gales, and contrary winds were our constant lot. Six or seven times we had the dead-lights in our lofty stern windows, and the royals were lowered I know not how often: yet we have scarcely suffered any damage; for, generally, we have been in the mere skirts of bad weather. The glass, for days together, was often down to an alarming extent; and it appears, by comparing dates with other vessels, as to their latiJANUARY, 1844. G tude and longitude, they were struggling with tremendous hurricanes. Thus the "John Lyne" had a severe contest; and subsequently in the gale in Madras, when we were still out at sea, the "Amelia Thompson" went down, carrying with her six or seven Europeans. There is also a country vessel missing ever since, in which was Mr. Smith, an excellent Missionary of the London Missionary Society. You will therefore perceive, whether we look at Spithead, where we had that merciful deliverance, or at the intermediate incidents of our five months' voyage, our course has been marked with distinguished mercy from the Lord. With reference to Captain Jones, I must say he has behaved to me and mine in the most gentlemanly manner, always paying strict attention to our wishes, and striving in every possible way to anticipate our wants. We had service every Sabbath when the weather would permit, Extract of a Letter from the Same, SINCE I wrote to you last month, we have been visited by affliction ; but, through mercy, we are all again in tolerable health. Mary Ann had a severe attack of fever, which continued many days; and more than once we had reason to fear the result, as it seemed to resist the various attempts to reduce it: she is, however, think, better than ever. A few days after her recovery I was seized by this giant's grasp; but I instantly took strong medicine; so much so as to cause me to faint under its operations. I sent for the District-Doctor; and, through the blessing of my great Physician, I began to rally, though slowly; and since then I have had the pleasure of preaching three times, once in Black-Town, once in the Mount, and on Tuesday at Poonamallee; so that you see I have cause to thank God and take courage. Death has certainly been going, in terrible succession, to many houses, and has carried off great numbers by cholera; but I think, for the last day or two, there has been some abatement. With reference to the grant for repairs of the chapel in Madras, I assure you it is most opportune; for when I read in your communication of July 31st, "In the present state of our funds it is useless to ask the Committee to grant any thing for chapels or buildings of any kind," I was quite discouraged. But you have greatly assisted us; for, though we shall have a large sum to raise, and he himself invariably read the responses. Our ship had not long cast anchor in the roads, before Messrs. Hardey and Griffith came on board, and gave us a hearty welcome to Madras. After landing, we dined with Mr. Hardey in Armenian-street, and then proceeded to this place, where we shall remain till a more convenient situation be found. And now I must crave your attention to the dilapidated state of the town chapel, respecting which Mr. Crowther wrote to you before I left England. I do pray you, by some means or other, to let us have your aid. And you know it will greatly assist us, to send your consent quickly; for we shall then be able to collect timber in the wet-monsoon, and have it all ready, a matter of great importance; and we can begin in good earnest to solicit subscriptions in this Presidency. dated Madras, October 21st, 1843. we shall go on with greater spirit. I have already written to every brother in Ceylon, trying to enlist Connexional sympathy; and though we shall not, in all probability, gain much in this way, yet I have no doubt there will be something. I have also, by the wish of the brethren, drawn up other letters to different individuals; so that you see we are not inert in this business. We must act with promptitude and discretion, committing all our affairs to God; and he will bless us. The Poonamallee chapel, which was in a sad state, is already repaired, at a considerable expense, principally through the activity of old Benjamin Emmett, the pensioner; and I assure you it is most cheering to my heart, to assist those fine old men. Just now, also, there are many effective troops stationed there, to all of whom we have ready access; and as there is not a Chaplain, we are the more bound to visit them. I went to their hospital on Tuesday, and found many there ignorant of God and his ways. I was deeply affected whilst directing them to Christ, particularly with reference to some who are the sons of our own people;-the father of the Serjeant himself is a Wesleyan at Nantwich in the Macclesfield District. In noticing the Poonamallee chapel, I was naturally led to look at the pensioners and soldiers; through whom, also, I must, if you please, take you to Ghazeepoore, near Benares, where, as I told you, in my letters of August, we have numerous friends amongst the military. I have just received some very interesting communications from them; but I perceive there is a want of organization; and I am about to send them ClassBooks and other documents, which I believe will be of use to them. They have sent for nearly fifty Hymn-Books, and have remitted the money. I wish I could pay them a visit; but all I can do is to write to them, and to encourage them to seek and find salvation. Amidst general opposition and contumely, it is not a little refreshing to hear that the Chaplain of the station preaches to the men in a place granted by the Commanding Officer; and I have no doubt that, in his own soul, he will feel well rewarded. Happy should I be to add other instances of this catholicity; but I regret to say, that the exclusive spirit which animates so many in our native land is too rife in the East. Can you render us any assistance towards the restoration of the St. Thomè chapel, which has fallen into ruins? Only consider, for a moment, the very dense population of St. Thomè; reflect on the thousands, in every direction, of Romanists, Mahometans, and Heathens; and can you think of any neighbourhood in the vicinity of Ma- I MADRAS.—Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Samuel Hardey, dated Madras, August 17th, 1843. It appears to be almost superfluous in me to write to you at large on the state and prospects of our Mission affairs in Madras, at present; as I learn that Mr. Roberts is writing to you very fully on these subjects by this present mail. It will therefore only be necessary for me to notice a few particulars with which I have been more immediately connected, and which probably may not be touched upon by him. Some time ago I informed you that we had petitioned the Madras Government for a piece of ground, to be used as a place of interment for the native Christians who are in connexion with our chapel in Black-Town. At the time of presenting this petition I had considerable hope of success; but we have failed in our application, and the Government has refused to grant us the land, or to aid us in any other way in this matter. Our native Christian members in Black Town, unless we can secure to them the decent interment of their dead, have not the courage to break away from their present connexions. This portion of our work gives me very great concern, as I am satisfied, that we are not, as a Missionary Society, occupying our proper position in Madras. We have entered on no new plans since the arrival of our worthy brother, Mr. Roberts,-merely attending to the ordinary duties of the station, and talking over and arranging our plans for future operation. I think I may add, that a good influence has been felt in our public and private ordinances, and we have some promise of better days. We have been much pleased with what we have already seen of Mr. Roberts. His kind-heartedness is very cheering; and the energy and Christian feeling with which he engages in all his duties, cannot fail to be productive of much good. FAVOURABLE OPENING AT TRIVALOOR. HINDOOS. BAPTISM OF TWENTY NEGAPATAM.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Peter Batchelor, IN pursuance of the object to which I adverted in my last communication to you, I have, through the assistance of the Tasildar, succeeded in obtaining a central piece of ground in Trivaloor, situated in one of the principal streets leading to the great temple, and measuring one hundred and fifty by one hundred feet. With the permission of the District-Meeting, I purpose to erect on it a commodious school-room, which may serve as a chapel until we are able to raise another building. I have obtained a lease of the ground for ten years, at two rupees, or four shillings, per year. We have long had our eye fixed on Trivaloor as a Mission station; on various occasions reports have been sent to you respecting it; and several brethren have strongly recommended its occupation, at our District-Meetings; but, from different causes, which I need not detail, it has, from time to time, been deferred. I trust, however, that the way is now open, and that we shall, without further delay, take possession of it, especially as it is one of the principal strongholds of Heathenism in the Tanjore province. In many respects Trivaloor is a much more important station than Porto-Novo; and, if occupied, would, from its vicinity to Negapatam and Manargoody, tend to strengthen those stations. send their sons, but to pay for their instruction. Two Brahmins, a Peon and his family, and two persons in the service of the Rajah of Tanjore, all residing at Trivaloor, have expressed a desire to embrace Christianity. At Ammayappen, a large native town, three miles distant from Trivaloor, five Roman Catholics have openly abandoned Popery, and united themselves to us. Twenty Heathens, belonging to the same place, were publicly baptized by me at Negapatam, about two months since. Besides these, there are thirty more candidates for baptism now receiving Christian instruction. Without advocating the expediency of interfering with the temporal concerns of converts to Christianity, those best acquainted with the character and customs of the natives are of opinion that, in order to avoid unpleasant collision with their heathen neighbours, it is desirable that they should come out from among them, and live separately. This plan has been adopted with success in Tinnevelly and other places. I am therefore inclined to think that the converts at Ammayappen should pursue a similar course, especially as they are now subject to much persecution. The usual quarterly examination of the head native-school in Negapatam took place last week, in which the boys acquitted themselves satisfactorily. The girls' school was examined at the same time. Mrs. Batchelor has promised to send you some account of it next month. TRICHINOPOLY. APPEAL TO THE WEALTHY IN BEHALF OF INDIA. MANARGOODY.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Thomas Cryer, dated Manargoody, July 8th, 1843. TRICHINOPOLY is the only station of any note, connected with Manargoody, after Melnattam. We have hitherto only held it as an English station, and that only when there has been a society in the English regiment stationed in the barracks. Hearing of the arrival of the Queen's 94th regiment, in which I knew we had one member, I went over. Some officers whom I had known at Bangalore kindly assisted me, and my visit was successful beyond my warmest ex pectations. I arrived on the Friday evening, May 12th. On the Saturday I had the chapel cleaned, and prepared for service. I preached twice on the Sunday to good congregations. On Monday evening, I read the Rules of our Societies, and entered eight names, in addition to three old members. On the Tuesday evening I preached to another good congregation; and I had satisfactory proof that God was with us. I was kindly entertained by an old Christian friend, Major C, Extract of a Letter from the Same, I AM thus far advanced on my way to Negapatam to attend the quarterly examination of the head native-school, and intend to post this at the same time for the November overland mail. I think that, at the close of my last letter to you, I mentioned that my health had not been good for a week or two. As it continued without improvement, I corresponded with Dr. Brooking at Tanjore, the nearest place where a medical man resides. He sent me medicine, which I took, attending to his directions. Not, however, deriving any visible benefit from this method, I resolved on anticipating my September visit to Trichinopoly by going in the middle of August. This I did the rather, because I had a warm invitation from my old friends Major and Mrs. C, with a promise of the best medical advice Trichinopoly could afford. My dear wife and babe accompanied me; and during seventeen days, we had every kindness shown us by them and other friends, while Drs. Cummings and Macdonald promptly and willingly gave me the benefit of their medical skill. My health was very much improved, and has continued since our return to recruit daily. During our stay in Trichinopoly, I preached five times in our chapel, to good congregations. The class which I commenced in May has been steadily rising; and we have every appearance of having a good society in the 94th regiment. I found the members twenty-four in number, and in an encouraging state. I gave them the September tickets of membership, and divided them into two classes. At Major C's, and at the houses of other Christian friends, I had opportunities daily of explaining the nature of experimental religion, and the insepar has suffered a little within the last three or four weeks: indeed, last Sunday I was obliged to rest from preaching. I thank God I am now better. Your Missionary here will have much more probability of preserving his health, when the Missionhouse is removed to a site nearer the town. My dear wife and babe are in tolerable health. Mrs. Cryer is still making progress in the Tamul language. She would be glad now to be useful in the Mission; but we are too far from the people. Two or three young persons are instructed by her in reading, writing, geography, and grammar in English. dated Trivaloor, October 5th, 1843. able connexion between that and practical religion. We felt this opportunity for mingling a short time with Christian friends, and joining with them in the worship of God in our own language, to be made a blessing to our souls; and I believe others, as well as ourselves, derived benefit from the services in which we engaged. During my absence, Ponniah Pilley took my preaching appointments, while the two School-Visiters, who act sometimes as Local Preachers, took his. Since my return I have been acting on the same plans as those I have formerly laid before you. I usually preach four or five times a week, besides holding many conversations in the streets, bazaars, &c. I have no doubt that God is with me in my work; and I am often graciously assisted in the public services; but hitherto my preaching has not been accompanied by the awakening power of the Holy Ghost. I have many steady and constant hearers, and some of them are not backward to declare that their convictions are in favour of Christianity; but they need that thorough awakening of conscience which can only be effected by God the Spirit. I know the circumstances in which the Committee are placed; but I do say that if we desired to make Christianity 'contemptible in the eyes of the idolatrous Heathen, we could not take a much more effectual method than the one we are now pursuing. I would not have, for ten thou sand worlds, the situation of those who have property, and withhold it, when so many doors stand wide open for the Gospel. It is true the Hindoos are not, like some of the South-Sea Islanders, thirsting for the salvation of the Gospel; nor do they, like some of the South Africans, come hundreds of miles to seek it; but the coun |