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There are two handsome views, of Ballston spring, and the Congress spring at Saratoga, neatly engraved in aqua tint, that are useful ornaments to this publication; for which the inhabitants of those places, and the company that resort thither, are under obligations to the author. The book is neatly printed; it is sold at a moderate price, and may be recommended to the patient as well as the physician.



"Procrastination is the thief of time."

THERE is a strong tendency in the heart of every man to contemn the evil that is afar off, and to bend only to the storm that howls around him. It is to this impulse that we may attribute the carlessness we feel about another world, and the tenacity with which we observe the forms of this. The failure of a favourite speculation, or the loss of an hour's pleasure, affect us with the deepest chagrin; while the comfort and happiness of our latter days are regarded as matters of comparatively but little moment. We are deeply affected at having unintentionally injured a friend, we are awed by the anger of a parent, or intimidated at the threats of a foe, while the idea of a future state affords us but little uneasiness.

We are all ready enough to blame the neglect or indolence of others, but there are few of us who do not defer until to-morrow many things which ought to be done to day. The spirit of procrastination pervades all ranks, and is every day to be seen like a powerful opiate, arresting the foot of enterprise, enervating the hand of industry, and lulling to rest, the visions of ambition. Like the downy bed of repose it becomes dearer the longer it is enjoyed, and cannot be forsaken without a vigorous ex


To indulge this propensity we eagerly catch at every change in the natural season or the political hemisphere, and at every revolution in our own affairs or those of our neighbours. A lady will defer visiting a sick friend one day because it rains, the next

because it shines, and the third because it is cloudy; and the news of a victory, or the occurrence of a public festival, is a sufficient cause for a man's neglecting his own interest or the duties he owes to his country.

A few years ago, the embargo furnished an admirable excuse to the timid, the indolent, and the procrastinating. The youth who had finished his college exercises defered the choice of a profession because the times were unpropitious; and the tender maid, who had given the long withheld assent, could not think of yielding her hand during the embargo! Nay, so rigid were the ladies in observing the system of non-intercourse, that I have known one of them absolutely discharge a lover who had been dangling for years; politely inviting him however to call again at "a more convenient season." The trader who had become involved by his imprudence, or the mechanic who longed for an idle or a riotous hour, eagerly seized upon the same apology for defering the payment of debts or the fulfilment of contracts. A very honest country gentleman of my acquaintance, when exhorted by his clergyman to have private worship in his family, declared that he could not pray with any kind of comfort during the embargo. In short, we began by blaming the embargo first with our sins of omission, and then with those of commission, until the poor embargo was at last loaded with all the transgressions of the nation.

By and by however the embargo law was repealed-but then there was 66 a speck of war in the horizon," and of course all affairs of moment, such as marrying and christening, making money or saving our souls, must be deferred until it was ascertained whether we were to have war or peace. This interregnum of suspense was even worse than the embargo itself-but it was soon followed by the war. Here was ample food for the genius of procrastination. The lawyer defers his client from term to term, because justice could not be expected during the troublesome times of war; the client in turn draws his purse strings and declares he can get no money while the war lasts; and every old woman who wishes an excuse for laziness or improvidence thinks it unnecessary to set her hens until the war is over. I knew a grave personage who having read of "wars and rumours of war" in her

Bible, and having observed that the former had suspended works even of necessity and mercy, exclaimed, "if this is war, what will become of us when the rumours of war come.”

The war was over-but then the times were hard; the Banks refuse to pay their notes, debtors disappoint their creditors, and very good church-going christians neglect important duties because "charity begins at home," and the times are hard. This then must certainly be the time anticipated by the old lady above mentioned, for if what every body says is true, the times are harder now than during the war, therefore, say the procrastinators, if we might have many things undone then we may surely do it



Thus it is that we can always find an excuse for postponing that which we do not wish to perform. Although our minds are convinced-although conscience urges, we have not resolution to obey her dictates. To wisdom we say "almost thou persuadest me;" to religion "at a more convenient season I will call on thee;" and to the needy "go and come again-to-morrow I will give." The fallacy of such reasoning soon becomes exposed. Any one who will seriously reflect upon the shortness of time, and the mutability of fortune, will readily perceive the necessity of grasping at every moment, and the folly of losing a single opportunity, for the improvement of the one, or the attainment of the other. The golden hours of youth pass away as showers upon grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men;" and unless they have been properly improved they carry off with them the fond visions of fancy, the aspiring hopes of ambition, and all the delusive speculations of the heart. a few who had listened to the precepts of wisdom rising into opulence and esteem, around us, and we begin to regret the days rioted away in luxurious pleasures, or wasted in idle pursuits. But to repine at that which is lost, is as idle as to sport with that which we possess. He who is prodigal of time is misspending that which is not his own, and for which he must one day render an account. We have duties to ourselves, our friends, and our country sufficient to employ every hour.


We see




"So shall thy barns be filled with plenty."-Prov. iii. 10.

Steeping of seed, is a practice that has prevailed in some degree since the early periods of the art of husbandry--its utility has not been fully determined. Much depends upon the nature of the steep.

The carbonated liquor afforded by dung hills, is highly esteemed in China, as a steep, which promotes the growth of the crop, and protects the seed from injury by insects.

Sowing. Greater attention ought to be paid by our farmers to the manner of depositing seed in the ground. Winter grain should be sown deep, as it would thereby be better protected against the effect of frost and thaws, so common in our climate, which throws the grain out of the soil; in consequence of which it perishes. Spring grain, does not require so much depth. Sowing broad cast answers with some seed, but for others, the drill might be used to much greater advantage.

Manures. We do not know that any subject of equal importance, has less regard paid to it by our farmers, than the formation of manures.

Many vegetable, and other substances, which are permitted to lay unobserved, and unimproved, would essentially contribute to increase this valuable article in husbandry. Soiling of horses, and different kinds of cattle, with clover, and other artificial grasses, would richly repay the supposed waste of time, which the practice would require. Raking the woodland and conveying the vegetable matter thus collected to the barn yard, and the clearing up of fences, instead of being burnt, should be taken to the same depot, together with all other substances capable of decomposition; and by a judicious management of the drainings of the stable admixed, would form a valuable stock of manure.

Application of manure. It is certainly a great error, to spread a small quantity of manure over a large space of ground. If our farmers would cultivate fewer acres, and them well, their gains would be proportionate. People who pursue the plan of extensive cultivation with small stocks of manure do not calcu

late the time, and labour expended to so little purpose. One acre properly manured, and well attended, will yield more than five, less judiciously managed.

Marle. The various success that has attended the use of this article, renders it important that accurate observation and experiment should be made with respect to it. It abounds in the state of New-Jersey, and in most alluvial countries, and certainly forms a valuable item in the list of manures. It differs however

so much in quality, and produces such opposite effects on different soils, as to require great care in its application. If some of our intelligent agriculturists would make this subject an object of investigation, and publish the result, they would essentially serve the interests of husbandry. (vid. post.)

Hedges. Owing to the rapid consumption of our timber, it has become of importance that we should adopt the use of live fence. Not only the utility, but the beauty of this mode of dividing grounds, should be regarded by farmers.

The Hessian fly is an insect whose character and habits, have not been sufficiently studied. When we consider the extent of its ravages in some seasons it might be supposed to be of sufficient importance to give to it the attention which it merits.

Whether any particular kind of wheat is less liable to its assaults, or any mode of culivation a protection against its ravages, are questions which ought to engage the serious notice of practical farmers.

The cut worm, or corn grub, has of late years become a formidable foe. Fall ploughing has been adopted with singular success, in preventing its destructive career. We strongly, and confidently recommend the practice.


Marl. From Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. president of the Bath and West of England Society for promoting agriculture, a letter was received accompanied by the 14th vol. of Memoirs of that institution. Among other interesting papers contained in the work, is an analysis of the marl of New-Jersey by

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