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sufferings and his word, foolishness. O when will the charm be broken, with which the adversary hath bound these people, and they see things in the light of eternity.

Visit from the Karens.

This evening, 14 Karens from Manbee came in, three of them disciples, the others good inquirers, and who have asked for baptism.

Lord's day, 23. This evening, br. Webb administered the Lord's Supper to 15 communicants, 11 of whom were natives,-after which 4 Karen women were received to be baptized. Others presented themselves for examination, but the lateness of the hour forbade their being heard.



At our last dates, Mr. Mason was recovering from a dangerous illness; and, feeble as he was, had formed the intention of entering immediately upon the journey which is detailed below. Mergui is about 150 miles south of Tavoy.

From Tavoy to Mergui.

Paga ya. Jan. 14. In my present excursion, I have a companion, in a pious captain of the army, who cares for the souls of the heathen. We have made but a short stay today, owing to my want of strength from late indisposition.

A Husband won.

"How long have you felt thus?" I asked, addressing a travelling Karen, after worship this evening, who had been professing his attachment to Christianity. "Ever since my wife died," he replied. "She died

Stupid Hearers.

Preparations for Departure. 25. Visited the Woongee, with bro. Webb, to take my leave, as I expect to go on board ship tomorrow. We were well received, and I have always found him sociable and pleas-trusting so firmly in the Lord Jesus ant. I presented him a globe, which Christ, and with such peace of mind, I had made, (though rather imper- believed and loved the Gospel." This that ever since that time,* I have fect) the land laid over with gold leaf, and the water black, lettered was a case of which I had never bein Burmese characters. He seemed fore heard. God grant that there much pleased with the present. He may be many such. turned it round, so as to bring America on the under side, and then said, Wa-gung, 16. The Karens have "Burmah is on the top, and America a scattered settlement here, among under." I replied, "Yes, but by- the mountains, of about ten houses, and-by, when night comes, then but inhabited by the most sottish, Burmah will be under, and America the most stupid, and the most wickat the top;" at which he burst into ed of their nation. The Gospel a hearty laugh, and was joined by does not appear to have made the those who were sitting around. Be-least impression on a single individing of rather a humorous disposition, ual, though they all, as one told me he made his remark evidently as a to-day, by way of apology for his joke, and seemed much pleased that inattention, "have heard Jesus the laugh was against him. He in- Christ's law from the first." quired which way the earth turned, and several other questions on Geography.

Singular Prophecies.

This region was formerly inhabit26. This evening, embarked on ed by a wild tribe, called Wa; and board the Phaeton, for Maulmein. hence the name "wa-gung, the hill March 1. This evening, arrived of the Was." They spoke a lanat Maulmein. Bro. Brown and Han-guage unknown to the Karens, and cock came off with the boat, and rehad no proper dress of their own, ceived us. We found all well. but wore Burman or Karen clothes, C. BENNET.

* Six months.

indifferently, as was most easily | testify, beyond all dispute, that this procured. They were not numer- region has not always been a forest. ous; and, when the English came Tradition, confirmed by an old moat on the coast, they all fled into Siam, and wall, within which the present where they now dwell. The Ka- village is built, says that here was rens, on the contrary, hailed the sur- once a large city, and, not without render of Tavoy with joy. "We reason, may we expect that here will trust," said they, "the prophecies be a large city again. We are in our fathers left us, are about to be about lat. 14° 12′ nearly directly fulfilled." It is beyond dispute, that west of Bankok, and on the best as they have had among them, for a suc- well as the nearest roads in the provcession of generations, the follow-inces to that city. The Tenasserim ing singular prophecy, "Children and grandchildren! the powerful will continue to demand of the weak. When they come by land, mourn when they come by water, laugh." "Now," they observe," the prophecy is fulfilled. We still have to pay taxes, but our situation under the English who came by water, is such, that we may laugh, while we ever had cause for weeping under our oppressions, when governed by Burmans, Talings, or Siamese, who came by land."

The Christian Village. Ma-ta-myee. 17. Seventeen or eighteen houses have been erected in this new village, the present season, embracing, among their inmates, nearly a hundred members of the church. My companion is much pleased with the place, as every one must be. It is a place, where, by a slight change in the drapery, a mere matter of fact man might be supposed to write "Thalaba's house in the desert." It stands on a plain, at the confluence of two large streams, with mountains, in all the ruggedness of uncultivated nature, piled upon the landscape in every direction. On one side of the village, the river Ben is heard, murmuring over a bed of pebbles; on the other, the K'hwa Moung-thwa is seen sleeping at the foot of a precipice of rocks, a hundred feet high; while their united waters, the Tenasserim, stretches in the eastern perspective, smooth as a lake, and glowing as a mirror for the heavens.

The unequivocal remains of three walled towns within two days' walk,

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two or three day's journey below, runs close to the mountains that separate us from Siam, and that, too, where there is the easiest pass in the whole range. From the Tenasserim, to the navigable waters of the Meinam, is only one day's journey. Nothing is wanting, to make the valley of the Tenasserim second to none within the tropics, but a more liberal policy in Siam, and we may hope that the governments of despotism, superstition, and ignorance, are not eternal.

Two hopeful Cases.

Among the people at worship, tonight, were two persons from a time expressed hope in Christ,and reneighboring village, who, for the first quested admission to the ordinances. They give good evidence of having passed from death unto life, receiving conformation also from the fact, that they are from a neighborhood of opposers to religion.

Hot Springs.

18. To-day, we went down the Tenasserim, four or five miles, to visit a hot spring, whose waters are strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The numerous hot springs in the province are rather a remarkable feature in its topography. They are found from fifty miles north of Tavoy, to a hundred miles south; but it is worthy of remark, that all except this one are found on the west side of the mountains; and the two or three that have fallen under the writer's observation, are totally different in their character from the one near here, giving no indications of sul

phur, but are strongly impregnated in this colony, both in this village, with some saline matter, but what, though members of the first church for want of proper tests, has not been satisfactorily determined.

Siamese Karens.

are spread over the colony; the second is composed of twelve members, under the pastoral charge of A Siamese Karen was at worship brother Teague. There are ninetyto night, one of a large party of one members, of the first church at Siamese now in the province. I saw New Georgia or Carey Town, dishim here two years ago, and several tant four miles from this place, all of the Christians have visited him in recaptured Africans, and exhibiting his own village, where he is head a glorious evidence of what Divine man. He says there are many Ka-Grace can do, in subduing the heart rens in Siam, who are believers in and removing idolatrous superstiChristianity, and that they are anx-tions from the mind. At Caldwell, iously hoping to see the teacher distant 8 miles, there are 21 memcome among them. Twenty persons bers of the same church; at Millsburg in his neighborhood have abandoned offering to Nats, through the preaching of a prophet that has lately arisen among them. They cannot come here, he added, because the Siamese governors compel all the people on the frontiers to swear most solemnly that they will not leave the country without permission; and the oath is repeated every three or four months, to keep its penalties fresh in their minds.

(To be continued.)

there are 11 members; at Big Town near Cape Mount amongst the Veys two, one an exhorter, both nativeswhere brother Revey has taught a school, for a considerable time, and numbers have learned to read. The Vey language is extensively understood. The Bassau language still more so. It is believed, that more than an hundred thousand understand this language. King Boatswain wishes a school in his territories, distant from this one hundred and fifty miles. I shall visit him, if my life and health are spared, when I have selected a place for a medical Intelligence from Liberia. and high school. It is calculated LETTER FROM DR. EZEKIEL that the people who understand this SKINNER, TO REV. DR. BOLLES.language, are about thirty thousand. Monrovia, August 22, 1834. I have forwarded to you a copy of the Liberia Herald, where you will I arrived at this place on the first see what ought to be done, without day of this month, and you are aware delay-this field is an important one of the appalling intelligence we met, in every point of view. There are when we arrived, in the death of three ordained ministers here, of our the missionaries, who were on the denomination, and three licentiates. ground before us. Since our arrival The morals of Monrovia, are not so brother Waring is dead; he died on bad as I anticipated. I have not the 13th and was buried on the 14th heard a profane word, since I have of the month. In him, I have lost a been here, nor seen a drunken man, friend, his family an affectionate nor had a drop of spirit offered me, husband and father, the poor a bene-nor seen it used by others. There factor, the First Baptist Church a is a gencral and strict attention to beloved pastor, and Monrovia one the Sabbath, and as good society of her most active and valuable here, as in New England; the excitizens. He died, after an illness travagance of this place, has eviof fourteen hours, of cholera morbus dently decreased, at which I sinor cholera. I preached on the oc-cerely rejoice. I bless God I am here casion, from Hebrews 9th, and two last verses.

Dear Sir,

There are two Baptist churches

and that at present I enjoy good health. I do not believe that the atmosphere of this place is less salu

brious than India. You may inquire | America, should help us in this work then why has it been more fatal ? and do something towards building I answer, there they bleed and treat this house. Dear brother, I am surthe disease (which is precisely the rounded by intelligent beings, bound same as we have here) with calomel to the bar of God with me, who are and the antiphlogistic course. Here literally worshipping the devil, a Bad they give opium and bark, and thus Spirit; as they believe the Good help on the fatal effect of the con- Spirit to be so good, that they need tagion. I bleed without fear, and not regard him. All their acts of with uncommon success. May God homage are designed to make the send a host of laborers into this field Bad Spirit good-natured. To him and our denomination not be behind-they offer pipes, tobacco and rum, hand. There are of the Baptist when any adverse fortune attends denomination in this colony 243. I them, or they get into any difficulty. think that the advancement of the It is but a few miles to where they cause of truth requires that there worship sharks, and yearly offer up should be as many Baptist churches a child to them of 9 or 10 years old, here, as there are villages. That a who is devoured by them. My God, union should be effected between shall Christians be idle in such a the two churches in this village, and case? Shall money and men be they become one. That an associa- wanting? May God help us to do tion of these churches should be what our hands find to do, with our formed; and that such as God has might. I feel as though I wanted called to the work of the ministry to be at the Bight of Benin, preachshould be set apart, without any un-ing the gospel, and to stop if possinecessary delay. That the meeting-ble, the sacrifice of another human house of the first church in this vil-being to the voracious sharks. lage should be finished. To bring Yours, in the fellowship and truth about these objects, I shall spare no of the Gospel, pains on my part. I have agreed to pay ten dollars, towards the completing the house here. The walls are laid of stone up to the roof. It is designed to continue the gable ends with stone. The building is 34 by 44 feet. It is calculated that it will cost $1200 to complete the house. I believe that duty to God and his cause, requires that our brethren in


Oct. 10, 1834.

Since writing the above, I have visited Millsburg and find it a healthy location for a Medical and High School. The brethren at Millsburg have obtained a letter to be organized into a Church, which will be done the week after next.

Operations of other Societies.

AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSION- | view a new world for their enterprize.



APRIL 15th, 1834.

Importance of exerting an immediate

Christian Influence on China.

But the great-the one thing, remains to be mentioned. We want menmen to publish salvation to the Chinese. A crisis in the history of this people is fast approaching. Our brother Gutzlaff has directed the attention of commercial men, as well as Christians, to the coasts of China, and opened to their

The immense population of the maritime provinces, affords the promise of a vast and profitable trade. These portions of the Chinese need and will purchase immense quantities of foreign goods, cloths especially; and the products of their own industry, becoming cheaper by being purchased at the doors of the manufacturers or growers, will be exported in greater quantities than ever before to Europe and America. This great and promising field for enterprize mercantile men will not neglect, and Christians should not. I consider it certain that trade will be carried on extensively soon. Vessels will visit every

part of the coast, and wherever they go will they not come to our aid? The will do something towards breaking ships that go up the coasts will carry down the wall of separation between life or death with them. Which shall China and the rest of the world. The it be? government must yield to the people, and permit them to trade. Intercourse with Europeans will work a change in the people; their stagnated intellects will begin to act, and society assume new forms. All this I consider certain. But I tremble when I think of the dangers that now surround this my adopted country. I tremble when I think of the consequences, should the trade and intercourse of nominal Christians have the same lamentable effects here, which have followed them in most other heathen countries, and prejudice-fatally prejudice these millions against the religion we profess. I tremble also when I think of the danger of some rash act giving rise to bloodshed, and leading to all the evils and horrors of war. A war here now would probably be more terrible than any the world has ever witnessed, if carried to any extent-the people so numerous, in so peculiar a state, and under such a government. Writing on this subject, Mr. Bridgman


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I know not whether you are fully aware what prevents our distributing books in Canton. You know there are laws against it; and so there are against our walking in the streets forty rods from our factory, which law I transgress every morning. But should complaint be made to the mandarins, and they notice our proceedings, our comprador might be seized, bambooed, sent to the cold country, or strangled; the hong merchant might be punished in the same way; or the business of Mr. house might be stopped. All these stand between us and the officers of the Chinese; and our distributing books would, if noticed by the officers, result in the severe punishment of one or both of the persons above referred to, who are held responsible for our conduct. For one, I do think, if the danger were all my own, I should have fewer fears than I now have, and should distribute the word of life far more liberally. But perhaps the day of trial would find me wanting.


We must soon have missions estab- MURDER OF TWO MISSIONARIES IN lished in a long line from Kamskatka to Cambogia. We have every reason suppose that Cochin China is suffering by civil war, doubtless to prepare the way of the Lord. We must soon find some way to reach the Coreans and Japanese. How would it answer for you to appoint a missionary to Japan? And until he can reach that country, employ himself in Chinese, and among this people.

Distribution of Books, and their effects.

to Intelligence has been received by the Secretaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, that two of the Missionaries of that Board in the Indian Archipelago, the Rev. Messrs. SAMUEL MUNSON and HENRY LYMAN, were murdered by the Battas, while on their way from Tappanooly into the interior of Suma


They had recently visited Padang, and the island of Pulo Nias; and, at Tappanooly, after diligent inquiry, they were encouraged to believe their I have said nothing of the immediate contemplated journey might be performinfluence of the books distributed, on the ed with safety. On the fifth day, howsalvation of souls. You see by Gutz-ever, after leaving Tappanooly, June 20, laff's accounts, and by Afa's, that the word of life meets with a welcome reception; and withholding it, may be to withhold that, which, if given, would save the soul. I have said this much on the need of men for this work, and I have said it now, because I feel that the subject is indescribably important. A crisis in the moral history of one third of mankind, is approachinghow can I but speak? Tell the young men at home the state of our case, and

coming unexpectedly upon a fort, they were suddenly beset by armed natives, and their interpreter taking immediately to flight, they were murdered before they could make known their pacific designs. Their widows were at Batavia, in September, under the kind care of the Rev. Mr. Medhurst, of the London Missionary Society. They had ample provision for their pecuniary wants, but were of course, very deeply afflicted.

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