Imágenes de páginas

The Board hope to be able to secure the services of some suitable person, without delay. The conversion of three Chinese at Bankok, the formation of a Chinese church there, and the residence of multitudes of Chinese in that city, render that station a point where efforts for the benefit of China may be made with much hope of success. It may be expedient to station a missionary there, for the exclusive purpose of laboring among the Chinese population. Mr. Jones was requested by the Board to communicate his views on the subject. He says, "There is no practicable way of getting directly into China from this country. On the east of this, between here and China, lie Camboja and Cochin China-both of which, at present, are in an extremely unsettled state. The Siamese are making large preparations for carrying on the war there, and when affairs will be permanently settled is uncertain. Camboja is important, as having a language in many respects intimately related to the Pequan, and as having given Boodhism, together with the Pali language, in the peculiar Cambojan character, to the Siamese and Laos; and having originally been the great country of which Siam was only a province, it has given to Siam much of its court language. The Cochin Chinese have recently expelled the Catholic priests; and all their adherents, who were not imprisoned or killed, have fled hither. These two countries must first be penetrated, and subjugated to the power of Christianity, before any assault can be made on China from the east of this country. On the northeast, ere you reach the Chinese borders, lie Laos, and immense tribes of Kahs, and Toungsoos, or (agrecably to Burman orthography,) Toungthoos. The Laos have written books and Boodhism. The others occasionally learn some of the neighboring languages, and practise the rites of Boodhism, but have no written language of their own; and so far, as I can learn, are much in the same state as the Karens five years ago. We must. pass through them to reach China in that direction. From this place, our principal means of direct intercourse with China must be by the numerous junks which annually visit Bankok."



The visit of the Secretary to the southern states, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wade, together with Moung Shway-Moung, the Burman, and Ko Chet-thing, the Karen, was attended with high gratification to their own feelings; and it is hoped with benefit to the cause of missions. The generous hospitality with which they were every where received, the strong religious sensibilities which were excited, the crowded attendance on numerous public meetings, and the intense interest with which the addresses from the missionaries and the natives were heard, combined to make the visit memorable in the history of the Board, and to kindle, it is believed, a durable missionary zeal in many hearts. "The missionary company left the city of New York, on the 2d of April 1834, in a packet ship, Charleston, (S C.) Preserved by divine favor, through a tempestuous passage, they arrived, April 14th, at Charleston, where they spent several days, and where, by public exercises and private opportunities, information respecting the Burman Mission was communicated to thousands of different denominations. They then proceeded to Augusta, (Geo.) Columbia, Camden, the High Hills of Santee, (the seat of the Furman Theological Institution,) Darlington, Society Hill, Cheraw, Fayetteville, (N. C.) and through Tarborough, (N. C.) to Richmond (Va.) At Augusta, they had the pleasure of meeting the Rev. Mr. Jones, from the Valley Towns Mission, with two converted Cherokee Indians. There were present, eleven preachers, including the Burman, Karen, and Cherokees. Individuals from not less than six different nations of people were to be found in the little collection of persons in a private room on that occasion. One who was present observes, "This was one of the seasons, too seldom in my short pilgrimage, to be remembered with a soul-refreshing interest, while memory shall last." They returned from Richmond, through Fredericksburg, Washington City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Hartford, exciting the same interest, and receiving the same kind attentions.

*A junk is a small Chinese ship.


On Sabbath evening, June 29th, a crowded public meeting was held at Baldwin Place Meeting House, Boston. After an address, by the Rev. Dr. Wayland, (which has since been published, and of which, therefore, the Board need not speak,) and a brief statement by the Corresponding Secretary, the missionaries were commended to the protection and blessing of God. Rev. Mr. Wade and the native teachers addressed the audience in a few touching words. On Wednesday morning, July 2d, the missionaries, after appropriate religious services, sailed in the ship Cashmere, for Amherst, in Burmah. The following are the names of the fifteen persons who composed this company :

Rev. Jonathan Wade and Mrs. D. B. L. Wade, destined to Tavoy.
Moung Shway Moung and Ko Chet-thing, the native teachers.

Rev. Hosea Howard and Mrs. Teresa P. Howard, destined to labor among the Karens.

Rev. Justus H. Vinton and Mrs. Calista H. Vinton, also destined to labor among the Karens.

Rev. William Dean and Mrs. Matilda C. Dean, instructed to join the

Siam Mission.

Rev. Grover S. Comstock and Mrs. Sarah D. Comstock, who are instructed to form a station in Arracan.

Mr. Sewell M. Osgood, printer, and Mrs. Eliza B. Osgood, who will probably remain at Maulmein.

Miss Ann P. Gardner, who will reside in the family of Mr. Wade, at Tavoy, and be employed as a school teacher.

[Since the Report was read to the Convention, the gratifying intelligence has been received, that the Cashmere, with her interesting company, arrived safely at Amherst, Dec. 8, 1834.]


The duties of the Corresponding Secretary have hitherto been performed by a single individual. They have, for several years, been numerous and pressing, to an extent, of which few persons can form an adequate conception. Yet it is evident, on the least reflection, that to seek out, by personal visits, or by numerous letters, suitable individuals for missionaries and agents, to aid in examining and fitting out these missionaries; to maintain a correspondence with all the stations; to inquire into the wants of all the missionaries, and to give them such counsel and encouragement as they may need; to attend frequent meetings of the Board, to hold an extensive intercourse with individuals and societies in this country; to devise new plans of action, and to select new posts for labor,-added to the numberless demands on the time of an individual at the Missionary Rooms, where a multitude of persons from all parts of the country are frequently calling to consult, not only on missions, but on the general interests of Zion, must constitute a mass of toil too great for an individual to sustain. The present Secretary, with much important aid, from members of the Board, and especially from the Treasurer, has for several years sus

tained it, to the best of his ability. But the increase of our missionary operations, and the demands for enlarged efforts, make it necessary that there be some new modification of the Secretary's department. The Board believe, that there should be at least two associate Secretaries, between whom the duties of the present Secretary might be divided.

The proposed proposed arrangement would give to the Secretaries an opportunity to visit important institutions and meetings, and would enable them to do more than has hitherto been possible, towards seeking out proper men, and fostering a missionary spirit in our country. It would allow more leisure for that careful thought, that study of travels, voyages, and other books, and that general investigation of the condition and wants of the world, which are necessary, in selecting new fields of labor, and in directing wisely the efforts of the denomination, in spreading the Gospel over the earth. The Board believe, that in conducting missions, great deliberation, thorough inquiry, and much practical wisdom, are indispensable. They fully assent to the truth of a remark, in the Sermon on the Moral Dignity of the Missionary Enterprise, that "if efforts for the extension of the Gospel continue to multiply, with their present ratio of increase, as great abilities will, in a few years, be required for transacting the business of a missionary society, as for conducting the affairs of a political cabinet." The Board believe, that there ought to be at the Missionary Rooms a "cabinet," with leisure and ample means for deliberate consultations and mature counsels. This mental labor must be performed, but the Board cannot hold meetings sufficiently numerous and protracted to allow them to perform it. The active members of the Board are fully occupied with their own private and official duties. The plans must be formed, and the business prepared, at the Rooms, by the Secretary and Treasurer; and thus the Board are enabled, in a few hours, at their monthly, or more frequent meetings, to keep in prosperous action our extended missionary affairs.

The proposed arrangement would remove another difficulty. The press ought to be made efficient for the service of the Board, to a far greater extent, than it has hitherto been. The Magazine ought to be edited by some person connected with the Board, who understands all its business, and has constant access to its documents. The Magazine might be made the best agent of the Board, transmitting through the land, with electric rapidity, the influence which ought to be constantly emanating from the Missionary Rooms. One of the Secretaries of the Board might be its editor, and a portion at least of his salary might be derived from it. Quarterly papers, and occasional publications, might be issued with great advantage, if there were some person who had leisure to prepare them.

Another consideration deserves attention. Life and health are always uncertain, and it is unwise to leave the great concerns of our missions dependent on the life of an individual, without having some other person, sufficiently acquainted with the details of the business, to supply his place, in case of necessity. - The experience of the American Board of Commissioners supplies valuable instruction on this point. Three times within four years, have that Board been deprived, by death, of their principal Secretary; and if there had been but one, the business of that Board must have received a very injurious, if not disastrous, interruption. The Board, without suggesting other considerations, respectfully recommend this subject to the attention of the Convention.


The duties of the Treasurer become, every year, more numerous and responsible, as the pecuniary transactions of the Convention increase. They already require the constant attention of the Treasurer, and much valuable aid from the Assistant Treasurer. Such services cannot be

recompensed nor purchased by money, but it is wrong in principle and in policy, to expect from any individual undue pecuniary sacrifices, even in connection with religious societies. In a voluntary association, the labors and other burthens should be equalized, and if one individual is required to expend more time, or endure more toil, than his associates, he has a right to claim from them a corresponding pecuniary recompense. He ought not to be required to devote to one form of benevolent action all his influence; but he should be furnished with the means to aid, if he pleases, other benevolent enterprises. The Board, therefore, recommend to the Convention, the inquiry, whether its true interests, as well as justice, do not require, that a proper compensation be paid to the Treasurer.


It will be seen by the Treasurer's account, that the receipts from the churches, during the year, fall far short of the expenditures. The deficiency has been supplied, partly by funds previously received, and partly by considerable sums received from the Government, and from benevolent societies. These sums, however, are merely committed to the Board in trust, for certain specified objects, and they form no part of their disposable income. The number of missionaries has become so large, and the consequent expenses of the Board so much increased, that there must be a great augmentation of the contributions from the churches, if our mis sionaries are to be sustained, on their present scale. By a reference to the Treasurer's Report, it will be seen, that large sums have been received from the American Bible Society, and from the American and Baptist General Tract Societies; and while their generous and Christian co-operation is most gratefully acknowledged and its continuance ardently desired and expected, still, it is certain, we ought not to be made to depend on these sources of revenue. Besides, the operations of the Board ought to be widely extended, and for the means, both men and money, the Board must rely on the piety and liberality of the churches, and they trust that their brethren will not withhold these means.


The Rev. Alfred Bennett has continued in the service of the Board during the year. He has visited some portions of Ohio and Indiana; but he has spent the greater part of the year in Kentucky. He was, at the date of his last letter, in Tennessee, near Nashville, and he designed to proceed to the eastern portion of the state, on his way to attend the meeting of the Convention at Richmond. His health has been mercifully preserved, and he has been very actively engaged in conversing with families and individuals, giving information, correcting errors, removing prejudices, and arousing a missionary spirit. He has usually preached once and often twice a day. He has thus greatly promoted the interests of Zion, while his success in obtaining funds has been encouraging. The Board are grateful, that they have been permitted to enjoy the services of a brother, in whom they and the churches feel an entire confidence, and whose piety, prudence, conciliatory deportment, unwearied perseverance, and ardent attachment to the cause of the Redeemer, qualify him so happily for his duties.


There are under the direction of this Board, Missionary Stations, 25 Missionaries, including printers and school teachers, &c.

Native preachers, catechists, school teachers, &c.-(about)


Church members-(about)

Scholars (about)






600 5


From the preceding review of the Missions, under the charge of the Board, it appears that they have been greatly extended since the last meeting of the Convention. We now have mission stations and active Laborers in each of the four great continents. More than a hundred individuals are now wholly engaged, under the direction of the Board, in spreading the knowledge of the Saviour in heathen lands, or in countries where fatal errors prevail. The Board are gratified to be able to state, that all these individuals appear to be zealously devoted to their work, and to be worthy of the confidence of the Convention. At all the stations the prospects are cheering, and there are strong encouragements to persevere. In Burmah, especially, there are many delightful tokens of the near approach of the time when her idolatry shall cease, her pagodas fall, and the religion of Christ triumph. In Africa, the progress of discovery is withdrawing the veil from her long-concealed mysteries, and opening channels through which the waters of salvation may flow, to fertilize her moral deserts. In France and Germany, there are now many precious opportunities to pour in the pure light; and there are various reasons why the American Baptists may prosecute missionary labors in those countries, with more hope of success than any other Christians. Our native tribes are daily concentrating in their new territory, where, it is hoped, there will be greater facilities for successful missionary labor, than have ever heretofore been enjoyed. Indeed, the field before us is the WORLD; and God has, within a few years, been removing obstacles, and, by the spirit of discovery, by commercial enterprises, and by political revolutions, preparing, over the length and breadth of the earth, a broad highway for the chariot of salvation. Even to China, where Satan seemed to have so firmly entrenched himself, that Christians had sca scarcely faith even to pray for the coming of the Saviour's kingdom there, the eyes of the Christian world have been recently drawn, and preparations are making, on every hand, for an assault on the celestial empire. There is now, in fact, no limitation to missionary efforts, but the want of men and of money. Nothing else seems to prevent so vigorous and extended efforts, for the spread of the Gospel in every part of the world, that it shall soon, in literal truth, be preached to every creature. If the Christian world felt a pure zeal for the glory of the Saviour, as strong as the misguided enthusiasm, which, in the dark ages, roused Europe to pour out her blood and treasure, like water, to regain the Saviour's sepulchre, the next century would dawn upon a


The Board solemnly and earnestly entreat every Baptist in our land to inquire, whether we are performing our part in the great enterprise? While we praise God, that we have been allowed to accomplish so much, is it not our duty, in his strength, to do much more? While our churches are multiplying by thousands in our land, can we be content with our present amount of effort for the conversion of the world? Do not the heathen world expect far more from us; and do we not hear, on every breeze, from heathen lands, the pathetic and reproachful appeal, "Are ye Jesus Christ's men?" Does not our divine Lord expect from us far more; and can we hope for his blessing at home, while we are so little concerned for the promotion of his glory and for the salvation of men ? Dear brethren, think of Calvary-think of the judgment seat of Christthink of heaven and of hell--and rise, with one heart and with concentrated energies, to the blessed work of missions.

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