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multitudes around me. stitious! How degraded! How entirely destitute of any qualification necessary to enter heaven! The harvest is great, but O, how few the laborers! On every side of me I see labor of the most pressing importance demanded, and yet I have neither courage nor strength to undertake much. This passage encourages me, "Who hath despised the day of small things?"

How super-hell?" He replied, "In secret I can serve God, while openly I can appear indifferent; for the Scriptures teach that it is a new and holy disposition which God requires; and if I have this disposition, I shall go to heaven when I die." I said "Surely you will; but if you have a spiritual mind, you cannot refrain from avowing your attachment to Jesus Christ, and you will think it no small favor that you are counted worthy of suffering for the name of Christ."

15. Br. Cutter is making preparations to leave Ava, at least for a season, on account of sister Cutter's poor health. Her constitution, I fear, will never be able to endure the withering influence of this climate. A few visiters to-day, who listened with apparent earnestness to the blessed Gospel. Thought much of the report which the seventy made after returning from their missionary tour," Even the devils are subject to us." No power of man, or power of darkness now prospers against us, for we are on the Lord's side.

17. About 7 o'clock this morning, we accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cutter to the boat. They have been here seven months and seventeen days. We regret being left alone again, so far from all civilized society.

My assembly, to-day, was as large as usual. Two strangers remained a long time, making inquiries about the origin of the Christian religion. I hope they went away with a little light on this momentous subject. Have thought much of preaching the Gospel in some of the public zayats in and around the city; but whether I should be allowed or not is quite uncertain.

19. Two Government men with their attendants called, and spent about three hours. One of them professes to be a firm believer in the Gospel of Christ. He has no idea of ever espousing the cause openly. "for," says he, "I should lose my head as soon as it was known." "Very well," I said, "Had you not rather be on the side of God and of truth, and suffer death, than to have the favors of the world, and go to

How hard it is to convince men that it is for their interest to be altogether on the side of God,-to be not almost but altogether Christians.

Visit to a Chinese Temple.

22. Left Ava early this morning in a boat: visited one large village on the way, and reached Umerapoora about 11 o'clock. Besides some other places, went to a Chinese temple, the most celebrated one this people have in the Burman empire. The entrance is by a massy gate, on which are sketched figures of the most grotesque kind. The wide pathway leading to the inner recesses of the temple is beautifully paved with smooth gray stones; and on each side, for a considerable distance, are small rooms, said to be the resort of the vilest characters. Great numbers of Chinese were walking about; others were seated at tables, eating and drinking; others were smoking opium, and a large number appeared to be intoxicated, some with opium, and others with sam sam, a distillation peculiar to the Chinese. Those who are confirmed opiumsmokers, exhibit the most haggard, deathly countenances imaginable.

There was a company of musicians situated near the entrance of the inner apartments of the temple. They had a variety of instruments, and exhibited great dexterity in their various movements and attitudes; but I could discover nothing in their music but a variety of deafening sounds, all harsh and discordant. Indeed, they seem to have no idea of harmony and melody. I soon found myself in a large room, sur

tend the feeble efforts made in Ava. On ten thousand altars the people offer incense to demons; but God, the Lord of the whole earth, has sent forth his word, and he has given a promise that this word shall not return void. Blessed be God, we do not labor in vain: we shall reap, if we faint not.

Application for Baptism.

rounded by a number of idols, and many Chinese making their prostrations. The burning tapers which were placed on tables before the idols, shed a feeble light on the surrounding objects. I felt that this was the abode of demons. A hundred voices in the uncouth language of China, the deafening sound of more uncouth music without, and the darkness of the place, together with the revolting objects on every 28. Two of our inquirers, Muh side of me, sickened my heart. One Shan and Mah Pwau, have asked idol in this gloomy apartment is ex- for baptism. The former is about ecuted exceedingly well. The sculp-40, the latter about 60 years old. ture and the polishing is superior to any thing of the kind I have before seen in India. It is the figure of a female as large as life, formed of the purest white marble, and the drapery exhibits a delicacy of taste which I did not suppose existed in Burmah.

They appear very well, and I do hope they know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The eldest says she has been all her life adoring the three objects of worship, the idols, the law, and the priests, and has lived in hope of annihilation, till some months Leaving this apartment I went in- ago she heard Ko Gwa (the fine to another, more spacious and equally old man who was baptized in May) dark. Here are three large images, preach about Jesus Christ the Satwo of which represent demons.viour of sinners. These words pênBefore these, great numbers were etrated her heart, and she could prostrating themselves in the most hardly think of any thing else night humble manner. I began to dis-or day. Long since she left off cuss the subject of religion, and tell heathen worship, and now finds them of an eternal God; but before much comfort in listening to the I had proceeded far, some became Gospel. This is the language of a noisy and showed so much of a poor old heathen woman. We hope riotous spirit that I withdrew. she is taught of God, and that one day she will shine as a star in the kingdom of heaven.

How singular that the Chinese, who are so far ahead of all other heathen nations in civilization, are equally degraded and superstitious. The Hottentots of Africa cannot be more degraded in their morals, or debased in their feelings.

24. Had eighteen at the morning, and fifteen at the evening worship. Only two or three inquirers all day, and these manifested but little anxiety about the truth.

25. Two persons, to-day, appeared very well in conversation. They have been inquirers for months, and I have some faint hope that they are not far from the kingdom of heaven; yet it is with trembling that I hope, so many seem to go on well some time and then fall back, or else remain on neutral ground so far as outward appearance is concerned. O that a heavenly unction might at

Mah Shan has been an inquirer but a Ettle time, but she appears sincerely attached to the Gospel. 29. We had a singular visiter to-day -a little girl 10 years old,completely covered with hair about five inches long, very soft and light colored. Her father is a hairy man. He is a Shan, and was brought to Umerapoora by the old king. I was struck with the features of this child. Was it not that the hair was parted in front, so that she could see, you would not know by the shape of her head, which was the front or back part. Her nose, cars, cheeks, and even her arms were covered with long, silky hair. She answered a variety of questions with as much propriety as most children of her age, and was very mannerly in her language.

31. Had an assembly of 34, in- worldly avocations, and assemble cluding nine school children. I around the altar of God. With one preached to them in the morning on heart and one voice we cry to the the first chapter of St. Paul's epis- Lord of Hosts, and we often feel that tle to the Hebrews. After the ser- He who walketh in the midst of the vices were closed, we had consider-golden candlesticks, enlarges our able conversation with the two hearts, and fills us with joyful hope. females who had offered themselves Fourteen besides our usual assemfor baptism: we rejoice to see them bly listened to the discourse: several giving glory to Christ, as the Saviour of them were strangers, and the othof their souls. There were so inany ers were inquirers. strangers present, that we thought best to defer their baptism till some other time.

Baptism of Mah Shan and Mah Pwau. 9. Hid a further examination of Sept. 2. Had much conversation Mah Shan and Mah Pwau. Mah with a very intelligent Brahmin-Shan says, from the first day she he is 34 years old, is one of the heard the Gospel her heart was king's astronomers, and has read distressed, and she did not dare to our books for some months past. As he was going away, he said, "This law is very humbling, and I must confess it bears the marks of having a Divine origin."

worship idols: some time after she began to pray, and now she feels happy in thinking of the Son of God who is able to save her soul.

Mah Pwan, on being asked what 3. Visited two villages in the she should do when reviled and callmorning. Had no success in one, ed an heretic, said she would rebut in the other got about 20 to listen main silent, and think of the holy for some time. Returned home ex-law of God. We went down to hausted, and a good deal discourag- the waters of the Irrawaddy with ed. The blindness and superstition joyful hearts. A greater number of the heathen present such an ob- witnessed this baptism than any othstacle to the spread of the Gospel, er performed in Ava. that were it not for former examples I should lose all hope. Between 40 and 50 priests called at the house towards evening and begged for books.

4. Several apparently honest inquirers at the house. One man said he felt certain that this was the true religion.

5. Two of our disciples, Moung Kai and Moung Shway Nee are very sick with fever. Fever prevails through the whole city, and hardly an hour in the 24 but funeral processions are passing. The whole country has lately been inundated from the immense rains, that have fallen in the Shan countries to the east, and upper provinces of Burmah to the north. The waters are now drying up, and to this cause I attribute the prevalence of fever.

7. Lord's day morning has brought together all the native Christians. What a blessed institution is the Sabbath day! The church lay aside their

13. More than 50 persons called at the house for books: from all I could perceive, curiosity more than any thing else induced the greater part to call.

14. Had a fine congregation,-14 or 15, besides the common assembly. One man from the Palace-he listened to the discourse, and staid an hour or two for conversation. I preached from this passage: One thing thou lackest. I urged the necessity of examining the heart, for without holiness no one can be saved from hell. It is a blessed privilege to point sinners to the Lamb of God.

15. Letters from Maulmein announce the death of sister Cummings. Long will the Karen Christian remember the labor of love, which shrunk not from pestilence and death, in order to make the wilderness and solitary places joyful in the praises of God.

O God! sanctify this afflicting dis

pensation of thy providence to the no compromising course without good of us who still live.

betraying my trust, and bringing disgrace on the name of Christ. The ministers are aware that a grow

EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM MR. ing interest is felt among the people


The following extract of a letter forwarded by Mr. J. contains the latest intelligence we have received of the Mission at Ava. It is dated Ava, November

11, 1834.


on the subject of religion, and great
numbers, for two months past, have
been coming to the house to get
books and converse on religion. This
undoubtedly has considerable influ-
ence on their minds; but I think the
immediate cause of that violent op-
position, which they now manifest,
arises from another quarter.
Low, the English merchant here,
has long been making efforts, to get
a sum of money which was due him
from the heir apparent. Two days
before I was called up, the Woon-
gees paid the money for the prince,
but under such circumstances that
they declared vengeance on foreign-


The very next day an order was issued to allow no person to pass through the gates of the city alter dusk; this every body knew was intended to annoy white foreigners, particularly the English. The next day I was summoned, and they gave full vent to their spleen. I hope it will wear off, but have many fears that they will push to the last extremity.

Your ever affectionate brother,

Up to the present time, most of the ministers continue in a threatening attitude, yet there is a little change in the minds of some for the better. They insist on my leaving the country, and are trying to find out those who have become converts; but the cautious, hesitating course they pursue, induces me to nope that by-and-by they will become pacined. They have given me a hint that some presents will be acceptable, but 1 have given them nothing, and conclude that it will be best to abide by this course. They declare that preaching and giving books is the same thing, and they can no more allow the one than the other. All the disciples appear timid, except Moung Roi, he appears insensible to fear. The ministers are anxious to have me promise to preach no more and give no more books; but! cannot make any such promise; it is better to die or be driven away, than to give them any encouragement of this kind. It appears to me like betraying Christ to even think of such a thing, and that skulking in the cause of Christ will answer no good end. They say that the inter- Jan. 22. Ya-bu-tha. We are ests of religion prompt them to op- among the Meet-thoos to night, and pose me; and I doubt not but the find ourselves surrounded by somequeen's brother actually thinks that thing of a Christian atmosphere. he shall merit nike ban by frowning Our host, who is head man of his on heresy, as he calls it. I have village, has been favorably inclined some hopes that the storm will blow to religion for some time, and after over, and leave the atmosphere more worship this evening, he and his pure than it was before. I would wife came forward and, for the first give any thing, if I had your counsel time, requested baptisin. Through just at this moment. I should feel re-his example, (for these head men lieved of an immense responsibility. have considerable influence,) several One expedient after another rises of our audience lent a listening ear up in my mind, but none of them to the truth, though their hearts, it appear practicable. I can think of is feared, are untouched.



(Continued from p. 206.)

Karen Funeral Rites.

23. Mee-pa-tu. On our way hither we stopped at Poung-dau where we found rather a shrewd individual in the head man, but clothed in a panoply that rendered him invincible to the truth, being, with all his people, either intoxicated or nearly so, preparing to celebrate a funeral in the neighborhood. The Karen funeral ceremonies are wholly different from those of the nations around them. They burn the body now; but anciently, they say, they always buried. The dead are wrapped in such clothes of the deceased as the friends can command, and then bound round with bands or threads of various colors. If an old person, the body is immediately burnt, and a bone, usually the back bone, is preserved in the house of the deceased, until a convenient time can be appointed for all the neighbors to assemble and perform the funeral rites, which they call the "feast of the bone."

never crow in the night, I am told; or if one does it is immediately killed and eaten.

The chorusses are sung in more lamentable strains than the other parts of their songs, and are usually slightly varied; but frequently the change is in a mere euphonic particle.

They make great wailing at their funerals; and as the people one after another arrive at the house of booth, they burst out in expressions like the following: "Woe is me, woe is me,-what is the matter? O mother, now affliction has come to me truly. Alas! (addressing the deceased) formerly I held pleasant intercourse with you. Alas! alas! what shall I do? O Lord, let him not go where he will be subject to sufferings."

If the person came from a distance, food is brought for him. Before he eats, he addresses the body, "O de ceased, come eat and drink with me, O deceased, come eat and drink with. me as formerly."

If young, the burning of the corpse is deferred two or three days, and funeral rites performed round the body, as well as round the bones. There is no difference between the ceremonies performed with the body and those performed with the bone. The body or the bone is laid out in the centre of a large booth, and One house post smoothed red, round it are hung the articles belong-Stamping round a smooth path, Two house posts smoothed red, ing to the deceased,-as his knife, Beating round a smooth path; clothes, &c.

In the various dirges that are sung, every thing connected with funeral rites is expressed in metaphorical language, derived from things around. The following are specimens of their dirges:

A light is placed near the head, and another near the feet, to represent the morning and evening stars which, the Karens say, are spirits going to Hades with lights in their hands. The company then commence singing and marching in a circle round the body, keeping time with their feet. One sex only sings and marches at a time, and thus the inen and women relieve each other alternately. Not without reason, they tear they shall be unable to awake early, and hence they call for a cock from Hades, where the days and nights being the reverse of ours, the cocks crow in the night as ours do in the day. The Karen cocks

Catch a red cock of Hades:

He will crow at night, and show the daw
with facility.

Chorus. deceased, deceased, art the
dead? Hast thou departed?
We speak, we call, but he cannot reply.

One house post smoothed white,
Two house posts smoothed white;
Stamping round to the starting point,
Beating round to the starting point;
Catch a white cock of Hades:
He will crow at night, and show the
morn with facility.
Chorus. O deceased, deceased, art thon
dead? Hast thou departed?
We speak, we call, but he cannot reply.
The light at the head of the corpse is red


The light at the foot of the corpse is red red,"

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