Imágenes de páginas

returned, not being able to find any house, after following the path a long distance. We had nothing left but to move on, breakfastless, which we did by moving back to where we had seen the road divide, musing on the waste of time, and wondering in what way I could turn the circumstances we were in, to advantage, unless by deriving a lesson of patience from them, which seems to be in a good degree thrown away upon me. A few hours walk brought us to a Karen house, from which we were induced to come to this village. Here I found a comfortable zayat just finished for my reception, where I had not the least idea of being known, and where I should never have come had I not been lost. It seems the old man, who invited me to Pyee-cha, had been here and told them it was probable I should visit them; so they erected a zayat at once. He himself has taken materials from here to build one for me at Pyee-cha.

The people here give wonderful attention to the Gospel. About thirty assemble for worship, and we have had it twice. One man, an intelligent one too, formerly the head man under the Burman government, was a disciple of the conjurer* there, and for his heresy condemned to death, but he bought his life for a hundred rupees. On asking one man if he believed-" Believe," he replied, "not I alone believe, but all the Karens will believe." Thank God for being lost last night.

"Henceforth, then,
It matters not, if storm and sunshine be
My earthly lot-bitter or sweet my cup;
I only pray, God fit me for the work,
God make me holy, and my spirit nerve
For the stern hour of strife. Let me but

There is an arm unseen that holds me up,
An eye that kindly watches all my path,
Till I my weary pilgrimage have done,-

Let me but know I have a friend that waits
To welcome me to glory,-and I joy
To tread the dark and death-fraught

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The congregation is small, but favorable changes have occurred in one or two persons, and I had the pleasure of baptizing one on the fourth of this month. He is an East Indian, connected with the Medical service under the superintendence of the Surgeon; and having charge of the jail, with all the Burmans that apply for European Medical assistance, his opportunities for usefulness to the natives are frequent, and, it is believed, not more frequent than improved. He is acquainted with the Burman language, and as the case requires, exhorts, reads, and distributes tracts. There is some reason to believe that his labors have been blessed to the conversion of a very intelligent prisoner; but as his period of punishment has nearly expired, he will soon be better able to prove his sincerity. A Portuguese member of the congregation, a leading man in the Catholic church, has lately exerted himself among the Portuguese, recommending to them to read the Scriptures. The consequence has been a great demand among them lately, for the Burman Testament. All understand the Burman, though but few can read it, and a young man, who was out of work for some time, went round from house to house among the Portuguese, reading the New Testament and tracts for his board, it being understood, that wherever he read a couple of hours, he was entitled to a meal.

I have also the pleasure to add that the missionary society, in addition to supporting two native assistants, voted, at the last meeting, to pay the expense of printing the The man that brought the book to Karen tract, "The words of the ancient fulfilled," now in the press.

br. Boardman.


I hear a good report of the inquirers. The two persons mentioned in my Tsau-tu-pau, who with his family last communication, were baptized has been studying here this season, July 16, and at no period, since I intend to establish on the Charawa the station was occupied, has Chris- as a school-master and preacher, tianity been more the subject of at- when I renew my visit down the tention than within the last three Tenasserim this season. I hope to months, although as yet the blessing obtain one or two others at Mata-myo is withheld. Three or four inquirers, to establish in like manner at Pyuhowever, still afford us encourage- cha and Pla. A Siamese Karen ment, though hope is mixed with young man, of great promise, has fear. One respectable, well-educa- been studying at Mata-myo this ted young man gave great promise. season. He was in town a few days He attended worship regularly, re- ago, and I find him completely masquested baptism, and gave some evi-ter of reading and writing his own dence of genuine repentance; but language, as he previously was of he has fallen into sin, though not the Taling. He professes to believe into idolatry. Another individual, the truth, and wishes to be baptized; who was formerly a head man under should he return to his own people the Burman Government, from being he may, with the blessing of God, a great opposer, has been brought be an instrument of great good. to approve the Gospel, and finally to There are inany persons favorable to declare publicly his full belief of the Gospel there, but I am forbidden Christianity, and rejection of Boodh-by the Government under which I ism. But there is some reason to fear, after all, that he loves the praise of men more than the praise of God. Time will prove him.

live, to enter the Siamese Territory, and the Karens are not allowed by theirs to come over to us.

The season has been unusually unhealthy; several remain sick, and three men have died, all useful members of the church, and one a pillar in it. We are consoled by the reflection, that none have died "without a sign." The language

Another man gave hopefu! attention for several weeks, and, like the two former, attended worship regularly on the Sabbath, which the careless never do. But two or three weeks ago he decidedly rejected the Gospel, declaring "If Gaudama can-of prayer, and the name of Jesus not save me, I will go to hell with have hovered around their lips in him," and forsook us altogether. I their last faultering accents. was pleased to learn, however, that In the Karen school in town, I he was at worship again last night. have lately, required exercises in Besides these, we have two or three composition in the form of letters. others that give encouragement, and The following is the last received they may be the chosen ones. We from Tsau-tu-pau mentioned above. pray they may, but so faintly that we It must be borne in mind, that five cannot prevail with God, even when or six months ago he could not read the blessing seems to be within our a syllable of his own language, while reach, and here is no one to hold up he is now complete master of readour hands. Imperative duty nowing, and writes a very legible hand. requires me to leave the Burmans, and turn to the Karens.


"Teacher, the warm season has arrived. I have given attention to what you have said, and thought on all the words of God; but I am as a The season has precluded all con- child. The parents say to it, Art nection with the Karens, other than thou able to travel or not? If thou occasional visiters. The schools art not able to go, thou must stay in have prospered, and from Toung-the house. The child being anxious byouk-ga-la and the neighborhood, to go, replies, Yes, I can go,' and where Moung Tsek-kyu is teaching, teasing his parents for permission

I have devoted considerable time, these rains, to writing Karen, and have two more tracts ready for the press. One, "Salvation," a dialogue in verse, being with slight alterations a translation of the Burman Cate

they say, If thou canst walk, come | think of it, and remember it with along. In going he perhaps falls a affection continually." long way behind, and were his parents to go on he would be left alone in the jungle; but they have affection for him, and wait for him, and let him go before, and watch him; for were they to leave him to himself he would perish in the jun-chism, and another, the "Vade gle. (a)

"When I dwelt in darkness I heard the word of God; my heart rejoiced, my soul was happy, and following after him my heart was light, and my mind at ease. I thought on all the sin and iniquity that had thrown me down, and I followed God, as a child his parents; but when I remember the sins I have since committed, my heart is troubled, my mind is uneasy. Then I think of God, his great goodness, his unspeakable kindness, his great power and glory. He governs all things; adversity and prosperity are dispensed by him. He casts to hell, he raises to heaven. He gives the new heart, he gives the new mind. He has power for all things. I think too that the Lord Jesus Christ has power to overcome all things, and my heart rejoices, my mind is at rest. Now I go in the trail of the Lord Jesus, and tread in his path; I follow after him. If he rejects me on account of my sins, I must dwell in darkness; but if he saves me, I shall dwell with him. The Lord knows the heart, and when he descends to judgment, if he saves me I shall be happy, but if rejected, I shall be miserable. I meditate on Jehovah, who is able to accomplish all things, and feel very happy.

"I have learned to read with the teacher in the city, and when I return to the country, O teacher and teacheress, I shall remember you with affection. Should I be sick in the jungle, I shall remember the time I dwelt with you, and shall think of the time when we were sick at the teacher's. By day the teacher came and saw us, and by night the teacher came and visited us. O teacher, I

(a) Meaning to imply his need of the teacher's care and advice.

Mecum," a large tract consisting of a portion of Scripture, reflections and remarks thereon, accompanied by an appropriate hymn, for every day in the month, intended primarily for family worship, but serving at present for Bible, hymn book, and body of divinity.



from letters addressed to the CorrespondWe give the following brief extracts ing Secretary, that we may not only

furnish our readers with distinct views of

the doings of our missionary brethren, but promote, as far as possible, a personal acquaintance with each individual engaged in the service of the Board. In this way we hope, aside from the gratification it may afford to particular friends, to foster the interest felt in missionary objects generally. In a letter dated Maulmein, Dec. 3, 1834, Mr. C. writes,

"The service which we believe our blessed Master has assigned us, has lost none of its interest in our view. We would not be back in America if we could. No, we feel thankful that we may wear ourselves out in the service of Christ, and for the good of the poor heathen. We have already been in sight of the shores of Burmah, and our language still is,

In those deserts let us labor,
On those mountains let us tell
How he died-the blessed Saviour-
To redeem a world from hell.'

Mrs. C. and myself are now waiting with not a little anxiety for an opportunity to take our place at Arracan. We rejoice in the provi

dences of God in relation to us, thus far, and are willing to go forth to our work, trusting him for the future."

The following is from a letter of Mr. Howard, bearing date, Rangoon, Jan. 17,


I left Maulmein on the 22d, and, after a passage of four days, arrived at Rangoon the 26th of Dec. where we had the pleasure of meeting br. and sister Webb, whose hearts and house were open to receive us. We are now in our field of labor, and, looking back on the period that has elapsed since we left our dear friends in America, we can but exclaim,

What hath God wrought for us? While travelling several hundred miles by land, and 17,600 miles by water, not a hair has fallen from our heads, nor have we suffered any loss in our temporal effects, not even so much as is often realized by the removal of a few miles in America. The climate here is now delightful, and both myself and Mrs. H. are enjoying as good health as when we

left America.

I very deeply feel that the condition of this place demands the labors of pious, persevering and experienced missionaries. But how can it be thus supplied? If it cannot be otherwise, I am willing to live and labor and die here in Burmah Proper, if the kingdom of the Redeemer may be advanced by it. I know not how a missionary, with the condition of these heathen and his Bible before him, can be discouraged in regard to his labors.

duly received, and it is pleasing to have this proof, that this department of labor is regarded with so much interest at home. Such articles as will be useful in the native schools, I have given over to the sisters at that station, to be disposed of at sent, no English school at Tavoy their discretion. There is, at preunder the superintendence of the mission, and it is still quite uncertain whether such a school will be revived. The English books, tained at this station, till something microscope, magnet, &c. I have demore definite can be ascertained. the cloth, clothes, &c. for native The slates are sent to Tavoy, with


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While Mrs. J. was on a visit to

the Burman village this P. M., she learned that one of the poor women, to whom she has been accustomed to communicate Christian instrucShe was aged and ignorant, but often tion, had died since her last visit. professed an entire renunciation of idolatry, and the daily worship of Boodhists usually pay great regard Jesus. In her dying moments, when to images and superstitions, she declined them, and said she was going to a "happy home."-A few is impossible for us to form a very others make similar professions. It definite opinion of their state. But "the Lord knoweth them that are

EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM MRS. His." During Mrs. J's. absence, Bun

JAN. 3, 1834.

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Ty came in, and informed me that he knew two or three aged women, the wives of Chinamen, who appear to give considerable evidence of true faith in our divine religion, and express a determination to come and join in the usual public worship, as soon as practicable. The assembly hitherto has consisted only of males. Bun Ty says also that Chek Eet, Chek Haw, and one other are se❘riously looking forward to a connec

tion with the church. In view of husband's heart riven, and the fond these circumstances and my con- hopes we had entertained of long templated absence, I have suggested enjoying her society and efficient the propriety of his being formally co-operation dashed. The particudesignated as the pastor of the little lars of this mournful event br. Dean church. The duties he has long will soon forward. discharged except the administration of the ordinances; but the public designation he declines-because, he says, of his limited knowledge and capacity.

It will soon be necessary to provide some more commodious place ⚫ of worship. All natives of this country have a prejudice, at present almost insuperable, to worshipping in an under room, and it is not improbable that some building must be erected for that special purpose. It may be used for a school also, if we are so fortunate as to succeed in getting one. A Catholic Chapel which stands near us, and is a large substantial brick building, was erected at the sole expense single lady in Europe. Perhaps some of our good friends at home may derive a useful hint from this.

of a

Singapore, March 11, 1835.

I forwarded you one letter, via St. Helena, Feb. 1, and as the Cashmere will not sail under 2 or 3 weeks I send another by the same route. One tract in the Siamese language is printed, and 1,000 copies covered. Matt. is printed as far as 5th chap. 30 v. Edition 1500. Chaps. 5, 6, and 7, I shall have struck off separately for a tract, 1,500;-1,000 done up with the tract, and 500 alone: tract 2,000 copies. If I have not an opportunity of getting back to Siam when Matthew is done, I shall print another tract of 16-20 pp.

Death of Mrs. Dean.

In communicating the news of this afflictive event, Mr. Jones, under the same date, thus writes:

"You will learn with grief of heart, that br. Dean has been called to resign back to God his beloved wife. She died here on the 5th inst. leaving an infant daughter, now about a month old. Thus is her


It will be perceived by the following extract, that Mr. H. has repaired to Calcutta, for the purpose of procuring additional apparatus for printing in the Burman, Karen and Taling languages. This was in consequence of a letter of the Board addressed June 30, 1834, to the missionaries at Maulmein, and recommending to their attention the expediency of designating one of the printers to return to this country, and superintend the preparation of new founts of types, &c. Mr. H. was accordingly deputed for this object, with the understanding, however, that if it could be advantageously prosecuted at Calcutta, he should proceed no further. He left Maulmein Jan. 4, 1835, and arrived at Calcutta Feb. 11.

Calcutta, March 18, 1835.

Rev. and dear Sir,

In my last to you, which I think was dated Feb. 12, I stated the object of my visit to this city, and mentioned the possibility of my return to America. Since that time, however, I have made such arrangements with Mr. W. H. Pearce, as will secure all the advantages which could be realized by the execution of the work in America, and save much time and money. As you are well acquainted with the subject, perhaps it will not be necessary or desirable for me to say more, than that I have taken measures for the completion of a set of matrices in the three languages, Burman, Karen and Taling, to be finished in the same manner as at the English and American Foundries. The whole cost, I think, will not exceed $2,000; whereas, I am quite sure, from estimates I have made, that the same work could not be done in America, for less than $5,000; an expense, I fear, in which

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