Imágenes de páginas

Life of Christ,
Old Testament,

2d vol.

Sermon on the Mt.

Cops. Pages.

156 pp. 5000 780,000 192 5000 960,000

500" 2000 1,000,000

the Christian public would not bear establishment has devolved almost us out, without the prospect of an entirely upon me the last year, it adequate amount of good; at any will be expected that I should make rate, my own conscience will not a statement of the result of our labors, allow me to incur the additional ex- which I will now do as follows:pense. The more I have thought Works printed. of it, the less inclined I have felt to go home, and the fewer advantages I have seen as the result of having the work executed at home; and hope the course I have taken will give satisfaction, and accomplish the object desired: viz. the securing of good and complete founts of type, and eventually, the supply of the vast multitudes of Karens and Talings with the Scriptures in their own tongues. Hitherto, comparatively nothing has been done to furnish books for these two nations. Very many of the Talings and a few of the Karens do indeed read Burman, but they do not understand it: and our Taling Christians, some of whom understand both languages pretty well, and who, being employed been the unadulterated word of God. as itinerants, are qualified to judge Issues for the last year.

8" 5000 40,000
28" 5000 140,000
Sermon & Miracles, 36" 5000 180,000
Parables, Christ's
Last Discourse,
Memoir of Miss
Karen Tract,

24"10,000 240,000

16" 3000 48,000

12" 1300 15,600

Total, 41,300 3,403,600 None of these works have ever before been printed.

It will be seen by the above statement, that almost the whole of the results of the last year's labor has



"1,054,048 "

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"2,514,456 "

being an increase over the preceding year, of 11,476 copies, or 908,652 pp. Besides the works printed, as mentioned above, there was in press, Dec. 31, an edition of 40,000 of the Golden Balance with the Catechism affixed: Mee Shwa Ee was in type, of which 10,000 were to have been printed. The first volume of the Old Testament was ready for press, and the 1st signature had been printed. Of the Awakener, Investigator and Three Sciences, there were none in the depository, though I believe the stations were well supplied with these tracts.

of the wants of the people, are very Scriptures, 16,737 cops. or 1,460,408 pp. anxious to have the Scriptures Tracts, printed in their vernacular tongue. Total 75,651 Several books of the New Testament are now ready for the press, in Taling. There are several villages in the vicinity of Maulmein, which I have visited, composed mostly of Talings, where none of the women, and but few of the men can even read Burman; and this is no doubt true, to a greater or less extent, in all Taling cities, towns and villages throughout the country; therefore, the only hope of benefiting them at present, is by native itinerants. Various circumstances have conspired to make us think that the time has now arrived, when not only the Burmans, but the Talings and Karens should have the Scriptures in their own language. We have taken one step towards the accomplishment of this object, and we now look to our Christian friends to assist us. We are confident we shall not look in vain. We need alms and prayers. Operations of the Press in Burmah in 1834.

As the management of the printing

I have distributed but few tracts myself, as my time has been almost wholly taken up with the management of the affairs of the office, and cannot say how they have been received: yet, though I have not seen the effects produced by them, I feel assured that so much seed has not Persons been scattered in vain. have often come to the office, and

would only uselessly encumber_my

spirit of your association pleases me much; and what is of infinitely greater consequence, I trust it pleases our blessed Saviour. That such associations will multiply and become more and more efficient, I fondly hope; yet I fear that my desultory and necessarily hasty communications will contribute but little to your advancement.

some from a considerable distance, to | for the delay, though easily made, procure tracts. When I look on the vast multi-paper without instructing you. The tudes who are still groping in the darkness of heathenism, I sometimes ask myself, Is it possible that these nations will ever be converted? The conclusion, they will not, they cannot, would be irresistible, if God had not undertaken the work. But why is that glorious day, when the heathen shall be Christ's, so tardy in its progress? Is it because we are so faithless? Our feeble, sleepy efforts Let me remark, however, for the too plainly indicate the state of our benefit of those who contemplate hearts. God has determined that a missionary life, that, judging from his church shall be gathered in from my limited experience, such a life the four corners of the earth; he has is very different in reality from any also determined that his church shall conceptions that are ever formed of be the instruments of doing it; and it before it is commenced. It has triwhen the same degree of holy de- als which cannot be described, or votion to the cause of Christ prevails adequately contemplated till expeamong the Christians and mission-rienced. Many of the circumstanaries of our day, as there was among ces attending it may be definitely the Christians and missionaries in known, but those circumstances are the days of our Saviour and his apostles, we may expect to see the same results attending our labors as attended theirs. We want more Bible enthusiasm on the subject of the conversion of the world: we want more of the spirit of our Master, or the world will never be converted by us; the work will devolve upon our successors, and our crowns will be starless.

so modified by counteracting or concurring causes, that their real effect cannot be foreseen. These circumstances, also, will vary with every individual, even of the same country. They relate to his living, his health, that of his family, his acquisition of the language, his reception among the people, his having books prepared for him, or his preparing books for others, his means of intercourse with other stations, or the so

LETTER OF REV. J. T. JONES TO THE ciety which sustains him, his safety,



or perpetual exposure, his servants, and, in fine, to every thing. To give, therefore, a full and correct account of what each will be called to experience, is utterly impossible.

The following letter first appeared in Zion's Advocate of August 12, and to some of our readers may have lost the Hence, 2d. the idea that a freshness of novelty. But the suggestions young man must be accurately inwhich it embodies are so just, and so formed in regard to every thing he worthy of the regard of all who are anti-will be likely to meet in a missionacipating missionary labors, as to call for its insertion in the Magazine. Brethren of the Boardman Missionary Society,

A communication received from an association bearing the sainted name of Boardman must not go unanswered, though the answer has been so long delayed. An apology

ry life, before he resolves to engage in that life, is preposterous. It cannot be the mariner might as well wait till he had ascertained precisely what gales and calms should attend his whole voyage, before he unfurled his banners to the breeze; or the merchant wait till he could ascertain precisely to whom, and on what conditions he could dispose of

every article of merchandise, before he could venture to commence his business.

Hence, 3d. every young man who resolves on a missionary life, should come to it prepared for every thing. He may not actually be called to endure every thing: he should have a heart ready for it, if it should come. The specific trials which will assail him cannot be pointed out, and he cannot therefore brace up his mind to meet them. It is altogether more probable than otherwise, that the trials he most dreaded will be little felt, while those which he has not contemplated will press on him with a mountain's weight. Let him come, therefore, girt with strength and an irrepressible energy of holy resolution; but let his strength be drawn from above. Let him be "strong in the Lord," and he need "fear no evil."

This leads me to say, the pleasures of a missionary life are as little understood by those who have not actually experienced them, as its trials; but, instead of attempting to describe them, I invite you to partake of them. They flow through various channels; and doubtless one of the principal of these channels is the prayers of Christians. And the thought that thousands and thousands who have access to the throne of God, and are welcome there through Jesus our Saviour, are daily invoking blessings on us and our work, gives us thrills of "joy unutterable." I would rather know that five humble individuals, whose souls glow with love to Christ and his cause, were earnestly invoking a blessing on me, than to learn that ten thousands of the worldly wise were admiring my disinterestedness. We need the prayers of saints; we need their presence and co-operation too. There are only three Christian missionaries here, with a population nearly as great as Burmah, and where at least a dozen languages are requisite for access to all the people. None of us are as yet thoroughly acquainted with any of these languages. With the ex

ception of the Burmans (who are but few) and the Chinese, none of them have any adequate supply of Christian books. Most of them have none at all. Who shall break the slumbers of moral death with which these millions are bound? Who shall tear the bandage from their eyes, that they may see; above all, who shall soften their adamantine hearts, and teach the vital current to glow with holy love to Jesus? If God spares us and blesses our efforts, we may ultimately spread before them the leaves of the tree of knowledge and of life; but who can give their perverted taste a relish for such heavenly food? You, Christian brethren, if you have ever imbibed this relish, can tell whence it is derived; and as that fountain is exhaustless, can implore it for those dying millions.

Your prayers for them will, I humbly hope, eventually lead some of you to labor for them. Come, and we will welcome you to our joys and our sorrows; and when you have served him faithfully here, Christ will welcome you to joys unmingled with sorrow.


Messrs. Crocker and Mylne, whose designation as missionaries to Africa was noticed in our last number, took passage with Dr. Skinner, in the brig Susan and Elizabeth, for Liberia, July 11. A correspondent of the Board writes:

The missionaries for Africa sailed on Saturday. Their minds appeared to be calm, cheerful, and decided; and the Lord, I trust, will grant them years of usefulness in the long neglected land of Ham. Their visit to this city has certainly produced much good already. The hearts of many have been stirred up to fervent prayer, for their preservation and success. Several hundred dollars have been raised for our feeble churches in Liberia; and many kind and generous feelings on the subject of missions have been elicited, that will not, I think, prove evanescent.

Operations of other Societies. of Christianity in India, leads me most

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respectfully to recommend them Missionaries of all denominations."


The church now consists of sixty-two members, but probably more than one half will soon be dismissed to form two distinct churches under the superintendence of Mr. G. Pearce and Mr. Ellis, in the villages to the south of Calcutta, and at Chitpore, respectively.

Preaching to the Natives. In this department of labor in Calcutta and vicinity, there have been employed, for a greater or less portion of time, Messrs. G. Pearce, Aratoon, Thomas, De Monty, and Shujaatale, assisted occasionally by one or two other native preachers. The society's bungalows, or native chapels, at the date of the last Report, were four, two of which have been since relinquished, chiefly on account of the low state of the Society's finances. The chapel in Jan Bazar and the one at Syam Bazar are still occupied, and the congregations, whether by day or by night, are of a very encouraging character, both as to number and attention. A moderate calculation will give from 12,000 to 15,000 for Calcutta alone, who have heard the words of eternal life from the agents of this Society within the last twelve months.

CHITPORE. Mr. J. D. Ellis, and a native assistant. Mr. Ellis gives the following account of this station. "We have had, at different times, since the last Report, several inquirers, two or three of whom continue to seek a knowledge of divine things, and of one particularly, I have every reason to hope that he has passed from death unto life.

CALCUTTA. Native church-Mr. W. H. Pearce, pastor. This church includes baptized Christians at the village stations as well as in the city, and has been gathered, for the most part, from the grossest idolatry, ignorance and superstition. Since the last report three have been excluded, six have died, and eighteen been added by baptism, beside two previously baptized. Of these, six were from Calcutta and its vicinity; eight from the neighborhood of Luckyantipore, and six from the Christian boarding school at Chitpore. Several others, it is expected, will soon make a public acknowledgment of their faith in Christ. "In announcing the reception of so many new members into the church," observes the pastor, "I beg it may be fully understood, that to the labors of my esteemed European associates and native assistants, quite as much as to my own exertions, so pleasing an event is, under the blessing of God, to be ascribed. Much of the good, especially in the most distant villages, Schools." The schools under our is certainly to be attributed to the active care are well attended. Mrs. E.'s and pious labors of the native brethren. Native Girls' school has had an averWhile it must be acknowledged, that age number of a hundred daily; but in native preachers are seldom fit to be left consequence of a decrease in the amount alone, yet when diligently instructed of funds appropriated to female educaand vigilantly superintended, they form tion, that number is now of necessity invaluable agents in the propagation of reduced to twenty-five. The Hindoo the Gospel; and, perhaps, there is no English school contains a hundred and department in which a European mis- twenty youths, whose progress in useful sionary will be found eventually to have knowledge, as well as in an acquaintance labored with so much permanent and with the evidences and doctrines of extensive success, as in the diligent and Christianity, is every way gratifying. prayerful attempts he makes to elevate The effect of a religious education on to a higher standard the Christian and their minds is very apparent, loosening ministerial character of his native as them from the sinful and superstitious sistants. A deep sense of the impor- bands of Hindooism, and at least, intance of such efforts in the establishment | spiring them with a respect for the re

ligion of the Bible, and a willingness to advocate its divine authority. More than this, perhaps, cannot safely be said; but I am sure, that their remaining in Hindooism arises from custom, and not from faith in its merits, while the difficulty of forsaking all for the Gospel's sake has hitherto prevented their professing the Christian name.

HOWRAH and SULKEA. Mr. James Thomas, and a native assistant. of the church at this place, which is partly English and partly native, two have died, five have been excluded, one restored, and two dismissed. Five have been added, three of them by letter. Several inquirers have appeared among the native population, and several applicants for baptism. The word of God has been extensively made known among ber of tracts been put into circulation, the inhabitants, and a considerable numnot only at festivals, but by distribution at the shops and residences of the people, wherever the inmates were able to read, and willing to receive them.



"The last, though I trust not the least useful part of our engagements here, is the Native Christian boarding school, containing fifty boys and girls. The boys are instructed in English and Bengalee, while the girls, until March last, learnt Bengalee only. The limited amount of knowledge attainable through their native language, suggested the propriety of teaching them English. The experiment was made through the kind Messrs. IV. H. Pearce and De Monty, aid of a valued friend of education, C. and three native assistants. E. TREVELYAN, Esq. who generously the date of the last Report, a consideraoffered to defray the increase of expense. ble change for the better, has taken It succeeded beyond expectation, and place at this station and in the surroundwithin eight months, six of the girls had ing villages. Many families have abanacquired such a knowledge of English as doned idolatry, and united themselves to read with ease, and answer questions to the Christian population, and have with readiness and propriety. In the thus come under constant religious inboys' department, respectable progress struction. Mr. De Monty has furnishhas been made in different branches of ed a list of 52 persons, exclusive of useful knowledge, and particularly in children, who have within the last six the History and Doctrines of the Bible. months renounced caste. In the early We also desire to feel deeply thankful part of Dec. last, eight persons were for that divine blessing which has at- received into the church by baptism at tended the institution, in bringing many Luckyantipore, beside three at Kharee. of its members to a saving knowledge of Upon the whole," says the Report, the truth as it is in Jesus. The sixthe state of the village stations, whether youths, who a year and a half since made it regards the increased number or ima public profession of their attachment proved moral and spiritual character of to the Saviour, have continued to walk those who have embraced Christianity, as it becometh the Gospel of Christ; or the prospects of further additions and two or three others have given those to the number which are every where evidences of piety which will warrant opening around us, seems to demand our their being soon received into the fellow-grateful acknowledgments to God for his ship of the church. Regarding this institution as a promising means of raising up holy and intelligent men to preach the Gospel in their own tongue, we desire earnestly to recommend it to the attention and liberality of the friends of the Saviour, that the number of its inmates may be increased, which the present low state of the funds alone pre


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abundant mercy, and our most earnest endeavors that opportunities so favorable should not, through our want of zeal, liberality or exertion, be unhappily lost."

Translation of the Scriptures. The Bengalee translation of the Testament, undertaken by the missionaries of the Parent Society, and but partially executed at the date of the last Report, A few weeks before the annual meet- has since been entirely printed. The ing of the Society, the Christian board-edition consisted of 2000 copies of the ing-school had been removed from Chitpore, to Sibpore, where it is under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce.

four Gospels, 1,500 copies of the Acts, and 1000 copies of the remainder of the Testament. A second edition has been

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