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Chittagong-upwards of 300 miles east of Calcutta. A schoolmaster appointed, a school-room built, and a beginning made with 36 scholars.

Burdwan-50 miles north-northwest of Calcutta-station occupied in 1817. Two missionaries. Culnaeastward of Burdwan: 1825, one catechist. Kishnaghur-further eastward; one missionary. Bancoorah-westward of Burdwan.

The Calcutta Committee notice with especial approbation, the great caution in the reception of converts. One of the missionaries at Burdwan writes,-"Inquirers continue to present themselves; but all do not come with sincere intentions; and to many who appear so, the path to the kingdom of glory is too strait: they stumble at the cross--are offended, and withdraw again. Others, who are not decided enough, I advise to wait a little longer, that they may have time to give the important subject a more serious consideration; for I feel convinced that, by a careful attention to the state of our inquirers, the cause of Christianity will ultimately gain more, than by an indiscriminate admission of plicants."


In nine Bengalee schools there are 754 boys: more than 300 are in the native schools at Culna, half at least of whom are conversant with the Scrip tures: at Nuddea are six schools and at Kishnaghur three; the attendance on which averages about 500.

Buxar.-On the Ganges, 70 miles below Benares-1819. One native cat


Benares-1817.-Three missionaries, one schoolmaster, with four native teach


Two of the missionaries have been actively engaged in preaching in Benares and the surrounding villages, and in visits to the great fairs. There are five schools in operation; at one of which, the free school, 152 pupils are usually in attendance; of whom, 50 are reading English, 57 Persian, 21 Bengalee, and 24 Hinduwee. A reader has been stationed also at Jaunpore, and is in charge of two schools.

Chunar.--A few miles above Benares -1814. One missionary, several native assistants. The mission at the last

Report was in an unpromising condition: the door seemed to be closed against the truth: the people were afraid to listen. The preaching excursions of the missionaries, however, had been interesting. There were two schools in the town, containing 70 boys, and four on the Mission premises.

Allahabad-1828.-At present un


Gorruckpore.--About 100 miles north of Benares--1824. One missionary, one catechist, one native teacher, and several assistants: four schools having each 18 or 20 boys, besides an English school. The Report of the missionary says, "Great part of the Farm is now under cultivation; and the native Christian families are now settled on it, in neat and substantial dwellings, with kitchen gardens attached, and in the vicinity of a piece of land allotted on a rental for cultivation. The converts are thus prudently provided for, in having the means put in their power of providing for themselves and their families by the labor of their hands." Great efforts had recently been made for the suitable instruction of Christian orphans. The Calcutta Committee, in full accordance with many other enlightened friends of India, express "that nothing great their conviction, or extensively useful will be effected, till qualified and devoted men are raised up from among the native converts, to carry on the great work; and they would Patnah. One catechist. Two na-particularly, therefore, press it on all their tive schools, of 60 boys. missionary friends to pay strict attention

At Bancoorah the removal of the missionary and the giving up of the place as a civil station have occasioned some falling off. Three schools have been closed: four schools, with 350 children, will be continued, under charge

of a catechist.

The Word of God has found its way into the palace of the Rajah of Burdwan, and four Bengalee Bibles, presented to the chief members of his family, were gladly accepted.

to the education of the children of the native converts."

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Bareilly. One teacher and catechist.

Agra-800 miles north-west of Calcutta--1813. One schoolmaster; the

school in a prosperous state.

Meerut-32 miles north-east of Delhi --1813. One catechist, who, besides the care of a small congregation, preaches and distributes books in the adjoining villages and at annual fairs, with encouraging success.

Kurnaul-70 miles north of Delhi1827. One native catechist: one school, having an average of 30 boys.

Summary of the North India Mission-14 stations-8 English missionaries, and 18 English assistants-one native missionary, and 90 native assistants. Total, 117.

and revision of the Malayalim Scriptures, and has printed a volume of Malayalim Hymns. The "Malayalim Religious Tract Association," printed, during the year, 18,320 Tracts, 20,000 Broad sheets, and 35,000 Handbills.

Palamcottah-65 miles east northeast of Cape Comorin. Head-quarters of the Mission in the District of Tinnevelly, which occupies the south-eastern end of the peninsula, and has 700,000 inhabitants-1820. Five missionaries, two assistants, 110 native catechists and schoolmasters. The last returns of this mission, which has been for so many years favored with the manifest blessing of the Holy Spirit, are 10,694 natives in 238 villages, all of whom had renounced idolatry; with 2,522 boys and 147 girls in 192 schools, of whom 1656 were in average attendance. One of the missionaries writes as follows: "The Word of God, of which our schoolmasters are

Western India Mission. Nassuck.--A place of pilgrimage in the Deccan, the seat and centre of Brah-learning a portion every month, has minism, and inhabited chiefly by Brah- them this year, than it appears ever to been working more powerfully among


mins: inhabitants, 30,000-1832. Three missionaries: scholars; boys, 70; girls, "The opposition with which the missionaries meet, but to which they have returned only words of truth and the meekness of wisdom, is partly to be accounted for by the circumstance, that the Gospel is almost a new subject in that region; and partly it may be ascribed to the fierce and unsubdued spirit

of the Mahratta race."

South India Mission. Nilgherry Hills.-One missionary: one native assistant: one schoolmis


have done before. Three of the most
respectable and learned of them have
been received into the church of Christ by
openly renounced heathenism, and have
baptism; and two other others, likewise
respectable men, have lately applied for
the same ordinance."

west of Madras-1825.
Magaveram-160 miles south south-
Two native
catechists, with forty native assistants.
Seminarists, 24: Schools, 24; 1774 boys,
42 girls.

Madras-1815. Four missionaries, one assistant, one printer, several native

Cochin. No recent report from this catechists and assistants. Boys in the


intendents of schools, catechists, or likely to prove useful, either as super

Madras and Poonamallee schools, 280; Seminarists at Perambore, S.--Several Cottayam--30 miles south-east of Cochin, and near the Syrian College-sion: the pupils who remain are also youths have been sent out into the Mis1817. One European missionary: several native missionaries and assistants. "Amidst all the gloom which pervades the Syrian community, it is easy to trace bright beams of light. There never was a time when there was such a demand for Scripture and tracts, and for the preaching of God's word."

Allepie-between 30 and 40 miles south by east of Cochin. Inhabitants, 30,000-1817. One missionary: one assistant with native assistants. The missionary is prosecuting his translation



Summary of the South India Mis(As given in the 34th Report.) Stations 9.-Teachers: European missionaries, 11; native, 3. Assistants, European, 14; native, 279. Total, 307. Communicants, 450; schools, 229scholars; boys, 6027; girls, 930; youths and adults, 203; sex not specified, 323. Total, 7483.


Founded in 1795. The first attempts of the Society were in the Islands of the South Sea, whither missionaries were sent in 1796 and in 1800. It began its operations in India in 1804.

tracts have been prepared, and 24,000 copies printed.

Belgaum.-A British Military Station 75 miles north-east of Goa, and 200 north-west of Bellary. Population 20,000 -1820-Two missionaries, two native assistants. Native services are main

10 girls.

Calcutta-with Out-stations at Kid- tained in four places. The congregation derpore and Rammakalchoke-1816. in Belgaum averages 50. Though disFour missionaries, one native preacher.couraged for want of more visible sucService is held in three native chapels. cess, the missionaries continue to preach At the Out-stations a system of weekly the Word not only in the regular places pastoral visitation is pursued with great of worship, but in the schools, the streets, benefit to the people. The Bengalee the lanes, and frequently in the houses schools are reduced to two, containing of the people. Eight schools; 240 boys, 150 boys. A school has been opened for the purpose of affording the children and tracts issued during the year. 4485 copies of Scriptures of the Christian natives a more ample education, and of separating them in Bellary-187 miles north of Serintheir earlier years from the contamina- gapatam, and 300 north-west of Madras. tion of heathen examples and conversa-—-1810. Two missionaries, one printer tion. It has 24 boys. A similar school one native preacher, two assistants. will be opened for girls. "Valuable The average number of attendants at helps may thus be raised up, under the blessing of God, in the great work of evangelizing India.”

fourteen places for preaching in Tamul and Canarese, is about 630. One of the missionaries, in two journeys, distributed 11,000 tracts and 220 portions of ScripChinsurah. One missionary. In 2 ture, and preached to large congregations boys' schools the children have increas-in a number of populous towns, in some ed from 70 to 220, who are in constant attendance: 36 native and 46 Roman Catholic Portuguese girls are under instruction. The Gospel has had a softening and subduing influence in the immediate neighborhood, while the people in the distant villages are as rude and fierce as they were ten years ago.

Berhampore-120 miles north of Calcutta, and 5 miles south of Moorshedabad--1824-Two missionaries. Preaching has been maintained at the station and in 6 neighboring villages. One Hindoostanee school of 25 boys, and another Bengalee of 40. Instruction is also given to 16 girls, besides 5 boys and 2 girls in an Orphan Asylum. 1038 portions of Scripture, 22 bibles and 17 testaments, and many thousand tracts have been distributed.

Benares. Three missionaries. The Pilgrim's Progress and Gibbs's Scripture Catechism have been translated into Oordoo and Hindoostanee.

Surat-177 miles north of Bombay300,000 inhabitants-1813. One missionary, two assistants. It is calculated that 1000 persons in Surat hear the Gospel preached weekly. In 4 schools are 240 boys, and 15 girls. Eight new

of which a missionary's voice had not been heard before. 27,600 books and tracts were printed during the year, and 24,834 distributed. In the different schools there were 427 boys, and 31 girls.

Bangalore. In the territories of the. Rajah of Mysore, with extensive military cantonments and a population of 50,000 or 60,000; seventy miles northeast of Seringapatam and 215 west of Madras-1820. Two missionaries with native assistants. In three schools are 100 children. A Christian village has been begun, forming a little community in connection with the mission, and maintaining themselves by their labor. Beggvor-8 miles south of Bangalore, and kioggerre--18 miles west, are Outstations of this Mission.

Salem-90 miles south by east of Bangalore; inhabitants 60,000; with numerous villages within a moderate distance containing 100,000-1827.— One missionary, one native preacher, four native assistants. Scholars: 281 boys, 7 girls, 10 adults. 9524 publications distributed in the year, of which 1500 were portions of Scripture. "In various journeys, great attention has

Two missionabeen paid to preaching, and eagerness of Travancore-1828. shown to obtain books; and much en-ries, one assistant, fifteen native readers, couragement afforded by the inquiries and twenty-two assistants. At 68 staand discussions which have arisen. In tions there are 1024 families, containing large and populous villages and at festi- 3736 individuals, formed into about 60 vals, thousands have had the unsearch- congregations. able riches of Christ preached among them, and many Brahmins and other

natives, who on these occasions were supplied with books, have since visited the Mission House, to ascertain the meaning of what they did not under


Coimbatore-90 miles south-west of Salem, and 100 south of Seringapatam -1830. One missionary, two native readers. In ten schools there are 290 boys. 7 girls are under instruction. Visits have been paid to neighboring towns and villages, and thousands of tracts and portions of Scripture distributed.

Quilon.-On the Malabar coast, 88 miles north-west of Cape Comorin, and 80 west of Nagercoil; inhabitants 40,000 -1821. One missionary, one assistant, six native readers. Ten youths in a Seminary, 24 girls at school.

Nagercoil.--Head-quarters of the Mission in the Eastern Division of South Travancore-14 miles from Cape Comorin-1806. Two missionaries, one assistant, 26 native readers. Out-stations, 51-congregations, 35. Attendance, about 2,030 persons, residing in not fewer than 160 towns and villages. "Over this extensive range, the influence of the Gospel is now operating, and the labors of the readers extend to numerous towns and villages inhabited wholly by Heathens, Mahometans and Roman Catholics. The ready hearing which they here obtain is not only an indication that they are generally respected, but that the blind attachment to error is greatly diminished. Boys' schools, 42; girls', 4; Seminarists 23; besides 10 children in the Orphan school. 35,000 tracts printed in 1833 for the Nagercoil and Palamcottah Tract Society. The spirit and conduct of nearly

all the members of the infant churches have been such as to convince the heathen of the truth and value of the religion which they have eml raced.”

Neyoor.-Head-quarters of the Western Division of the Mission in South Travancore-four miles from the town

Combaconum-20 miles north-east of

Tanjore: inhabitants, 42,000, with many large and populous villages-1825. One missionary, one assistant, three native readers. Scholars: 538 boys, 16 girls. 5977 portions of Scripture and tracts

have been distributed and well received.

Chittore-80 miles west of Madras: inhabitants, 10,000-within a circuit of 30 miles, 60,000-1826. One missionary, three native catechists. Scholars: 235 boys, 23 girls. 1560 portions of Scripture and tracts have been distributed.

Madras-1805.-Eastern Division. Two missionaries, one assistant, two native assistants. Scholars: 151 boys in 6 schools, and 30 girls in 2 schools; besides 50 boys and 45 girls in free schools. 6130 publications have been distributed.

Western Division.-One missionary, one assistant, two native assistants.-Scholars: 247 boys and 15 girls in 7 2000 tracts and books have schools. been printed, 866 distributed.

Tripasore-Out-station-30 miles from Madras. Two native readers. Scholars: 219 boys, 74 girls.

Cuddapah-153 miles north-east of Madras-1822. One missionary, with assistants, English and native. Scholars: 152 boys and 61 girls, in 7 schools; 2602 publications have been distributed.

Vizagapatam-483 miles north-east of Madras, and 557 south-west of Calcutta, of between 30,000 and 40,000 inhabitants-1805. One missionary. In 12 schools are 432 scholars.

In addition to the above, missionary stations are occupied by the General Baptist Missionary Society at Cuttack and Pooree, in charge of four missionaIries and several native assistants; by the Wesleyan Missionary Society at Bangalore, Negapatam and Madras, -six missionaries, twenty-five assistants; by the Church of Scotland, at Calcutta-two missionaries; and by the Scottish Missionary Society at Bombay, Hurnee and Poonah; four missionaries with several native assistants.

Translation of a letter from the First Convert at Coimbatore, dated March 27th, 1834.

version,) and have obtained faith in Christ, and have been baptized. Also among my friends some are converted brother and his family, and my mother, and have received baptism. My eldest and some more among my relatives are

The following translation was communicated by Rev. W. B. Addis, missionary of Coimbatore, mentioned in the preceding summary, as given in the Lon-joined to the Christian congregation, and don Missionary Chronicle for March,


"I, Vatheyamakum, with all humility write to the fathers who compose the Missionary Society in England, and who, with increasing diligence, are making known to men the one glorious and Triune God, the Creator of all things; who fills all space, and who rules and supports all mankind in all places, and who is the author of the salvation by the one Saviour Jesus Christ. You who are publishing the words of that salvation, and who compose that Society worthy of honor, and by whose instrumentality I have been brought to the knowledge of salvation through the merits of the Saviour's death, and am become a child of God whom I praise. Beforetime I was an idolater; a seeker of vain praise; one without solid hope, one without true comfort, a servant of the devil; one without a method of having sin taken away, but now by the means of the teacher that has been sent by you, and by us beloved as a father, that is Addis, brought to the knowledge of salvation through the Eternal Son of the true God, revealed in the Gospel, and explained

of those of my people who before hated are learning the Gospel. So that some

me because I received Christ the Saviour, have had sorrow of mind for sin, and are now joined to the Christian congregation. Thus the Lord has shown favor to me, and to my household, and to my relatives, and to my enemies, so that I am filled with joy. Moreover, in the town of Coimbatore, and in the villages around are to be found many who, although they continue heathen, are seeking to know our Gospel, and many are to be found who have left idolatrywho were before zealously joined to it, and are now reading our books, anc some openly declare the Christian reli gion to be good and excellent. So that those who were before this in the dark have this much freely given them by God. For all that he has graciously bestowed I desire with thankfulness to render praise to Him

So Vatheyamakum,
With respect,

Humbly writes.


by him (that teacher) to us, and applied LATEST INTELLIGENCE
by the power of the Holy Ghost; I have
learnt through the Holy Spirit the way




of salvation through the shed blood of Signal Preservation of the Missionthe only Son of God, sent by the Father to take away the sins of men, and by whom the Holy Ghost is given to dispel darkness, and to regenerate men. Of this I was before ignorant, and am still very weak and sinful, but I am filled with joy, and by the help of his grace determined in gratitude to devote all my life to his service, with true repentance applying for his precious blood shed on the cross to take away my sins, and for the Holy Spirit to be afforded to sanctify me and make me fit for heaven.

It will be seen from the subjoined extracts of letters received by the ship Cashmere, which arrived at this port the 13th ult. that our brethren of the Siam Mission have been in imminent peril of life from Malay pirates, and that Mr. Dean in particular was suffering severely in consequence of the wounds inflicted by their savage violence. We trust that the churches will remember these brethren in

"I have not only received these fa- their prayers. Devout gratitude also is vors from the Lord for myself, but he due to the Father of mercies, who has not has also graciously extended the like to my wife, and eldest son, and to my permitted this interesting Mission to be youngest brother, who all have left idol-cut off in its infancy, and allows us to hope atry, and have had turn of mind (con- that its sanctified afflictions will even

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