Imágenes de páginas

intelligence among all classes of people, and especially the rising generation, on whom it will probably devolve to carry out to its completion the work begun by

their fathers.

Resolved, That the American Bap tist Magazine, the official Publication of the Board, and the only channel of full and connected information in regard to the Missions under their charge, has high claims to the patronage of the Christian Public; and is hereby cordially recommended to the families and individuals within the limits of this Association, who feel an interest in the cause of Foreign Missions.



At the close of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Board, the following resolutions, among others, were adopted, expressive

of sentiments which must meet with a

hearty response from all Christians, and Christian Associations, who desire the speedy extension of the Redeemer's king dom throughout the earth, and justly appreciate the agency which God has appointed, to effect the glorious consummation.

count it our highest privilege and honor to unite our humble instrumentality with that of all the people of God, throughout the world, in extending the reign of our common King and Saviour over the whole human family.

Resolved, That this Board rejoice and give praise to Almighty God for that increase of Christian activity which is seen in the various institutions established during the last forty years for the prevention of sin in all its forms, and for removing from our guilty and suffering race the evils which sin occasions: that they especially rejoice in the progress of the temperance reform, and of the principles of peace among the nations of Christendom; and that their earnest prayer is, that all these associations may continue to labor with wisdom and energy, and that others may be organized to co-operate with them, until the institutions of Christian benevolence shall present a front as extended as the ravages of sin; and, favored with guidance and power from on high, shall press forward in their joint labors to chase wickedness and misery from the earth.

Resolved, That continuance and increase of fervent and humble prayer to God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the conversion of all nations, is loudly called for from all the friends of Christ; especially at the monthly concert for prayer, and on the first Monday of the year.

Resolved, That the Board recognize all associations in this country and Europe, whose object is to make known to the benighted nations of the earth, the character and will of the only living and true God, and the method of salvation contained in the New Testament, as brethren and fellow-laborers; and that we will pray for the success of their efforts, rejoice in their prosperity, sorrow with them in all their reverses, and ac-of this revolted and ruined world.

Resolved, That LARGE DESIGNS, SYSTEMATIC and VIGOROUS EXERTIONS, HUMBLE DEPENDENCE ON God, and ENTIRE SELF-CONSECRATION TO THE WORK, should characterize all our enterprizes for the salvation



Treasurer's Account.

April 24. To Cash paid to B. Jacobs, Agent for Domestic Missions,


153 40

May 26.

[ocr errors]

Jona. Howe, for printing Circulars,


[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Bela Jacobs, Agent for Domestic Missions,

151 17

[merged small][ocr errors]

Bela Jacobs, for do.

23 48

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

H. Lincoln, Treas. of Gen. Con. for For. Miss.,

100 00

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


June 7. By Balance on hand,
Oct. 30.

2 48

Received of Mary Arnold, Treasurer of the Charlestown
Baptist Female Miss.Soc. to educate a Burman child,
by the name of Maria T. Jackson,

25 00

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Female Benevolent Soc. of Cambridge, for Home Missions,
Baptist Church, Woburn, for Home Missions,
Primary Foreign Miss. Soc., E. Cambridge, for Home Miss., 25 19

37 50

35 00

Baptist Church, West Dedham, for Home Miss.,

46 95

[ocr errors]

From do. for the Mass. State Convention, to be ap

propriated to Churches in Norfolk county,

23 45-70 43



Baptist Church in Watertown, for For. Miss.,
Female Mite Soc., Framingham, for Bur. Miss.,
Baptist Ch. and Soc. in do. for Home Miss.,

20 00

7 08

876-15 84

May 26.

Male Primary Baptist Miss. Soc., Charlestown, for

Home Miss.,

69 00

[ocr errors]

First Baptist Church do., col. at Mon. Con.,

35 00-104 0

[ocr errors]

Female Miss. Soc. Randolph, for Home Miss.,

23 16

[ocr errors]

Doct. J. Wales, for


10 00

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Bap. Ch. Charlestown, col. Mon. Con. for Bur. Miss., 100 00

Male and Female Baptist Primary Miss. Soc's. of

Charlestown, to constitute Drs. Cox and Hoby of

England, life members of the Home Miss. Soc.,

200 00-300 00

1464 28


The foregoing account has this day been examined, and the same found to

be correctly cast and properly vouched.

Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1835.

JOSEPH CARTER, 3 Commillee

Account of Moneys, received in Donations, by the Treasurer of the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, from October 15 to November 15, 1835.

From Warren, Me., col. at Mon. Con. in the Bap. ch.-per. Mr. S.

C. Burgess,

Woburn, Mass. Juv. Soc., for translating the scriptures into
the Burman language-by Rev. T. B. Ripley,
New York Youth's Benev. Soc. in Amity St. Sunday School,
for Bur. Miss. School-per G. H. Colgate, Pres't.

Virginia Foreign Mission Society, col. by Rev. S. Cornelius,
Agent of the Board, from associations, societies, churches
and individuals in Virginia, and published in the Religious
Herald, at Richmond, Va.,




Westbrook, Me., of Mr. Saunders per Rev. J. S. Maginnis,
Cumberland, Me., For. Miss. Soc. per D. Trull, Esq., Treas.,
New York, J. H. Harris-per Rev. W. R. Williams,
Bridgewater, Pa., Bap. ch. and asso.-M. S. Wilson, Treas., 42,

287,86 5, 124,13


Rensselearville Bap. asso., for Bur. Miss.,


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

for Bur. bible-per Chas. Pohlman, 5,

Conhocton Bap. asso. -Mrs. Shute, 1,75; Mrs. Griffiths and
Mrs. Grimcal, ,50 each,


Schodack Fem. Mite Soc.-per H. Humphrey,


Stephentown Bap. Asso., for Bur. bible, C. Tanner, Treas., 17,

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Rupert, Vt., Bap. ch.-per Rev. H. H. Haf,

[ocr errors]

All per W. Colgate, Esq., of New York,
Charleston, S. C., General Com. of Asso.-A. C. Smith,
Esq., Treas.,

Attleboro', Mass., ch. col. at mon. con, for Bur. Miss.,
Raynham, Mass., Mrs. Snow,

per H. H. Brown, Treas. of Warren Association,
Vermont Bap. State Convention, Jolin Conant, Esq., Treas.,
per Rev. W. Kimball,

A female friend, by Mr. Clark,

Newton Upper Falls-Miss Mary Kendrick, 10,; Miss Mary
Cressey, 10,-for Bur. Miss.-per Asa F. Smith,

Erie, Pa., Bap. ch. and soc., per L. L. Robinson, Treas.,
18,36; Plattsburg Fem. Miss. Soc., 2,; T. Sethus, 5,; Bap.
ch. East Avon, per J. C. Stearns, 10,; a friend to missions,
3,; a little boy's mission box,,50; D. Woodworth, 3,;
Nath'l Coe, Treas. Alleghany Co. For. Miss. Soc., 63,;
Fem. Bap. Sewing Soc., Dunkirk, per Rev. J. W. Sawyer,
10,; Ashtabula, O., ch., per Eld. Chapin, 10,; Fem. Miss.
Soc., Kingsville, Ohio, 3,75; H. Wood, 25; Ober Dibble,
,50; Jefferson, Ohio, mon. con. col., 3.; col. at Grand River
Ohio, Association, 24,33; Mrs. Wood, avails of gold beads,
3,;-all for Burman Mission,















Erie, Penn., Bap. ch. and soc., per L. L. Robinson, Treas.,
for Western Indians,


Sand Lake Fem. Miss. Soc., per Mrs. J. Fox, Treas., 22,;
Titus Post, 3,; a brother to "willing advocate," 5,; Rev. J.
W. Parker, Montrose, Penn., 1,; L. Osgood, Vernon, 2,;
a female friend, 3,; E. F. Armstrong, 1,


T. Sethus, 5,; Sam'l Coruine, Beamsville, U. C., 5,-per Mr.
J. Oakley, -for China Mission,


All per Messrs. Bennett & Bright, Utica, N. Y.,
Kennebunk, Me.-Samuel Curtis, Esq., 4th payinent for the
education of a Burman youth, nained Ralph Curtis,
Mrs. Rowena C. Day-part of the balance remaining of dona-
tions to her, after completing her outfit-per D. Cummings,
Mount Desert Fem. Miss. Soc., Mrs. M. Butler, Treas.,

[blocks in formation]


We publish the following extracts of letters from pastors of churches, for several reasons.

1. We would suggest how limited is the circulation of the Magazine, compared with what it ought to be. Many, very many churches of our connection, as we have cause to believe, are as ignorant of the contents of the Magazine as the church at S., and with similar effects on the interest of the monthly concert of prayer for missions.

2. It belongs specially to pastors of churches to remedy this evil, and by addresses from the pulpit, or private sug gestions, to extend the circulation of the Magazine and foster the spirit of missions as far as may lie in their power. These ob. jects are more closely united, than is generally surmised. At the same time, the operations of the Board of Missions depend directly on the interest and energy with which they are sustained by the churches, in whose behalf they act. And to whom shall they look to keep alive this interest, if not to those who are appointed by the great Head of the Church as "guides and ensamples?"

3. We would again remind pastors of churches, of the resolve of the Board to supply gratuitously with a copy of the Magazine, not only the Secretary of every Auxiliary Society who shall request it, but "the pastor of every church which shall regularly take a collection at the Monthly Concert, for the benefit of the missions under the direction of the Board."

[blocks in formation]

I regret to say that there is not, in this whole church, an individual subscriber for the Missionary Magazine. The consequence is evident, the Monthly Concert excites but little interest. I am now

making effort to produce a change in this respect, but very much feel the need of the Magazine as an Auxiliary. Your year, I believe, commences on the first of January, when I shall make an effort for subscribers; but you may place me among your subscribers from the present time. If you can forward it to me regularly, so that I can have it at the Monthly Concert, I think it may be the means of imparting to this people more interest in the cause of Missions.

C., Green Co. N. Y., Oct. 24, 1835. Dear sir,

I am happy to inform you, that the church of which I am pastor is in the constant practice of taking a collection at every Monthly Concert of Prayer, to aid the operations of the Board for Foreign Missions. Our church is smallof but 3 years standing-quite poor, as to worldly possessions, yet we sometimes collect as much as $5,00 an evening, from the little group gathered together for prayer. You will have the goodness to send me your Magazine as soon as may be, and if I can do any thing by way of obtaining subscribers, I will gladly do so.


On account of the changes which are to be made in the Magazine in commencing a new volume, the Publisher earnestly requests all persons, who are indebted to the Work for one, two, or more years, to make immediate payment according to the bills transmitted with the present number. Wherever it can be done, it is desirable that two or more subscribers should remit their payments in the same letter, but if individuals make remittances singly, whatever balance remains after the settlement of the old account, shall be passed to the credit of the new. Agents of the Magazine are also requested to forward all monies which they may have received for the work, as early as practicable. Remittances may be made by Mail, at the risk of the Publisher.

[blocks in formation]

Account of Moneys 47, 83, 120, 168,

Deputation to the East

204, 310, 348, 384, 420, 455, 489 Dwight, Pres., Memoir of

36, 224



Africa, Western

[blocks in formation]

African Mission, Report on

[blocks in formation]


255 Encouraging Tokens


Aldrich, Rev. Mr., Letter of

164 English Baptist Deputies to America 319

American Board 43, 115, 413, 453, 487

Union, Address of 257

[blocks in formation]

Burman Mission, Report on


Calcutta Baptist Missionary Society 380 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Letter of


[blocks in formation]


Youth's Book of Nat. Phil.


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