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for her to make any further advance | heard it is felt;-it reveals truth which no blindness of man can resist.

in knowledge.

Nov. 14. A man about forty years old, and of rather an intelligent countenance, came in at dark this evening, and begged for books. I inquired, Have you ever read our beos. "No." What object_have you in reading them now? "For a long time I have heard people talk about Jesus Christ, and his law; some say it is good, and others say it is not; I desire to read and see for myself." I find in every part of the city that this subject is debated. One man who had got a little light, began preaching with much zeal that there was a living God-and that all idols were a cheat. plaint was entered, that this man A comtaught the people to hate the sacred books, and despise idols. The poor fellow was caught, put in prison, and threatened with loss of his head. He was kept in prison about four weeks, and then let out. He is now pushing his inquiries still further, and is unmolested.


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there has been an alarm spreading Nov. 18. For some days past, among the people; but I think it will soon die away, as other alarms have done. This fear on the part of the people, is owing to a council held a few days ago. They called a man among the ministers in the Palace who lives near me, and questioned him about all our doings; who called at my house; how many books about the city preaching. This man I gave away; and if I travelled was then charged to note the persons who called on me, and the number of books I gave away, and report every three or four days.

with one or two officers of GovernI think the whole has originated ment, who have shown themselves unfriendly from the first. I know well the Government wish me out of the country; but for some reason, they do not see fit to take that step which is necessary to get me away: hence these temporary alarms only serve to convince me that a power out of sight lays a restraining influence upon them, and thus gives time for truth to take root among these thousands.

Nov 20. One of my most promising inquirers, a man about fortyfive years of age, was put to death in a most shocking manner, last night, by a gang of robbers. than two months he had been an atFor more tentive listener, and I had cherished the hope that he would be brought into the liberty of the Gospel.

Interesting Burial Services. Nov. 17. A Portuguese merchant, recently from Rangoon, having los a little child, he requested me to attend and conduct the funeral services. I accepted the invitation most willingly, as I knew great numbers of Burmans would be at the I read the burial service which is incomparably excellent, being an entire collection of passages of Scripture. When I came to that part in which the doctrine of the Resurrection is stated as given by the Apostle Paul, a solemn stillness prevailed over the whole assembly. At the close, I prayed extempore. In my petitions I felt more than ordinary assistance in pleading for the salvation of Burmah. I have never before had the pleasure of addressing so large an assembly of Burmans, for so long a time. When the services were finished," Balance." the people gathered around me, wondering at the doctrine they had heard; and among others there were two Noblemen from the Palace. How true it is, when the Gospel is

Nov. 24. For two or three days past we have had thronging of secretaries, asking for a continued books. All are begging for the

I am satisfied the ministers are at the bottom of this movement. What their object is, I canmore than to examine the doctrines not comprehend; probably, nothing we teach.

Nov. 25. Some interesting in-prisons to be thrown open, and isquirers to-day. Had much conver- sued an order, that during the 49 sation on the great change wrought days no flesh should be sold in by the Holy Spirit on the heart of the markets, no persons should wash those who believe in Christ. This their heads in the street, and many subject commends itself to the consciences of inquiring Burmans. December 1. Lord's day. We had at our morning worship 11, and at evening 12. But three visiters the whole day; these however appeared serious and attentive.

Stupidity of the Heathen.

things of a similar kind. Major Burney (the English Resident at the court of Ava) and his lady, invited us to go with them. However, when we reached the Palace gate, they had been in some time, but had left servants to conduct us through the crowd. We passed by the front till we came to the south angle of the Palace, and soon found ourselves seated under a canopy of great extent, and decorated according to Eastern taste. The King, and Queen, and all the members of the royal family occupied a splendid Veranda, which forms one niche in the south front of the Palace. Soon tea, fruit, and a variety of sweetmeats, flowers, &c. were placed before us, and immediately after, the Queen dispatched messengers bearing presents to each of us, which

Dec. 7. Visited two temples, for the purpose of making known the Gospel to the numerous worshippers who assembled to-day. One man among them all, appeared earnest in his inquiries after truth. I saw multitudes worshipping a block of mar: ble, which the King is having carved into an idol. The workinen (10 in number) were at work; some on the feet, some on the hands and arms, some on the breast and head; one man was just giving the finishing touches to the right ear. The idol, when finished, will be about 13 or 14 feet high. Already 100 thousand rupces have been expended, and there is much to do yet. This 'illus-y, "You see how kind his Majesty trates the stupidity of the heathen.

Dec. 17. We are often much

consisted of a silk dress, and two silk shawls each. A Woon-Gee, near whom I sat, said to me smiling

is, and hereafter you must not give books to the people." I listened atgratified with the appearance of tentively, but made no reply. The many of our inquirers, but particular- King inquired of his brother, (Prince ly with an old man, his wife and S.) who we were, and for the first time it seems, heard of our being in nephew. These persons have long the city. I have been thus particubeen investigating the subject of re-lar in describing facts, because I ligion, and by degrees they have think the interview will have some relinquished all the holds of heathen- direct bearing upon the Mission. I ism. They appear to rejoice in the feel no desire to be acquainted with mediation of Christ. Whether they the King, or any member of the roywill have faith sufficiently strong to al family, any farther than duty rencome out, and be baptized, time ders it necessary. alone will determine.

Visit to the Palace.

Dec. 18. Having been previously invited, we went to the Palace, and sat about two hours:-the occasion of our going was this; the young Princess, the only child of the head Queen, and the most distinguished favorite in the royal family, was to have her ears bored. The King appointed a festival of 49 days, suspended all business, directed the

Conviction spreading.

Dec. 28. Had a long conversation to-day with two of considerable standing in society, who had been inquirers for three months past. They appear to be drinking from the living fountain. The young man (who is a writer in the Palace) manifests more than ordinary strength of mind. I was delighted to hear him quote with so much ease various passages of Scripture. He said, in

reply to some remarks of mine, "I understand the cause of divisions in the world-men do not listen to God to ascertain the Divine will, but follow after the traditions of their fathers."

Dec. 29. Lord's day. Few persons at worship to-day. How small the number compared with the thousands who swarm the streets of Ava! We do trust, however, that there are more than 10 who know the way of life. Fear keeps them from coming out openly on the side of truth; though many in secret declare their full conviction of the truth of the Christian religion. Had considerable conversation with a Government man, this evening. He listened to the evening services, as he has done several times before, with fixed attention, and at the close, he said, "This is the most excellent religion." I said, it should be, because God, even the living God is its author.

of the city, and about sun-down reached our little home, near the centre of the town.

Jan. 3. Yesterday and to-day has been almost exclusively taken up in getting Br. Cutter's goods, and the printing apparatus from the boat. The news of Br. Cutter's arrival, and the arrival of a press has gone abroad over the whole city. It is with no small degree of anxiety, we wait the result of those inquiries which will in all probability be made. We have come to advocate the Redeemer's cause, and if the time of Burmah's redemption has come, no arm raised against us can prosper.

Jan. 5. Had fifteen at worship morning and evening. About 30 listened to the Gospel in the veranda, but only one who seemed anxiously to inquire after the truth.

Monthly Concert in Ava.

Jan. 9. At sunrise this morning we met together for the monthly concert. I explained to the Burman Arrival of Mr. Cutter. Christians the object of our meetDec. 31. Two men whom I sent ing; that it was to pray for the conto meet Brother Cutter, have come version of the world; that all Chrisin this evening, bringing a line from tians, every where, united in praying Mr. Cutter, which says, "We ex-for the coming down of the Holy pect to sleep at Kyouk-lalong to- Spirit. I read the first and second night, and hope to reach the Golden psalms of David-two of the disciCity to-morrow." This is cheering ples appeared to catch the spirit of intelligence. We have been just these beautiful psalms, and I trust one year entirely separated from all the incense of humble, earnest prayer religious society. Nine months went up before the throne of God have passed since we left Rangoon, and the Lamb. and to-morrow we expect to welcome the arrival of our dear friend.

January 1, 1834. Early in the morning, we sallied forth in a little

boat and about 11 o'clock we had the pleasure of greeting our friends, and fellow-laborers in the kingdom of Christ. After hearing from each other some of the principal events of the past months, we fell down and offered up our thanksgivings to Almighty God. How cheering to meet with dear Christian friends in this distant part of the world. Cold water was never more grateful to a traveller fainting beneath a tropical Between four and five o'clock, we came up under the Eastern walls


Jan. 10. For a few days past have been introducing Br. Cutter to some of the Government men—all appear pleasant, and friendly, and we have strong hopes that no obstacle will be laid in our way.


Visit to Ummerapoora. Early this morning we set off on horseback, for Ummerapoora. this season of the year the country is beautiful. Here and there the groves of mangoe and tamarind trees give a delightful variety to the scenery. We were surprised to find the road so thronged with travellers; from one end to the other there was just a continued rush of human be

ings, and on inquiring we find this The Roman Catholic Village. is the case every day. After enter- Jan. 11. Early this morning Br. ing the city, we called on a long- Cutter and myself went to the Robearded Mahometan who came from man Catholic village, a little west Mecca 23 years ago; he gave us a of the city. The village contains cup of tea, and said he would invite probably 150 persons, old and young. us to dinner, but he had no knives For some days past I have been reand forks. This man has built the peatedly invited to call and see the most costly house there is in Bur- two Priests, who are Italians. We mah. He could not speak a word of were no sooner seated, than the oldest English, and of course our conver- of the Priests announced his intensation was in Burman. I explained tions of having a dispute on religion. to him at considerable length the I told him as he did not understand character of Christ, and then asked English and as I did not understand him if he believed in Christ, to which Italian, the discussion must be carhe replied, "Christ was a great ried on in Burman, a language which prophet, and Moses, and Mahomet neither of us understood thoroughly. were great prophets." I said Christ Without the formality of a single is the Son of God, and this cannot preliminary, the Priest began to heap be said of any other prophet. He an incredible number of questions turned off the subject by saying, upon me, but at last fixed on one "The Burmans are very ignorant,"What is preaching?" I answered, and worship idols; but now many of To declare the will of God as it is them are getting your books, and revealed in the Scriptures of the Old talking about the eternal God.

and New Testament. He then inWe passed on through several quired, "Who are preachers?" I streets till we came within the ancient replied, Those who preach Christ fortifications. One old and spacious and the things pertaining to the temple attracted our notice. We kingdom of heaven. He then inpenetrated nearly all its lofty halls, quired, "What is the era of your hisand chambers, surveying with pe- tory? I said, Our history begins culiar emotions the piles of spears, 1834 years ago, in the days of Christ. helmets, and various other articles, He inquired, " And does not our hiswhich were used by the old King. tory begin at the same time?" I His ton jons and umbrellas were said, If you teach the same doctrines interesting objects of curiosity. All, that were taught by Christ and the all is given to the moles and bats. Apostles, then your history begins These insignia of the once haughty at the same time; but if you adhere monarch of Burmah, the sight of to the Pope of Rome, worship the which, as they glistened in the sun- image of the Virgin Mary, and pray beams, spread a feeling of dread to the dead, then your history begins over the surrounding multitudes, five or six hundred years after the now lie unheeded in the lonely days of the Apostles. He then said, chambers of a decaying temple. "Are you not a Protestant? and did Under the eastern walls of the tem- not Protestants take their rise, in the ple we found numbers of people reign of Henry the eighth, King of making and painting Oaks and England?" I replied, Protestants Dounglons; these are the same to are those, who adhere to the revealed natives of India, as tables and plates will of God, as taught in the sacred are to Europeans. I entered into Scriptures, rejecting the traditions conversation with these people on of men as injurious to the well-being the subject of religion. Others col- of mankind. The Apostles protested lected around, and without an ex- against the traditions of the Jews, ception all listened for nearly an and all the idolatry of the heathen hour to the word of God. We nations. All who followed in the gave them tracts, and during the steps of the apostles protested against day about 200 more were distributed. the errors of the world, and some

millions suffered death. In the days of Luther, Protestants increased rapidly; and when Henry, king of England, threw off the Papal yoke, the Bible was published, and every where read. Since then, the darkness and errors of the world have been gradually passing away, and Protestants are no longer afraid of being burned, because they preach Christ, and reject human traditions. Much desultory conversation ensued on the above-mentioned questions and replies, in which the priest made every effort to convince his people that all except Papists were sectaries. It was now about 12 o'clock, and as Mr. Cutter and myself had left home before breakfast, I announced our intention of returning. The Priest then said, it was his wish to discuss the subject still farther, if I was willing. My consent being given, the time of meeting was fixed on the 13th, at 4 in the afternoon.

Dispute with the Popish Priest.

give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, &c."

I replied, That Peter never received power to exercise authority over the other Apostles, is sustained by two arguments.

1. In all the doings of the Apostle, we never find him exercising such authority; but on the other hand, he was on one occasion, rebuked and reproved by the other Apostles for dissimulation.

2. Many passages of Scripture, teach us, that the Apostles were equal so far as authority was concerned. I read Luke 22d chapter, from the 24th to the 31st verses. Matthew 19th, 27, 28, 29, and 30th verses; also several other passages, and then remarked, Here our Saviour reproves them for contending about supremacy-compares it to the contention of heathen rulers who love dominion and authority-and then adds, But Ye shall not be so; but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. Then the Saviour says, ye shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. I then remarked, that he who sat on a throne, held the keys of the empire: all the Apostles had thrones, and judged; therefore they all held the keys of 'judgment.

13. At four o'clock we repaired to the Roman Catholic village, and six of the disciples followed us. I took the New Testament in Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Portuguese, English, and Burman: also several Histories, Lexicons, and Dictionaries, which I supposed might be necessary in fixing dates, definitions, &c. The Papists were assembled, and the The Priest read his favorite pasPriests had got sitting beside them sage over again, and urged for a long a Burman lawyer, a man who pleads time that Christ said of Peter, on this causes before the Woon-Gees. Af-rock I will build my church, and the ter considerable conversation, it was gates of hell shall not prevail against agreed that the Burmese New Tes-it, and then added. These are the tament should be the standard of ap- words of Christ, and not the words peal. The Priest then inquired, of men. What Christ teaches we among the twelve apostles, was must believe." there not one Apostle who exercised authority over the eleven?"


I answered, No. He then read Matthew 16th chapter, from the 13th to the 19th verses, commenting on every clause. He said, "From your own translations I can prove that the Apostle Peter was the rock on which the Church of God is built. A child cannot misunderstand it. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and I will also

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I replied, Christ did say, "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church; and in order to know what Christ meant, we must read what Peter says about the rock on which the church of God is built. If we believe about this foundation rock as Peter did, we shall not be wrong. I read and commented on 1st Peter, 2d chapter, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10th verse. Here the Apostle Peter teaches that all who have new

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