Imágenes de páginas

hearts, are living stones, built up a Jan. 20. This afternoon, at three spiritual house, and acceptable to o'clock, Br. Cutter and myself with God, by Jesus Christ also that Je- two candidates for baptism, and sevsus Christ is the chief corner-stone, eral others accompanying us, repairelect, precious. To those who be-ed to the Irrawaddy. While reading, lieve on Him he is precious. He is praying, and administering the ordithe stone which the builders disal- nance of baptism, 18 or 20 Burmans lowed; but is now, made the head of came, sat down, and listened with the corner. To this the Apostle Paul agrees: 'Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.'

great attention. The ordinance was administered but a few steps from the King's water Palace, it being the most retired place, though every place here swarms with human beings.

To us this is a solemn and interesting season: we trust it is the commencement of good days in Ava.

Three interesting Inquirers.
Jan. 25. Three persons called to-

Considerable desultory conversation followed, and not altogether unprofitable, I trust, to those who listened. Many heard more of the Scriptures, and of the way of life, than they ever did before. Thus I have given you a brief outline of the dispute-you have the argument ntire. The Priest acknowledged day who have been good inquirers before all the people that the Burman for a long time, but have never beTestament was a faithful and literal fore frankly declared their faith in Christ. One of them is a young man of the first order. He says his mind is clear; he has found that religion which gives him peace. It is joyful indeed to see such sterling talents under the influence of the Gospel. They have promised to at


Increase of Attention at Ava.

Jan. 15. For some time we have been occupying a zayat on the great street that leads to Ummerapoora. Great numbers come and listen to the word of God; -7 or 8 hundred is tend on the following Sabbath. I the common number that attend in cannot doubt but they have faith, the course of the day. We give but I fear that baptism will bring away from 2 to 4 hundred tracts in

a day; but we refuse the greater half that ask, and must do so till we have stereotype plates. Occasionally we occupy the large gold zayat on the south-west side of the city. We have two other places, where ence and twice a week the gospel is preached to a considerable number. Visiters at the house as usual.

Examinations and Baptism.

them to a stand.

Jan. 27. Lord's day. Had an interesting assembly. The three persons mentioned on the 25th came in, and brought two others with themwho are inquirers also. I preached from the passage, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." After services were closed, we had much conversation, and I eel en

Jan. 19. Lord's day. After the couraged to hope that they will ere morning services, we examined long enter the visible kingdom of God, and become shining lights in the world.

Great Attention.

Moung Shwa-ra, a young Burman, 25 years old. He has been an inquirer or nearly four months, and for some days past has been asking for bapJan. 28. Ko Shoon and Ko Santism. We also examined a country- lone have just returned from the born young man, who for five months zayat we occupy on the great past has been an attentive inquirer. Having satisfactory evidence that they had passed from death to life, we voted to receive them among the number of Christ's disciples.

street towards Ummerapoora. They preached from 9 in the morning, till dark, to immense crowds of people. They think a thousand persons heard the Gospel. They gave away 400

tracts, and twice the number of peo- LETTER FROM REV. MR. KINCAID TO

ple asked for books. One Kathay,

who lives near the zayat, has become a hopeful inquirer. The Gospel is now sounding out into every town



Ava, February 16th, 1834.

Rev. and very dear Sir,

The preceding extracts from my

Jan. 29. The A-choke-Woon (a journal will enable you to judge of nobleman who wears nine gold the probable prospect of the mission, chains, and ranks with an Atwen becoming permanent in Ava. A reWoon) sent me an invitation to call cent occurrence mentioned in my at his house, and converse on the subject of religion.

This evening Br. Cutter and myself called, and were treated with much civility. I told him in a few words the character of that Being whom we adore, and the nature of that service which He requires. He at once inquired, "Are you a priest?" No. I am a teacher of religion. He asked a variety of questions, and on the whole appeared more anxious to gratify his curiosity than to inform his mind.


letter will give you little insight into the feelings of the Ministry. When Br. Cutter arrived with his press, I felt that it event that would bring the Ministers out, and it was with much anxiety we waited the result of their deliberations. An appeal to their own sense of justice, made them acknowledge that we ought to be allowed to have a printing-press in our house, and print whatever we pleased, and that we had a right to praise our own religion, and give away our sacred books. They said, "Here is a book (the Investigator) which reviles our Jan. 30. Had a long conversation religion, and we cannot consent to to-day with a man who professes to have it given to the people." These have obtained a clear knowledge of deliberations took place in public, the living God by reading our bocks; and great numbers listened. We but he says he cannot believe that feel that the special providence of Christ is the Son of God, and that he God is watching over this little came into the world and died upon branch now planted in Ava. the cross for the good of man. I your prayers for wretched Burmah, said, formerly you worshipped idols, remember the cities of Ava, Umand pagodas-now you cannot; and merapoora, and Sagaing. O that

The Offence of the Cross.

why? Because you have read the words of Christ, and know there is a living God. Now you do not see your own sins, and therefore you reject Christ the only Saviour. Christ has given you all the light you have got, and yet you say you cannot believe in Him.

That great lesson, that men are dead in trespasses and sins, is one of the hardest lessons for a heathen to learn.

Encouraging State of Things. February 1. Great numbers attend in the zayat on the opposite side of the little river. Surely truth is breaking in upon the surrounding darkness, and if there is no interruption to the work, some great revolution must take place.


God would have mercy on these towns, and bless the word of His grace.

At present we are all well. The hot season, however, is near at hand, and we dread its influence.

Opening for a Female School in Ava.

P. S. Some time since, I mentioned the subject of schools-that we had a few children. We now have 6 who have learned to read. As soon as prudence will dictate, if we can get a room, we will gather in more scholars. Will not some of our Christian friends make up a box for schools in Ava? Mrs. C. and Mrs. K. could soon have a girls' school from among the highest class in Ava, if they had the things necessary to teach them to sew, as well as to read. We have nothing here and where there are several inquirers, cannot obtain even a pair of scissors, returned to Maulmein.

for what 20 pair would cost in America. If a few churches in the coun

try knew how much good they could do in this way, we should soon be supplied.


Our last advices from Mr. Judson, (see page 360, last volume) brought intelligence down to Jan. 31, 1534, at which date he had just completed the translation

of the Bible into Burman. Our readers will rejoice in the brief notices which follow, of the progress of the Gospel in the vicinity of Maulmein and Tavoy.


Newville, March 12, 1834.

Cheering Visit to Newville.

I have spent a few days in this place, where, on my arrival, I found the church consisting of 25 members only; several having removed to the vicinity of the Chummerah church; which, though of later origin, is now five or six times Jarger than the Newville. Day before yesterday, and to-day, nine new members have been received at this place, and there are five or six others, with whom I feel satisfied; but, for various rea

sons, their baptism has been deferred. In the number received, the most noticeable case, is that of Lausau, and wife. He is a petty chief, and possesses more personal influence, than any Karen yet baptized in these parts. He has been considering the Christian religion, with approbation, for three years, but has had great difficulties to encounter, resulung from his family connexions, and from his inveterate habit of temperate drinking. Until the present time, he could never resolve on adopting the principle of entire abstinence; but I trust that conviction of truth, and love of the Saviour, have enabled him to gain the victory. 16. On leaving Newville, it my intention to go up the Patah river; but, not finding sufficient water this season, I turned into the Houng-tarau; and, having visited a village,


Revision of the Old Testament.

April 1. Have been closely engaged in revising a few books of the Old Testament for the press, the regular printing of the whole being now commenced. I say, commenced, for the edition of the Psalms, which is out of press, we do not consider as forming a part of the present edition of the Old Testament; for it will probably be expended before long, and have to be reprinted in course with the rest of the work.

To-day, dispatched Pallah, and three younger Karen assistants, to the aid of bo Thah-byoo, oo, in the vicinity of Rangoon, intending to proceed thither myself before long.

Visit to Tavoy.-Marriage.

Tavoy, April 10. I arrived here on the evening of the 6th instant. Am delighted with this station, and every thing about it. The few native Christians, whom I have seen, together with the schools, appear excellently well. But the glory of this station, the two hundred Karen converts, and their village of Mee-tahmyo, I found myself not at leisure to visit. Indeed, I have hardly found time to step out of the mission inclosure, since my arrival; and, to-day, having received the benediction of the Rev. Mr. Mason, I embark for Maulmein, accompanied by Mrs. Judson, and the only surviving

child of the beloved founder of the

Tavoy station. Once more, farewell to thee, Boardman, and thy longcherished grave. May thy memory be ever fresh and fragrant, as the memory of the other beloved, whose beautiful, death-marred form reposes at the foot of the Hopia tree.

Rev. Dr. BOLLES.



The death of Rev. Colston M. Waring is announced in the Herald published at Liberia, and just received in this country. He was pastor of the First Baptist Church in Liberia, and a member of the Council for the Colony. He died at the age of 42.


We have been furnished, by bro. Pattison, with the following interesting article, to which we willingly give place, at the expense of other matter of less urgency and moment, prepared for this number.


Held in Cincinnati, Ohio, Νου. 5, 1834,
and several following days.

single-handed; while thousands will be stimulated to efforts, by being made acquainted with the active habits of oth

ers. The Convention has no funds. It

is not its object, to be responsible for the financial operations it may be the means of bringing into existence. It would originate by awakeninga general interest, and would control by advice, but commit the detail to other hands.

What the Convention is doing.

With this object before them, and distinctly distinct understood, they held their first Anniversary during the month of November last, in the same city where

Religious sympathy, the ties of kindred and mutual interest, must bind together the eastern and western states of this country. We hope the bond is it was organized the year previous. indissoluble. Yet nature has placed There were present, as delegates, 38 between us a high wall, which, though ministers, from 6 different States in the not insurmountable, is nevertheless of West; 7 who were delegates from severdifficult passage. The lofty range of al of the most important benevolent somountains running parallel with the cieties of the East. These, together sea coast, something like a hundred with between 30 and 40 lay-brethren, miles distant, makes a natural division constituted an organized body, of no litfully realized, when we would cross over tle interest to witness, as was often felt, to them, or they return to us. Union when accompanying them in their deof religious effort, therefore, must be liberations, listening to their discussions, made, rather in striving for the same ob- or imagining them as the heralds of salject, and provoking each other to good vation, and the defenders of the truth, works, than by a single organization. amid the thickening multitudes that are Though we may have one Lord, one settling that immense and fertile valley. faith, and one baptism, and may be of Having appointed the Rev. J. L. Hol

one spirit, yet we cannot conveniently be of one body. On this account, instead of attempting to bring every thing under the control of one great national society, it has been deemed advisable to multiply the number of central points, located with special reference to the facilities of operation. The Baptists, therefore, in the States lying within the great Western Valley, organized a Society at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1833, to be called the Annual Convention of Western Baptists.

Object of the Convention.

man, Chairman, (Rev. S. M. Noel, the President, being absent,) and Messrs. J. Stevens, and C. Quirey, Secretaries, the Convention proceeded to business, which continued, with no other interruption than that of the Sabbath, until the following Tuesday; being, in all, 6 days. Our limits will not allow us to give a minute account of the manner in wbich each of the several subjects was treated, and of the effects which may reasonably be supposed to follow. All, or nearly all of the benevolent operations peculiar to the day, were brought under review; and, concerning some of them, measures were adopted for their immediate advancement.

The object of the Convention, is the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom, throughout the world; but, with While institutions already in existspecial reference to the religious condi-ence, and in somewhat successful operation of the Mississippi Valley. They tion, such as the Tract, Sabbath School, hope to promote this object, by means of Bible, Temperance Cause, &c., were ensuch an organization; since, thereby, couraged to greater and more united there will be not only a concentration of efforts, the materials were collected and energies already in avistence, but dor- adjusted for a few others either entirely mant ones may be awakened, and called new, or hitherto too imperfectly organinto action. Greater efficacy is antici-ized to accomplish the good they ought. pated, than could be realized by each The cause of Home Missions, it is beindividual Christian, laboring alone and lieved, received a strong and well-direct

ed impulse. The brethren of the West intellect, of him whom the Son seemed fully to appreciate their relation makes free-is a spirit-stirring enterprise to this department of religious effort; which a people, naturally susceptible,

both its importance to themselves, and their own duty in promoting its great undertakings. The following resolution may be taken as an expression of their feelings on this subject:

Resolved, That the efficiency of the efforts employed by the American Baptist Home Mission Society, which are mainly and territories, will greatly depend, under God, upon the active co-operation of the Western Baptists.

directed to the benefit of the western states

Though resolves of this kind are often little else than human breath, yet no one who was present, and witnessed the spirit manifested, could doubt, but that great and lasting results must follow in favor of truth and piety. That many churches now destitute of one to break unto them the bread of life, will soon be supplied, while many new churches will be called into existence.

cannot contemplate, without thrilling emotions. We shall hear the inquiry from every quarter of that wide land, and from our thousands of churches there, Lord, what wilt thou have us to do?

The cause of Education, especially of Ministerial Education, awakened if possible a still deeper interest. The time occupied in deliberations on this subject was sufficient to give it a patient and faithful investigation. The facts presented, as to the wants of a thoroughly educated ministry, and the general destitution of the means of Education in the west-facts thrown out in free discussions and elicited by enquiries, were of a highly interesting character. The subject became in the end engrossing; in which one found it difficult to know, whether most to admire the spirit of brotherly kindness, which merged all minor differences and sectional interests in the great cause itself, or the zeal which seemed to prompt all to determined action. We left the Convention with the full conviction that a new era

Foreign Missions, also, were taken up de novo. Having never acted in concert, in their past contributions, and the great mass of the Baptists in the west, many of whom are abundant- in the cause of ministerial Education

had commenced in the west. The men who ought, and who alone can sustain this great undertaking, are the individuals who exhibit the most feeling, and the most decided determination. We

ly rich, having never been called upon to aid in this cause, the Convention recommended to the Baptists of the Mississippi Valley, to furnish to the Baptist Foreign Mission the means requisite to sustain a Baptist Mission in the great do not remember to have witnessed at

any similar meeting in New England so much interest on this subject.

While there are a number of new literary Institutions, soon to be brought into operation in the different western States, over which the Convention have no direct influence-they resolved to establish at some suitable point a Central Theological Seminary-for the location of which and the farther developement of its plans, an able and judicious Committee are now under appointment from the Convention. The growth and final success of this Seminary will depend of course upon the character of the professors and the liberality with which the friends of Christ shall endow it. As to the former, they must be men of just practical knowledge, or they will never

Empire of China. A nobler enterprize could not have been selected. One more encouraging, at the present moment, or more eminently adapted to awaken a strong and prevailing interest throughout that broad Valley. To plant the banner of the cross in the centre of the celestial empire is, indeed, a noble undertaking, and worthy of the magnanimit y ofa people, whoin nature, in the greatness of her physical features, has already inspired with corresponding conceptions. To spread the light of revelation over the whole of that immense country, with its numerous provinces, over all of which, rests, as yet, an unbroken, and, as has hitherto been sup posed, impenetrable cloud of moral darkness to teach its crowded millions, whom sin has degraded, and an absurd accomplish anything for the churches reverence for antiquity has almost stereo- there. We do not mean showy, as the typed in stupidity-justification by faith, term is sometimes used, but with much and the freedom of conscience and of sacred learning, and especially of the

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