Imágenes de páginas


Vol. 16.

August, 1836.

No. S.

American Baptist Board of Foreign Missions.



(Continued from p. 165.)

house, and showed me the different apartments, but gave no chance to speak on the subject of religion. His object was to get me alone, to ask my advice about a little difficulty which he had. Without being aware of it, he paid a compliment to the Christian religion.

3. Two rather interesting inquirers. They have read considerable, and so far appear very well.

5. Lord's-day. Had but 13 at worship. It is a very sickly time. Three of the native Christians are sick with fever, and several of the school children with fever and measles. It is supposed nearly as many are now dying, as in 1834, with the small-pox. The whole night, funeral processions are passing our house, and there are three other gates, through which the dead are taken. In some whole streets, there is not a house, where one or more have not died.

Brahmins in Burmah and Kathay-Mahometans-Visit to a Monastery. June 27. Some time since I wrote to br. Pearce, of Calcutta, for a few copies of the New Testament, and a few tracts in Bengalee. I was induced to this by the urgent entreaties of a brahmin who secretly professes to be a disciple of Christ. Br. Pearce promptly forwarded, under the care of Col. Burney, 25 copies of the New Testament, also 25 copies done up in parcels in the form of tracts, together with three or four kinds of tracts. 1 sent for the brahmin, and when he saw the books he was quite overcome with joy. He said, "What will not Christian love do to benefit mankind?" I gave away ten copies of the Testament, and 200 tracts, in about two hours. There are 200 brahmins in a village a little south of the city, besides about 3000 Kathay brahmins, whose written language is the same. Among the various classes of people that throng this city, after the Burmans and Shans, the brahmins are the most interesting. I have never taken the least pains to introduce my-him-Surely among the 2 or 3000 musself among the Chinese, except on two or three occasions, and, indeed, I could not, without leaving unoccupied a more interesting field.

30. But few visiters to-day, and these few not at all interesting.

July 1. Gave away fifty tracts, and three books.

2. The Surrawa prince, (the king's brother,) sent for me yesterday, and again to-day. He treated me with much kindness-took me around his

6. A mahometan from Ummerapoora, called on me in great distress. He has a wife, and five children, and, in one short hour, through the intrigue of some government man, is reduced from opulence, to beggary and want. The poor man wept and begged I would intercede for him, said that the governor would listen to me. I said to

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sulmans in Ummerapoora, many of whom are men of wealth and influence, you cannot want for friends. Alas," (he said,) now I am reduced to want, I have no friend." "The people who have always treated me as a brother, now will not see me, and my children cry for rice, and no one pities them." I have often called on this man when in Ummerapoora. He lived in the largest and most costly house in the city, and I always received from his hand a cup

27. Col. and Mrs. Burney, accompa

of tea or coffee, while himself and of thesc cities are within four or five neighbors listened to the gospel, or, as days' march of China. sometimes was the case, disputed me and advocated the claims of the Impos-nied by an escort, reached Ava to-day, tor. I felt distressed at the situation having been absent a year and three or of his family, and promised to do what four months. Noblemen from the palI could. The affair was soon arranged, ace are flocking in with congratulations, and the poor man, in an excess of joy, which is evident testimony of the good prostrated himself on the floor, and feelings of Government. Perhaps no would have worshipped me, had I not person in the world could manage the prevented him. I told him to worship Burmans more admirably than Col. the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of sin- Burney: he is both loved and feared ners. Here is an instance, (and I could by the officers of Government. All the mention several others,) in which the complicated affairs that were pending proud, vile, haughty mussulman ac- between the Court of Ava and the knowledges the superiority of the gos- Bengal Government, he has managed pel. Without intending it, they honor in such a way as to give entire satisChrist. faction to both powers.

28. Had several Burmans, brahmins, and mussulmans, all in a group, to whom I preached the gospel as plainly as possible. All asked for books and tracts, and all, except one brahmin, declared themselves afraid to say one word against the doctrines I taught. Truth bears investigation. Truth commends itself to the conscience. But O, the power of tradition! the practice of my fathers! Alas, what can words do-what can truth do, against such a mountain? Oh, that we might ever feel that the Holy Spirit's influence alone can make the truth effectual in removing darkness and in subduing the enmity of the heart.

10. But few people at the house, these few days past. Proclaimed the gospel to a crowd of men and women, who were gathered round an old temple. 17. Visited a monastery this evening in company with two of the native brethren. All the inmates, to the number of thirty or forty, with the Abbot at their head, seated themselves around me in the great court. On one side of us, on an elevated platform, was a long row of neatly carved images, and, on the other, a crowd of people, who came in to hear what the "foreign teacher" had to say. I continued speaking till dark, with no other interruption than "Yes, that is very true," which occasionally fell from the lips of one and August 2. Lord's-day, after preachanother in the crowd. When it being from "This is a faithful saying, came dark, the Abbot said, "We shall and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus need a light." I looked up among the Christ came into the world to save sinhighly polished images and said, Cer-ners," we commemorated the Savior's tainly where the gods are it cannot be death in the holy supper. Yesterday dark. The Abbot smiled, and said we had 150 or 200 visiters, and gave those things were of very little use, as away about that number of tracts. they neither imparted natural nor mental light. Mrs. Kincaid and myself left with many invitations to call again.

26. Lord's-day, had our usual assembly. For several days past, we have had but few visiters; on an average, 20 or 25 in a day. Several from Ummerapoora lately, both brahmins and mussulmans. A few days since had a number from Bomau, a city near the frontiers of China. Last year two or three tracts reached that city, and having heard these books were printed in the "golden city," all were eager to read and know more about that wonderful Being who made heaven and earth. Have had during the month quite a number of visiters from Mona, Legare, Cheending, and other Shan cities, to the north east of Ava. Some

Under the same date, Mr. Kincaid proceeds to give the following

Summary view of the Station.

A few days since I received 34,000 pages of books and tracts, and a short time before about 12,000-during the two months now past, about 18,000 pages have been given away at the house, and a few tracts besides have been given away by the native brethren among their acquaintance who wish to examine this religion. The school continues about the same; 11 have been dismissed, and 10 are now studying. They are boarding scholars, and attend worship constantly. Mrs. Kincaid has them formed into a Sabbath school. One of them we hope is pious, and two others are serious, and

are often overheard in secret prayer. Every effort we make, appears to be blessed, and though only twelve have come out openly on the side of Christ, yet there are quite a number who own Christ as their only hope and Savior, who are afraid to take the last solemn step of separation from the world in being buried with Christ in baptism. The number of those who own Christ in secret, is increasing.

12. Several inquirers to-day, who are apparently honest. They spoke like reasonable men, yet I fear have not much of that feeling which induces inners to cry, "What shall we do to be saved?"

16. Several of the church were not present at worship, but sent word by their children that their houses were surrounded by informers, and they thought it most prudent to remain. To those present, I preached from these words, "Grace be with all them who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." I believe we all had a comfortable day.

17. Gave away more than a hundred books and tracts, to people who called at the house. Had conversation with some old inquirers.

21. Several of the native brethren called to-day, expressing the hope that the threatening storm will pass away, and leave them undisturbed. So we hope, and unceasingly pray.

Burmans, mahometans, and brahmins from Ummerapoora, have been calling for books lately; I have given them about 300, 50 of which are in Bengalee.

20. Have made some little excursions in different parts of the city, and find the people as much inclined to lis13. The head of a kyoung, (monas-ten as formerly. I do not perceive tery,) of whom I have formerly spoken, any shyness, or fear of listening to has become a believer in Christ, and is me in the street, zayat, or verandah, greatly distressed about his situation, wherever I choose to stop. as all his movements are carefully watched. The native brethren think he is really "born of God," and I cannot but hope this is the case; however, I dare not be sanguine. He knows, and professes to love the truth. He is a man of great natural parts, well read in all Burman books, and withal, a great orator. I have visited the Thatha-na-ping, (lord archbishop of the Empire,) gave him part of the New Testament, and some tracts, all of which he said he would read with care. By his request, I gave a condensed view of the Christian religion, the being of God, the immortality of the soul, the depravity of man, the redemption by Christ, the Holy Spirit's agency in changing and sanctifying the soul, the resurrection of the dead, the judgment day, the eternity of future happiness, and future punishment, &c. Ile is a very mild man, is well skilled in metaphysics, but in theological discussions is a novice, compared with many others in the city.

28. Gave away 250 tracts and books to those who called at the house. This is a much greater number of visiters than usual. Had some violent opposers, and not indifferent reasoners. Opposition is better than indifference. Two persons appear to be right in heart, but as yet, they have not courage to be baptized. We long to see a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord; when the word shall be quick and powerful, reaching the inmost soul of these perishing heathen.

29. Ko Kai and Moung Shwa Nee, (Ava converts,) I am sending out on little excursions into the out-skirts of the 15. Ko Gwa and the native Chris-city and neighboring villages; and to tians who live in his compound, are thrown into consternation by the threats of some of their neighbors and petty officers, to report them to the officers of the palace. Should this threat be executed, they will probably be thrown into prison, at least two or three of the most prominent men. Ko Gwa says, "Let us not be anxious, God will watch over us." The merciful providence of God which has been around us for so many months, and amply provided for us in every time of need, encourages us to hope that the arm of persecution will not be raised. Our refuge is the Rock of Ages.

make them more skilful in the word of righteousness, I have them spend an afternoon with me every second or third day, when I read one or two chapters critically. In this way they are becoming more acquainted with the Scriptures, and I trust are growing in grace, and in the knowledge of Christ crucified. It is vastly important that native assistants should have a thorough Bible education. They are constantly brought in contact with subtle, farsighted reasoners, and if their arguments prove weak or indefensible, the cause of Christ suffers in their hands. I hope our dear friends in America will

not be discouraged because the work
goes on so slowly at Ava. Often I
have felt very much distressed in view
of the difficulties to be overcome; the
stern, jealous character of the govern-
ment; the influence of the priesthood;
the blind attachments of the people to
ancient customs, and above all the dark,
fearful depravity which reigns among
all classes and ranks. The depths of
satan can be understood, only by an
intimate acquaintance with the heathen.
However, we must not despair of pull-
ing down every strong hold, and of be-
ing able to carry the gospel triumphant-
ly over the whole world.

CAID, DATED Aava, october 9, 1835.

Mr. Simon's reception at Ava.
The arrival of Mr. Simons and family at
Ava in September last, was mentioned in our
number for June. The following brief notice
of the manner in which he was received by
the government, encourages the hope that he
will be suffered to remain, and to labor in
connection with Mr. Kincaid without moles-


On the twelfth of last month, the fifth day after br. Simons arrived, we received a written order to appear before the ministers of Government on the following day. I informed the messenger that the next day was the Sabbath, and we could not go, but if they should appoint any other day, we should not refuse to appear before them. Accordingly, on the fifteenth we were again summoned before the lords of the empire, and at 8 o'clock in the morning we entered the palace enclosures, and took our seat in the legislative hall. The woon-gees and woondouks, were in the palace. The sadou-gees, (royal secretaries,) said we must remain till their lordships should come from the palace. I entered into conversation with some of them on the subject of religion: if it had no other beneficial effect, it served at least to calm my own feelings. I felt that probably the well-being of millions might be suspended on the doings of this morning. After waiting about one hour, the ministers came in, with the queen's brother at their head, and we were soon summoned before them. One of the woon-gees inquired about br. Simons, who he was, and what he was. I replied, that he was a teacher of religion, and had come to be my associate it appeared so reasonable that I should have a companion, that no

objection was made to his taking up his residence in the royal city. The woon-gee then said, "The owner of the house has brought in a petition requesting that you should leave his house immediately." I answered, You know we cannot endure this hot climate if we live in a common Burman house. When we can get a comfortable house, we will remove, though I am sure the owner does not wish us to leave his house on any other ground than that he is afraid of government oppression. The woon-gee said, "It is not proper to speak in this way." Thus the examination closed, without one harsh, or angry word. Not a word was said about preaching or giving books; not a word about our leaving the country. We are at liberty then to go on with our work. We have all the toleration that is needed-all that the gospel asks, of a heathen government, is, to let us because the only favor that we can ask alone. It is true, the government at times has been feverish, and on three or four occasions, has put itself into a threatening posture; yet all this has quickly subsided. Our Heavenly Father has set open the door of hope, and the door of faith, so that, although there may be much that is trying, and sometimes even perplexing, we cannot but feel that a foundation is being laid for the introduction of great and manifold good into this benighted empire. The husbandman who enters a wild and cheerless forest, is obliged to toil long and painfully, before he can see a single field whitening for the harvest: he does not sit down, however, in hopeless sorrow. The hardy woodman's axe echoes through the gloomy forest, and, in process of time, there is an opening made, through which the light of day descends, and the fattening dews of heaven distil; then comes the delightful labor of casting in the seed, and gathering the joyous harvest. Shall we be less patient, less laborious, less hopeful? Shall we say this is the work of many long and painful years, and therefore abandon the labor in despair? Many long years may pass, before the reaper's song shall echo through these vallies; yet that day will surely come.


EXTRACTS FROM MR. VINTON'S JOURNAL. Our last communication from Mr. V. (pp. 110-114,) left him at Tavoy, whither he had repaired the 20th of March to pass the rainy season. He continued there, preaching

to the English congregation, distributing tracts, arranging and copying the Karen Dictionary, &c., till early in October, when he returned to Maulmein, (Oct. 12,) on his way to Chummerah. The extracts which follow give some details connected with his labors at Tavoy, omitting such as have been heretofore published.

Tavoy, June 29. Blessed be God, one case of hopeful conversion, and two additional cases of awakening. Our meeting this evening was one of deep solemnity, for God was there. I doubt not but every individual present felt deeply concerned for the interest of

his soul.

July 3. Called at the hospital, and found a number of the soldiers in deep concern for their souls. But what encouraged me still more, another individual has begun to hope in Christ. Surely this blessed work of mercy is going on.

6. A large lot of tracts have arrived from Maulmein, and I have this day entered upon a course of liberal distribution, resolved to give to all who can read, and can be persuaded to take. I bless God for the prospect before me. No refusal to-day. All that could read received, and that, too, with many expressions of thankfulness.

11. In my evening excursion, gave away a hundred and seventy-five tracts. It was truly cheering to my spirits, to see with what interest the people received them. Some would come running out of their houses to meet us; others not seeing us when we passed, would come running after us to beg tracts. Some would say, 'When you were along before, you gave me a small book; I have read that, and now want a large one;' others, 'You gave one of my neighbors such a tract-I want that tract.'

13. In my excursion this morning, found twelve or fifteen women, collected at a kind of grocery, who all asked for books, saying they had either husbands or children who could read. One said she wanted I should give her at least two for her own family, and four for her neighbors, (she lived at a neighboring village,) who she knew would be glad to read them. This evening brother Wade went out with me, when we were all but thronged with applicants for tracts. A company from the kyoungs first came around us. As soon as they were supplied, they ran to call others, who immediately came flocking around us, nor would

they be satisfied, till each one was furnished with a book. On my return, called at Mr C.'s, and attended the prayer meeting. A deeply solemn time. 'Three individuals who have never before manifested any concern for their souls, at the close arose and requested their Christian friends to pray for them. One of them is a Roman Catholic.-Another has not attended meeting since I came into the place, till last evening.

15. Gave away nearly three hundred tracts to-day. In my evening excursion went into a kind of public square, and seeing a couple of men at a little distance, I called to them, to know if they wanted books. They immediately came running to me, saying they were from a neighboring village, and wanted books for themselves and their neighbors. By this time there were seen coming from every direction, men, women, and children, and in a few moments, I was literally surrounded with applicants for tracts. None were willing to be sent empty away, nor could I find it in my heart, to withhold from their starving souls the bread of life. O, that their souls might be led to Jesus, the source of eternal life.

16. Two more of the soldiers have begun to hope in Jesus. Three came forward this evening, and related what God had done for their souls, with a view to receiving the ordinance of baptism. I shall probably baptize one next Sabbath.-The other two have concluded to wait a little.

19. Commenced a Bible class today, among the soldiers. My object is to bring the word of God in direct contact with their consciences, with a view to their speedy conversion. Those who are already Christians, need such an exercise, to acquaint them more thoroughly with the claims of God upon their services, and to call them out into the field of action. One of them, has already become my assistant in tract distribution among the natives,— says he has learned so much of the claims of God upon him, that he can never again idle away his time as he had done. Baptized one of the English soldiers. The scene was deeply solemn,-God was there. Others I trust will soon follow.

Aug. 2. Baptized another of the English soldiers,-a large concourse of people, consisting of Europeans, Burmans, Bengalese, and Karens. Scarce ever did I witness a season more solemn and deeply interesting.

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