Imágenes de páginas

these in one continuous string extending about two miles, but so arranged that almost every variety is attainable by walking a few yards. The temples are generally a little out of the crowd of business, and occupy the most eligible sites in the city. On entering the grounds of one whose buildings were rather numerous and richly ornamented, my teacher, as I went from one gate to another, kept crying out "M-Koo," "M-Koo," [Not go, Not go;] but, desiring to see what I could, I kept on till I had examined all within and about the premises. I forbear any description of the buildings, pagodas, and idols, since they much resemble those of another wat noticed in a former letter, though on a more extensive scale. These wats would make fine places to preach the gospel in, and being rather strongly built they may stand long enough to be occupied for that purpose. Examination and Baptism of Chek Ete, Chek Pay-Chun, and Chek Haw.

20. Sabbath. After service attended to the examination of the three Chinamen who last Sabbath requested baptism. Commenced with Chek Ete, as follows:

Q. Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?

[blocks in formation]

A. That they may be saved.

Q. You know that most of the Chinese and most of the world are ignorant of Jesus Christ. How then can they be saved?

A. I suppose the teachers must give them books and teach them.

Q. You know that the teachers can't buy paper, and make books, without money. Will you give any thing to help them?

A. The teacher knows that I get but a little money during the year, and I must send some to my wife and children in China, or they could get no rice. But I used to buy something to offer to the idols every year, and I think I can now save something to assist in making books.

Q. What do you think of the scriptures?

A. I think they are the word of God. Q. Do you intend to be governed by them?

A. Yes, so far as I understand them.

To Chek Pay-Chun.

Q. You have heard the answers of Chek Ete-are you of the same mind? A. Yes.

Q. Why do you wish to be baptized? A. Because Jesus Christ has commanded it.

Q. Can you read the scriptures?
A. A little.

Q. I understand that your children worship idols-perhaps at some future time you will join them.

A. No. I hope they will come with me, and worship God.

Q. You are now becoming old, and what will you do when you become disabled to meet the disciples?

A. I can worship God in my own house.

To Chek Haw.

Q. You have requested baptism, but we can't see your mind and consequently cannot know whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not. What if we should not give you baptism?

A. I should try to worship God while I live, just the same.

Q. Do you think that you ought to keep the ten commandments? A. Yes.

Q. Have you violated any of these commands?

A. Yes.

Q. How then do you expect to be saved?

A. I hope by trusting in Jesus Christ.

Q. Do you think it is right to smoke | life. opium, and drink ardent spirits?

A. I do not?

We need an interest in your


The labors of our Dispensary are

Q. Do you think yourself a man of now divided between br. Jones and many sins? A. Yes.

Q. Do you love to pray?

A. I think I do.

inconvenience to me for more than two weeks; but through the kindness of our merciful Father, I am now nearly well. The climate at this season of the year, though comfortable and in many respects very pleasant, is nevertheless to be guarded against, as producing severe colds, and the attending evils of frequent and sudden changes from hot to cold.

myself; he taking charge of the patients one week and I the next. I still board in his family. We have recently all After this we consulted with the suffered more or less from a prevailing church, whether they should be receiv-influenza, which has been a serious ed into their communion. One of the church members replied that the candidates did not worship idols, and inasmuch as their lives were moral and their hearts could be seen only by God, since they had requested baptism we should be contending with God, if we refused to receive them. It was therefore unanimously agreed that they be considered members of the church after being baptized. These lambs of the flock, though old in years, are weak in faith,and young in knowledge. But we have evidence that they have been taught in the school of Christ, and pray that they may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord.

Review of the closing year.

this place, and has since crowned my life with his loving-kindness and tender mercies. He has made me instrumental of healing many of the sick-he has given me a teacher in the native lan

31. While reviewing to-day the incidents connected with my personal experience during the closing year, I have done little but weep and pray. The opening year smiled upon me in a 27. This morning, after an interest-heathen land, enjoying the sweets of ing season of religious worship with a full domestic happiness and the privilege of assembly of Chinese, we repaired to the commencing my labors for the heathen. Meinam, where, after prayer by br. Jones, But scarcely one fourth of its days had and singing by the missionary brethren passed before I stood a lonely stranger and sisters, I baptized the three China- by a companion's grave. From this men who were received as candidates for shock I had scarcely recovered so as to church membership on the last Sabbath. realize my loss, when death, armed The occasion was solemn, and we hope with a barbarian's weapon, stood before may be rendered instructive and profit-me, and a watery grave seemed my only able to the attentive company of spec- prospect. But an almighty God saw tators. On returning to the house we my danger-delivered me from the hand celebrated the Lord's Supper with the of the destroyer-healed my woundslittle church, including the newly re-guided me by his good providence to ceived members. We hope the time may soon come, when it shall not be uncommon for converts from heathenism to profess before the world their attachment to Christ and his religion. Though the responsibility of super-guage of the heathen, who, in addition intending the affairs of this little church is great, and the difficulty of directing them in the way they should go is increased by their limited knowledge of gospel truth and their long attachment to heathen customs, still, looking to the good Shepherd for direction, I feel a pleasure in the little charge, and hope, by divine teaching, to be able to feed them with knowledge and understanding, and contribute something to their growth in grace. I am aware that the relation I sustain to them renders it sure that my moral and religious feeling will to a greater or less extent be imbibed by them. Here I have an additional inducement to strive for holiness of heart and righteousness of

to other desirable qualifications, possesses a Christian spirit and some knowledge of the gospel. He has so far succeeded my efforts to acquire the language that I am enabled to speak a few words daily to the heathen, in the name of Christ and recommendation of his religion. He has given me the privilege of baptizing three Chinese converts, and committed to my care a little flock of six humble disciples, with the privilege of feeding them, to some little extent, with knowledge and understanding. During a residence of six months in this insalubrious climate, he has given me perfect health with scarcely an interruption. He has provided a" nursing-mother" and Christian

guide for my helpless child, and that with a providence as marked as it was merciful; and to crown the whole, has given the consolations of his Holy Spirit to the chief of sinners. The last year's experience has been to me a season of profitable instruction and rich enjoyment. Though my calamities have sometimes appeared to be greater than I could bear, still, in the language of another, "I know of no person on earth with whom I would exchange trials and mercies." I find the Lord not only a God and Savior, but a friend and companion. I have no desire to exchange my location for any other on earth, unless I could thereby be rendered more useful. What I am but sin and misery, is by the grace of God, to which I must forever be a debtor, and of which I must remain a standing monument. The presence of Christ can cheer the loneliest hour; his grace can sweeten the bitterest cup, and his blood can remove the foulest stains of sin. Well may the Christian say, "Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none on earth I desire in comparison with thee."



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transpired, in connection with my little flock and the mission. Allow me to state the latter first:-I and my brethren and sisters with me, have been sorely grieved, through the disorderly walk and conversation of three of our members: we proceeded with them according to the rule laid down in the scriptures, but to no effect; and we were ultimately compelled to expel them, for the destruction of the flesh, hoping that by this severe measure they might be brought to repentance, and their spirit be saved in the day of Christ. Of two of these, we still have some hope, as they continue to attend on my ministry, and appear to be unhappy in their present condition. May the Lord humble their hearts to the acknowledging of their sins, that they may be restored to us, and the enjoyment of comfort and peace.

My spirit has been much perplexed and grieved, through this melancholy occurrence, and this has caused, I fear, partly the disorder which has brought me very low. But, blessed be God, with the exception of this, every thing connected with my work has been encouraging. The meetings for prayer and preaching have not only been attended very numerously, so that generally thirty persons attended at the Sabbath

ONCKEN, DATED HAMBURG, MAY 20, morning service at my own house, and


about sixty at the usual place for meeting in the evening,-but the Lord has Your friendly and brotherly epistle also graciously accompanied the word filled my heart with gladness, as it gave with his Spirit, and sinners dead in me an additional proof that the advance- trespasses and sin have been raised to ment of the Redeemer's kingdom in newness of life. These I have more this country will be cherished and sup- fully taught in the truths of God, by ported by the dear brethren at the head giving them private instruction: my of the society. My wishes in refer- hopes concerning them have been in a ence to br. Lange were realized-my great measure realized: four persons prayers heard and answered. Accept were baptized a few days ago, of whom then, dear brother, of my warmest thanks three have joined our church. Another for the readiness with which you have Christian sister was to have received considered and met my wishes. I doubt the ordinance of baptism at the same not, that in that great day, when it shall time, but was prevented by illness. be made manifest that the Lord has There are besides several hopeful chosen some of the weakest instru- characters, who have already expressed ments, by them to effect great and glo- their desire to join our community; rious ends in the salvation of his cho- among them a Roman Catholic, who is sen people, you will find to your joy not only convinced of the destructive that you acted in accordance with the errors of the great mother of harlots, but divine will, when you decided on en- who also feels himself to be a lost singaging br. Lange in the humble but ner who can be saved only by the important work of a colporteur. And Lord Jesus. Among the members of oh may it then appear that many, our little church the best feeling has many precious souls, were by his in- prevailed-we have enjoyed much comstrumentality converted to the Shep-munion in the ordinances of the gospel, herd and Bishop of souls.

Since my last, things both of an encouraging and discouraging nature have

with our glorious Head, and with each other. Whilst the Lord has visited his garden internally, he has not been less

mindful of us in our external circum- | freedom in conversing on heavenly stances. No one has been allowed to things, and the duties of Christians disturb us; the Lord has been our while here below. Some discourageshield. What shall I render to the ments that appeared to my own mind Lord for all his goodness? Bless the this morning, have, by the blessing of Lord, oh my soul! God, been removed. Arise, O Sun of Righteousness, arise; dispel the moral darkness of this heathen land.

20. A good number attended worship to-day. Br. Curtiss preached to an attentive assembly.

25. Had public worship. some good was done.


I am now on the point of setting out on a tour to Eastfriesland, and various parts of Hanover. I accompany a dear Baptist br., Capt. Tubbs from Philadelphia, as far as Cuxhaven, with the object of sowing the good seed among the numerous emigrants on board of his ship, proceeding to the United States. 26. Had public worship in the mornOn my way back, I intend to stay sev-ing, and church meeting in the aftereral days at Oldenburg, where two in- noon. Heard an Indian tell his Chrisdividuals were converted last winter. tian experience. He was approved by I have opened a correspondence with the church, and baptized the 27th, them, and am happy to say, they have Lord's-day. A large number were studied the Scriptures with great atten- present at worship, and at the water tion, and have left the Lutheran church. side. Solemnity seemed to pervade The small amount of 50 marks, col- the minds of all. lected at the missionary prayer meeting, will, I trust, be acceptable to the Society.

Mr. Lange entered, for half his time, on the duties of colporteur in last Sept., immediately after Mr. Sears had stated to me that he might do so. For the first six months, half of his time was devoted to the work; since the receipt of your letter, his whole time has been employed in it. Br. Lange is daily going from house to house, pointing sinners to the only Savior, and supplies them with tracts and New Testaments. He renders me what assistance he can generally. On my way back from Oldenburg, he will probably meet me at Bremen, from whence we intend to make a considerable tour on foot to a number of Hanoverian villages. As soon as my time will allow I shall translate portions of br. Lange's journal, and transmit them to you. I trust, the blessed God is smiling upon all the various missionary stations connected with your society. May many of his elect be brought into his visible church by their instrumentality, and may his truth ere long cover the face of the earth, as the water covers the mighty deep.

Western Creeks.


(Continued from page 94.)

Dec, 13. But few present at worship to-day; but those present were generally attentive to hear.

15. This day visited several members of the church. Enjoyed some

Jan. 1, 1836. By request, the brethren assembled, and resolved themselves into a church-meeting. Afterward heard the experience of two individuals, and they were received as candidates for baptism. Repaired to the river side and baptized them in the name of the Holy Trinity. The season was interesting and solemn.

2. By appointment several brethren and sisters met for conversation and prayer, and the Lord granted his rich blessing. It was an impressive interview. All present unanimously resolved to live nearer to God, and be more faithful in duty the year we have just commenced, than we were the past year. While we renewedly gave ourselves to the Lord, I trust we felt the spirit of dependence. Dear Savior, suffer us never to lose sight of our obligations to live for the honor of thy name.

3. The assembly at worship to-day was small. The attention was good,but there was not that solemnity which it has been our happiness to witness at other seasons.

30. To-day several of the brethren met according to appointment,—and related, one after another, the exercises of their souls. They are evidently fighting the good fight of faith. The season was deeply interesting and profitable to my own soul.

31. But few of the church met for worship to-day, but all present could say, "It is good for us to be here." Feb. 7. Lord's-day. Unexpectedly we were favored with a warm, pleasant day, and our place of worship was nearly filled with attentive hearers, owing

in part to the late emigration. Was pleased to learn that there were some Baptists with letters among the attendants, and that it would be their privilege to unite with us.

21. This day our place of worship was nearly filled with attentive hearers. Deep feeling was manifested by some. 27. To-day a goodly number of brethren and sisters collected together, according to appointment. Four Africans of the late emigration presented letters from the Baptist church in Concord, Russel county, Alabama, and were cordially received. Two other Africans related the exercises of their minds, and requested baptisin, but it was thought most advisable for them to wait. 28. Considering the inclemency of the weather, a large number attended worship. Tears bedewed some tawny cheeks.

March 6. A large number attended worship to-day. Good attention to the word preached.

13. A large collection at worship to-day. Some were solemnly affected.



Sault de Ste. Marie, March 16, 1836. Called on the Romish priest to ascertain, if possible, whether they made any distinction between the head of the church, and its foundation; and if any, what that distinction was. This inquiry was excited by noticing that they quote a passage that speaks exclusively of the foundation, to prove that the pope is the head. Matthew, 16: 18.

tracts; 'found them more readily and
generally received than for many
months before, both in the fort and in
the town. Conversed with several on
the great subject of salvation; but Oh!
how many fast close their eyes to
escape the gulph that lies directly
across their path.

Miss Rice and departure of Miss Brown.
Ordination of Mr. Cameron-Arrival of

May 20. Tracts have been better received this spring throughout the place, than I have known them for years before. Have had some calls for German.

24. Held a special church meeting, to consult relative to ordaining br. Cameron. After spending some time in reading the word, prayer, &c., Resolved, that we appoint. Tuesday, the 31st inst. as a day for his examination. As we could not obtain counsel from sister churches of our own faith; Resolved, to invite Rev. Mr. McMurry, the Episcopal missionary; Hon. John Hulbert, and Lieut. J. M. Clendening, of the Presbyterian church, and Messrs. Bourn and Jacobs, of the Methodist mission, to attend and sit with us. In compliance with scripture custom or example, Resolved, to spend the day in fasting till the close of the services.

31. At nine o'clock commenced our prayer meeting. The brethren invited all attended, except Lieut. Clendening, who, being officer of the day, could not leave the fort. At half past ten o'clock proceeded to the special duties of the day, which were introduced by reading an appropriate portion of Scripture, and prayer by the Pastor; and singing 211th Hymn, Winchell's Supplement. After an examination on Christian exI told him my object was to obtain perience, call to the work, and system their views from his own lips, that if at of theology, Judge Hulbert prayed, and any time, in my discourses, I should the candidate and assembly retired, for state any thing concerning their senti- the council to deliberate. Br. Bourn ments, I might state it as they did. prayed. After due deliberation, ReWe had some discussion on several solved unanimously, that it appeared to points; among others, those of regene-us duty to ordain Mr. Cameron. Conration and the worshipping of images came under consideration.

April 18. A sergeant from the fort called to open his mind to me on the subject of religion. He said he had been under serious impressions most of the winter, and an important change had recently taken place in his mind, from which he had been led to hope that he had become a subject of grace. He thought surely, he grieved for sin, and felt his heart filled with love to God. At five o'clock went out with

sequently, Resolved, that with the leave of Providence he be duly set apart to the sacred work of the gospel ministry on Lord's-day, fifth of June, at the closing part of the P. M. services. The business of the day was then closed with prayer by the Rev. Mr. McMurry.

June 5. Lord's-day. Preached two discourses on the subject of the ordination, A. M. to the English audience from 2 Timothy iv. 5., P. M. to the Indians from 2 Timothy iv. 2. Brother Jacobs interpreted, and br. Bourn offer

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