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bring it to us: All we do, is to drink it." 'I admit,' said I, 'that white men make it, and bring it to you; and they are greatly to blame for it; and must give an account to God for what they do. They do it not to benefit you, but to get your furs. But this is not the business of all white men. Multitudes disapprove of it, and send you missionaries to tell you that the stuff is bad, is poisonous, and will ruin you and your families, both in body, and soul, both in this world, and the world to come. And you know that their words are true, for you see how it steals away your reason, your strength, and your property, and makes you poor, naked, and hungry. And by this you may know that all their words concerning it are true, and that it will ruin your souls also. And you ought to listen to their words, and not drink it. Now, if you do drink it, the blame is your own; you no longer lay it upon the white man. You know better. You know it does you no good, but harm. If they bring it to you, you know you are under no obligation to buy it, and ought not in justice to yourself and your family.' He said, If any man would sew up his mouth, he possibly might keep from drinking. I said, 'You pretend to be a man; and any one that is a man, ought to have a mind strong enough to deny himself of any thing that will injure him, and especially that which will destroy him. You ought to keep away from the houses where it is sold.'

July 4. Kabanoden, Kabawas, and Wazawadong called to see me; but their main errand probably was, toget the cravings of nature satisfied. It was evident that they were just cool-can ing off from a drinking frolic. Kabanoden was chief speaker, and early gave me a hint of their wants. I however seemed not to understand him, and remarked, that, having heard of their arrival yesterday before meeting, I went out to find them, and to inform them that it was worship-day, and get them to meeting before they found those bad houses where people get their heads turned wrong side out. But I could not find them, and I now perceived that they had found those bad haunts. Kabanoden said, "We are not to blame for getting drunk. You white men make the stuff, and

"Ha," said he, "if any body would cut my legs off, possibly I might."

Other Benevolent Enstitutions.

South Africa.


The missionary settlements of the United Brethren in this quarter of the world lie on its southern extremity, in the colony of the Cape of Good Hope.* The native tribes among whom the gospel has been introduced, are the Hottentots, a pastoral tribe, and consequently leading a roving life,—the Bos

The colony of the Cape has now a frontier towards the interior, of nearly 900 miles in extent, with a population of about 235,000. Ch. Miss. Reg.

jemans, descendants of the tame Hottentots, (i. e. those who live among the colonists,) and a much more numerous tribe, living beyond the Snow mountains, in the Pampus hills, several hundred miles in the interior,the Caffres, inhabiting the territory beyond the Great Fish river, which divides it from the country of the Hottentots,-the Tambookies, represented as essentially one with the Caffres, and the original stock,-the Mambookies, and the Basootoos, employed as servants by the Caffres and Tambookies, whose language and customs they have for the most part adopted,-the Bushmen, the Bechuanas, the Corannas, &c. Of these, the labors of the United Brethren have been

mostly confined to the Hottentots and Tam- Cape Town; so widely had the news of the bookies.

"Traders and missionaries, however, bave traversed the country as far as the tropic, and the influence of this intercourse is probably felt a good deal farther into the interior. The moral influence of the missionaries is in exercise every where among the Bechuanas, Tambookies, and Caffres; but that of the government is confined chiefly to the last-mentioned tribe, and a small portion of the Tambookies. The number of Caffres is estimated at about 120,000 souls, and is not considered to differ much from that of the Tambookies; the number of Bechuanas, and of other small tribes on the northern boundary, is not known. By the intercourse with European traders, a taste for several European articles has been created among the natives, and the wish to supply these new wants has probably, in some instances, acted as an incitement to industry, and will, no doubt, eventually have that effect; but it has also given rise to robberies and depredations, as the common resource for increasing their property. On the other hand, the missionaries have invariably approved themselves as messengers of peace, and feuds and bloodshed have been frequently prevented by their intervention, though they have not as yet made such an impression as to produce any striking change in the general conduct of the natives."

arrival of Christian teachers been diffused through the country. During the first twenty-five years, more than 1400 Hottentots, Caffres, and other heathen, had been baptized.

A third settlement, called Enon, was form. ed in 1818, on Witte Revier, (White River), near Algoa bay, on the confines of Caffraria, at the distance of a fortnight's journey from Gnadenthal, and 500 miles from the Cape. The other stations of the United Brethren in South Africa are, Hemel-en-Aarde, a hospital, for the relief of lepers, about 12 miles from Caledon, and near the sea-founded in 1823; Elim, near Cape Aiguilla, about 60 miles from Gnadenthal,-1824; Hout-kloof, half-way between Elim and Gnadenthal,— 1834--occasionally visited; and Shiloh, among the Tambookies-on the Klipplaat river, in 279 east longitude, and 31° 30' south latitude, but recently (1835) received within the bounds of the Colony.-The following notices of the recent state of the mission are derived from the correspondence of the missionaries as given in the " Periodical Accounts" for 1835.


Missionaries, including females, 12. "The congregation consists of 1383 individuals, (43 more than last year;) viz. 627 communicants; 104 candidates for the communion; 115 baptized, or received members; 390 children; 37 candidates for baptism; and 110 new people and children, not yet baptized.”

"There are in the whole Unity of the Brethren probably few, if any, of our fellow-laborers whose trials are so light, and whose encouragements are so abundant as ours. O may we at all times, under a deep sense of our own unworthiness, be inclined to give Him all the glory, and be fully aware of the importance of exerting our

The first missionary sent to South Africa by the United Brethren, was George Schmidt. He arrived at Cape Town July 9, 1737, and soon after fixed his residence among the Hottentots, at a place about 70 miles distant, and ultimately on Sergeant's river, about 130 miles east by north of Cape Town, whence he returned to Holland in 1743. At the close of 1792, the mission was re-commenced, at the same place, called Bavian's Kloof (baboon's glen), and subsequently Gnaden-selves, while such is the state of things, that (Grace-vale). The number of missionaries was three. One male and one female missionary were added in 1798. Others joined the mission in 1800.

In 1808, the missionaries formed a second settlement among the Hottentots, at Groenekloof (Green glen), lying near the sea, below Table mountain, 40 miles north of Cape Town. Before the close of the year, 101 Hottentots came to reside on the premises. Accessions of inhabitants from other heathen nations were received in subsequent years, both at Groenekloof and Gnadenthal; and, among them, individuals of the Dambra, or Dambarra nation, who dwell behind the great Namaqua, at a distance of 1700 miles from

seeing we can hardly expect to be always so highly favored! On many occasions, we have of late perceived a very encouraging revival among the members of our numerous congregation, particularly on the 13th of August and the 7th of September. On the last-mentioned day, there was a greater concourse of people in our church, both of our own people, and of strangers, than I have seen for a very long time, and great crowds were obliged to encamp before the open doors of the church. On the 12th, being the anniversary of the opening of our the parents, met in the church, when the infant-school, the children, and nearly all former went through part of their exercises, to the great delight of all present.

"The number of pupils now amounts to 150, and more are admitted from week to

week. Not many years ago, the Hottentots understood so little of the importance of education, that it would have been very difficult indeed to secure their co-operation; now they vie with each other, who shall be foremost at the work. This, too, is a fruit of our infant-school."

Sept. 1834. "In general, the spirit in our congregation, both among old and young, is pleasing and encouraging; and we have this year known little or nothing of the troubles so common in the harvest-time. Sixteen in dividuals have obtained permission to live here since new-year, and the infant-school is so crowded with children (upwards of 160,) that I purpose having an examination next week, and, on that occasion, advancing about forty of them into other schools."

were baptized unto the death of Jesus. May they have grace to remain faithful to their vows.

"We have now a flourishing infantschool, of which I have the favor to take charge; it is frequented by about 100 children: last Thursday I counted 104. My little scholars afford me much pleasure, by their simplicity and desire for instruction, and our Savior is pleased to lay an evident blessing upon my feeble endeavors to serve these lambs of his flock. It is quite a treat to me, to visit the families living in our place: as I approach the houses, I am almost sure to hear the children singing hymns they have learnt at school. On entering, they run to take my hand, and, when I leave, often follow me from one street of the settlement to the other. While I am in the midst of them, I almost feel as "The whooping-cough having now hap- if I were a child again, though I have passpily disappeared, our schools are again welled my 50th year. Some of these children are filled, and it is a remarkable proof of the value of our fertile valley, that though most begun to read, and 17 are learning to spell." not above two years old: eight have already

Jan. 1835.

heads of families are now in Caffraria, not a single child is on that account prevented from attending the schools. The mothers have hitherto supported their families, by the produce of their gardens and lands; and, as mentioned above, I hope they will soon be assisted by government. One of the oldest inhabitants of our place, Daniel September, lately departed this life in a very happy frame of mind, and, in general, the state of our congregation is encouraging.

Sometimes we have indeed occasion to

Oct. 1834.

"We rejoice that the children become ing the word of God, and declaring in simpreachers of righteousness, by their receivplicity their faith in, and love to, Jesus. treating of the mercy, condescension, and They delight to pray, and to sing hymns love of our Savior, in becoming man, suffering, and dying to procure salvation for lost sinners. By this means they have often spoken to the heart of their parents and others. At the examination of the infantschool, thirty-eight children had improved so much, that they could be removed to the upper schools; and we hope that the seed little ones, will bring forth fruit to the sown in the hearts of nearly ninety of these praise of the Lord our Savior. It is owing to the blessing of God, that, instead of growwilling up like wild creatures, they are thus May, 1835.

grieve over the light-mindedness of many of our young people; but, even among this class, there are not a few who are brought to a saving knowledge of Christ, and whose conduct proved the sincerity of their faith. In spite of the troublous times, 42 individuals have obtained permission to live here since new year, and upwards of a

dozen are under consideration, and probably be admitted in a short time."

Grocnekloof. Eight missionaries. " Among the Hottentots, who compose our congregation, we should be glad to perceive a greater hunger and thirst after righteousness; yet we can declare, with thankfulness to the Lord, that there are among them many faithful souls, and that we continue to have encourag ing proofs that the word of the cross is not preached in vain. At the close of the year 1833, the number of persons of all ages un

employed in learning the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures, whereby they may be made wise unto salvation; and surely many, if not all of them, will be gained for Christ." March, 1835.

Enon. Five missionaries. In the early part of 1834, the mission family, with most

of the inhabitants of Enon, removed with their cattle to Uitenhage and its vicinity, on account of an invasion of the Caffres, but



were permitted to return again in safety, after the expiration of a few months. der our care amounted to 678, 13 more the close of 1933, the congregation conthan at its commencement. Of this num-sisted of 445, of whom 138 were communiber, 222 were communicants. Since the beginning of the present year, various changes have taken place, by the departure of some, and the admission of others to the privileges of the church. The 7th of September, the memorial-day of the married people, was a season of especial blessing to our flock: on this occasion six adults

Hemel-en-Aarde. One missionary. At the close of 1834, 87 were under the care of the missionary, of whom 23 were coin


Elim. Four missionaries. "We live here in perfect peace, and know nothing

of the troubles of the Caffre war, but what | brethren there have been protected by we read in the Cape news-papers.

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the outstretched arm of our Almighty Savior. Whilst we considered them in imminent peril, and were sometimes tempted to give way to anxious thoughts about their safety, they appear to have lived in perfect peace, and to have been so little disturbed by the bloody scenes which were acted in their neighborhood, that on the 8th of January they laid the foundation-stone of their new church, the walls of which were more than half finished in the beginning of February. The baptized Tambookies have

Having thus enjoyed rest from without, we have had the more abundant opportunity of seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness;-had we done this at all times, and with all our heart, our place would indeed have been a paradise. But as we have failed herein, these have been sufficient to remind us, that we are still in a vale of tears. Nevertheless, our gracious Savior continues to dwell among us, and to bear us with unspeakable patience and long-suffering. Nor is He wearied in pre-assured br. Bonatz, that they will follow no paring us, through the operation of His grace and His Holy Spirit, for the enjoyment of the heavenly inheritance.

"On the preaching of His gospel, He continues to lay an especial blessing. The number of those who flock to hear it increases progressively, and such is the concourse of hearers at our public worship, both Christians and heathens, that our little hall is quite overflowing.

"At the close of 1834, there were 271 inhabitants at Elim, and 29 persons at Houtkloof, in connection with our church. In the course of the past year, 31 persons have received permission to reside with us30 adults have been baptized, and 13 admitted to the Lord's supper.

"The new people appeared to be earnestly seeking the one thing needful: the candidates for baptism in general gave evidence of growing self-knowledge, and, we trust, of increasing faith in the Lord Jesus. The baptized assured us of their sincere desire to remain faithful to their baptismal covenant, and to abide in Jesus, from whom alone they could derive the needful grace and strength. With the communicants we had likewise much cause for satisfaction. Of the little company at Houtkloof, 8 are already baptized, and walk worthy of the grace bestowed upon them. Their children attend our school, and show much diligence. "The infant school numbers 50 pupils, and that for the elder children, 64. The utility of the former institution becomes more and more manifest: its effect has been already most beneficial upon the character of the children. They have become friendly and confiding, and in regularity, good order, and cleanliness, have improved greatly. The little presents of clothing, which we have occasionally been enabled, by the kindness of friends in Europe, to distribute among the children, have pleased them exceedingly, and proved no small encouragement to them." July, 1835. Houtkloof. Here the sionally visit and preach the gospel, and have large auditories, the inhabitants of the surrounding neighborhoods being glad of the opportunity of hearing the word of


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Shiloh. Five missionaries. "Our

other standard than that of the Cross; and the tribe generally appear to take no share whatever in the attack on the colony, and to be left at peace both by the Caffres and the colonists." March, 1835.

"July 8th. Three Tambookies came and demanded my consent to their having a smelling-dance for the benefit of a sick man. They insisted upon it, that he was bewitched, and that by this means they could discover the sorcerer. I knew that the witch-doctor would fix upon some person against whom he had a spite, and that the latter would be most cruelly tortured to extort confession. In such cases, as soon as the victim is released, some time is indeed allowed for his escape, but another party are ready to hunt him like a wild beast; and when they overtake him, to stone him to death. Of course I could not give my consent to such diabolical work. I endeavored to convince them of the iniquity of it, but in vain. One of them seemed mad with rage, and exclaimed, that he well perceived, that I wanted the patient to die; that I was myself a great witch-doctor, who bewitched the sick people with the word of God, and all who believed it must soon perish. I remained firm, and told them it was better that they left us, and went into their own country; for we should permit none to live here who did not serve God, and forsake the works of the devil. They now returned home in great wrath, but came the following morning, and used all manner of friendly expressions to excuse their violence. In a few weeks the patient recovered, and all the parties are glad to remain with us. This is generally the way with the Tambookies: if they think we are displeased with them, they come of their own accord to make apologies; and when they quarrel among themselves, they come to have their disputes settled. When they perceive that I am somewhat impatient at losing so much time, in attending to their hear us, for if you leave it to ourselves, we justifications and accusations, they say, 'Pray shall begin to fight, and that you say is sin; are generally well satisfied with my decitherefore, you must attend to us.' They sion. Some say, Why did you learn our language? You must now be satisfied to

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bear with us.' They are very cunning and | Paarl. 35 miles north-east of Cape captious in their questions and answers.

"In August, one of the Tambookies began to use the plough: he himself held the plough, his eldest son was driver, and the younger led the oxen. It succeeded well, and gave great pleasure to all of them. They were laughing and talking about it all day. In general, they are indeed a very merry race. The ploughman declared he was not tired; and, in the following days,he ploughed several acres of his neighbors' fields. He related, that when we were digging the foundation of our two first houses, many Tambookies removed from the place, under an idea that they would soon die, for we were digging their graves. 66 After the Tambookies had learned the ten commandments and the Lord's prayer, it became customary with them to correct or rebuke each other by quoting them. Thus, in case of any petty theft being committed, they not unfrequently accosted the culprit with the words, Tell us what is the eighth commandment.' Observing one of them working on Sunday, I followed their custom, and repeated the fourth commandment, which caused the man to desist immediately, and, without any attempt at self-justification, to carry his axe into the house.

"The school continues to give us great pleasure. The adult Tambookie men attend twice a week, and come diligently to church on Sunday, when the place is well filled, and great silence and devotion are observed. But they understand little, and it appears sometimes as if I was addressing the rocks. Yet I am ashamed of my doubts. The Lord knows His own time, and it is our duty to work while it is day, and to beseech men to be reconciled to God. The baptized Tambookies walk worthy of their Christian profession, and show by their quiet behavior, yet more than by their words, what spirit they are of."

Dec. 1834.

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Town-1819-one missionary, several native assistants.-Communicants, 33scholars: children, 150; adults, 50.

Tulbagh. 75 miles north-cast of Cape Town-one missionary.-Communicants, 5-scholars: infant, 47; evening, 62; Sunday, 22 adults and 20 children. An increasing regard to instruction.


Caledon. 120 miles east of Cape Town-1811, renewed 1827-one missionary.-Hottentots belonging to the Institution, 783-communicants, scholars day, 120; sewing, 22; Sunday, 130 to 200 adults, the younger of whom make good progress. Some apprentices come 40 miles to attend public worship.

Pacaltsdorp. 245 miles east of Cape Town-1813-one missionary, one assistant.-Population in 1834, 1242-Sunday congregation, averaged in July 1834, 400— scholars infant, 117; day, 175; sewing, 56; Sunday, 60 adults.


Hankey. Near the Chamtoos river1825-one missionary, one assistant.Inhabitants, 600-communicants, scholars: infant, 50 to 60; day, 110. Government has granted the Hottentots 800 acres of land; part of which is capable of irrigation, and may be cultivated as gardens. This increase of the means of subsistence brings a greater number under Christian instruction.

Town-1802-two missionaries.-PopulaBethelsdorp. 450 miles east of Cape tion, 1200--communicants, 140-scholars: infant, 90; day, 105; sewing, 24; Sunday, 180 to 200 adults.

gress, and prove a great blessing to those "All the schools make satisfactory prowho attend. The exchange of tracts among the families continues, with increasing advantage. The poverty of the people abounded to the riches of their liberality, in contributing to missions the sum of 547. 2s. 3 1-4d. The Temperance society maintains a beneficial influence: temptations are numerous, but most of the memhers remain steadfast to their engagements. In temporal things, the people are advancing the means used to induce them to build decent cottages are not without success the making of salt has been a profitable branch of industry. In the late Cafire war, 100 Hottentots formed the contingent furnished by Bethelsdorp for the national defence: the patriotic feeling, and the subordination to their commanders manifested by these men, were acknowledged, in gratifying terms.

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Port Elizabeth. Out-station to Bethelsdorp-one missionary.-Population 1100communicants, 41-scholars day, 162; sewing, 30; Sunday, 135 to 150. Uitenhage. Out-station to Bethelsdorp— one missionary.-Communicants, among whom are Hottentots, Caffres,


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