raine has no cause for anxiety in this and the Justau-corps. Each band was particular season of 1894; some of its distinguished by scarves and caps of clusters would do credit to a hothouse. corps colors, but all wore white gauntYet the unforeseen does so often hap-lets, and in each right hand was a pen, and it is as well not to be too san- sword. Behind these three lines of guine, even though the sunsets every night are as auspicious as possible. After a few days in Touraine one comes to realize that though its noble castles are much—indeed, very much - with their façades and portals so exquisitely Carved with figures strange and sweet, more. though they are much, the grapes are Touraine was formerly ruled, often tyrannically, by its castles. It now lives benignly by its vineyards. From The Saturday Review. THE HEROIC AND THE VULGAR AT FRIEDRICHSRUH. youths, trained to arms and discipline and equipped in the manner of a past century, crowded nearly four thousand others in modern dress all come to honor the founder of German unity, and the greatest statesman whom Germany has produced. As Prince Bismarck appeared and moved slowly towards them, the sword points fell in honor, and the unarmed students uncovered. Some moments passed before he began to speak — moments of intense silence, during which, no doubt, the old man's thoughts went back sixty years to the days when he was captain of his corps at Goettingen. He must have thought of those days — of the thirty duels he had fought, and of the thirty times he had heard from the umpire that his antagonist had been disabled (abgefuehrt), for as the sword points went up again he tried to pull himself erect and begin to speak. The old hero has changed in the last ten years. The shoulders are rounded and bowed; the giant form seems to have shrunk together. But the most ghastly change is to be seen in the face as he stands there uncovered. The grey-blue eyes that used to have the gleam of steel have lost their light; they seem to see nothing; life has ebbed away from them. The chin and lower part of the face, once so bold and resolute, have withered to wrinkled and uncertain outlines; the head has fallen forward on the chest; and the voicethe voice is terrifying. One misses the Deputations of stu-old metallic ring, it has become tonedents from all the German universities less; but that was to be expected. waited on Prince Bismarck to congrat- What strikes one with almost a sense ulate him on his eightieth birthday, of fear is that it has shrunk to a little and foremost among them marched thread of monotonous sound that dies nearly five hundred corps students, away and begins again with a painful representing more than a hundred Ger- effort, almost as if it obeyed the slow, man corps. They drew up like soldiers weary pulsations of the heart. Bisin front of the modest house, pictur-marck's thoughts have evidently gone esque figures, in the long black horseman's boots reaching to mid-thigh, the white, close-fitting buckskin breeches, Now and then reality shows us in a single moment the two sides of the shield of life; the one side is of bronze, moulded in noble and dignified figures that appeal to our deepest emotions, and the other is of mud, distorted into gibbering, leering, vacant faces that move us to laughter or pitying contempt. German history is fertile in such contrasts; the German people have never seen anything incongruous in thanking a merciful Providence for giving them a victory at the cost of ten thousand lives and of the misery of a myriad homes. But even Germany has never displayed the heroic and. the vulgar in closer proximity or in extremer contrast than the other day at Friedrichsruh. back to his student home on the ramparts of Goettingen, and to the contrast between the splendid strength and As his vigor of those days and the deadly pleasures of a conqueror." weakness of these; for, as he thanks speech ends the students break into his visitors with faltering words and in cheers that at first sound strangely inthat strange voice that shocks with the appropriate "Er soll leben, Bissense of something outworn and dying, marck. Hoch! Hoch soll er leben " he speaks of "a man of my age," "an but, after all, the words are true old man," and so forth. Yes, that is enough. He shall live high enough in what Prince Bismarck, Duke of Lauen- the esteem and affection of generations burg, maker of Germany, is now -"a yet unborn, and this consoling and poor old mau.” And as the students inspiriting thought led naturally to the listen to him, straining their ears to music of Koerner's sword-song, and as catch each word, tears flood their eyes the challenge rang out, the students in spite of their warlike accoutrements. defiled past the prince, a moving fence But the old man compels himself to of steel. And for a few yards, to the speak to them; his indomitable will corner of his house, the old man kept summons life back again; the voice step with them, carrying his right grows clearer as he goes on, and the elbow on his hip, as if his hand too words flow uninterrupted by those ter- held a sword. This scene, whose parible pauses. The figure is erect and thos and inspiration are understood the head upheld as he tells them of from the Baltic sands to where the their duty to the State, and warns them | Bavarian mountains look down upon to hold fast to their patriotism and to the plains of Italy, and from the forts the imperial idea as to the centre and of Metz and Strasburg to those that rallying point for all Germans. This, guard Courland and the Vistula, seems he seems to say, is the work and to us, also, to possess an heroic and achievement of my life; you will not pathetic interest. let the labor and the sacrifice be in There was, however, another side to vain; that is my consolation now," he the shield a ridiculous side. The adds, "it is not in the German ever reverence of the ordinary German is completely to forget the ideals of his usually lacking in dignity. As the stuyouth." Was Bismarck thinking of dents returned to the station, they the advice that the dying Schiller gave passed huge piles of packing-cases and to his compatriots, "Be true to the crates bursting with the provisions dreams of your youth"? The prince which German gratitude had sent as went on to vindicate the past. "We presents to the true Father of the had to fight desperately," he began, Land. "for our national independence. The pounds in weight to half-a-dozen prologue was the war in Schleswig- ounces; a hundred and forty dozen Holstein; then we had to fight with cheeses of different sizes and sorts; Austria in order to separate from her; and sausages of all dimensions, from and after that war, every one saw that the one twenty-three yards long and of a war with France was inevitable. It appropriate thickness, that required a was manifestly our policy not to enter crate to itself, down to the one that upon it before the newly gathered came in a letter and provided a meal fruits of German unification had been for the birds. Here were over a dozen safely housed. I sought to prevent the immense salmon, and there piles of war; we had no reason to want it; we pâté de foie gras, cases of apples, barhad won all that we wished for. To rels of oysters, pots of honey; on this fight out of a mere lust of conquest side, a tank containing living carp, on would have been a proof of Napoleonic that, tarts and eggs, for all the world light-mindedness. It has always been as if Friedrichsruh were a beleaguered a praiseworthy characteristic of the fortress. Over a thousand bottles of German to find his satisfaction in his wine, cider, beer, liqueur, and cognac own consciousness of merit, and to feel were provided; more than five thouno desire for the privileges or the sand cigars, with pipes of every shape Cheeses from two hundred II. As she flitted by garth and slipped through glade, Her light limbs winnowed the wind, and made The gold of the pollened palm to float III. Then, brushing the nut-sweet gorse, she sallow. IV. And out of the water-bed scooped the cresses, and quality, and five thousand matches. Some admirers of the great man at Luebeck sent him enough confectionery for the rest of his life, in the shape of a copy of the Niederwald monument molded in macaroon biscuit. Nor was the outward man neglected: the prince was overwhelmed with mantles, cloaks, and rugs; helmets, slippers, and swords; warm stockings and hot-water bottles. Eighty-three utterly obscure individuals, burning with the desire to shine in reflected glory, dedicated their photographs to the hero. And literary vanity was not behindhand in the race. Thirty German authors were ruthless enough to send copies of their complete By the marigold marsh she paused to twist works, whilst eleven others, more mer- The gold-green coils round her blue-veined ciful, presented him with selected wrist, tomes; penholders and inkstands, too, were to be counted by the dozen. The religious element in Germany was represented by a batch of Bibles; and an old lady of a self-sacrificing turn of mind, kindly contributed a funeral wreath she had intended for her own grave. Nor did the grateful Teuton forget to provide the hero of the empire with a pleasing occupation for his leisure hours. No less than one hundred and twenty thousand letters were showered upon him in commemoration of the festival. If we calculate that he worked at them ten hours a day, and allowed three minutes for each letter, it would take him about three years merely to read this correspond- She called "I have come. ence. Surely Goethe was right when he spoke of vulgarity as being the besetting sin of the German, and when he praised Schiller for "his freedom from the slavery that binds all of us, the slavery of life's commonness." From Blackwood's Magazine. SPRING came out of the woodland chase, And a voice as blithe as a blackbird's carol. And frolicked them round her braidless tresses. V. She passed by the hazel dell, and lifted To see if it there still lingered on, VI. Through the crimson tips of the wintry brake She peeped, and shouted, "Awake! And over the hill and down the hollow low!" VII. Then the windflower looked through the crumbling mould, And the celandine opened its eyes of gold, And the primrose sallied from chestnut shade, And carried the common and stormed the glade. VIII. In sheltered orchard and windy heath And, shimmering close in clump and clus- Dared March's tempests to blow and bluster. Round crouching cottage and soaring But with him there came the faithful bird That lives with the stars, and is nightly heard castle The larch unravelled its bright-green tassel; In scrub and hedgerow the blackthorn flowered, And laughed at the May for a lagging coward. X. Then tenderly ringing old Winter's knell, The copses there shimmered a sea of blue. XI. Like a sunny shadow of cloudlet fleeting, Spring skimmed the pastures where lambs were bleating; Along with them gambolled by bole and mound, And raced and chased with them round and round. XII. To the cuckoo she called, "Why lag you now? The woodpecker nests in the rotten bough; The misselthrush pipes to his brooding mate, And the thistlefinch pairs; you alone are late." XIII. Then over the seasonless sea he came, When the husht babe dimples the mother's breast, And Spring said, sighing, "I love you best. XV. "For sweet is the sorrow that sobs in song, When Love is stronger than Death is strong, And the vanished past a more living thing Than the fleeting voice and the fickle wing." XVI. Then the meadows grew golden, the lawns grew white, And the poet-lark sang himself out of sight; And English maidens and English lanes XVII. The hawthorn put on her bridal veil, And milk splashed foaming in pan and pail; The swain and his sweeting met and And the air and the sky were amethyst. kissed, XVIII. 66 Now scythes are whetted and roses blow," Spring, carolling, said; "it is time to go." And jocundly answered her, name for And though we called to her, "Stay! O name, And, falsely flitting from copse to cover, Made musical mock of the jilted lover. stay!" She smiled through a rainbow, and passed away. ALFRED AUSTIN. 66 THERE are often hidden meanings in the humorous answers given by schoolboys in the examination room. From a collection of such answers in the University Correspondent, we cull a few authenticated specimens. Parallel straight lines," said one boy, "are those which meet at the far end of infinity." And another sagely remarked that "Things which are impossible are equal to one another." The boy who wrote "A point is that which will not appear any bigger, even if you get a magnifying glass," would have no difficulty in understanding that a star, being but a lucid point, cannot be magnified. Every examiner is familiar with the non-committal answers frequently received, and with which may be classified the cautious statement that "Two straight lines cannot enclose a space, unless they are crooked." But even these words of wisdom are eclipsed by the definitions of kinetic and of potential energy once received. "Kinetic energy," ran the definitions, "is the power of doing work. Potential energy is the power of doing without work." This truth, which has a monetary application, is well worth adding to our contemporary's collection. Nature. IX. ARMORIAL Bearings, Old and New,. Daheim, 387 401 . 411 420 429 438 442 446 448 386 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. For EIGHT DOLLARS remitted directly to the Publishers, the LIVING AGE will be punctually forwarded for a year, free of postage. Remittances should be made by bank draft or check, or by post-office money-order, if possible. If neither of these can be procured, the money should be sent in a registered letter. All postmasters are obliged to register letters when requested to do so. Drafts, checks, and money-orders should be made payable to the order of LITTELL & Co. Single copies of the LIVING AGE, 18 cents. |