erroneously stated that the Commissioner | rising of dacoits in all parts of the province, and by the fact that a blockade has been established above Meaday to prevent the introduction of rice into British Burmah. The small force now upon the river is acknowledged to be quite insufficient for the protection of the inhabitants, while the whole country east from Prome to Toungoo, is in the hands of the insurgents. I shall have occasion to refer to this subject again in connection with some of the incidents of the voyage. of Pegu had offered a reward, Me-at-toon, has lived in habits of intimacy. The policy to be pursued is not that of open warfare, but to continue to pour into southern Burmah small companies of decoits to harass and plunder the people, until the very poverty of the country, induced by rapine and famine, shall compel its English masters to relinquish it. This opinion, which is derived in the first instance from reports of Armenian and Jewish merchants who come down from Ava, is strengthened by the sudden RECENT INTELLIGENCE. THE DEPUTATION. Our latest advices from the Deputation are to Oct. 19, at which date they were in Calcutta. Having completed their joint service in Burmah, the Foreign Secretary intended, if passage could be seasonably secured, to visit Assam, in accordance with the concurrent wishes of the mission and of the Executive Committee. Mr. Granger's course was undetermined. It was possible that he might consider it his duty, like the Foreign Secretary, to attempt singly some further portion of the labor originally committed to them as a deputation, but which they were unable to finish together. THE MISSIONS. Maulmain. Mr. Bixby, associated with Mr. Haswell in the Burmese Mission, is acquiring the Peguan language, the native and preferred tongue of more than half the natives of Maulmain. They speak Burmese sufficiently for common business purposes, but religious instruction excites little attention in any language but their own. Mr. Bixby writes, Sept. 17, that he is making encouraging progress in their language, and hopes to be able to preach some another year. Mr. Haswell designs shortly to make an exploring tour, to ascertain the extent and state of the Peguan field. The language will undoubtedly become obsolete, but its use, to an extent not yet defined, is now necessary. Mr. Haswell preaches daily in the streets and places of public resort. "The time for zayat preaching," says Mr. Bixby, "as a means of reaching the inhabitants of Maulmain, has passed by. The people from abroad are reached through the zayat, and we trust much good is done. But it is very seldom that a citizen of Maulmain is seen in the zayat. The sound of the gospel has become familiar, and the hearts of the people are exceedingly hard. But br. Haswell goes into the highways and the narrow lanes, to their houses and their accustomed gatherings, and compels them to hear." Hongkong. Mr. Johnson mentions on the 5th September, the baptism of a young man, who. received an English education at Pinang, and was about going as interpreter to a party of Chinese colonists bound for the West Indies. He shows a desire to communicate to them "the like precious faith." There were two other applicants for baptism, and the hope is expressed that some of the girls in Mrs. Johnson's school are "born from above." Under date of the 13th, he expresses the belief that, should the insurgents succeed, it will not be "the establishment of Christianity in China. A great door and effectual will be thrown open without doubt for the messengers of the churches,' but it will be such a door as the apostle found at Ephesus, and with many adversaries.'" Ningpo. Mr. Goddard, Sept. 5, had just returned from a sojourn on the island of Puto for health and recreation. He speaks of invigorated health. The New Testament was translated to the end of 1 Peter, and printed to the end of Thessalonians. A tract catechism has been prepared for publication, being a plain summary of Christian doctrine. While at Puto Mr. Goddard had public service every Sabbath, and distributed portions of Scripture. Nellore. The day school, heretofore taught in a contiguous village, has been removed to the mission compound. "You would, I am sure, be pleased," Mrs. Jewett writes to the Foreign Secretary, Sept. 6, "to see the great improvement in those children since we succeeded (though with difficulty) in getting them here.” "We are still in sus-. pense," she remarks, "as to whether any are to come and join us; but must wait cheerfully on the Lord, and though our hands are weak He will strengthen our heart: '-though none come, we shall still rejoice that we have had such a privilege.” France. Mr. Willard has removed from Douai to Paris. His address is "Mr. E. Willard, Rue de Fleurus, 23.’ Germany. A letter from Mr. Lehmann, for which we have not room in this number, gives an interesting account of visits to various parts of the country, movements in the state churches, &c. Things are in a good and advancing state in Berlin and some of the outstations of that church. Two meetings of the Evangelical Alliance were held at Berlin on the same week with the "Kirchentag" of the state churches, one in the Baptist and one in the Moravian chapel, attended by brethren from England, Dr. Merle D'Aubigné from Geneva, Mr. Jacoby, a Methodist minister from Bremen and some evangelical Lutheran clergymen. They attrac ed much interest and attention. Greece. Mr. Arnold sends us an account of a tour, in the course of which he visited some church members not resident at Athens, of whom he gives a favorable account as respects their stability and consistency. His public services are uninterrupted. Mr. Buel communicates some account of a newspaper controversy occasioned by an extensive circulation of Scriptures and tracts, the tone of which indicates a growing liberality and freedom of speech in Greece, auspicious of much good. DESIGNATION AND DEPARTURE OF MISSIONARIES. The public designation of Rev. Messrs. J. L. Douglass, for Burmah, Robert Telford, for Siam, and M. J. Knowlton, for Ningpo, took place in the Tabernacle Baptist church, New York, (Rev. Mr. Lathrop's) on Sunday evening, Dec. 4. Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Lord, of the Ningpo Mission, about to return to their station, and the Rev. Dr. Dean, of the Hongkong Mission, were present. Selections of Scripture were read by the Rev. J. W. Taggart, and the Rev. Dr. Magoon offered the introductory prayer. The instructions of the Executive Committee were read by the Home Secretary, the prayer of designation was offered by the Rev. Dr. Welch, of Brooklyn, the Rev. E. Lathrop gave the missionaries the right hand of fellowship, and the Rev. Dr. Dean addressed the congregation. A numerous audience attended the services. Rev. A. R. R. Crawley, appointed to Burmah, was publicly designated at Wolfeville, Nova Scotia; Rev. Dr. Crawley, commissioned to represent the Executive Committee on the occasion, reading the instructions. Rev. Messrs. Lord and Knowlton and their wives embarked on the 10th in the ship Ellen Foster, Captain Scudder, for Hongkong, from which port they will proceed immediately to Ningpo. Rev. Messrs. Douglass and Crawley, with their wives, embarked at this port on Monday, Dec. 12th, for Calcutta, in the barque Lyman, Capt. Pierce. Their destination is Rangoon. Farewell services were held on the preceding evening at the Harvard st. church. The pastor, Rev. A. H. Burlingham, read a portion of Scripture and offered prayer; the Home Secretary made a brief statement of the present aspects of Burmah and the missions there; the missionaries addressed the congregation in an appropriate expression of their views and sentiments, and were addressed in some fitting words of encouragement and farewell by the Rev. G. W. Bosworth; after which the Rev. T. C. Jameson offered prayer on their behalf, invoking on them the divine favor and support in their mission. Religious services were also held on board the vessel on the morning of her departure, prayer being offered by the Rev. A. P. Mason, of Chelsea. MRS. MARY C. SERRELL NISBET. It becomes our painful duty to record the death of the wife of the Rev. J. R. NISBET. Mr. and Mrs. Nisbet, it will be remembered, sailed for Burmah in company with Mr. Haswell and several other missionaries, in September, 1852. Since that time our brother has been compelled to drink deeply of the cup of affliction. His first heavy trial was the sudden failure of health and the decided opinion of his physician and friends that his constitution was not adapted to a tropical climate. Most reluctantly, therefore, he concluded to return to this country, and began to console himself with the hope of being permitted to win souls at home to Christ. In these trials and hopes Mrs. Nisbet most warmly sympathized. After the bitterness of her first disappointment had passed, she was wont to cheer herself and her husband with bright pictures of a pastor's life and duties in this country. But God had a higher sphere of labor for her active and consecrated powers. While her friends were preparing to welcome her to the home and family circle she had left, cherishing the fond anticipation that a circle of eleven brothers and sisters, never before separated, was to be reunited, the sad tidings reached them that she is no more. The intelligence will be received by all friends of missions with sorrow, yet few can realize the severity of the divine stroke which has instantly fallen upon a recently widowed mother and a most affectionate family. For them, and for a bereaved and deeply afflicted husband we may bespeak prayer and Christian sympathy. Mrs. Nisbet, the daughter of William and Ann Serrell, was born in London in the year 1822, and came to this country in the ninth year of her age. She was religiously educated, became pious in early life and was confirmed as a member of the Episcopal church, with which her parents and family had always been connected. But the convictions of her mind, after earnest and prayerful inquiry, constrained her to separate from that body of Christians, and she was baptized into the fellowship of the Pierrepont-street Baptist church in Brooklyn, N. Y., then under the pastoral care of the Rev. E. E. L. Taylor, in November, 1847. This was a step of much self-denial, and called into exercise more than ordinary decision of character. The family were tenderly united, as well religiously as socially, and she was required to separate from them all. Yet when her sense of duty demanded it, alone, with no previous introduction to the pastor i or acquaintance with a single member o the church, she modestly presented herself for baptism. From that day till her departure for Burmah the writer enjoyed frequent and familiar intercourse with her, and never witnessed anything in her conduct or spirit which he could not warmly commend as an example to others. Capable of the deepest and most lasting attachments, she possessed great inflexibility of purpose, self-reliance, uniform piety, and an unshaken trust in God under the most trying circumstances. Love-to Christ and the souls for whom he died-was the moving impulse of her Christian life. To her widowed mother, who on one occasion appeared to be overcome, after her so recent and repeated bereavements, with the prospect of losing the society of her daughter, she promptly replied as she threw her arms around her neck, "Dear mother, to save one soul from among the heathen who shall meet us in heaven, will be an infinitely rich reward for any present sacrifice we can make." It was for Christ and the souls of the heathen that she cheerfully made the sacrifice of even life itself. Taken suddenly ill July 28th, she was deprived of all consciousness before the first apprehension of danger began to be indulged by others, and died on the 29th, surrounded by Christian friends, who did for her all that affection and medical skill could suggest. She was buried, with her young infant, on the following day in the mission cemetery at Maulmain, to await the resurrection of the just. A monument will be erected to her memory in the Tarrytown cemetery beside her departed father and grandmother. She has, however, reared for herself a more enduring monument, for "she hath done what she could," may be said of her as of a woman of old. Let none, in the spirit of Judas, ask, "Why was this expensive offering so soon wasted on a foreign shore?" It was for her Lord she offered herself, and from Him she has doubtless received an approving welcome into His joy. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; Yea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them." T. 74.50 York Asso., T. F. Goodwin, tr.: Kennebunk, ch. 8.50; Sanford, 1st ch. 4; Wells, Female Miss. Soc. 29; Lebanon and North Berwick, ch. 6.50; Acton, ch. and Soc. 23.50; Milton Mills, Dea. Swasey and wife, 3; with other donas. to cons. Rev. Leander S. Tripp L. M., per · Rev. H. C. E., Agent, Saco Asso., J. H. Gowen, tr.: Waterboro', 1st ch. 25; Parsonsfield, 1st ch. 2; Kennebunk and Lyman, ch. 3; Limerick, ch. 5; other friends 1.91; Buxton, ch. 12.32; Misses Bickford 1; Alfred, ch. 12.37; per Rev. H. C. E., Agent, Guilford, ch. 12: Bloomfield, ch. 2.50: Paris, ch. 17; Yarmouth, Ladies' Burman Miss. Soc. 70; to cons. Miss Olive Stockbridge L. M., per Rev. H. C. E., Agent. Waldo Asso.: Knox, ch. 4.66; Belfast, ch., mon. con. 10.34; Bangor, 1st ch., R. Clarke, tr., 100; Ladies' Assamese Orphan Soc., Hannah E. Bradbury, Sec., to sup. Moses Giddings in Assam Orph. Sch, 25; S. Sch., Georgiana Dunning, tr., to sup. Howard Malcom Trask in Assam Orph. Sch., 15; 140.00 New Hampshire. Portsmouth, ch. Vermont. Jamaica, ch. 16.63; Thetford, Silas Follett, per W. W. Baker, 210; Massachusetts. Roston, Charles st. ch., mon.con.11 Lawrence, a friend 10; Brookline, ch., mon. con. for 3 mos. 100; Plymouth, ch., Ladies' Miss. Soc., 21; Princeton, ch. 19; Weston, ch. and Soc. 21.27; Haverhill, a lady, for the German Mission, 3; Chelmsford, 1st ch., Fem. Karen Miss. Soc., Mrs. M. H. Dudley, tr., 20: Jamaica Plain, ch., to cons. É. G. Leach, Lawrence Litchfield and Charles E. Converse L. M., 300; Salem Asso., Wm. Heath, tr.: Salisbury and Amesbury, ch., to cons. Benj. Flanders L. M., 138.12 Gloucester, ch. 67.48; Georgetown, ch. 8.50; Marblehead, ch. 51; Dan vers. 1st ch. 37; Haverhill, 2d ch 11.13; Rowley, ch. 28.37; Beverly, 2d ch. S. Sch. 70.90; Wenham, ch. 1.50; Lowell Asso., John A. Buttrick, tr.: Billerica, ch. (of which 25 is for sup. of a child in Assam Orph Sch. to be named Benjamin Putnam) 31; Tewksbury, ch., S. Sch. class 1; Chelmsford, Central ch. 46.26; South Groton, ch. 2.31; Rhode Island. Providence, two ladies of 1st ch., for the German Mission, which (with 300 previously paid) cons. Elisha C. Wells, Mrs. Harriet A. Wells, Miss Henrietta A. Simmons, Mrs. Maria E. Robinson, Miss Mary Winslow, and Miss Caroline Paine Winslow L. M., Connecticut. East Killingly, ch. 10; Stratfield, ch. 25; 62.63 101.50 14.00 505.27 414.00 80.57 Donations. 493.53 80.00 226.63 999.84 300.00 35.00 New York. New York City, 1st ch. Foreign Miss. Soc., for German Mission, to cons. Thomas C. Brown, Mrs. Louisa T. Terry, Spencer Cone Smith and Mrs. Eliza Ann Thomas L. M., 400; Albany, John F. Rathbone for German Mission 500; Spring Mills, M. S. Chase 1; Springfield, Mrs. Polly Dean, to sup. William Dean in Assam Orph. Sch., 25; Davis Cotes, to sup. Davis Cotes in do. 25; Saratoga Asso.: Saratoga Springs, ch. 27.63; Milton, ch. 31.42; Jamesville, ch. 5.15; per Rev. 0. Dodge, Agent, Dutchess Asso., W. Winchell, tr., per Rev. O. D., Agent, Worcester Asso., O. B. Osborn 1; West Worcester, ch. 14; Maryland, ch. 13.87; Warren Goddard 2; Westford, ch. 3.27; Middlefield, ch. 10.40; Master A. G. Parshall 25 cents; Waterville, ch. 5.41; Leesville, ch. 20; per Rev. O. D., Agent, Franklin Asso.: West Meredith, ch. 31.27; Franklin, ch. 6.73; Society of Missionary Inquiry in Del. Literary Institute 9; Lewis Peck 1; Charles Aldrich 25; Gilbertsville, ch. 3.88; a friend, towards sup. of Colporteur under direction of Rev. Mr. Thomas, 11.50; Sandhill, ch. 1.37; Oneonta, ch. 18.70; to cons. Charles Aldrich L. M., per Rev. 0. D., Agent, Hoosick, ch. 15:75; Cambridge, ch. 7.04; per Rev. O. D., Agent, 31 108.45 22.79 1,266.37 State Convention, per Rev. J. Ste- Huron Asso.: Auburn, ch. 5; Belle- 51.79 103.54 26.03 182.90 61.05 119.51 31.53 Miami Asso., 19.46; Dayton, 1st ch. 57.11 North District Asso. 30.90; Jerseyville, ch. 45.55; Union, ch. 5.10; Carrollton, ch. 1.50; with other donas. to cons, Rev. Wm Hill L. M., per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, Salem As-o. 9 58; New Hope, ch. 7; Roseville, Dea. B. W. Smith 5, Oquawka, Rev. W. T. Bly, 1; per Rev. J. D. C, Agent, Quincy Asso. 29.18; Mt. Pleasant, ch. 560; Griggsville, ch. 55; Payson, ch. 11.25; R. G. Kay 5; to cons. Robert Seaborn L. M., per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, Chicago, 1st ch., W. W. Smith, tr., S. Sch. £3.05 22.58 105.03 75.00 530.62 28.71 Portage Asso., per Rev. J. S., Agent, 38.00 Wills Creek Asso.: Washington tp., ch. 7 ; Antrim, ch. 2.60; Elizabethtown, ch. 1; Sarchet's Run, 2.25; Salt Creek, ch. 5; Rev. T. Shepard, for Burman Mission, 5; Individuals 15.06; per Rev. J. S., Agent, Wooster Asso. 10.12; Wooster, ch. 85.18; S. Sch. 6.77; Mohecan, ch. 3.65; Salem, 1st ch. 5.44; Freedom and Mt. Union, ch. 2.53; Female Miss. Soc. 3.50; per Rev. J. S., Agent, Cincinnati, 5th st. ch., C. Trevor, tr., 13; S. Sch. 17; Elyria, ch. 8.54; 37 91 Lenawee Asso.: Fairfield, ch., per 1.61 15.00 45.86 Indiana. Racine Asso., 13.20; Kenosha, Miss Celestia Lewis, 1; per Rev. J. D. C., Rock Island Asso.: Rock Island, ch. per Rev. J. D. Cole, Agent, Rock River Asso., I. S. Boardman, tr.: Rockford, ch. 48; Coral, ch. 22.60; Rock Run, ch. 7; Pekatonic, ch. 4.40; Union, ch. 3; Mrs. S. S. Whitman, for sup. of a Karen boy named S. S. Whitman, 12; Mrs. Abigail Morgan, for sup. of a Karen child named Jacob Whitman, 12; Burritt, Rev. William Gates, 1; per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, 110.00 Chicago Asso., 7.53; Bloomingdale, ch. 2.75; Babcock's Grove, ch. 6; Benton, ch. 2.50; Waukegan, ch. 2; Dundee, ch. 6; per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, Legacies Butler Co. Pa., Euphemia Rose, per, 50.00 60.00 Fox River Asso. 11.41; Pavilion, ch. 5.44; Aurora, ch. 5.65; Somenauk, ch. 2.50; Newark, ch. 3.25; Plainfield, ch. 2.55; Sewing Soc. 4.45; per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, Illinois River Asso. 14.29; Chillicothe, ch. 5; Rev. J. M. Stickney 50 cts.; Galesburg, ch. 5; Toulou, ch. 1.20; Tremont, ch. 3.33; Morton, ch. 50 cts.; Brimfield, ch. 9.10; per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, Springfield Asso. 18.41; Stonington, ch.9.60; per Rev. J. D. C., Agent, 23.01 Brooklyn, N. Y., Ladies of Washington Avenue and Central churches, 1 box clothing, etc., for Rev. N. Brown, 122 99 |