Shawance Mission. Drafts and purchases (Bal. defrayed by U. S. appropriations,). $1,605 30 Mission to the Ojibwas. The expense of this mission is defrayed by U. S. appropriations. Agencies. Salary of Rev. J. Stevens 1 year,.. $800 00 Travelling expenses, &c. do.,.. 235 58 Salary of Rev. S. M. Osgood 1 year,.. 800 00 Travelling expenses, &c. do., including removal to Albion,. 189 24 Salary of Rev. O. Dodge 1 year, 800 00 Travelling expenses, &c. do.,. 237 95 Salary of Rev. H. A. Smith 1 year, Travelling expenses, &c. do.,. 217 78 alary of Rev. E. A. Cummings 1 year, 700 00 Travelling expenses, &c. do., Salary of Rev. H. C. Estes 1 year, 600 00 Travelling expenses, &c. do.,. 196 95 Salary of Rev. J. Aldrich 7 1-2 mos.,.. 500 00 Travelling expenses, do.,. 113 23 Salary of Rev. L. Wright 6 mos., Travelling expenses, &c. do.,. 135 05 Salary of Rev. J. F Wilcox 4 1-4 mos.,. 283 33 Travelling expenses, &c. do.,. 55 62 Salary of Rev. N. Butler 1 mo.,.... Travelling expenses, &c. do., .... ... 58 33 12 00 Special agencies,. 287 35 Travelling expenses of the Home Secretary, Publications. 58 75 - $7,537 14 Macedonian, 1,500 copies of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Report,........ Extra expense of the July number of the Magazine, 350 copies of the Magazine for file and distribution,. Circulars and notices,.. Secretaries' Department. Salary of the Foreign Secretary, $1500, less $475 received from the fund for officers,. ... Salary of the Home Secretary, $1500, less $475, as above, Extra service in the Foreign Secretary's department,..... Treasurer's Department. Salary of the Treasurer, $1,500, less $475 received from the fund for officers,.. Clerk hire,. Rent of Rooms,.. Insurance on do..... $1,025 00 750 00 500 00 $3,300 00 $1,025 00 $1,525 00 Blank books and stationery, 90 64 Fuel and light, Periodicals and papers,.. .. Certificates of life membership,..... Postage of letters, papers and pamphlets,. Freight and cartage,... Wrapping paper and twine,. Interest on borrowed money, . Counterfeit money, discount on drafts and bank notes,. Legal documents,.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Preparing and copying papers and documents,. Messenger, porter, and care of rooms, Curiosities for the cabinet,.. .. Balance for which the Union was in debt, April 1, 1853,.. ... 16 21 50 08 186 33 534 52 114 86 5 31 1,589 46 193 68 7 00 13 41 27 63 $3,892 86 $130,963 36 21,126 58 $152,089 94 RECEIPTS OF THE UNION DURING THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1854. Donations, as acknowledged in the Missionary Magazine, $111,197 61 Interest on fund for support of native preachers,.. Balance for which the Union is in debt, April 1, 1854,... 3,649 81 6,500 00 30 00 $121,377 42 30,712 52 $152,089 94 Paid balance of salaries of Secretaries and Treasurer,.. This fund which last year amounted to $2,000 has been transferred to account of donations. The Treasurer has also received from the United States and coördinate Societies the following sums, which have been expended in the several missions, viz.: From the United States,.. $4,000 00 The Auditing Committee, having examined the account of the Treasurer of the American Baptist Missionary Union for the year ending March 31, 1854, with the vouchers, hereby certify that they find the same correct, and that a balance of thirty thousand seven hundred twelve dollars, fifty two cents, was due from the Union, on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. They have also examined the evidences of stocks, &c., belonging to the Union, and find that they agree with the statements on the Treasurer's books. C. J. B. WINHERBEE, Auditing Committee. Missionary Rooms, Boston, May 8, 1854. PREACHERS AT TRIENNIAL AND ANNUAL MEETINGS. Richard Furman, D. D., S. C.,۰۰۰ Matt. 28: 20, Thomas Baldwin, D. D., Mass.,. O. B. Brown, D. C., ... William Staughton, D. D., D. C.,.. Jesse Mercer, Ga., ...... William Yates, India, . William T. Brantly, Pa., ... Daniel Sharp, D. D., Mass.,...... C. G. Sommers, N. Y.,...... R. Babcock, Jr., Mass., ........ F. Wayland, D. D.,* R. I., ............... William R. Williams, N. Y.,...... 2 Cor. 10: 15, 16, .. E. L. Magoon, N. Y.,............... * The appointed preacher having failed. OFFICERS OF THE MISSIONARY UNION. HON. GEORGE N. BRIGGS, LL. D., of Mass., President. } REV. WILLIAM H. SHAILER, of Me., Recording Secretary. Board of Managers. HON. IRA HARRIS, LL. D., Chairman, Ministers. Benjamin F. Shaw, China, Me. Ministers. Henry V. Dexter, Portland, Me. Ezra Ferris, Lawrenceburg, Ind. Ministers. David N. Sheldon, Bath, Me. Edmund Worth, Fisherville, N. H. Arthur S. Train, Haverhill, Mass. Robert C. Mills, Salem, Mass. Samuel W. Field, Providence, R. I. Harvey Miller, Meriden, Conn. Edward Lathrop. New York. George C. Baldwin, Troy, N. Y. Albert G. Palmer, Syracuse. N. Y. Lucian Hayden, Saxton's River. Vt. Simeon J. Drake, Plainfield, N. J. John Dowling, Philadelphia, Pa. John C. Harrison, Easton, Pa. Executive Committee. HON. HEMAN LINCOLN, Chairman. Ministers. BARON STOW, JOSEPH W. PARKER, ROLLIN Η. ΝEALE, HENRY J. RIFLEY, ROBERT W. CUSHMAN. SOLOMON PECK, Corresponding Secretary for the Foreign Department. EDWARD BRIGHT, JR., Corresponding Secretary for the Home Department. RICHARD E. EDDY, Treasurer. Auditing Committee. CALVIN S. LANE, Vice Presidents. REV. SEWALL S. CUTTING, Recording Secretary, 'CLASS I. George W. Harris, Detroit, Mich. Laymen. Anthony Colby, New London, N. H. CLASS II. Supply Chase, Northville, Mich. Laymen. Jefferson Borden, Fall River, Ms. CLASS III. William F. Hansell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Laymen. Josephus Baldwin, Nashua, N. Η. William Bucknell, Philadelphia, Pa. Elisha E. Barney, Dayton, Ohio. REV. R. W. CUSHMAN, D. D., Recording Secretary. Laymen. HEMAN LINCOLN, JAMES W. CONVERSE, BENJAMIN SMITH, ΝΕΗΕΜΙΔΗ ΒΟΥΝΤΟΝ. J. B. WITHERBEE. |