Chaplain in India, usefulness of...... Cherokees, mission to, 4, 92, 120, 201, 327; report, 201; annual report, 327; good tidings. 92; baptisms,.
China, (see Ningpo), insurrection in, 56, 446; proclamation of the preten- der, 66; origin and character of the movement, 57; aspects of the insur- rection, 58; consequences, 58; reli- gious principles of the revolutionists, 118; Chinese servants, 142; cruelties of civil war, 354 : favorable views of the insurgents, 354; - gospel among the, 444; can opium smokers be re- claimed, 444; Judas Iscariot, 445; neglected native school...
- missions in, (see Hongkong and Ningpo,) 3, 56, 117, 141, 354, 444; re- port on, 1993; annual report, 298; proper term for God, 354; for bap- tism, 354; class of probationers, 445; Ningpo as a missionary field,........ 446 Convention of Missionaries at Maul- main, 4; reports of, on the appropri- ation of money to be applied at the discretion of a missionary, 5; - theo- logical training of native preachers, 6;-expediency of triennial confer- ences, 15; - the missionary's depend- ence on the Holy Spirit, 115;-ben- efits of,...........
Crocker, Mrs. M. B., death of, 95; obit-
Dacoits, an ancient Burman institution, 27 Danforth, Mrs., letter from, 113; revi- val in the girls' boarding school, 113; opposition suffered by a convert, 113; precious leaf of a tract, 115; another convert,.
Dawson, J., letters from, 136, 173, 441; baptism of a Boodhist priest, 174; narrative of, 174; the blind preacher, 175; death of Ko Soon-Shay, 175; electric telegraph in Burmah, 176; visit to Thenyeen,...
442 Deputation to missions, 28; work of, 227, 240 Doerksen, J., journal of, 182; an infant preacher, 182; neglecting a profes- sion, 182; preaching on shipboard, 184; sentence of court, 184; a phari- see, 185; baptismal scene, 185; preaching in Russia, 185; persecu- tion, 186, 189; false and true religion, 186
Donabew, an important missionary field, 43; spirit of inquiry in,.... Donations, 30, 63, 95, 126, 153, 191, 365, 399, 431, 462.
Education in its relation to conversion, 46,..
English army, moral advancement in,.. 99 France, mission to, 3, 81, 147, 312, 355; report on, 200; annual report, 312; vindication of Baptists in, 355; appeal to the emperor for toleration, 81; per- secution, 82, 83, 147; burial of a child, 147
Germany, mission to, 4, 29, 59, 84, 118, 146, 182; report on, 2003; annual re- port, 315; church at Berlin, 59, 86; conference at Homburg, 59; Saxe- Meiningen, 59; evangelical alliance at Berlin, 60; the "Kirchentag," 61, 424; visit to Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 62; Bückeburg, 62; persecution jus- tified, 62; chapel at Barmen, 84; se- cession from the state church, 84; an efficient church, 84; conference at
Heilbronn, 85; German Sabbath, 85; Elberfeld, 86, 146; Vollmarstein, 118: secession of pastor Ringsdorff, 118; farewell sermon, 119; Hesse, 60; bap- isms at, 390; light in, 120; Temp- lin, 146; Ribbeck, F., secession of, 147, - baptism, 86, - autobiography, 473, -tracts on baptism, 147; per- secution in Schaumburg-Lippe, 384; Mr. Bolzmann in prison, 384; visita- tion of outstations, 422; petitions to government, 423; Oldenburg, 425; Othfreesen, 425; Voigtsdorf,........ 426 Goddard, J., letters of, 117, 446, 484; tract-catechism, 117, 446; public ef- forts, 117; state of the translation, 117; prayer for China, 118; need of more preachers, 118; a question for Christians, 118; trip up the river, 484; incidents of preaching,..........484
Goodman, J. S., journal of, 447, 465; visit to Little Bassa, 447; first Sab- bath at, 447; discomforts of travel, 447; life in the forest, 449; discour- aging labors,.....
![[blocks in formation]](,600,66,18)
Gospel preached, the power of, denied in practice, .... 46 Granger, J. N., letters of, 25, 42, 65, ... 97 Greece, mission to, 4, 29, 86, 149; re- port, 200; annual report, 321; new chapel at Athens, 86; visit to Corfu, 87; official insolence, 87; Zante, 87; inquirers, 87, 88; Smyrna, 89; reli- gious aspects of, 89; free discussion, 89; plea for religious liberty, 89; popular excitements, 91; visit to Corinth, 416; epistle to the Corinth- ians on its native soil, 416; testimo- ny to our books, 417; Cenchrea, 419; honor to Washington, 420; confes- sion,
![[blocks in formation]](,904,135,47)
Haese, A. F. W., journal of, Harris, Mrs. O. C. W., obituary of, .... 152 Haswell, J., letter from, 139; baptisms, 139; Stephen Gano, 139; a hard field, 140; journal of, 401, 480; preaching at Zatabia, 401; light and darkness, 402; numerous visitors, 403; visit to Damatha, 404; idols, 404; tour to Shwaygyeen, 480; Burman Home Missionary, 483; sowing andfruit,.... 483 Health, practical suggestion on, ....... 77 Henthada, its situation, 44; importance of, 44; square pagoda at, Heydenburg, Mr., letter of........ Hibbard, C., letter from, 140; ordination of Pahpoo, 140; theological students, 141; progress in the language, Hinrichs, J., journal of, 453; the music of children, 453; profitable wedding, 453; an objector silenced, 454; the Sabbath question, 454; chapel at Jever, 455; field preaching, 455; baptisms, 455; religious liberty,
thada, 44, 45; merchant boats, 44; prevalent anarchy, 47; Kanoung, 47; idols without an owner, 65; images cut in rock, 67; splendor of idolatry in- creasing northward, 67; Shwaydoung, 67; Padoung, 68, 69; lines of images, 67; colossal Gaudamas, 69; Prome, 69, 70;-insalubrity of, 70; - growth and improvements, 70; pagoda hill in Prome, 71, 73; famine, 71; unwise taxation, 71; reaction against English rule, 72; singular miasma, 72; pop- ulation of Prome, 73; poverty, 73; fewness of priests, 74; popular faith shaken, 74; the gospel in Prome, 75; encouraging tokens, 75; trip to Mea- day, 75; thrilling recollection, 76; an inviting field, 76; situation of Meaday, 97; unhealthy, 98; Toung-ghoop, 100; road to Arracan, 100; three gates into Burmah, 101; posts to be occupied, 101; Pwos on the,
Jews, missions to, 394; efforts for, 459 Jones, E., letters of, 92, 120; series of meetings, 120; baptisms, 120; mission- ary meeting, 120; movement for the Osages, ..
Judson, Dr., memorials of, 22,
--, Mrs., grave of, ... --, Mrs. E. C., death of,
Karens, (see Maulmain, Tavoy, Mergui, Rangoon, Bassein, Shwaygyeen, Toun- goo), missions to, 2, 23, 243; annual report of, 265-292; near Shway- gyeen, 345; Pwos on the Irrawadi, 406; Maubee Association, 407; mission in Rangoon, 138; Home Mission Society, 79; mission press, publications, 261- 264, 375; native preachers, number of, 13; theological seminary, 12; course of studies, 13; results, 13; theological training, provision to be made for, 14, 15; schools for native assistants, at Tavoy, 10; at Maulmain, 11; in Mergui and Arracan, ..
167; sowing and reaping, 168; schools desired, 169, 170; reasoning of a Bur- man teacher, 169; a day spent for the soul, 169; native missionaries needed, 170; Port Louis, 357; Cape Town, 358; Cape Colony, 359; voyage from, 360; Lisbon, 360; in England, 361; arrival in United States, Maulmain, as a place of residence, 19; scenery, 19; climate, 19; population and prospects, 20; the mission grounds, 21; languages mixed, 28; a hard field, 28, 140; Burman mission, 2, 28, 139, 339, 376, 401, 480;-church, 22; baptisms, 140; report, 209; annual report, 258; Burmese church, 341; native preachers, 341; plea for Pegu, 345; visit to Terraneh, 342, 376; ob- ituary of Myat Kyau, 377: books and tracts printed, 261; Keikto, 481; Pe- guan outstation, 482; Beling crossing, 481
406 Maulmain Karen Mission, 2, 170, 380; premises, 23; changes, 24; ordina- tion, 140; report, 243; annual report, 265; tour up the Salwen, 337; Chum- merah, 338; tour to Martaban, 170,.. 480 Mergui (station), 48, 109,....... Missionaries, daily routine of their la- bors, 37; designation and departure of, 29, 461; return of, 357, 461; letters from, 125, 398; mortality among, 20; - causes of, 20; dependence of, on the Holy Spirit,
parative, .. Mohammedan intolerance,......... Mortality among African missionaries,. 81 Myat Kyau, obituary of, 377; early reli- gious history, 378; conversion, 379; confession of Christ, 380; labors and success, 380; instrumental in bringing the gospel to the Karens, 380; Chris- tian character, 381; triumphant death, 382
Native preachers, theological training of, 286 Ningpo (see China,) 3, 28, 56, 117, 354; report on, 199; annual report, 300; re- cent converts, 141; Chinese servants, 142; impostures, 142; dense popu- lation, 484; a wide field,.
Laborers, how to be raised up,..457 Lehmann, G. W., letters from, 59, 86,.. 421 Loochoo kingdom,.........
Macgowan, D. J., letters from, 56, 141, 354, 444; the insurrection in China, 354; Chinese term for God, 354; - baptism,....
Madagascar, 122,..
Martaban, 106, tour to, 170; fine land- scape, 171; rock-ship pagoda, 172; kyoung among Karens, 173; the pop- ulation,
Mason, F., labors of, 111; letters and journals from, 105, 129, 165, 357, 433; journey to Toungoo, 105; Shway- gyeen, 109; Sabbath at Toungoo, 165; Toungoo a Karen centre, 166; New Karen tribes, 166; encouraging tokens, 167; kindness of English residents,
Nisbet, Mrs. M. C. S., obituary of, ...... 30 Normal School, Karen, at Maulmain,.. 24 Obituaries, Mrs. Mary C. S. Nisbet, 30; Rev. Daniel Sharp, D. D., 33; Mrs. Mary B. Crocker, 150; Mrs. Olive C. W. Harris, 152; Mrs. Mary J. L. Shermer, 189; Rev. H. E. Knapp, 361; Mrs. Mary C. C. Rose, 362; Mrs. Em- ily C. Judson, 364; Mrs. Martha F. Beecher, 365; - report on,....... Ojibwas (see Indian missions,) mission to, annual report......... Oncken, J. F., letter from, 387; forma- tion of a church at Elsfleth,
Osages, movement for,...
Priedemann, O., journal of, 426; Jesuit cunning, 426; gospel among Silesian weavers,...
Prome (see Burman missions,) mission to 2, 405; annual report, 285; first la- bors at, 102; voyage to, 25, 42, 65, 98, 405; the seed springing up, 405; bap- tisms,
Pwo Karens in the theological school, 8; churches in Mergui province, 110, 372 Races, outward distinction of, .......... 43 Rangoon, 25, 36; native Christians in district of, 26; improvements in, 177; mission-house, burning of, 177; pub- lic disquiet, 178; spirit of inquiry... 179
mission, 2, 36, 42, 65, 97, 136; annual report, 280; fruit from seed long sown in, 37; Ko Thah A, pastor of the church in, 38; increase of, 39; public worship, 39; examination of a candidate for baptism, 39; Shway Dagong pagoda, 40,41; the great bells, 41; baptismal scene, 41; the work spreading, 136; churches and preach- ing stations, 136, 137; Kemmendine, 137; Kambet, 137; Karen department, 138 Ribbeck, F., his secession from the state church, 84; baptism, 86; zealous la- bors, 147; sketch of the life of....... 472 Ringsdorff, Mr., letter from, 390; bap- tisms at Barmen, 390; the work ex- panding...........
Rose. Mrs. M. C.. death of,.....
Salongs, annual report of, 271; belief and customs of, 48, 51; Siamese Sa- longs, 49, 54; Lord Wm. Bentick's island, 50;-geological appearance of, 50; Tawaie tribe, 51; Jaeet, 52; Lam- pee, 52: better class of, 53; Zadek Sa- longs, 54; mesmeric dance, 55; dia- lect of, 55; extraordinary congrega- tion,
Sander, J., journal of, 425; gospel among miners,....
Sau Quala, letters of, 345, 434; prudence in baptizing, 433; excursions of, 434, 435; his qualifications, 436; mission- ary spirit of,.......
Schauffler, C., letter from, 388; baptism of two Swedes, 388; ordination, 388; good news from Sweden,.. Seik sepoys, fine appearance of, Sharp, Rev. Dr., biographical sketch of, 33 Shawanoes, mission to, 325; tokens of
divine favor, 91; life and death of a Christian chief, 91; contrasts, 92; an- nual report, 325; early efforts for, 391; present state,
Sweden, religious movement in,....388, 456
Tavoy mission, 111, 410; tour to Mata, 410; church at Lertahpoo, 411; heathen Karens, 412; Mata church, 413; Kur- gau, 413; baptisms, 413; Kaitah, 414; Karen homes, 414; Lauloo church, 414; opposer silenced, 414; education among convicts,
Teloogoo mission, 3, 29; report on, 210, 308; reinforcement of,
Thah A, Ko, pastor of Rangoon church, 38 Theological training, objects to be aim- ed at in,........
Thomas, B. C., letter of, 111; school, 111; spirit of Sau Quala, 111; labors of Dr. Mason, 111; the deputation, 112; journal of, 347, 369; jungle tour, 347; cholera, 347; joyous Sabbath, 347; baptisms, 348, 349, 413; promising candidate, 348; a happy church, 349; extent of his parish, 369; visit to Mer- gui, 369; self-support, 370; chapel- building, 370; association, 370; bap- tisms, 371, 372, 373; interest among Burmans, 371; Pwos, 372; choosing a pastor, 373; sad contrast, 373; ordina- tion, 374, retrospect, 374; Romanists, 374; tour to Mata, 410; death of a Karen convert, 410; the preacher's work, 411; Kurgau, 413; Karen homes,...
![[blocks in formation]](,384,60,479)
Toungoo mission, 2, 105, 129, 165, 345, 433; annual report, 289; new outsta- tions, 433; value of native assistants, 433; Sau Quala, 345, 434; encouraging attention, 434; the Bghais, 434; the Pakus, 435; outstations, ——, journey to, difficulties of the, 105; setting out, 106; legend, 106; Martaban, 106; superiority of Chris- tianity, 106; tracts withheld. 107; leav- ing the Salwen, 107; candid hearer, 108; Sabbath employments, 108; trip of Mrs. Mason; 109; preaching to Bur- mans, 109; - to Karens, 109; Shway- gyeen, 109, 134; geography of the coun- try, 129; Sitang, city of, 131; -river, 130; earnest request for books, 132, 133; station established at Toungoo, 135
Triennial conferences in Asia, expedien- cy of,
Shermer, H. B., letter of, 79; Mrs., death of, 95; obituary of,. Shway Dagong pagoda, ... Shway Doung, the "Oxford of Burmah," 67 Shwaygyeen, 2, 25, 109; encouraging
tokens, 109; situation of, 134; prices of living at, 134; mission premises, 135; signification of, 135; Karens near, 345; route from Martaban to,
482; prospects,..........
Siam, letter from Mr. Ashmore,........ 116
-, mission to, 2, 29; report, 198; an- nual report, ..
Simons, T., letter from, 405; voyage to Prome, 405; baptisms,......
Whiting, S. M., letters from, 144, 443; Jorhat and vicinity, 145; boat-tour, 145; books and papers, 443; burning of widows,
Sitang, river and valley, 24, 130, ....... 131 , city,
Willard, E., letters from, 81, .... Worldly and Christian heroism,........ 102
![[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]](,342,840,527)
The past year has been, with respect to an important portion of our mission field, a transition period, and the state of the world at present is such as to betoken great changes in time to come. Asia, so long the colossal emblem of stationary, almost stagnant life, - fixed, unimpressible - is now the theatre of revolution. Europe is again threatened with agitations the extent and issues of which it were vain to conjecture. The jar of these outward movements faintly indicates the tossings of the great sea of human opinion, now in a more restless state than at any time for many years past. At such a season it is impossible to survey our missions without deep concern. Are they commensurate with the demands of the time? Do they promise an expansion adequate to the probabilities of the immediate future?
Beginning with BURMAH, on which is concentrated our greatest force, we see the missions entering upon a new era, opened by the sudden enlargement of their field of operations. The conquest of Southern Burmah is indeed incomplete. - the peace lately proclaimed was but a hollow truce and the calamities of war are renewed for a season. But enough is gained to give the missions access to a numerous population hitherto unapproachable. In anticipation of this result the whole body of missionaries have been convened to review their labors, to compare their experience, and to devise measures at once for extending their lines of occupation, and for acting with increased efficiency and unity of plan. Resources accumulated within the narrow limits of Tenasserim and Arracan were now available for the populous interior of the country. It was felt that the set time had come for an advance movement. But while competent and faithful translators had opened the Scriptures to both the Burmany and Karens with a clearness that leaves little to be expected from present revision; while the press had multiplied copies, ready for the widest distribution which should appear practicable and expedient; and while a hopeful body of native pastors and evangelists was raised up; it was made manifest that the most imperative want, - that of men qualified to lead the advance could be but imperfectly supplied. It was necessary to spare from the older sta
tions as many missionaries, and to disperse them as widely, as the nature of the case wo ld admit, trusting in Him who is able to save by many or by few, to make the feeblest labors effectual and to raise up the needed succors from the American churches. Of the changes thus made, full information is not received; but the following statement exhibits them so far as they have been acted upon at home.
Six missions and stations are fixed upon in Burmah Proper, - Rangoon, Bassein, Henthaday, Prome, Toungoo and Shwaygyeen. To the mission at Rangoon, are assigned Messrs. Ingalls, from Akyab, Stevens, from Maulmain, and for the present, Dr. Dawson; the arrangements for the Karen department of the mission there are not permanently made, but for the present it is in charge of Mr. Vinton. At Bassein, Mr. Beecher is provisionally associated with Mr. Van Meter. To Prome are assigned Mr. Kincaid, and Mr. Simons from Maulmain. Mr. Thomas, on the return of Mr. Cross to Tavoy, is to occupy Henthaday. Dr. Mason, at his owa earnest request, is appointed to Toungoo. The state of his health has been such as to make his early return to America appear necessary, but at latest advices was better, and it was his purpose, if possible, at least to establish the new mission, leaving his homeward voyage for future determination. Mr. Brayton, from Mergui, and Mr. Harris, from Maulmain, are to commence a Karen mission at Shwaygyeen
These detachments for Burmah Proper leave the stations in Tenasserim and Arracan occupied as follows: Maulmain, by Messrs. Haswell, Bixby and Ranney, in the Burman Mission; Dr. Wade, as teacher of the Karen Theological School, and Messrs. Bennett, Hibbard and Whitaker in the Karen mission. Tavoy, by Messrs. Cross, in the Karen, and Allen, in the Burmese department. Mergui, by Mr. Benjamin as a Karen and Salong missionary. Akyab; by Messrs. C. C. Moore and Rose, laboring in Burmese, and Sandoway by Mr. Knapp, also in Burmese.
Messrs. Howard and Stilson, of the Maulmain Burman, W. Moore, of the Maulmain Karen, Cross, of the Tavoy, and Abbott, of the Bassein, and Mrs. Campbell of the Arracan Mission, are in this country. Mr. Nisbet of the Arracan Mission, is on his way. Disease has laid its hand on these brethren. With one exception, they have been in the field for years, some for many years of severe and useful labor. Mr. Nisbet was arrested by sickness on the threshold of his expected work, and warned to withdraw, but not till Mrs. Nisbet was suddenly removed by death. Mr. Cross anticipates an early return to his mission, and two missionaries recently appointed, Rev. Messrs. J. L. Douglass and Arthur R. R. Crawley, are designated to stations in Burmah.
While, however, attention has been so fixed on plans for the future, the ordinary labors at stations already established have gone forward with general prosperity. The native churches have shown a high degree of stability, the native preachers, of zeal; and the divine blessing has given effect to their efforts in co-operation with the missionaries. In Rangoon and Bassein, particularly, there has been a large ingathering of converts. The present season is witnessing, it may be hoped, the beginning of those more extended efforts for the evangelization of Burmah indicated in the foregoing list of stations, of which we shall look to hear encouraging results during the year on which we have entered.
The Mission to SIAM has experienced no outward change. Its work has advanced, not rapidly, as compared with some older and more favored, but surely and hopefully. A few converts, a few promising inquirers, an interesting church, steadfast amidst the flood of heathenism - who shall despise the day of small things? Mr. Chandler is about returning, with the Rev. Robert Telford as a colleague for Mr. Ashmore in the Chinese department. The Siamese department needs an increase of laborers. When the whole kingdom is open to the Christian preacher, the men should not be wanting to go through the land with the message of salvation.
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