Africa (see Bassas).
Allen, T., letter from, 415; opposer silenced,...
Amarapura, rebuilding of,.. American and For. Bible Society,... American Bap. Home Mission Society, American Baptist Missionary Union; agencies, 211, 252; annual meeting, 204; - of the Board, 193; — of the Board for 1854-55, 242; reinforce- ments and supplies, 244; finances, 216, 244, 245; life members, 257;
present at annual meeting, 204; officers and managers, 217, 336 ; election of, 217, 242; preachers at triennial and annual meetings, 335; publications, 196, 256; report of the Board to, 207; fortieth annual report, 247; treasurer's report, 330; missions of, 258, 328, 329; on equal- izing the receipts of, 213; altera- tion in the constitution, 217; who shall be members, 217; report of Dr. Wayland on the relative claims of the preaching_of the gospel, 218; work of the Deputation, 227; -report on, 240; receipts and ex- penditures, 249; comparative an- nual contributions, 251; missionary appointments, American Baptist Publication Society, American Baptists, field opened before, Armenian mission,..
Arracan mission, annual report,. Ashmore, W., letter from, 116; church of old men, 116; communion Sab- bath in Bangkok, 116; the present and the future,.. Assam, mission to, 3, 112, 113, 144, 181, 349, 383, 443; Jorhat, 145; report, 210; annual report, 305; Cacharis, intemperance of, 351; visit of Dr. Peck, 353; a people never visited by the gospel, 113, 353; Bas- gora,...
Assistants, native, institutions for ed- ucating...
Ava, hostile policy at,.... Barker, F., letters of, 91,....... Bassas, mission to, 3, 150, 189, 208, 311, 447; the mission broken by death, 79; death of Mrs. Crocker, 80, 150; of Mrs. Shermer, 79, 189; report on, 208; annual report, 311; visit to Little Bassa, 447; state of the mission, 447; tour in the bush, 448; farms, 448; landscape, 449; African death-wail, 450; -warfare, 451; rapid depopulation, 451; moun- tain and cave, 452; superstition, 452; geography of the country, 467; prospects of the mission, Bassein, anniversaries and ministerial conference at, 78; river, mouth of
mission, 2, 78, 180, 436; an- nual report, 276, 408; quarterly conference, 408; church at Moe- koo, 408; ordination, 408; additions to the churches, 409; native mis- sionary efforts, 409; jungle tour, 436; Shwey Loung,
Beecher, J. S., letters from, 78, 408; Mrs., death of,..
Beer, G., letter from,.. Benjamin, J., journal of, 48; visits to Salongs, 48; (see Salongs;) encoun- ter with Malays, 52; preaching, 52, 53; Salongs, prayer for, 54; leaving, Bennett, C., journal of, 137, 170; bap- tism of Karens, 172; - kyoung among, 173; tour up the Salwen, 337; depopulation, 357; desirable outstation, 357; meetings with the church,.
Bereavement, fourfold,. Beyebach, V., letter from, 426; per-
secution, 426; gospel among pris- oners, 426; the poor widow's sacri- fice,.
Bixby, M. H., letters from, 339, 376; looking forward, 339; trials and comforts, 339; sorrow for the heath- en, 340; incipient labors, 340; Bur- mese church, 341; promising school, 341; personal labors, 341; conversa- tions with his teacher, 342; preach- ing excursion, 342; the teacher prayeth, 344; visit to Terranah, 376; enmity, 376; excitement,.... Bolzmann, M., letters from, 384; in prison,
Boodhist priest, baptism of a, 174; - narrative of, 174;-education by, 415; -
272 Brahmaputra river, 161; overflowings of, 163; Serajgunge, Braun, Mr., letter from,.. Brayton, D. L., letters of, 109, 406; Ulah, Ongpong and Palaw church- es, 110; more help needed, 111; ordination of a Karen pastor, 109; pastor fully supported, 109; Pwo churches around Mergui,.
British rule, policy of,.......
Brown, Mrs., letter of, 181; close of
the year, 181; revival influences,... Buel, Mrs., letter from,....
Buel, R. F., letter of, 149; Bible and tract distribution,..
Burmah, divine providences toward, 26; populousness of, 42; adminis- tration of British law in,..
missions in, (see Maulmain, Tavoy, Rangoon, Arracan, Toungoo, Shwaygyeen, Prome, Bassein, Ka- rens,) 1; arrangement of stations in, 2; report on, 209, 258; English opinion of, Burman and Karen theological school, history of, 6; plan of, 7; primary instruction preparatory to, 7; course of study in, 7; first pupils,.
467 Burman theological school at Maul- main, 7; plan of, 7; course of instruc- tion, 8; results, 9; works accessible to Burmese students,... Burmans, influence of the gospel on, 104, 107; phenomenon in the con-
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