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and my home was unhappy. I could scarcely speak without an oath, and my Sabbaths were spent in working part of the day, and sometimes idling away the other. But now, thank God, that is done with. I don't drink nor swear, nor break the Sabbath. I am happy, and my home is happy, and the Sunday, which used to be the most gloomy day of the week, is now the happiest. Now, going to mass did not do this for me, nor has it done it for you." Here, then, was a man who owed something to pure religion, if not to Protestantism. The poor of London, whom Popery reckons among her own, are scarce raised above heathen tribes. Here was one who, according to his own confession, had lived a drunkard, and a practiser of sins of which drunkenness is the parent. As a Romanist, he squandered four pounds in drink during one Christmas Day, and on recovering his senses was seized with remorse, until razors and knives were necessarily placed out of reach. As a Protestant, on the following Christmas Day he attended public worship, and enjoyed the festival in a rational manner. His gratitude for the change experienced was very genuine, and he assisted a city missionary in the district, and several persons owed their conversion to his agency.

During the holding of the Great Exhibition of 1862, a Houndsditch evangelist, a converted German Jew, was employed to speak to foreigners within the building. His adventures were many and instructive. Marked consideration would be shown, or he was reviled and maltreated. "This talk would make my mother weep, but will not do for me," said a young German, who, however, soon after confessed, “I have found a greater prize in England than my employer can ever find with his invention, that is Jesus my Saviour." This man attended to explain the construction of a curious machine. "What filth is this?" asked one of two Romish priests, who, while accepting a tract, became enraged by being drawn into argument, since a little crowd of foreigners gathered to see that Protestantism had the best of the controversy, because Romish champions cannot prove that Augustine meant the Papacy when speaking of Catholicism. Then Romish priests more quickly lose their tempers than other people, and thus give opponents an advantage. One Italian gentleman accosted in the street made a grateful confession-" England takes so much trouble to do us good; I do very much admire it. My eyes are clearer, and my heart much lighter. I now understand the words, By their fruits shall ye know them.' No person can say when or where the influence of these humble endeavours will end. The good seed is put into virgin soil, and assuredly it will propagate itself.

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Take another example of prejudice overcome. One summer day this same agent spoke to a fashionably-attired Frenchman in the Egyptian Court at the Crystal Palace. Quoting Solomon's aphorism, "There is nothing new under the sun," he proceeded to speak of the Bible, of which those words are a portion. On hearing of the Bible the stranger looked grave. He doubted all that could be advanced in favour of the Bible. Probably his rearing and life-long associations begat this obstinate spirit. Be that as it may, he was conversed with during an hour on the authority and mission of God's Book; and the stranger listened in surprise to what was to him quite a new revelation. Then


he rejoiced like one who finds hidden treasure. Why should that precious Book be kept from our fellow-men?" he asked. Then he related some life-experience. The abominations of Romanism were so repugnant that, judging Christianity by priestly caricatures, he concluded that religion in general must be a sham. In the Italian town where he resided he believed that no Bible could be found in any house. Now, he inherited wealth and influence, and he had long desired to benefit his fellow-men. What more effective method could be adopted than that of giving them the Word of Life? A deep impression was seemingly made upon the gentleman's mind, and he expressed many thanks for having a stumbling-block removed from his path. The address of the Bible Society was taken down, and probably the good effects of that casual meeting are being felt to-day in priest-ridden Italy. Another distinguished foreigner, and one who appeared to be a military officer of rank, was accosted in the Thames Tunnel. The evangelist was about turning aside, when the words, "I will speak of thy testimony also before kings, and will not be ashamed," were remembered, and encouraged boldness. On being offered a tract, the gentleman replied, "That's not in my line;" but becoming communicative and affable, he said he was an official of rank under the Austrian Government, and in connection with the national prisons. Here was an opportunity of speaking, for to influence one thus set over others is to ensure a return of good fruit in due season. The Austrian official was spoken to faithfully respecting his responsibilities, until, becoming really affected, he said, "I am much indebted to you for having so plainly reminded me of my great responsibility. I must confess that I have never seen it in that light in which you have placed it before me." He even begged for a Bible, and a supply of tracts, and tears filled his eyes as he expressed a hope that God's word would be blessed to him, and teach him his duty to his Maker and employers. Such action gains the reward of those who sow beside all waters. It might have been a rebuff, for rebuffs are plentiful among London Romanists. Animated by a very different spirit from that which lent a charm to the genteel foreigner, was an old woman of Ratcliff, who rewarded all endeavours to do her good by, "Aye, and sure, if you belonged to the true church, what a deal of good ye might do; but you will never do any good with King Harry's religion."

Concerning the evil tendency of the confessional, let the testimony of one woman suffice. In an evil day she married a Romanist, and, beset by her husband and the priest, she could enjoy no peace until she renounced "heresy." "May the Lord deliver me from the confessional!" she said. "The horror that it put into my heart will never leave it. Such expressions to come from a priest were awful. I said to myself, at the time when he was questioning me, Can it be possible that the most degraded of characters would have asked such questions? After he left I was for a considerable time in a tremble." Happily this subject was completely restored to her former faith.

If the extreme ignorance and credulity of the poorer adherents of the papacy are wonderful to see, they teach us to be earnest in opposing a system which enthrals myriads in its meshes. "I do not know who died on the cross," said one. "I cannot tell who was the Son of God.

How should I know? I never got any larning. I have not committed any sin in my lifetime, and if God does not take me to heaven, I don't deserve to go anywhere else." A man unable to read was given to understand that Henry the Eighth and the devil founded the Protestant religion. He was not partial to Martin Luther either, because, as a disreputable character, Martin was turned out of heaven. "My good friend," said one better informed, "you are mistaken; Martin Luther was never turned out of heaven. You must refer to Satan and his angels." "Oh, well," said the other, "I suppose it was the devil. I knew it was one of them, and one was as bad as the other."

A woman with weak eyes said that her complaint arose from entering a cabin in Ireland where a death occurred from fever. The ghost of the departed came in the night, and, blowing a horrid blast in her face, had caused a soreness. One visit to "Father Power's grave" had already done some good, and she thought one more pilgrimage would ensure complete restoration. Such is the working, and such are the fruits, of Romanism in London.

It may be objected against these cases that they are exceptional, and belong to a remote outer circle of society which, whether it profess Protestantism or Romanism is difficult to reclaim. Such cavils could be answered by taking the objector into a home of taste and culture, where the inmates have profited by all the advantages which their church can supply. In some special cases city missionaries gain access to the sick rooms of well-to-do persons. They go by particular request, or some unusual circumstance leads them aside from their ordinary path. About four years ago an accomplished and beautiful young actress was visited in this manner. Marrying a man of her own profession at sixteen, the two were enabled to earn about seven pounds weekly, until at the youthful age of twenty-two the wife lay on a bed of death. Though reared a Protestant she was now a professed Romanist, having been rebaptised to please her husband, who was extremely fond of her. "This affliction has been laid on me for good," she said; "and has been the means of taking me from my course of life, which you know was sinful." Patients of this rank are sure of receiving the zealous attention of the priests, and of being tenderly protected, if need be, from the intrusion of heretics, by those about them. Even the toilet-table by the bedside bore testimony to the solicitude of Mother Church. There lay a scapular which had been prayed over, and though nothing more than a circular piece of metal, it was reputed to possess charms which heretics could neither enjoy nor gainsay. There also lay a rose which seven "holy men" had obligingly blessed, and the flower was warranted to ease pain and cure disease. On hearing the gospel explained, however, the sinking actress willingly surrendered these toys and trifles; and after receiving a few visits from her newly-found friend, he was welcomed very cordially. "I do feel Jesus very precious," was now her language. In her last hours the husband stood by the bedside supporting the fragile form of his best earthly treasure, bathed in tears and regarding with astonishment the strength his wife derived from simple faith. He followed his friend to the door with many expressions of gratitude. He now comprehended what was meant by being a true catholic according to the Bible standard.

The antipathy of Romish priests to Protestant ministers and evange lists is excessive, and neither pains nor money are spared to hinder the progress of the gospel among the poor. An example of their zealous care and watchfulness happened some years ago. A city missionary lived in the house of a man whose wife embracing Romanism, influenced her husband to do the like, and having a daughter who had been affectionately advised about religion, the mother acquainted a father in the confessional of the condition of affairs. Two priests immediately hastened to set matters right. The girl was sent for, and in order to remove her from the hated Protestant influence she was removed into another lodging, the expenses were paid, and care taken that she should have neither Bible nor religious books. Subsequently she was sent to America; but before embarking she was even commissioned to wait on the offending city missionary and to attempt to win him over to Popery, by offering in the service of the Pope double the salary received in the Protestant communion.

Considerable difficulty must attend our coping with a body of men who are moved by this surprising zeal. We do not hesitate to say that such men, together with their allies, the ritualistic Anglicans, are directly engaged in hindering the benighted poor from arriving at a saving knowledge of Christ. One might have supposed that the amazing amount of sin, pain, and poverty gathered in London would have healed differences of opinion in men professing Christ and professing to be his, while engaged in the work of restoring those for whom he died. It is not so. There are men in the metropolis, as there are others in foreign mission fields, who for the sake of useless ceremonies and ecclesiastical drapery, find their employment in pulling down the work of others. So far as lies in their power they delight in undoing what others have done, and moved by blind bigotry they live to create doubt and misgiving. If our readers would learn in what the workings and tactics of Ritualism really consist, we would refer them to the last Report of the Religious Tract Society, where a statement of the progress of the evil is succinctly given. Salvation by trust in sacraments and ceremonies, and the exalting of "priests" into beings endowed with supernatural powers, make up the programme of a grovelling system which threatens to transform the Church of England into a doorway leading to Rome.

That was become of Peter?


Now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers, what was become of Peter.-ACTS xii. 18.


WE can very well understand that there would be great excitement. It was the most improbable thing in the world that Peter should escape from custody. In the innermost dungeon, securely chained, watched by a four-fold guard, with no powerful friends outside to attempt a rescue-it was marvellous that in the morning the bird was

flown the prison doors were closed and the guards in their places, but Peter-where was he? We marvel not that "there was no small stir among the soldiers, what was become of Peter"?

We will use this striking narrative as an illustration-what if we make it into an allegory? The sinner fast bound in his sin is, by the mercy of God, set free, brought out from his spiritual prison into the streets of the New Jerusalem, and then there is no small stir among his old companions, what has become of him. Many questions are asked, and many strange answers are given. They cannot understand it. The vain world esteems it strange: much it admires, but hates the change. The carnal mind cannot understand conversion. There is "no small stir, what has become of Peter."

We shall, first of all, dwell a little upon the escape of Peter, as illustrating the salvation of certain sinners; then upon the consequent stir about it, and then upon the quiet conduct of the man who is the object of all this stir,-"What has become of Peter"?

I. First, then, THE IMPROBABLE EVENT. Peter was in prison. It was a most unlikely thing that he should come forth from Herod's gaol, but it is a far more unlikely thing that sinners should be set free from the dungeons of sin. For the iron gate which opened into the city to turn upon its hinges of its own accord was wonderful; but for a sinful heart to loathe its sin is stranger far. Who can escape from the grasp of sin? No person is more straitly shut up than is the sinner in the prison-house of original depravity; it is not around us. merely, but in us, compassing our path, whether we lie down or rise up. Stronger than granite walls and bars of iron are the forces of evil. Evil has penetrated our souls, it has become part of ourselves. Whither shall we fly from its presence? or how shall we escape from its power? Vain are the wings of the morning; they cannot enable us to fly from our own selves.

O, marvellous thing, that the Ethiopian should escape from his blackness, and the leopard from his spots! There are some men in whom evil is more than ordinarily conspicuous. They have done violence to conscience; they have quenched, as far as possible, the inner light; they have defied the customs of society; they have resolved to sin at random, and they do so. What a miracle it is that such as these should be emancipated from the slavery they choose so eagerly; that these, who are set fast in the stocks of vice, in the innermost dungeon of transgression, should ever be set at liberty! And yet how often this has happened! The foundations of the prison have been shaken, and every one's bands have been loosed. The saints of God can, all of them, bless him for liberty from sin; "the snare is broken and they are escaped"! Ay, and many of them can praise him for deliverance from very great sins, black sins, iron sins, sins which had entered into their souls and held their spirits captive. No man can set another man free from iniquity, nor can any man burst down his own prisondoors: no Samson is strong enough for that; but there is One, "mighty to save," who has come to proclaim liberty to the captives of sin, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound by iniquity, and he has so proclaimed it that many of us are now free through his grace. O that many others now shut up in the spiritual Bastille may be set free!

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