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canvass for her crippled boy, and has failed. Two or three women have undertaken six months' work for a dependent relative, and their labour and sacrifices are in vain. The manifestations of disappointment are distressing. And this is charity! this is how institutions supported by voluntary contributions' make so large a show to the world."

Thank God, from the Stockwell Orphanage no widow ever goes away lamenting over time, labour, and money spent in vain. The worst that can happen to her is to be refused, because there is no room, or her case is not so bad as that of others; not a shilling will have been drained from her to print cards, to post applications, or to purchase votes, nor a day spent in securing influence, and cringing for patronage. Her case is judged upon its merits, and the most necessitous wins the day. We have now so many applicants, and so few vacancies, that women with two or three children are advised not to apply, for while there are others with five, six, or seven dependent upon them, they stand but little chance. The trustees are not open to influence and decline to submit to private pressure, they leave the cases to the persons appointed to judge of their merits. Where donors give sums which more than cover the expense of a child, the trustees naturally defer to their wishes, and accept their recommendations if they can do so in accordance with the rules of the institution; but money sent with the view of promoting the election of A or B is respectfully returned, as this would lead to a course of action totally at variance with that which we have hitherto pursued. By our system cases are really inquired into, and, as a rule, the most destitute obtain the benefits of the school. This entails great labour, and frequently necessitates delay, for the investigations are carried on by gentlemen in business, whose time is much occupied, and no person is paid to do the work. The inquiries are intended to be thorough and searching, and as a rule they are so, though of course much must depend upon the tact and care of the person who acts as visitor to the case. Every effort is made to secure the benefits of the Orphanage to those who are most in need, and no applicant is left to the chances of a poll. Surely this must commend itself to the common sense of all benevolent persons, and they will do well to show their appreciation by aiding institutions so conducted.

It must not, however, be concealed that the common mode of electing orphans to schools by the votes of subscribers and canvassing is a great means of procuring funds. Very few of the institutions would live at all if the system were altered; it is essential to their very existence; the elections are their harvests, their sources of income, their props and pillars. Guineas are subscribed for particular cases, and the widows and their friends are practically collectors for the school, whippers-up of the donors, and pleaders for the charity. Rich old Hunks would not give his 10s. 6d. if he had not a voting-paper for it, nor even then, if it had not happened that the orphan's father was killed on his premises. The plan is not the best in the world, but it is the most easy in practice, and it would be dangerous to do away with it at present. Better that a good thing should be done in the secondbest manner than not done at all. Election by subscribers brings

subscribers, canvassing reminds them of their obligations, and the poll secures the discharge of them. When a school receives children without voting or canvassing, it loses all these advantages, and must count' upon no such assistances. It is not every orphanage which could venture to give up the old system, or would long survive if it did. The Stockwell Orphanage is an exceptional case altogether, it is conducted by those who believe in God's power to supply the orphan's needs, and they prayerfully leave their cares at his feet: it is also connected, through its president, with a large Christian church, and a body of earnest believers all over the world, who take an interest in its welfare. Hence it has no need to use doubtful modes of raising money; but can afford to follow the best rather than the most expedient way. Yet its managers feel that providing the needful funds is, from the human side of it, no light matter, and they dare not condemn the methods of others, nor would they join in the popular clamour which is likely to assail kindred institutions, for they feel that it is more easy to find fault than to suggest really practical improvements. Their own experience has, however, confirmed them in the belief that theirs is a more excellent way, and they appeal to all who approve of their method of procedure to support them in it by constant, regular, and generous gifts.

In the internal management of the Orphanage, our course has been, as a rule, very smooth and happy, but we could hardly expect it to proceed always without trouble and sorrow. Boys are boys all the world over, and their nature is not changed by entering within the enclosures of the Stockwell Home. All is done which can be done to render them obedient, industrious, truthful, and devout; and we are always ready to learn, and to practise what others have proved to be valuable. The admission of new boys is always a trial. Children come into ordinary families as very welcome and very little strangers, but our increase comes to us sometimes in the form of boys of nine or ten, who have bad habits, evil antecedents, and ill dispositions. We do not pretend to take or to retain boys who are only fit for reformatories; but some such will get in, and they bring with them moral disease, which is as apt to spread as an epidemic. Then come times of battling with sin and crying to the Lord for help. Parents with a few children may imagine the heartaches which come to those who manage hundreds, and lovingly desire their welfare. Parents have, however, a hold over their children which we have not, for they are parents, and that fact confers upon them the mystic sceptre of supreme authority. A wise writer has put our experience into a handy shape for us, and we quote her words. "It is sad to see the effects on the moral character of the lack of parental influence. Nothing is more difficult than to bring up the orphan well; and children whose parents are in India often show the same evil tendencies as do orphansimpatience of control, restlessness, and wilfulness; healthy, loving, family discipline being unknown to them. Would that parents thought more of the ill effects upon their children of their long-continued separation from them, and that they would not content themselves with doing by proxy what God commands them to do, to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Orphanages are. under a peculiar disadvantage as to education, the

great moral lever of affection to parents being unknown to the children. Were it not for God's most special and tender words as regards the orphan, Christians might well shrink from the anxiety and toil involved in educating these dear helpless ones." So have we found it, but we have also found the grace of God equal to the emergency; and we are encouraged to persevere so long as the Lord enables us. We have not been without success; a gracious tone has been given to the little community, many have come under impressions, and others have been converted to God. Those who have gone out into situations, have almost in every case given us much satisfaction; where failure has occurred, it has arisen either from a craving for the sea, or from the interference of an unwise mother, and we hope that time and grace will remedy the evil. Some of the lads are already in good positions, and command the esteem of their employers. We are far from being depressed under our load, rather do we thank God, and take courage. We do, however, earnestly ask for the prayers of the Lord's people, that we may be graciously supported. Who is sufficient for these things? Who can hope to conduct such a work efficiently while a thousand other matters are upon his hands, unless divine strength be given?

Visitors are always welcome to inspect the Stockwell Orphanage, which is a place fair to look upon, and in summer will well repay a moderate journey. Those who have done so in former days have frequently written their opinions in the visitors' book, and we will trouble our readers with a few of their jottings :

It has been quite a treat to me to visit this institution. May the Lord prosper it.

Everything in order.

Very much pleased and encouraged in addressing the dear children on total abstinence and gospel truth. JONATHAN Grubb.

Everything that is conducive to health and comfort.


I cannot speak too highly of all the arrangements, and of the admirable manner in which the institution is conducted.


H. GERVIS, Esq., M.D., &c., &c. Such an institution is a blessing to the country. So delighted! So far surpassing what I had expected that I know not what to say. This I know, I find much to incorporate into my own work.

Worthy of its president and manager.

Nothing could be better than the arrangements. visit.

Very much pleased with all the arrangements.



A most pleasant place to

REV. ALFD. BOURNE, B.A., Sec. British and Foreign School Soc.

Deeply interested and delighted with the boys.


An admirable institution. Good in design, and, if possible, better in execution.

[blocks in formation]

Looking over a few of the papers of application, and the information gathered for us by our friends who make investigations for us, we have

jotted down a few of the cases which we have lately received into the school. They are fair specimens of the general run of admissions. The sorrow which comes under our notice when hearing the sad stories of the poor bereaved women is something terrible to think upon.

C. V. B., age seven. One of seven left unprovided for by death of father, youngest child five months old. Mother does cleaning, and earns 5s. a week. H. M., seven years old, and one of seven. Mother unable to follow any employment, because the children require her attention. There are no relations above the rank of domestic servants. The mother has long struggled to keep her family respectable, and is a very hard-working woman, but her husband was addicted to hard drinking. Her trials must have been great indeed while he was alive, and they are heavier now.

F. H. M., eldest of six, being himself only eight years of age. One child born after the father's death. No sort of provision.

S. W., aged six. Has lost both parents, and is supported, together with his brother and sister, by his uncle, who earns a scanty living by selling winkles and dried fish. Father was a respectable clerk, and died suddenly by a fall down stairs. Uncle finds that he is unable to continue to support the three children, and his own family also.

G. H. C. Father was a boiler-maker, and was killed by an accident. There are nine children, and another is expected. The two eldest keep themselves. One child is blind and another imbecile. This boy is nine years of age. Mother earns 3s. a week by needlework; has been occasionally helped by husband's fellow-workmen. The contractors who employed her husband are aiding her for the present, but this will soon cease, and her prospect is distressing. G. A., aged six, son of a farmer, who died leaving £10 a year, and his wife and nine children to live upon it. Mother gave way under the severe trial, and had to be sent to an asylum. Is now recovered, and keeps a little fancy shop, and works very hard with the needle, but her income is extremely scanty and precarious. No case can be more deserving.

Such details we could multiply without end, the difficulty is not which to select, but which to omit. We have to reject hundreds of deserving applicants, not because they are not needy, but because they are put out of court by others which surpass them in distress.

We have met with much gratitude from the poor mothers, and they have manifested it practically by collecting for the Institution. In all, the widows have brought in a very considerable sum, and thus have shown their interest in the work.

Sickness has but slightly assailed us, yet enough to make it wise to have a house at Ramsgate for the sickly ones during the season. So many of the fathers of our orphans died of consumption, that we are sure to have a number of rather weakly children, but, with kind care, they gather strength, and grow into vigorous men. Our diet is homely, but generous, and the boys thrive upon it.

A tailor advertises

"As for the boys who all day long

Their clothes to pieces tear,
We make them up so very strong
That out they'll never wear."

We do not intend to deal with this house, but should be delighted to meet with garments deserving such a description, for clothes are

always a very heavy item in our expenditure. Under garments are generally provided for us by generous ladies. We owe to them far more than we can express. In their good work may they find, as we do, a reward most precious.

As a work of charity and a labour of piety, orphanage work stands in the front rank, and among all the many schools which it has erected, we claim an honourable place for our own peculiar charge, the Stockwell Orphanage. The exchequer is just now but scantily furnished; hence this article, and the earnest request that, among the generous gifts which make Christmas so pleasant, we may have a share. It will help our friends to know what to send if we remind them that we need £10 every time the sun rises. For the boys' sake, also, we want materials for an extra treat on Christmas-day.

The Home For Little Boys,*


"Hark! I hear a pleasant sound,
Tiny feet are pattering round;
Surely, from the merry noise,

"Tis a home for little boys."-Judge Payne.

FIFTY eet, the suburban parish of Tottenham was a leafy

NIFTY years ago, when the horn of the Cambridge mail was nightly heard

retreat, whither Quakers and quiet-living folks loved to retire. Times have altered wonderfully since then, however, and some old inhabitants think they have altered for the worse. Meadows have been cut up into streets, attractive gardens have been partitioned into sites for villas, and on spots where tall trees once waved gracefully, countless chimneys now pollute the air. If the truth must be told, Tottenham is a convenient suburb for clerks and others who are willing to afford the sum of sixpence a day from their earnings for travelling expenses; and hence the cheap fares, expeditious transit, and liberal service of trains provided by the Great Eastern Railway in a great measure account for the innovation of bricks and mortar, which many have lived long enough to deplore. If Tottenham is becoming over-populated, the offenders who should be required to answer for the inconvenience are the directors of the Great Eastern Railway Company, whose unexceptionably good local traffic is tempting people to choose homies on the banks of their line.

At Tottenhamn, near the fifth milestone, stands a rather antique mansion, which wants only the ability to speak, and it would tell a diversified, or, perhaps, a romantic history. What and whom the mansion represented in the days of its pristine dignity no local history is at hand to declare; but loug ago, when poor people were fewer at Tottenham than they are to-day, the mansion, forsaken by its genteel founders, served as the parish poorhouse. Having descended to the lowest scale of the social ladder, a reaction occurred, and the house became the home of a boarding-school for boys, conducted by Mr. Wilberforce Pike. Subsequently the premises were converted into a refuge for girls, and these, in 1864, were succeeded by the little boys, who shortly afterwards left Tottenham to establish themselves at Horton Kirby, Kent, a healthy and beautiful site on the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway. Of this Little Boys' Home we are now about to write.

When putting their hands to a good work, the founders of the Home had only slight notions of the proportions their scheme would assume as it grew in * We are pleased to give a notice of an Institution, akin to our own, to which we wish the utmost prosperity.-C. H. S.

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