Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volumen12Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association., 1991 |
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Página 19
... context within which she appears is clear ; she is associated with the locus amoenus whose beauty leads the pilgrim astray , and with Paris , whom the Echecs - poet uses in the conventional way as a classical exemplum of servitude to ...
... context within which she appears is clear ; she is associated with the locus amoenus whose beauty leads the pilgrim astray , and with Paris , whom the Echecs - poet uses in the conventional way as a classical exemplum of servitude to ...
Página 32
... context all the passionate lovers of biblical and classical history . 46 In the Africa , Myrrha is seen by Sophonisba in Hades in the company both of the " unnatural ' Iphis and Byblis and the ' natural ' Orpheus and Eurydice ( Africa ...
... context all the passionate lovers of biblical and classical history . 46 In the Africa , Myrrha is seen by Sophonisba in Hades in the company both of the " unnatural ' Iphis and Byblis and the ' natural ' Orpheus and Eurydice ( Africa ...
Página 74
... context of actions , such as the count's departure again for the wars despite a number of poetic pleas that he remain in Venice : Deh lasciate , signor , le maggior cure d'ir procacciando in questa età fiorita con fatiche e periglio de ...
... context of actions , such as the count's departure again for the wars despite a number of poetic pleas that he remain in Venice : Deh lasciate , signor , le maggior cure d'ir procacciando in questa età fiorita con fatiche e periglio de ...
Hagiographical Parody in the Ysengrimus | 1 |
Mythological Lovers in Chaucers Troilus and Criseyde | 13 |
GENERAL | 22 |
Otras 2 secciones no mostradas
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Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volúmenes7-8 Vista de fragmentos - 1986 |
Términos y frases comunes
accessus allusion amor Amorosa visione audience Bagnyon's Baland biblio Boccaccio Calender Cambridge century Charlemagne Chaucer chivalry Christian Cinquecento classical lovers Clyomon and Clamydes contemporary context court Criseyde critical Dante Dante's death drama Eclogues Elizabeth Elizabethan English essay estoit Eurydice example exempla father Feldman female Fierabras Floripe Floripe's French Gaspara Stampa Giovanni Boccaccio gloss Guy of Burgundy hagiographical interpretation John JRMMRA King knight literary literature lord madrigals magic Mastrobuono Middle Ages moral Mustantius Myrrha myth narrator Oenone Orpheus Ovid Parabosco pastoral performed Perissone Petrarch Petrarch's play poems poet poetic poetry political popular praise Procne Queen Queen's Men readers relics Renaissance Reson and Sensuallyte Rime romance salon Saracen scene scholars Shakespeare shepherd Simone da Siena singing social song Spenser Strange Marshes style sweet tale Tereus traditional trans Troilus Troilus and Criseyde University Press vainglory Venice verse voice woman women writes Ysengrimus Ysengrimus's