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13 CT85



The main object, in the preparation of these Reading Books, has been to furnish Lessons calculated to amuse, interest, and instruct the Pupil, and at the same time to economise the time and labour of the Teacher.

The earlier books of the Series contain numerous Anecdotes of Animals, and Interesting Stories intended to convey Useful Information in a pleasant way, and, indirectly, to inculcate some good principle. The more advanced books contain, in addition, Lessons illustrating Natural History, Natural Scenery, English and European History, the Value of Health, Temperance, &c.; the whole Series being carefully graduated throughout.

As the aim has been to obtain intelligent reading, no attempt has been made to teach Specific Subjects, but simply to introduce Lessons illustrating those subjects usually taught in the School-room.

In the selection of Poetry, great pains have been taken to exclude pieces not suited to the capacity of the Children for whom they are intended, and to retain only those that will be found intelligible, not only from the nature of the subjects, but also from the style in which they are written.

The Word Exercises at the end of each Lesson form a special feature of these Books, and will prove of great service to the Scholars by enabling them to obtain a thorough mastery of words.



Spe'-cial, particular.

Em-phat-ic, strong, striking.
I-de'-as, thoughts, opinions.

Em'-pha-sis, stress of the voice laid upon particular words to make the meaning clear.

EADING should be like talking. In conversation we do not speak words for their own sake, but for the higher purpose of saying something-that is, of expressing ideas. And the meaning of what is said we understand readily by the way the words are spoken-by the louder tones given to words of special meaning. Now, these more important words are called "EMPHATIC." And the louder force they are spoken or read with is called "EMPHASIS."

2. Emphasizing, then, in reading, is merely giving the sense with the voice. If, then, we would learn to read with the same intelligent emphasis and natural tones that we use in talking, we must study out the meaning of what we are to read, until we understand it as well as what we say in conversation.

3. Suppose a school-visitor came in here, and, after hearing a few lessons, said, "That little boy reads well," we should know just what he meant by the word he spoke loudest. If he said, "That little


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