THE Baptist Magazine. JULY, 1818. INCREASE OF POPERY IN IRELAND: AMONG the signs of the pre-testants have been guilty of the sent times, there is perhaps no one more awful and alarming, than the daily increasing growth of Popery; and the almost universal apathy that prevails among those who call themselves Protestants, who seem to imagine there is no danger to be apprehended: but our forefathers, who had felt what Popery was, and had seen its effects, were very differently disposed towards it, and would have trembled to contemplate what is now beheld with perfect indifference, if not with complacency! They could not endure Popery, and they felt it to be their duty to "resist unto blood" its dreadful abominations, and to teach their children to hold it in abhorrence; but the present age is more enlightened, and we are instructed to regard Popery as a perfectly harmless thing in the sight of God and man. The silly couplet is still reiterated; "For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight; His can't be wrong, whose life is in the right!" POPE. same: but both parties are more enlightened now, and better disposed towards each other!" Such is the common cant of the day, to which is, added, a general cry against a steady regard to principle, as the spirit of bigotry; and "so they wrap it up." Nor are the Papists insensible of this; nor do they fail to foster, and take every advantage of it. То а piteous moan about what they have chosen to call emancipation, they now add positive and high demands; and can assume a tone which themselves could scarcely have supposed possible a few years since, and which Protestants would not have heard, at that time, without indignation and horror! Their worship also, which was conducted with privacy, and in bye places, is now performed with all imaginable pomp. And chapels are erected in the most public situations; and (in this country, Ireland) far exceed, in a general way, the parish churches, in size and elegance; and in some towns they have bells to call the people together; nor are they ashamed or afraid to exhibit their mummery, and bring out "THE HOST" into the streets, to attract attention as much as pos 21 sible! About three weeks since, I to guard them against it. But when a bishop was to be conse-there is none of this caution and crated at Waterford, public ad- fear about the Papists: they are vertisements were put in the initiated, from early infancy, in papers; and (to induce Protes- the principles of their religion, tants to attend) it was stated, that and may come to confession at the moneys to be paid for admis-seven years of age! Considering sion into the chapel, on that Sun- these things, it is surely no wonday, should be divided among der the person above mentioned the different charitable institu- should ask me, How is it, sir, if tions, without distinction! ours is not the true church, that so many Protestants come over to us, and so many send for our priests when they are about to die? If Popery were an indifferent thing, that might be cherished without endangering the salvation of the immortal soul, there might be an excuse for our tenderness towards it; but, whether this is the case or not, let the following prayers shew, which are contained in "THE DAILY COMPANION," which they all use. And let the denunciations of the divine word against idolatry, or creature worship, be duly considered, and I think it will be seen, that every Papist has cause to tremble; and we should be earnestly concerned to shew them the error of their ways, and to preserve our dear children and domestics, as much as possible, from their awful error. Their sermons, also, are constantly directed against the Protestant profession. I asked a Roman Catholic, a few days ago, concerning the service in his chapel the preceding Sunday, and he told me the text was, "How is the church holy?" and it was stated to be so, by abiding steadfast in the established doctrines, ceremonies, and discipline; and keeping in the unity of the one visible head! In the course of our conversation, he asked me if I did not think it a very wicked thing in Queen Elizabeth to put to death so many of their people? but I soon found that her conduct had been greatly exaggerated to him, while he knew nothing about Mary's persecutions of the Protestants! And, alas! I could not direct him to any publication that could inform him concerning it, though he desired me; for I have not been able to meet with a Protestant Martyrology in all these parts, or indeed in the country! It is a most lamentable fact, and ought not to be passed over, that the zeal is all on their side; and the Protestants are, almost to a man, afraid to speak, or to hear a word against Popery; and will always shut their doors "I commend my soul, and all when the subject is introduced that I am, to the intercession of (though ever so mildly), lest their the glorious Virgin Mary, my servants should hear, and be of- good mother and advocate, to St. fended! Nor is even the least Joseph, and my guardian angel, pains used to instruct their chil-and to all the saints in heaven, dren in the errors of Popery, or whom I most humbly beseech to The following is part of their constant devotion: Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen." assist me at the hour of my death. | Mother most pure, For my last words I say in profound humility, and contrition of heart, Jesus, Maria, that I may obtain forgiveness of my sins; and when my tongue cannot pronounce those holy names, I desire to do it with my heart. If my. heart should fail me, with my judgment, I say them now for them, with all affection, and possible submission, Jesus, Maria. Nos cum prole pia, benedicat Virgo Maria, Virgin Mother, I humbly crave Thy blessing, and thy sons to have.'" "O holy mother of God, help my frailty and weakness, assist me this day in all my troubles, temptations, and dangers; but especially at the hour of my death, vouchsafe not to depart from me, that by thy prayers and protection, I may be safe in that last and dangerous battle. Amen." O holy and glorious Virgin Mary, I commit my soul and body to thy blessed trust, this night, and for ever; especially in the hour of my death. I recommend to thy merciful charity all my hope and consolation, all my distress and misery, my life, and the end thereof; that by thy most holy intercession, all my works may be directed according to the will of thy blessed Son. Amen." The Litany of our Lady of Lo retto : "Anthem. We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions, in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. Mother most chaste, Vessel of honour, Morning star, Pray for us. "At the elevation of the Host. Hail true body, born of the blessed Virgin Mary, which truly sufferedst, and wert offered on the cross for mankind: whose side, being pierced with a spear, yielded water and blood. sweet, O good Jesus, Son of the eternal God, and the Son of the blessed Virgin, have mercy on me, and vouchsafe that I may wor thily receive thee, at the hour of |