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was once felt in the mission in India does not now exist. That interest has been, in a measure, transferred to other spheres of labour. The Committee, doubtless, are anxious to maintain their operations here as they have hitherto done, but they have considerable difficulty in so doing. Nor is this diminished feeling of interest in India confined to our own denomination, it extends to all. Persons of other denominations recently arrived from England bring this information.

fact, that the same deep interest which | practically, English labour. If our missionary brethren could now migrate from India into China, or from one part where they have been for a few years to another, and leave the ground which they have been cultivating, in confidence that the seed they have sown, and which has partly sprung up, shall maintain its fruitfulness and strength, what an infinite advantage would thus be given to the missionary cause!" Again he observes, "I express my judgment that unless the stations planted may be abandoned, and the work and workmen become migratory, the work beats us, and our machinery bears on it the stamp of insufficiency." To the churches in Jamaica he sent this message :—“ Tell them they must go alone: we speak not in severity. It is the kindest thing we can say to them, and the kindest thing we can do for them to maintain it." "We must not tarry (at Jamaica), we must forsake it and hasten away, lest peradventure the guilt of our brother's blood, perishing through our neglect, be laid to our charge." "Immense regions yet in darkness and the shadow of death are before us,-immense regions densely populated with immortal beings immersed in sin and hastening on to misery,-immense regions in which they have not heard of Jesus and his salvation, to which therefore there are loud calls to us to carry the gospel." On the practicability or otherwise of some of these suggestions, it is not within our present purpose to remark. We give these extracts to justify our previous observations on the views and feelings which are now beginning to prevail at home; for Mr. Hinton spoke not his own sentiments only-but those of many more besides. He was in fact, on that occasion, the representative of the Society. Adverse, however, as this tone of feeling, under present circumstances, may appear to be to the future interests of the churches in this land, we are not

In defining the feeling at present prevalent, we should say, that it is a dissatisfaction with the result of such long-continued and costly labour as has been bestowed upon India. Neither the number of the converts nor the character of them is regarded as equal to what might be looked for. There is also a degree of impatience felt at having their resources so long detained in one field; they are anxious to break up new ground-to avail themselves of the openings which Providence is affording, to occupy other heathen lands; lands as destitute of the gospel, and as important in every point of view as India, and yet, perhaps, presenting less difficulties in the way of the spread of the gospel than exist in this country. This was distinctly avowed by one of our leading ministers in London only a few months since, on the occasion of the return of Mr. Knibb to Jamaica. Mr. Hinton, in a farewell address to that celebrated missionary, made these remarks: "It has been one of the defects of the missionary system, that it tends to produce a sense of helplessness, an attitude of weakness in the missionary churches, by the insulated and dependent character it gives them." Again he says, "Often, I confess, have I repined to see the necessity which there appears to be in all parts of the world, for the missionary stations being constantly supplied with European, that is

to regard it as really so, or as indicative | grain in many fold,-so likewise has this of any intention on the part of the parent divine "seed of the kingdom" the power churches to withdraw from us, at present, of reproduction in the hearts of other that aid which they have hitherto so men; and hence it is termed, "the incheerfully given. It is, in fact, but the corruptible seed of the word of God, natural effect of that gracious influence which liveth and abideth for ever." upon them, which led them at first to Thus it is, that, after eighteen hundred send the gospel to this country; and years, when the gospel was first given which also led the Saviour himself to to the world by the Lord Jesus Christ, say, under somewhat similar circum- it is still not only living, but, like a stances, "I must preach the kingdom of healthy, vigorous, fruitful vine, has exGod to other cities also, for therefore tended itself, and taken fast hold on am I sent." They would, indeed, although many lands; notwithstanding the most unable at present to do so, realize the determined efforts that have ever been joy which a kind parent feels on seeing made to impede its growth, nay, to a beloved child, prepared by careful eradicate it altogether. Now, seeing training, commence his course in life that the gospel has ever possessed this with a character and acquirements vital and reproductive power, in the which give promise, under the blessing hearts of people of other lands who have of God, of happiness, honour, and use- truly received it,—and after a time has fulness. not needed the extraneous aid of those who first planted it, for its future continuance, as history will abundantly testify,-why should it not manifest the same power here in India also? If we have truly received it, it must develop the same vitality and expansiveness, it must, after due time, diffuse itself among us and by us also, without the aid of its first propagators. If what we profess to have received as the gospel of Christ, does not produce these results, then it will follow, either that we have not really received it, or that what we have received is not the gospel.

Still we would have it borne in mind, that this feeling indicates a state of things which may not be trifled with, and that, taken in connexion with the cutting off of our supplies of European ministerial labour, by God's continuous dispensations, certainly demands to be met, on our part, with the most serious consideration of what may justly be expected from us, whether churches or individuals, for the promotion of the cause of Christ in this heathen land.

With these impressions, therefore, permit us, dear brethren, to remind you, that the gospel, which has been brought to us at so great expense of money, labour, and human life, from a far distant clime is a vital and expansive system of divine truth,-a precious seed which has life in itself, and, like a grain of corn committed to the earth, manifests its vitality, when received into the human heart, by producing the fruits of knowledge, faith, and holiness:—and, as a grain of corn has within itself the power, when planted in the earth, and acted upon by the rain and sun from above, of reproducing its own kind of

The latter cannot be true, for by ten thousand proofs do we know, that we have the words of the prophets and apostles of Jesus Christ-those inspired writings which are the true sayings of God. The fault of unproductiveness was, then, only in its not being properly received; as it is said of some of old, that the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

Doubtless, the progress of divine truth among a people to whom it is first preached, will differ under different cir

cumstances. In some places the opposi- its legitimate influence on them. When

they must cease to depend on foreign succours, at least of a pecuniary nature, for its maintenance amongst themselves,

concerned for the souls of the perishing millions around them, and the glory of their Redeemer, as their fellow Christians in England or America, who cared for them and sent them the gospel; they must be equally willing to devote their property, and themselves, to make sacrifices of home, and kindred, and comfort, for the cause of God, with what they have witnessed in Christians of other lands, since the rise of the great missionary enterprise ; otherwise they will fail in their duty to Christ, and to their countrymen, and greatly dishonour the gospel which they profess to embrace and to love.

tion offered to it will be greater than in others, and its onward movement will be retarded. Like ground overrun with jungle of long standing, which or its propagation among the heathen. must first be cleared ere it can be culti-Christians here must become equally vated,--and consequently a longer period of time must elapse before a harvest can be gathered, than in an open champaign country at once ready for the plough ;SO where for ages error has been established, sustained by venerated shastras, and an organized and jealous priesthood,—where superstition has interwoven itself with all the religious and social habits of the people, that it cannot be forsaken without convulsing the very framework of society,-where a people have so utterly forsaken God as to have scarcely a true religious or moral principle left, as it must be confessed is the case with the heathen around us under such circumstances it may justly be expected, that the progress of truth will be slower than in countries where equal impediments do not exist. Still, after this allowance is made, it must also be maintained, that even here, or, if it be possible, under yet more disadvantageous circumstances than are here found, when the truth has once obtained a lodgment, it cannot but discover its diffusive properties: it must make progress in spite of all opposition; if it do not, it is wanting in one of its essential elements. "Is not my word," saith God, "like fire, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" To the like import says the Psalmist, "All thy saints shall bless thee, O Lord! They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power, to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom."

The time cannot, then, be very distant, if it be not already arrived in respect to some of our churches, when the gospel must be honoured in the sight of all by

A state of dependence and inertness always produces a sense of weakness. Those who are not accustomed to act for themselves are too apt to entertain the idea that they are unable to do so; and, consequently, when called upon to make independent effort, the work proposed often appears most formidable, nay, impracticable. In this light, it is probable, many will view the subject which has now been brought forward: perhaps it may appear quite chimerical to some. They will be ready to say, What can be done more than is done by Christians in this land? What resources, what power, have we to sustain the gospel without foreign aid? Where is the money to come from, or the men to be found, which are requisite for so great a work? We are few, and weak, and indigent; utterly incompetent to anything of the kind now proposed. It cannot be denied that the churches are few and weak, and that they possess comparatively but a small share of this world's wealth; but still they are not so feeble as a desponding mind would

have not considered well what the feeblest can do when animated by the principles and energy of the gospel: nor is it to be admitted that the churches are now working up to the ordinary or actual power which they possess for doing good. Were it so, our prospects would be hopeless indeed. It will be well, however, to consider what our present strength really is. The statistics of our last association give the number of members in our churches at 900 and upwards; and the success with which God has blessed us during the past year will raise that number to about 1000.

conclude, or as those may suppose who | Bengal, and not a fourth so many as are found in connexion with all denominations of evangelical Christians here. The cases are not parallel, it is true, except in numbers, where the advantage is on our side. But modern history will furnish several cases in point. To mention one only:-Something more than a hundred years ago, there existed a small band of Christians in the village of Hernhutt, in Germany-a feeble band that stood alone; people of mean circumstances in life, but upon whom rested in an abundant measure the spirit of the gospel. Among this people arose a concern for the salvation of the heathen; and two of their number, illiterate men, offered themselves, nay, entreated of their brethren to send them forth as missionaries to the poor Greenlanders: the church complied with their request, sustaining them with their affection, counsel, and prayers. Money they had little or none to give, and with this commenced that series of missions in Greenland, North America, and the West Indies, which for labours, privations, and success, have commanded the admiration and thanksgiving to God of the whole Christian church. Hence it is evident that if the power of Christ rest upon us,-if we be rightly imbued with the spirit of the gospel, numbers and external circumstances are of small account: weak and few though Christians be, in Christ they can do all things.

The attendants on the means of grace with us, who are not members, will amount to about 2000 more. But to confine our remarks to members only, can it be said that a body of a thousand persons, either for good or evil, is a feeble instrument? that such a number of the followers of Christ, enlightened by his word, animated by his Spirit, and impelled by his commands and example, have not within them the power of making vast exertions for the cause of their Lord and Redeemer? Nay, even of sustaining the gospel, and extending it on all sides, even were our present succours withdrawn? As it regards numbers, our blessed Lord when he ascended to heaven did not leave so many disciples on earth, to carry on the concerns of his kingdom, as there are now baptist Christians in

To be continued.



"And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, . . . and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit."

So commences the noble and divine on the mount;"— -a discourse pre-emiproduction which has been celebrated nently worthy of the Speaker, in whom for eighteen centuries as the sermon are hid all the treasures of wisdom and


of knowledge, and peculiarly like him, "full of grace and truth;”- -a discourse which, in the wisdom of its design and the grandeur of its views, in the piety and benevolence of the spirit which it breathes, in the depth and permanence of the principles which it exhibits, in the simplicity of the motives which it inculcates, in the purity of the precepts which it enjoins, in the importance of the discoveries which it makes, in the certainty and authority of the truths which it reveals, and the weight of the sanctions which it presents, exceeds the most admired productions of human learning and genius as much as the sun in its meridian splendour surpasses in brightness, in utility, and in glory, the star which twinkles in the distant firmament, or the glow-worm, whose tiny ray may interest those who are at ease, but cannot cheer or direct the benighted and anxious traveller. Happy the multitudes who surrounded the divine Teacher and heard these gracious words as they proceeded from his lips! Thrice happy if they knew who it was that spoke to them, and if they received his sayings, not as the words of man, but as they were in truth, the words of the living God, which were able to sanctify and save their souls! Blessed were the ears which heard these words, so full of divine wisdom and heavenly grace, as they flowed from the lips of incarnate Deity-those lips in which there was no guile, but on which, if we may speak so, kindness ever sat enthroned, and love had impressed her sweetest image! We wonder not that when he had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his doctrine; the wonder is, that any could have heard them, could have marked the authority as well as the affectionate earnestness with which they were delivered, could have witnessed the stupendous miracles, expressive alike of the almighty power and the divine compassion which dwelt

in Jesus, and not have exclaimed with thankfulness and joy, Verily this is the Son of God, this is the consolation of Israel, this is the Saviour of the world. But so it was to many who saw and heard him he appeared as a root out of a dry ground; there was no beauty in him that they should desire him. Yea, many who beheld his wondrous works and listened to his gracious words, hated him with a cruel hatred, persecuted him with untiring malignity, and eventually with wicked hands crucified and slew him.

It is our privilege that these divine words have been written for our learning; that we can read them and examine them for ourselves. May the Spirit of all grace open our eyes that we may see their beauty and their significance, and remove from our minds every impediment to the cordial reception of them!

We propose to offer a few remarks on some of the circumstances connected with the delivery of the sermon on the mount. The circumstances to which we refer relate to the time, the place, the audience, and the occasion of the delivery of this discourse.

First, the time. The sermon on the mount was delivered during the first year of our Lord's public ministry, and at the close of his first general circuit of Galilee. This remark may require explanation. Frequently, during the course of his ministry, we read that our Lord "went about all Galilee," that he "went through all their cities and villages," "teaching, preaching the kingdom of God, and healing all manner of disease among the people." There were above two hundred cities and villages in Galilee; and it is probable that our Lord visited the greater part of these, perhaps, indeed all of them, during the course of his ministry. He "went about all Galilee" twice during each of the first two years of his public labours; and the sermon on the mount was

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