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Subjoined is a copy of the present rules of the Society :

1. That a Society be now formed, and designated, "THE BAPTIST IRISH SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE GOSPEL IN IRELAND, instituted in the year 1814."

2. That the principal objects of this Society be, to employ itinerants in Ireland, to establish schools, and to distribute Bibles and Tracts, either gratuitously, or at reduced prices.

3. That a subscriber of ten guineas at one time be a Governor of the Society for life, and eligible to be on the Committee.

4. That any person subscribing one guinea annually be a Governor, and eligible to be on the Committee; or any person subscribing half a guinea annually, or five guineas at one time, shall have the privilege of voting at all its public meetings.

5. That the concerns of the Society be managed by a Treasurer, Secretary, and a Committee of twenty-seven Governors.

6. That a general meeting of the Subscribers and Governors be held annually in London, in the third week in June [now changed to the end of April or the beginning of May], when the Treasurer, Secretary, and two-thirds of the Committee who have most frequently attended, be eligible for re-election.

7. That the Treasurer present to the Committee, half-yearly, an account of the state of the funds; and not pay any bills on behalf of the Society, without an order signed by two members of the Committee; and that Auditors be annually appointed by the general meeting to examine the accounts.

8. That a general meeting of the Society be called by any seven members of the Committee, on giving one month's notice to the Secretary.

9. That all ministers, who are members of the Society, be at liberty to attend and vote at all meetings of the Committee.

It is gratifying to us that there is a necessity for publishing a double number this month. The contributions to the Relief Fund have been both numerous and liberal: but the Mission itself has not been forgotten. Nor in Ireland does the famine prevent the work going on. Indeed, all our agents find it more easy to get at the people and gain their attention. We trust they are right in their opinion that the hold of the priesthood is loosening. If so, on every ground we rejoice; for the Romanist clergy have been one of the grand hindrances to Ireland's social and religious improvement.

Mr. ECCLES, in a letter dated January | one of the results of the terrible visita30, while adverting to the absorbing tion which has fallen on Ireland. concern about food felt by all classes, shows, too, that the bread of life is not broken in vain.


The week before last, on Friday evening, I had the pleasure of immersing six excellent young females into the name of the Trinity. To me the favour was peculiarly pleasant, as it had been altogether unexpected. I knew nothing of their resolution till it was intimated to me by themselves. By mutual_conversation, they had settled the question, and fixed this line of conduct, before I understood they had been thinking of it at all in a serious way. They all bear a most excellent character as Christians. Brother Hamilton, from Conlig, who happened to be with us at the time, delivered a very profitable address. The whole service was peculiarly solemn and interesting. May every "token for good" enable us to double our diligence in the work of the


Many of the Readers speak of the growing attention to divine things as


For instance, John Monaghan writes, since my last I have been endeavouring as much as possible to comfort and console my neighbours all around through reading God's word. And, indeed, now is the time to administer comfort. Not a village nor a house can you enter without seeing the comfortless and the sick. While they breathe out their sorrows they listen to me. Surely any one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious, must now be alive in His work.

At Dunmore, Mr. M'Clure states, there are many who used to go with the multitude to do evil, who are now constant in their attendance on the means of grace, and are carefully reading the word. Three persons have given good evidence that they have believed through


A CASE NEEDING HELP, AND WHICH HAS HAD IT. Destitution prevails here to an alarming extent. I have been obliged to discontinue

visiting some families, because I had not the means of helping them to buy food. It would occupy one person's time to answer the knocks at my door, morning and evening, by the poor. A grant from the Relief Fund would greatly assist me. I can testify that my fellow countrymen are feeling increasingly grateful for the kindness shown to them. Could I give temporal food, it would greatly increase my opportunities of breaking the bread of life, and, by God's blessing, spiritual good would be imparted to their souls.

PAT. BRENNAN finds the same state of mind in many of the people in his district. In his monthly report up to the December 31, he states:


Although surrounded with scenes of misery, yet the Lord seems to be carrying on his own work in the hearts of the people. I find the poor very willing to hear the word of God. They admit that He is justly punishing them for their rejection of it. A few days ago I visited a poor family, and was told that not one of them had eaten a morsel for two days except one meal. I opened the 6th chapter of John, and read what Jesus says of himself, that he was the bread of life come down from heaven.' 'Ah,' said the poor man, 'the value of that bread is indeed great. O God! give us that bread.' Before night I got a shilling for them to buy some food.


Since my last one of my neighbours has given good evidence that the word of God has come with power to his heart. He has attended our meetings for some time. He told me lately that he felt uneasy that he had delayed to confess Christ. When Mr. Jack man comes here I hope he will be baptized. His early days were spent as a soldier, and he often laments the careless life he led. Now he blesses God that ever he was brought


RICHARD MOORE, a reader, stationed in another district, gives a similar testimony. Thus we see that the state of mind described is almost general, inasmuch as it is observed by all the agents, both missionaries and readers.


After inspecting a school, I remained that day and part of the next, reading the Scriptures to poor Romanists. Many are neither ashamed nor afraid to declare they believe the priests have not the truth. I visited a man who would have perished for want, but for the assistance you sent him. I directed

him to the bread of life. Before I went I asked him what value extreme unction was to him now. Taking up a pinch of ashes, he replied, 'As much as this! Jesus was wounded for my transgressions. His blood atones for my sins. He died for me, and rose again for my justification.' I had to spend more time in reading in this part. There is a great thirst for the word.

On my return from E-, I got into a small cottage, and found a family sitting around a boy who, by a glimmering light, was reading in the Irish testament. had often visited them before, they were glad to see me again. They are anxious for a knowledge of divine things.

As I

The Lord is working a mighty work in our land, which all the priests will not be able to gainsay or resist. The most ignorant about us see it. May the God of all grace work in us, and by us, for His name's sake.

THOMAS COOKE mentions several interesting facts which show the gradual progress of the truth. He also speaks of the efforts made to obstruct it. give a striking example, even during the prevalence of famine and death, of



The priest of K -warns the people, from the altar, of the smiling man from the mountain, or he will catch you, and you will surely be lost for ever. Lately I have had two or three Romanists attending the bibleclass, and Lord's day morning meetings. By these means they have heard so much of the nature of popery, that they do not go either to mass or to the priest. He tried to keep these poor men from getting employment on the Public Works. But I wrote for them to the Secretary and Chairman, and succeeded in getting them work. Brother S's school is greatly opposed by the priests. Were it not so, we should have more than one hundred scholars. Their opposition would not avail much, but for their influence in putting the people on the Public Works.


Nearly thirty families have applied to be admitted to our church. I was told that some papers were put up, in public places, to come to me, and they should have £5 if they did. I explained to them the mistake, and that they must give themselves to the Lord, and receive them, but that honest New Testathen the people of God would find them out, ment baptists could not do otherwise than I had done.


The ten places where I hold prayer-meetings are going on well. I visit some every

week, others once a month, the rest as I can. | sentiments and feelings of the Irish

The meeting up the mountain-side promises to do well. Three Romanists named Hare coming out, and are making inquiry after the truth.

In addition to the pleasing intelligence from Coleraine, we invite attention to extracts from Mr. HAMILTON's last communication from Ballina, where the cause seems to be going on with an encouraging degree of success.


We had ninety-four persons at our noon service last Lord's day, and the Sabbathschool is doing well, and I trust the Lord will give His blessing. The priests are raging! One of our brethren had a prayer-meeting in Brook-street on Sunday night. A mob gathered, and would not let the people out until a priest came, and looked the people in the face. They also go to the school, and take down the names of the children and their parents, and use all their efforts to scatter them. But they cannot succeed.

Our Relief Committee was requested to name nine of their number to be added to the Committee of Public Works. I was chosen to be one.

This will be for good.

Mr. BERRY gives an example of the moral influence which may be acquired by our agents in this fearful crisis, when they have the means of helping the starving poor. We feel truly thankful that on the interesting occasion to which he refers, he had to act in the way he did.


I am rejoiced that the rice has come to hand. I was advised not to trust it in my own house, lest it should be forcibly taken away; and by all means to have some of the police at the distribution, to preserve order. was determined to rely on the moral power of the impression made by English bounty, upon the people. My experiment has succeeded. Not a soul stirred about my house at night to disturb, and the five or six hundred people who came yesterday, were as orderly as if drilled by a recruiting sergeant. They formed a circle round the door, and some had to remain for hours; but they waited patiently till their turn came, and they departed with gratitude. My pleasure was great. I could not help offering up many silent prayers for the dear friends whose kindness had given me so much joy, and enabled me to do so much good to the people.

people. Straws show which way the wind blows. So do things, seemingly trifles in themselves, answer the same purpose as indicators of popular opinion. from RICHARD MOORE's letter for DecemFor this reason, we quote the following ber, which supplies examples relating,


I met a man who had been to chapel the last Lord's day, where he heard the priest make mention of my name to his parishioners. He read a letter and a tract which had been sent by some good friend to a man named C, who had often argued with me on the principles of popery. I was sus pected for sending the tract, in which the duty of searching the scriptures was enforced. "Yes," said he, "search the Scriptures; it is every man's duty to do so." Surely this is a great change in a man who had, in former times so often committed the Bible to the flames.


Many Romanists came to my place to hear me read the Scriptures to them. One was there when I came home yesterday, who is, I trust, thirsting after the word of life. I gave him as clear account as I could of the gospel, and that all who really desired the gift might "drink of the water of life without money and without price."

On my way to Easky, I met a Romanist driving his ass to the bog for turf. In conversation he compared his priest to the animal which he drove. Surely this man must have a very low opinion indeed of that person, when he could speak thus of him.


Many of the poor people about here have nothing but cabbage and turnips to live on. Many have died for lack of food. They say that God's judgment has come upon them; and that priestcraft has destroyed them. Many families I visit openly declare that popery is contrary to the Divine word.

In going to the bog of C, I got into a house of one whom I knew. Many followed me. I read and explained the Scriptures to them. The man of the house stood up in the midst, and said, that a priest should no more handle his money as the price of salvation, as the Scriptures declared it was 'without money and without price.'


In this way, going from house to house, teaching and instructing the ignorant, and exhibiting Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life,' I could, for the past month only, fill whole sheets bearing the same tes

Great changes are taking place in the timony.

It is gratifying to know that the schools have not been deserted during this time of want. The relief fund has enabled the missionaries to feed both body and mind. The attendance of the children is thus kept up. What follows applies



During the past month, I have inspected the schools. Though the attendance is not

so thronged as usual, owing to some of the stronger being engaged in the Public Works, yet the proficiency made by those who come has compensated for the deficiency in number. Many seem to have their minds strong' impressed with the leading truths of the gospel. The answers given to some questions quite surpassed my most sanguine expectations. I have an humble confidence that many in our schools will yet become a seed to serve the Lord.

And now in conclusion, we may ask, is not the cause going on in Ireland? Is the Mission not doing a great work? Are not our agents worthy of support, and ought not the Society to be more liberally supported, that its means of usefulness might be enlarged. At this moment the important post of Limerick is unoccupied. The committee dare not increase its expenditure. Oh, when shall this sad deficiency of funds cease to render it needful to leave such spheres of labour without a missionary, and cease to cramp the operations of such an institution? If all subscribers of a sovereign would only make it a guinea, and every subscriber of ten shillings make it half a guinea, the thing would be done, and a missionary sent to this post.


We find it more necessary than ever, to impress on our friends the necessity of sustaining our agents, by sending their contributions for the relief of the suffering Irish, through the society. Having formed committees in Conlig, Dublin, Cork, and other places, the brethren are devoting themselves, with the utmost zeal, to their work; and aided as they are by the counsel of others, they are more likely to distribute the bounty of the churches in an efficient and impartial manner.

Again let it be understood, that the relief is given without the slightest regard to creed, except to take care that the members of our churches do not suffer. No relief is given indiscriminately, but the parties, in all cases where practicable, are first visited. The relief committee at Cork is not composed only of our friends there, but of Presbyterians, Romanists, and members of the Society of Friends. They are now in full operation, in the Pine Street Depôt, which they have rent free, and which tradesmen have helped them to fit up at a cost of only ten pounds, so great has been the desire to assist them. They can give 240 persons one meal each of stirabout, which is more nutritious than soup, for every one pound subscription. The Ladies' Dorcas, too, unite with them in finding homely apparel and straw beds for the destitute.

An extract from the Cork Southern Reporter, by one of their own staff, who was sent out into several back streets and lanes of the city, will interest our friends. "I did not in Barrack Street, as in Peacock Lane, meet with instances of lives saved by a generous exercise of private charity, as in the case of the Rev. Mr. Bentley, whose visits to that quarter, and the relief consequent thereon, have been the means of rescuing many unfortunate creatures from a most miserable death. I perceive by his letter, published last night, that a depôt is about to be opened in Pine Street, which I presume will be founded on a similar plan to that carried on when giving food at his own house. I can bear witness that there are hundreds of families in Cork who must either receive relief by private charity, such as that afforded by Mr. Bentley, or get none at all. Every man acquainted with this city, will agree, that the Baptists have gone much better to work, and

laid down a much better plan of relief than others. The operations of the soup kitchens are on such a stupendous scale, that they cannot inquire into particulars. They cannot look for those who cannot come to them. These must be left to those who have time at their disposal, and whose sympathies lead them to the performance of so disagreeable task." And, we may add, that this is what all the agents are doing.

We have to record, with unfeigned sorrow, the death of Mrs. Hardcastle, of Waterford, who died of typhus fever, caught in visiting the starving poor. She has fallen a victim to her benevolence, having daily for the last two months engaged in this work. Our friends will deeply sympathise with her esteemed husband and family, who have been bereaved of a wife and mother of no common excellence and piety.

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