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The Committee of the Baptist Missionary | pastor, and the Benevolent Institution without Society close the duties entrusted to them a superintendent. last year by the following report of the labours of their brethren, and of the various measures they have taken for promoting the interest of the Mission. Their holiest services have been mingled with much imperfection, they have needed the prayers of the churches, and the merciful and forgiving regard of their Lord. The Committee trust that these prayers and that compassion have not been withheld.

The Report presented at the annual meeting of 1846 was saddened by the record of the death of some of our noblest representatives among the heathen. Yates and Knibb had fallen. We mourned their loss, though not doubting that their work was done, and that their places would, in the end, be supplied. The Report for 1847 must contain a record as painful. During the year, our brethren the Rev. T. Burchell, the tried and faithful friend of the negro, and the Rev. E. J. Francies, whose name will be long fragrant in Haiti, and the Rev. H. J. Dutton, of Bethany, Jamaica, have fallen martyrs to their work, and entered upon their rest. The Committee cannot now speak of the unbroken band of labourers in Africa. Our brethren Thompson and Sturgeon are both gone; the place that once knew them knows them no more. The grace that made them what they were, continued to cheer them in their dying moments, enabled them to bear witness to the loving-kindness of their Redeemer, and it will be recompensed (though itself a gift)" at the resurrection of the just."

Painful as these dispensations are, they are not so numerous as the experience of mercantile companies trading with the countries where our brethren reside might have led us to fear. Ten years is the average duration of continued service in India among civilians. If our brethren were compelled to return at as brief intervals, we should have at least eight missionaries at home every year. Trying as our bereavements are, they are less numerous by nearly one half than the average deaths of Europeans in such climates.

There are other alleviations. The labours of Mr. Francies have been admirably sus tained by Miss Harris, who, in addition to many other cares, has carried on all the services at Jacmel, and gained the admiration of the whole community. The Committee have now sent to that important field Mr. and Mrs. Webley. Five hundred pounds promised at the last meeting has been set apart for their outfit and support. Mr. Lewis, who sailed in 1845 for Colombo, the Committee are enabled to release from that station, and he has gone to strengthen the weakened band of our brethren in India. At Madras an important new station has been formed under circumstances that seemed too obviously the finger of God to justify our refusal, one or two friends in that city having guaranteed the support of a missionary for seven years, if the Committee would obtain one. Mr. Page has been accepted for the post; and though it is one of much delicacy and importance, they believe that they have been guided to a wise choice. Others, also, have offered for India, and one has been accepted, on condition that the funds of the Society will allow of our sending him out.


More mysterious, perhaps, than the removal by death of their brethren, and well nigh as painful, is the ill health of several who are still in the field. They serve, though it be only in standing and waiting. They need and have your sympathy, and the Society need it too. In Africa the health of several Though it will be seen that numerically of our brethren has failed. The Europeans" our strength has been weakened by the and the West Indians have alike suffered, and the Committee fear that before long it may be found necessary for some of them to re-visit their native shores. In India three, at least, of their brethren have been laid aside by the infirmity of age or permanent sickness. Mr. Macintosh has been compelled to relinquish his labours at Allahabad. Mr. Fink has left Chittagong, and Mr. Leonard, of Dacca, has closed his schools, and seems waiting for his final summons. From want of labourers whom God seemed to have called to the work, the Committee have not been able to provide for these vacancies. In Calcutta the place of Mr. Evans is still unsupplied. The Lal Bazar church is without a

way," the missions of the Society in India are
in a prosperous state. A larger number of
volumes of scripture have been printed than
for several previous years. Three thousand
volumes in Sanscrit, 69,000 in Bengali, and
12,000 volumes in Hindi have been issued
from the press.
At eleven stations alone
79,549 tracts were distributed by our brethren,
and 40,000 volumes of parts of the word of
God. A large number, but small compared
with the population. Tracts and bibles com-
bined are not sufficient to have supplied half
the people that our missionaries met in the
months of June and July at some festivals in
the neighbourhood of Serampore. Two hun-
dred and fifty thousand persons wholly given

to idolatry were assembled at that time. Fifteen thousand tracts were distributed among them.

In the work of conversion the signs of the times are cheering. At one station 173 persons were baptized last year, and a cautious observer states that there is every reason to regard the whole movement as truly the work of God. In all India the baptisms have amounted to 331; a larger number in one year than our mission has ever known. The state of the people, the extensive diffusion of truth, the weakness of the old superstition, the rapid prevalence of the gospel in all ages when once it has gained a footing, and has begun to prevail, all combine with the promises of the bible, that these successes are the drops that precede the shower, the dawnings of a light that is to shine brighter and brighter, even in India, to the perfect day.

The total number of members in India at the close of the year was 1842; a clear increase over last year of about 200.

The day-schools are in number 102; the children in attendance 4390, being an increase of 431.

Financially our Indian churches are not less encouraging. Three of them entirely support their own pastors. They have raised besides, in aid of the general objects of the Society, upwards of £1500. A considerable part of this sum has indeed been given by the friends of missions generally, £500 of it being a contribution towards the debt of the Society. But this gift speaks as favourably for the character of our brethren and their churches as if they had given it themselves. The churches have also raised about £750 to meet incidental expenses connected with their worship. This sum is, of course, not reckoned among the receipts of the Society.

Though in the work of biblical translation the Committee have had to deplore the loss of Dr. Yates, they devoutly recognize the hand of God in preserving him till others were raised up to enter upon his labours. Early last year Mr. Leslie entered upon the work of revising and carrying through the press the New Testament in Hindi. The printing has advanced to the commencement of John, whilst of Matthew 8000 copies, and of Mark 4000 copies, have been struck off for separate distribution.

In Bengali an edition of the New Testament, of 4000 copies, has been completed. There have also been printed, for separate distribution, of the gospel by Matthew 15,000 copies, of Mark 15,000 copies, of Luke 15,000 copies, of the Acts 10,000 copies, of Luke and Acts together 5000 copies, of Genesis, with part of Exodus, 5000 copies, whilst an edition of the gospel by John, of 15,000 copies, is now in the press.

In Sanscrit a new edition of the book of Proverbs, of 3000 copies, issued from the press in the early part of the year, whilst an

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Messrs. Aratoon, Leslie, Page, and Wenger, have been engaged during most of the year in preaching the gospel in the streets of Calcutta; and Messrs. W. Thomas and De Monte have been similarly employed about one week in each month. Mr. Page has devoted special attention to the numerous class of people daily crowding the ghats at the river side. Four native brethren, also, with the occasional assistance of two or three more, have gone out regularly to proclaim the good tidings.

Mr. Morgan and his native assistant have continued to preach almost daily at Haurah, Salkiya, and a number of places in the surrounding district; whilst from the village stations of Narsingdachoke, Lakhyantipur, and Khari, the glad sound has been proclaimed week after week in the villages and market-places around.

Of itinerancies may be mentioned one made across the country from Chogdah to Jessore and back, by Mr. Page and a friend, accompanied by two native brethren. They were particularly favoured in meeting almost daily with opportunities of preaching to large crowds assembled in markets. Mr. Pearce has also made an extensive tour, during. which he and two native preachers, as they proceeded up the Hooghly and Jellinghee,

and thence down the Padma, until they had to strike off for Barisal, embraced numerous opportunities of making the Saviour known to the people along their way.

The actual results of their labours it is not easy to state; nevertheless the word of the Lord standeth sure. It shall not return unto him void; it shall accomplish that which he pleaseth, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto he sent it.

1.-Church in Circular Road-English.*

Pastor.............................. Rev. A. Leslie.

This church defrays its expenditure from its own


The congregation meeting in this place of worship continues to be encouraging, though the church has received few additions. The sabbath-school and bible-class have been continued; and Mr. Leslie has engaged in preaching to the natives. The present number of members is 78.

2.-Church in Lal Bazar—Mixed. Acting Pastor... Rev. J. Thomas. Native Preacher............Ramhari.

preached the word with diligence throughout the year. Their labours have extended from Ballyganj to Manicktollah, and on the east Balliah ghat and along the bank of the canal. In the attention of the people they have felt much encouraged. Four persons have been baptized and added to the church in Intally, but the number of members is not much increased, owing to death, and exclusions, and the removal of several members to other churches. The attendance on the Lord's day services has suffered little diminution. At the service for family worship in the morning it is pleasing to state that many of the Hindu youths belonging to the adjoining English school have attended for several months voluntarily, and behaved themselves with much attention. In respect to the spiritual character of the generality of the church members here, Mr. Pearce adds, "Truth compels me to state that the review of the year affords more occasion for humiliation and sorrow than satisfaction and encourage. ment. May God in mercy soon visit us again, and grant a sanctifying and regenerating effect to the dispensation of the word and ordinances of his house." The present num

This church defrays its present expenses from ber of members is forty-five.

its own resources.

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................................................. Rev. G. Pearce. Two Native Preachers.

At this station there have been no baptisms during the year. The congregation has, however, somewhat increased, and the people are, it is hoped, making progress in divine knowledge. Through the liberality of a Christian friend, another preacher has been appointed to this station, by which arrangement the people will be visited more regularly than before, and the gospel preached more widely and effectively in the surrounding villages. There is a good school, and many of the lads have made substantial progress. The present number of members is six.

7.-Church at Lakhyantipur-Native.

About 35 miles south of Calcutta. Pastors......Rev. G. Pearce, Rev. F. De Monte.

Three Native Preachers.

The state of things at this station has been very painful during nearly the whole of the year. There have been no baptisms, and the school has been closed. At Dhankata, however, the school has flourished; the scholars having, during the favourable season, risen in number as high as sixty. The present number of members is seventy-seven.

8.-Church at Khari-Native.

About 50 miles south of Calcutta.
Pastors ......Rev. G. Pearce, Rev. Jacob Mandal.

One Native Preacher.

The native pastor of the church at this station, and his co-adjutor, have laboured throughout the year with commendable diligence for the spiritual improvement of the people of their charge. Four persons have been added by baptism to the church, while encouraging signs appear in several others in the congregation. We are happy to report that the spirit of liberality has been cherished, and that collections for various objects have, in consequence, been made with readiness. It is the more pleasing, that this effort of mercy originated with themselves. During the past year the church has enjoyed more internal peace than for several previous years; but we are sorry to add that it has not been free from trouble from without, chiefly occasioned by the opposition shown by the agents of the Propagation Society, who are more active enemies than the heathen themselves. The present number of members is thirty


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1.-The Benevolent Institution Has been attended daily throughout the year by about 160 boys and 60 girls, and it is hoped has continued to prove useful to the youth of a much neglected class of people. The accounts showed, at the end of the year,

which, however, will be required for repairing the premises.

2.-The Intally Christian Institution, or Mission School.

This school, which is composed chiefly of Hindu and Muhammadan boys, has been variable in its character during the year. For the first six months its numbers were about eighty; latterly, owing to the temporary illness of the master, they have not been so many. A considerable amount of religious instruction has been imparted, and several of the elder boys have evinced a disposition favourable to the gospel, one evidence of which is their voluntary attendance on Christian worship at Mr. Pearce's residence. This Institution, together with three native schools at Mr. Pearce's village stations, is supported by the zealous efforts of ladies connected with the Circular Road Chapel congregation.

3.-The Native Christian Institution, or Boarding School.

of theology in the Report of the last year, The four young men mentioned as students have since left the Institution, and have been appointed to different stations in connexion with missionary work.

to other causes, the vacancies thus occasioned Owing partly to want of funds, and partly have not been filled up. The Institution is, therefore, greatly reduced in numbers, and as the deficiency of funds is still severely felt by the Parent Society, and other duties press heavily on Mr. Pearce, it seems probable that the school department of the Institution will, for a season, be conducted on a limited scale.

The female department, under the superintendence of Mrs. Pearce and Miss Packer, is in a satisfactory condition, and numbers about twenty-five girls.

Under Mr. Morgan's care at Haurah is an English school, attended at the close of the year by twenty-eight girls and twenty boys; and three village schools, at a distance, are attended by 210 boys.

The total number of members connected

with churches in Calcutta is 462; somewhat less than last year of schools seventeen, and of scholars 988. Our brethren are greatly in need of help for schools under their care.

II. OTHER PARTS OF INDIA. Seventeen Stations-Twenty-four Sub-stations-Twenty-four Missionaries-Nine Female Missionaries-Forty-nine Native Preachers and Teachers.

1. SERAMPORE. Commenced in 1799.

This town, formerly a Danish settlement,

a balance in hand of about 1000 rupees, has recently been added to the British do

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Present number of church members 99. Sub-stations. - Johnnagar, Barrackpore, Barihat, Baddibatty, Simla, Pyarapore, Ishera, Mohesh, together with other villages in each vicinity.

Schools.-Five for boys and three for girls, besides those connected with the college.

With respect to our public services (say our brethren), the gospel has been regularly preached at the Danish Church, Mission, and village chapels. Of our native congregations -two are at Serampore and one at Barrackpore, the latter conducted in the language of Upper India.

At the lowest computation, 17,000 tracts have been put in circulation.


The church at this place is small. The congregation connected with it amounts to about fifty persons, and would probably be larger if the church enjoyed the ministry of a stated pastor. Two or three times every month, one service on the Lord's day has been conducted by one of the missionaries at Calcutta or Serampore.


Commenced in 1804.

A town in the province of Bengal, situated on the western banks of the Hughli, about seventy-five miles N.N.W. from Calcutta.

Missionary......... Rev. W. Carey.

Five Native Preachers.

Present number of members residing at Cutwa, 34. Distribution, of scriptures, about 1740; of tracts, about 3650.

Mr. Carey daily explains the scriptures in his house, and preaches twice a week in the bazar, whilst the native preachers visit more distant places. The neighbouring melás are regularly attended.


Commenced in 1818.

and which is the modern capital of the district, is about 130 miles N.N.W. from Cal


Missionary............Rev. J. Williamson.
Three Native Preachers.

Present number of members, 31; of whom 26 are natives.

Distribution, of scriptures, 978; of tracts, 3630.

Schools. Two day-schools, one of them an English school, both wholly supported by local contributions. Attendance, boys, 80; girls, 10. These are native Christian girls, who attend the Bengali school. A few native Christian children are boarded.

Mr. Williamson and his native assistants, when at Suri, preach the gospel daily, and often twice a day, both there and in the neighbouring places. They also visit several places at a distance. Two excluded members have been restored to Christian fellowship, while two more have been added by letter, and three by baptism, so that the church comprises 33 members. Of the baptized, all were, not many years ago, in the grossest


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Distribution, of scriptures, 2000; of tracts, 12,000.

Birbhum is a district in the province of Bengal, situated on the north-western ex- Schools.-Six day-schools, attended by 200 tremity, about the twenty-fourth degree of boys and six girls, and supported by local north latitude. In 1814 it was estimated to contributions.

contain 7000 square miles, and in 1801 the Eleven persons were baptized in the month population was estimated at 700,000, in the of December last, and in the beginning of proportion of thirty Hindus to one Muham- this year. The gospel is sapping the sandy madan. Suri, where the missionary resides, foundations of heatheniem and Muhammadan

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