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some introductory remarks, Professor E. gives the following interesting description of the preaching and singing in Germany.

Discourses from the pulpit in Germany are, for the most part, addressed to the feelings rather than to the reason. The theologian does not often discuss on the sabbath the profounder mysteries of his faith. Such discussions are reserved for the lecture room, or the printed page. Discourses like those with which Drs. Hopkins and Emmons, or even Dr. Dwight, edified their auditories, if not quite unknown in Germany, are exceedingly rare. The sermon is often a mere homily, or a mere exposition of a passage of scripture which occurs in the lessons of the day, or it is a popular illustration of some truth, interspersed or concluded with appeals to the hearers. It is generally level to the capacity of the great mass. It is likewise, for the most part, short. Nothing would be more appalling to a continental audience, or even to one in England, than those protracted discussions once so common in New England and Scotland, and happily not now wholly discontinued. The length of the discourses to which the writer of these lines

has listened, has varied from twenty minutes to thirty-five. One reason of this brevity is, the time which is occupied in singing. In this delightful exercise the whole congregation, without exception, unite. Those who might have been wearied with the sermon, now awake and join in the hymn with the whole heart.

The writer can never forget a spectacle of this kind which he saw in one of the old churches in Nuremberg. The great edifice was crowded, one half of the auditors at least standing. The sermon had been delivered in a fervent manner, and had apparently much interested the feelings of the audience. Immediately a powerful and well-toned organ sent its peals through all the corners and recesses of the cathedral, and in a moment every adult and child in the vast throng broke forth in praise to the Redeemer, in one of those old hymns mellowed by time, and which breathe not of earth, but of heaven. The effect, at least upon a stranger, was over

powering. Nothing like it ever can be produced by a small choir, however scientifically trained. The performance of the latter must be comparatively dead, because, being so artistic or scientific, or so modern, or it has been subjected to so many mutations, that few can join in it, if they were permitted so to do. The music for a popular audience must be simple, and then, especially if a great multitude unite, it will often be affecting and sublime. The singing in the German churches sometimes occupies an hour, or more than an hour. The number of the hymns and of the stanzas is affixed in large letters to the walls and pillars in various parts of the house, so that there is no confusion or delay in finding the page.



this institution, held in the Hall of Commerce, At the general meeting of subscribers to Threadneedle Street, April 29th, 1847, Mr. Charles Jones, treasurer, in the chair, after Davies read the following report:prayer by Mr. Mills, of Kidderminster, Dr.

The council have great pleasure in presenting their first annual report to the subscribers. It will not be deemed uninteresting to retrace the steps which have led to the present favourable position of your society. the Baptist Magazine, suggesting the proprieEarly in the year 1844 a letter appeared in ty of reprinting certain of the works of early English baptists. Some interest having been thus excited, a meeting of several gentlemen month of August, at which the Rev. Dr. was convened in the Mission House, in the Steane took the chair. After much conferimportant to form a society for this object. ence it was thought to be both practicable and A provisional committee was named, and measures were at once taken to ascertain the

feeling of the denomination with regard to it. and inviting an expression of opinion, was A circular, calling attention to the subject, widely distributed, to which most favourable replies were returned. Thus encouraged, the provisional committee convened in the month of November, by letter and advertisement, a meeting at the Mission House, of such as were inclined to assist in the promotion of the object in view. A large and respectable assembly met on that occasion. Its deliberations were presided over by Dr. Steane.

A sketch of the history of the denomination, and of its early literature, was given, at Mr. Underhill; and a report presented, rethe request of the provisional committee, by commending the formation of a society. It Drs. Cox and Price, that such a society was accordingly resolved, on the motion of

should be formed. Its laws and constitution were freely discussed, and a council was named to carry the intentions of the meeting into effect. Drs. Murch, Godwin, Acworth, Davies, the Revs. C. E. Birt, Black, Mursell, Groser, Stovel, and many others took part in the proceedings.

session of the Baptist Union in Leeds, in At this meeting, and subsequently at the 1845, considerable difficulty was felt in adopting the designation for the society proposed by the provisional committee, from the general wish to avoid what might seem to be a recognition of any man as master on earth. This question was, however, finally settled by the replies to a circular, forwarded in the month of November, 1845, to all the subscribers. A large majority determined to retain the name first announced.

The society being thus constituted, a prospectus of its design was immediately issued,

A sufficient number of subscribers at once appeared to justify the council in proceeding. Early in 1845, the publication of the volume of Tracts on Liberty of Conscience and Persecution, was resolved upon, and steps were taken to procure the works requisite for the uses of the society. A longer time, however, elapsed than was at first anticipated, owing to the necessity of preparing, as far as possible, an acccurate list of baptist authors and their writings, and of ascertaining the existence and accessibility of the works to be reprinted. The difficulties also attendant on the formation of a new society, the complicated arrangements to be made for the printing and distribution of the volumes, with the importance of allowing ample time for editorial labour, delayed the appearance of the volume to the spring of 1846. The general approbation with which that work has been received, justifies to the council and to the subscribers the propriety of the course adopted.

The council refer with gratification to the handsome style and appearance of these volumes, and to the quantity of valuable matter, amounting to 1154 octavo pages, which they have been enabled to return for the moderate subscription received. This has been done on the calculation that the 1500 copies printed would be disposed of; and it is obvious that as the number of subscribers is increased, so the number of volumes annually issued will increase in the like proportion. This increase is every way desirable, if only to shorten the term of years that must be occupied in the issue of any number of volumes. Should, however, the list remain without any material additions, they will necessarily be confined to the issue of two only in each year; but even then equalling, and in some cases exceeding, the average of other similar societies.

Arrangements have been made for the speedy committal to the press of the volumes for the present year. The first of these will be a critical and standard edition of the immortal Allegory of Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress, as a literary production and work of art, has, by common consent, taken rank as the finest allegorical work existing in this or in any other language. But it is yet further endeared to the heart of Christendom by its truthful delineations of the spiritual life of the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem. The great reputation it has thus acquired, has rendered every particular relating to its conception and first appearance of deep interest. Fears have, however, been excited, and re

Meanwhile, efforts were made to increase the number of subscribers. Lectures were delivered at various places in London by the Rev. W. H. Black and Mr. Underhill; and also in Abingdon, Oxford, Stroud, Bristol, Leeds, Bradford, Liverpool, and Birmingham. Commendation of their object also reached the council from several associations; also from Calcutta, Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. It is with great pleasure they report, that a considerable number of copies of their works have been subscribed for in India and Canada. From the United States a considerable accession of subscribers is likewise anticipated. The number of sub-peatedly expressed, as by the late Robert scribers now on the register amounts to 1044. The increase of business consequent on the publication of the volumes, rendered necessary the engagement of a competent person to conduct it; the council have accordingly engaged the services of Mr. George Offor, jun., at a small remuneration.

In the first month of this year, the council were enabled to complete the first year's issue by the publication of the Broadmead Records. The value of this interesting document of church history cannot be over-estimated. It exhibits the origin and internal arrangements of a church of Christ, not only at a most interesting period of its existence, -that of its early struggles to follow the teachings of the divine word in all their fulness and integrity, free from human or traditional legislation-but also during a series of years of national commotion and change, when the principles of its formation and their upholders had to pass through the ordeal of bitter persecution. It is, moreover, the only known existing manuscript among our churches, containing so full, and detailed an account of the sufferings of the communities of the baptist faith and order, endured for righteousness' sake, in the reign of the second Charles,

Southey, that, owing to the numberless forms and editions through which it has passed, there have arisen many changes and variations, of no slight importance, from the original work of the gifted author. Investigation has proved that these fears were not without foundation: some thousands of errors have been detected in professedly the most correct of modern editions.

The attention of the council was early called to this matter, and it appeared to them that no one could more suitably supply this desideratum-a correct edition of the original text-than a literary society of that body to which Bunyan confessedly belonged. Cir. cumstances at the same time concurred to procure for the council the use of the only copies of the first edition now known to exist. These belong respectively, the first part to J. H. Holford, Esq., the second part to the executors of the late Lea Wilson, Esq. these gentlemen the council and the commonwealth of letters, are greatly indebted for the permission so kindly and readily granted, to reprint from their unique and therefore extremely valuable copies. The editorship has been committed to the able hands of George Offor, Esq., and the council anticipate the gratification of shortly presenting the sub


scribers with a correct and standard edition of "The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come," by John Bunyan; reprinted from his own first editions, with a collation of every other edition published under the author's own eye: so that the first and last labours of this truly great writer, on this noble work of genius and piety, will ap. pear. The editor will prefix a bibliographical notice of early English allegories, and much interesting and curious information on the versions and editions of this renowned work.

Other works, either determined upon or under consideration by the council, are:Henry Danvers' Treatise of Baptism, to be edited by the Rev. W. H. Black; the early treatises of John Canne, on "the Necessitie of Separation from the Church of England, and the Unlawfulness of Hearing its Ministers," &c., to be edited by the Rev. C. Stovel; the writings of the justly celebrated Roger Williams on "the Bloudy Tenent of Persecution," to be edited by Mr. Underhill; the works of William Dell, at one time master of Caius College, Cambridge, to be edited by the Rev. B. Evans; the works of Christopher Blackwood, Benjamin Keach, Hercules Collins, John Smyth, and Thomas Helwys. Also a collection of the various Confessions of Faith issued by the denomination in the seventeenth century, and some historical documents of importance necessary to the elucidation of early baptist history in this country.

A collection of the writings of some foreign baptists, particularly those of Simon Menno, and a translation of portions, if not of the whole, of the remarkable work known as the Dutch Martyrology, or Bloody Theatre of Martyrs of Baptist Churches down to the seventeenth century, have been proposed to the council. Very much has to be done by way of wiping off the reproach so unjustly

attached to the name of those sufferers for conscience' sake. At the time of the Reformation, in opposition to every other religious body, papal and protestant, they asserted the right of freedom of thought, and sought the purity of the church of Christ. It is within the legitimate object of your society to translate and publish their writings, to give in their own form the sentiments they held, and, through the medium of the deeply affecting narratives of their sufferings and martyrdoms, to place in the true light the principles and character of these despised and calumniated men. Whether this shall be done must rest on the general support and wish of the subscribers themselves.

In conclusion, the council would remark that, while the position of your society is encouraging and indicative of the warm support of the denomination, they desire a yet wider circulation for the works they are privileged to issue. As the first direct effort ever made to provide a denominational literature,

it is full of hope for the future. Many portions of the country, however, have not been penetrated by our publications. A large field lies yet uncultivated for the promotion of a sound and correct literature, which, while catholic in its spirit, shall neither avoid nor withhold the enunciation of any portion of divine truth. We have a history and a literature singularly illustrative of the divine purposes of Him who is head over all things to his church, and answering through every age to the prophetic intimation of the great apostle of the gentiles,-"All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." The productions of these suffering pilgrims are fitted to animate and cheer, to direct and guide, those who follow them, and to endear to our hearts the noble principles which, even in the most favoured times, brought them under disadvantages and disabilities, both civil and religious, from which their descendants are not yet wholly free.

The individual efforts and recommendation of the subscribers are therefore earnestly requested to enlarge the circulation of the records of their thoughts and deeds, and to promote the extension of the principles of truth and righteousness, which must ever stand in peril while the world practically denies the supremacy of the Prince of the kings of the earth.

It was then moved by Dr. Steane, seconded by the Rev. T. Pottenger of Bradford, and carried unanimously :

"That the gratifying report now read be approved, printed, and circulated among the subscribers under the direction of the council.

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It was moved by the Rev. C. Stovel, se. conded by the Rev. J. Russell, and carried unanimously :

the officers and council for the year ensuing. "That the gentlemen whose names follow be

Treasurer. CHARLES JONES, Esq.

Honorary Secretaries. Rev. B. DAVIES, Ph. D. E. B. UNDERHILL, Esq.


Rev. J. ANGUS, M.A.
Rev. C. E. BIRT, M.A.
Rev. W. H. BLACK.
Rev. W. BROCK.

Rev. J. BURNS, D.D.
Rev. F. A. Cox, D.D., LL.D.
Rev. T. S. CRISP.

Rev. B. EVANS.
Rev. B. GODWIN, D.D.
Rev. F. W. GOTCH, M.A.
Rev. J. H. HINTON, M.A.
Rev J. HOBY, D.D.
G. F. KEMP, Esq.
Rev. W. H. MURCH, D.D.

Rev. T. F. NEWMAN.
Rev. J. J. OWEN.
Rev. T. PRICE, D.D.
Rev. R. ROFF.
Rev. J. SPRIGG, M.A.

Rev. E. STEANE, D.D.


Rev. S. TOмKINS, M.A.



The Rev. J. Hossack, late tutor of the Boys' Mission Institution, Walthamstow, and previously of Spring Hill College, Birming ham, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the baptist church at Stourbridge, to become their pastor, and entered on the pas torate on the 6th of June.


The Rev. Thomas Carter, after labouring

The meeting was closed with prayer by nearly four years at Fenny Stratford, has rethe Rev. W. Groser.

Since the preparation of the report the following resolution has been come to with regard to the work referred to above.

"That in the opinion of this council it is both exceedingly desirable and important that Van Braght's Bloody Theatre, or Mirror of Baptist Martyrs, commonly known as the Dutch Martyrology, should be translated and published by this society, as proposed by the excellent Henry Danvers, in his Treatise on Baptism in 1674-who speaks of it as Most worthy to be translated into the English tongue for public benefit and satisfaction.""



This place of worship was first proposed six years ago, and finally resolved upon in 1843, when land was purchased and vested in trustees; the total cost of which, and of the building now placed on it, is about £4000. It was opened with a prayer-meeting at seven in the morning of Wednesday, June 2, another service took place at eleven o'clock, when a sermon was delivered by Mr. Hinton, of Devonshire-square, London. In the evening Dr. Cox, of Hackney, officiated. The collections amounted to nearly £100. There are to be three services on the sabbath, morning, afternoon, and evening, and a week-day service at seven o'clock on Wednesday evenings.


The Rev. Edward Bryan, who some months ago accepted the unanimous invitation of the church at New Road chapel, Oxford, was ordained pastor on the 2nd of April last. The introductory discourse, explanatory of the nature and constitution of a Christian church, was delivered by the late pastor, the Rev. Benjamin Godwin, D.D.; the usual questions were proposed, and prayer was offered by the Rev. C. E. Birt, M.A., Wantage, and the charge to the minister was given by the Rev. Thomas Swan, of Birmingham, formerly the pastor of Mr. Bryan. In the evening, the church and congregation were addressed by the Rev. J. H. Hinton, M.A.

signed his charge there, and accepted a unanimous invitation from the church at Mill End, intending to commence his pastoral work there on the first Lord's day in July.



Mrs. Tidd, relict of the Rev. N. Tidd, late of Diss, Norfolk, was born in Chatham, Nov. 1, 1772. When very young she was seriously concerned about the salvation of her soul. About the year 1792 she heard Mr. Knott of Chatham preach from Ezek. xvi. 6, "I passed by and saw thee in thy blood, and said unto thee, Live." She frequently mentioned the way in which this discourse was blessed to her. It was her aim and delight to train up her children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." For many years she was called to pass through very severe trials. In 1823 she became totally blind, but the Lord enabled her to bear it with cheerfulness and resignation to his will. In 1836 she lost her husband; when thus blind and widowed, she found her Redeemer to be her Husband and her Friend. Being supported by his grace, she cherished the many precious promises with which in her younger days she had stored her mind. In March, 1847, she was brought to her last illness, which though a very painful one, was to her a blessed one, for the Lord gave her strong confidence and sweet peace. On Friday, April 2, 1847, she fell asleep in Jesus, without a struggle.

REV. T. CHALMERS, D.D., LL.D. This eminent man was found lifeless in his bed on Monday morning, May 31st, after having attended public worship on the preceding day. The following brief account of his last hours is taken from the funeral ser mon by Mr. Bruce. "On the evening of last sabbath he went out into the garden be hind the house, and sauntered round it, and then he was overheard by one of the family, near to whom he passed, in low but very ear nest accents, saying, Oh, Father, my hea venly Father.' It was a season of close and

endeared communion with his God. He then supped with his family; and, as if he had kept the brightest and most beaming of that day's smiles for the close, and the fondest of his utterances for his own, that supper, to himself and all around, was the happiest season of a very bright and happy day. After family prayer he retired to rest; and it could not have been very long afterwards (not more, perhaps, than an hour) when the summons came. In a season of perfect quiet and composure, he had laid himself gently back upon the pillows, which were so placed as to elevate him nearly into a sitting posture; just then his heavenly Master came, and called, and he departed. It must have been wholly without a struggle. The expression of the face, as seen in the morning-that of a calm and dignified placidity-the position of the body, so easy, that the slightest ruffle of a conflict would have disturbed it-the very lie of the fingers and the hands, known to each familiar eye of those around him as being that into which they naturally fell in the moments of entire repose-all showed that, undisturbed by even the slightest strife with the last enemy, his spirit had moved away, and ascended to its own place of blessedness and glory in the heavens."



We have been favoured with the following extracts from letters recently addressed by a lady in Jamaica to a relative. They will afford pleasure to many of our readers:

seemed almost too much to see Christian friends from England really come to give us affectionate advice and encouragement, and to inquire for our state. I know that dear has written to you in a desponding strain, relative to the state of the churches; but I do not think we should be so greatly discouraged while there exists still so great a spirit of hearing. It is true, there is much in the habits and conduct of the people that does not come up to the standard we should like them ever to keep before them; but we must make much allowance for their former debased habits, and peculiar circumstances of trial and temptation."

In a second letter to another relative the same writer says,-" We have been highly gratified and very thankful for the visit of the deputation from England. It will do a great deal of good to the Jamaica churches, as many subjects, which caused their ministers difficulty and perplexity, have been discussed, and will be settled so as to prove beneficial in their results to all parties." "Mr. Angus and Mr. Birrell were both with us during a great part of one day, which was, as you may suppose, a great treat to us. It seemed almost too much to see Christian friends from England, and to feel assured that the interests of the Jamaica mission are still remembered with affectionate sympathy by the Society, and by the churches of England. We enjoyed the pleasure of Mr. Angus's company for a much longer time. He came on the Friday, preached most excellent sermons morning and evening on Sunday, spent Monday also with us, and departed the next morning, when and I, with others, accom"Had you, my dear been in town a panied him to Mount Carey, where Mr. month or two later, you would have seen Birrell was, and where a public meeting was Mr. Angus and Mr. Birrell themselves, and held the same day. Very many of the they would have given you some little account smaller stations were visited by only cne of of their visit to us, and of the different scenes the deputation, as they had so much travelin Jamaica which will now be somewhat ling and general business to accomplish. familiar to them. I cannot tell you how After this friendly conference (effecting more much we enjoyed their visit. It seemed to than could be done by 1000 letters) we know bring the whole of Christian England one the Society will still call its friends here little stage nearer to us. They were ex- agents," as a father will call his own tremely kind-entered into all the difficulties" sons," though they may not all be dependof the missionaries-and, by judicious aid ent on his resources. Those active labourers (not such as would lessen the independent here will never claim anything unjust of the spirit of the people) they cheered the spirits Society because they possess the style of reof those who, like dear were despond-lationship." ing." "On all points mentioned in the circular sent home, satisfactory arrangements have been made, and there is now a very kind and pleasant understanding among all parties. The deputation have, we believe, and so they express, been very much pleased with their visit to the island; and I am sure they have rejoiced and encouraged the hearts of all who saw them. As for dear and I, we were so thankful that we scarcely knew what to do. We could sleep, for we were tired enough to make that almost always possible, but we could scarcely eat a morsel.



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"It seems to be a season of general sifting and trial, but we hope the effect will be such as to glorify God. There are still here thousands who are ready to hear the truth, and we trust with ultimate profit. There is more work than ever for the missionaries to do."


On Monday evening, March 8th, the members of the church and congregation at Mare-street chapel, Hackney, assembled for

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