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and possess the land. May God in his mercy shield and comfort these poor but sincere and humble-minded brethren, and carry on the good work which has been begun.

It will be seen from the following facts, that the new cause at Banbridge is flourishing. It is young, but active. A spirit of zeal and concord prevails; and there is every prospect of Mr. BATES's hopes being realized.


I came here last November, he observes in his last letter dated September 8th, and it may be as well to state what has been done. A few months before this the name of baptist was scarcely known. Now we have a church of thirty-one members. Deacons have been chosen; a prayer-meeting established; a Sunday-school set on foot, containing nearly one hundred and fifty scholars; a congregation of about one hundred persons gathered; a stock of twenty thousand tracts and handbills procured, and a piece of ground in an eligible locality has been bought and paid for, on which we intend to erect a place of worship.


I have just baptized four persons on a profession of faith. Last week the officers of the church met two others who have been proposed for membership. May the Lord give us peace, purity, and zeal.


Could you give us eight or ten pounds towards fitting up a school? A suitable teacher is providentially to be had, an excellent young Irish woman and a baptist. She has been for some years in the neighbourhood of London teaching, but her health failing, she came home. She wishes now to try in her own country. I know your means are scanty, but I wish to work the station thoroughly. If we have a school, we shall get the scholars into the congregation. We shall thus reap the fruit of our own labours, and secure as hearers many who do not now attend. [If this should meet the eye of some of our wealthy friends, we should be rejoiced to receive the amount named, and hand it to brother Bates.]

The visits of our agents to the poor and sick, especially when smitten down by dangerous fever, produce a deep impression on the minds of the peasantry. They see the motive, and are sensibly affected by the disinterested benevolence of such conduct. PAT. BRENNAN, in his letter of August 19, refers to it, and

gives, among many, the following instance of this


I visited a poor Romanist family who were in fever. The father was glad to see me, and said, "Sir, I never will forget your kindness in coming to see me and my family at this trying time, and if you did not feel for our souls you would not venture." I told him I did feel for his soul, and that I would venture my life if I thought any one of my fellow creatures would be willing to hear of the salvation of Jesus Christ. "Oh sir," said the poor man, “I am willing to hear of it." I read suitable portions of scripture to him. He and his son and daughter paid the most marked attention. I then prayed with them and left. In three days after the old man died, I was glad that my steps were directed to him, as I found he was wishing to hear of Jesus.


A poor woman has been in the habit o attending our Lord's day meetings. She was a Romanist. She expressed a wish to be baptized some time ago, but we thought it better to keep her under instruction a little longer. She is still most attentive, and I hope the Lord has blessed his word to her soul. Her father, mother, and sister, are also all willing to hear the scriptures, and I trust she will thus prove a blessing to the

whole family. I give them tracts, and visit

them once a week.

The school referred to in the subjoined extract from ENEAS M'DONELL's monthly letter, was lately visited by four priests, accompanied by a Romanist gentleman, a magistrate, and they all behaved in a very unbecoming manner, and frightened been taken to prevent such intrusions in the poor children away. Means have future, and the teachers have been directed to refuse admission to these gentry, and to keep the school-rooms locked. The result has been good. The children acquire confidence, and the intruders are made to feel that their power and assumption are resisted and despised.


Since my last letter the greater part of my scholars are returned again to school. The alarm caused by the last visit of the priests is dying away.


According to the directions given by you (Mr. Hamilton), our little meetings for reading and prayer have been commenced. Thomas Cooke assisted us yesterday, and we had two meetings, which were well attended. The evening one was for the purpose of calling the young and thoughtless together, to form a Sunday-school, which included the children of every denomination in the village.


I have paid visits to some of my old acquaintances for the purpose of reading the scriptures. A man named Hhappened to be present in a house where I had been doing this, and after I had done, said, that any person leaving the church of Rome, on any pretence, would be eternally lost. I referred him to those passages where we are expressly commanded to come out of Babylon, lest we be partaker of her plagues, and showed how what was said of Babylon applied to Rome. I also remarked to him that after all the church of Christ was a better foundation than the church of Rome. Wishing, however, to show him the truth, I quoted the passages from St. Paul which speak of Christ being the only foundation, &c., and I then asked him whether he thought that it was the church that was to save him, or Jesus Christ. He acknowledged that it was Christ alone who could. We parted better friends than we met.

JOHN NASH has found, in his district in Kerry, continued proofs of the improved state of mind of the peasantry. Their desire to hear the scriptures increases, and the delight they express while listening seems to become intense.


Wishing to extend the knowledge of Jesus, I took a journey to Tralee, visting poor and ignorant familes, reading the glad tidings of salvation to them. Some whom I used to know had gone to America, many more into eternity. But numbers remain who are inquiring after the true way of salvation.

Into one house which I entered, I found the people talking of poverty and sickness. I spoke to them of the Friend of sinners, who could feed both body and soul. I read Matt. xiv. and xv. to them. The man of the house said, "We are thankful to you for telling us the blessed words of the Saviour; for when we think of what you read for us, that causes us in our poverty and distress to put our trust in him."


I went into a house where many people were waiting for a funeral. I began to read the ninth of John. All listened attentively. Many more came in. I proceeded to read the following chapter, making such remarks

as I could. The funeral passed out; many left the house; but some remained, saying, "We are not in a hurry to be away, we want to hear more of that blessed reading." Others made similar remarks. Many came to the house where I lodged that night, having informed each other, as I heard them say, "The old man with his Irish good book is in Thomas Lynch's house." I read for them Luke vii. viii. Some of them seemed serious and attentive, and uttered many fervent expressions of love and gratitude to the Saviour.

begin to see how they have been kept As knowledge extends, the people in ignorance by their spiritual guides. Carefully taught the rites of their church, all instruction respecting the gospel plan of salvation is withheld from them; they are consequently profoundly ignorant of the character and perfections of God, of the person and work of Christ, indeed of all the essential truths of the gospel.



As I came across the country, writes R. MOORE, I met with a man at his labour, to whom I read a portion of God's word. liked it so well that he sat a long time on the wall. I then opened more fully on the subject. He told me that poor Romanists were lost, for that the priests kept them in great ignorance. We talked about the education of his children, when he said they should go to our school at Tully, and that neither priest nor bishop should keep them back, or keep them in ignorance for the time to come.

In the house of J. M., says JOHN JUDGE, I read the Scriptures both in English and Irish, as some who were there did not understand the former. Having endeavoured to show them the plan of salvation, and the danger of trusting to self-righteousness, and of not repenting and believing the gospel, the man said he never heard anything said by his priest at any time on these things. They all seemed delighted, and wished me to come again.

The opposition which the spread of the truth stirred up some time ago seems on the decline. It has been borne meekly and in a Christian spirit, and those who have come out of Rome and joined our churches, have manifested so much patience and forbearance as to disarm hostility of some of its fierceness. JOHN MONAGHAN


Priestly opposition has almost ceased for state, I hope for good results. The people some time past, and if things continue in this

are daily increasing in their desire to read, and hear the Scriptures read to them. Prejudice and superstition are evidently giving way; and many who six months ago would think it a gross violation of their principles to

hear the Bible, are now carefully reading and studying it.


Last January I urged a man to accept a tract from me. He refused. Passing his house a few days after I left one for him with his wife, requesting she would have it

read to him. I had not much intercourse with him after this until lately, when he called upon me saying he had read the tract over and over, and that he believed it to be a most excellent one; and he now came in hopes I would give him a full explanation of its statements. I read it over to him, comparing the doctrine taught and the texts quoted with their contexts in the Scriptures. While thus engaged, he made several inquiries, paying the strictest attention. After we had finished, he said, " Well, we Romanists are no Christians, we have only the name. We are kept in ignorance of the Scriptures. From this moment I will read the Bible, and every other good book I can get, not caring who may hinder." I am glad to find he sticks to his resolution.

Whilst laying such facts as these before our readers, calculated as they

[blocks in formation]


The brethren in Ireland have suspended all relief operations in their districts except to aid those who are sick in fever. Whatever remains of the Relief Fund, and what provisions our agents may have in store, will be kept to meet any exigences which may arise during the winter.

The want of employment in Ireland becomes greater, and as winter approaches will be yet more severe. The late calamity has limited the means of all parties, high and low, while trade has been fearfully depressed. The recent measures of government can hardly have adjusted themselves to the new circumstances in so short a time. It will be a time of bitter trial. We hope no farther appeal will be necessary, but it is right that our friends should be prepared for it.

Should any of our kind friends be preparing to send any clothing, we would suggest as the best, at present, bed-clothing of all kinds. It was painful to the last degree, when recently in Ireland, to see one's brethren and sisters in Christ, without such a thing as a bed to lie on, and scarcely a blanket to cover the wisps of straw on which the whole family slept.

If communications to the Secretary have not met with that prompt attention which has been usual, he must crave indulgence, for since his return from Ireland, up to the time of writing these lines, severe illness has almost precluded any attention whatever to business.

Contributions in our next.

Subscriptions and Donations thankfully received by the Treasurer, EDWARD SMITH, Esq. 60, Old Broad Street; Rev. J. ANGUS, and by the Secretary, Mr. FREDERICK TRESTRAIL, at the Mission House, Moorgate Street; and by the pastors of the churches throughout the Kingdom.





NOVEMBER, 1847.*





As the eighteenth century was drawing to a close, this controversy disturbed and divided our churches in most parts of the kingdom. point at issue was of the utmost importance, inasmuch as it involved the obligations of man to believe whatever God has revealed in his word, and because of its influence upon the Christian ministry. Although it cannot be called in the strictest sense a denominational controversy, as it affected the interests of the universal church, and good men of all persuasions either took part in the discussion, or watched its progress with deep solicitude, yet it is a well known fact, that our own ministers were in the heat of the battle, and felt most of its consequences.

The controversy arose out of the general spread of hyper-Calvinism amongst the baptist churches of this country during the middle of the last century, and this led to a careful investigation of the extent of human ability in religion, and how far it was


the duty of ministers to call upon the unregenerate to repent of their sins and believe on Christ for salvation. This was denied by someable and worthy men, who allowed that the ungodly might be urged to read the scriptures, attend the house of God, and use the means of grace, but maintained that exhortations to repentance, faith, obedience, and holiness must be confined to sensible sinners and believers.

That these questions should have divided our pastors and churches in bygone days, may well astonish those who interpret the writings of inspired men in accordance with their preaching, and exalt the oracles of God above all systems of divinity; yet the controversy produced so much envying and strife, that the baptist body was kept in a state of painful agitation for the best part of half a century, which did not cease till a happy change had taken place in the preaching of its ministers and in the sentiments of the people.

4 R

It is matter of history that the pastors | ance of the Holy Spirit, either repent who presided over our churches prior to or believe; yet it will not therefore the revolution of 1688, and for the follow that impenitency and unbelief next fifty years, were untainted with are no sins; if these be sins, then the the spurious Calvinism of a later date, contrary must be their duty.”+ Thirteen as may be shown by an appeal to their ministers signed this letter in approval writings, which set forth the fundamental of its sentiments; among whom are doctrines of the gospel, in connexion the names of Kiffin, Knollys, Dyke, with their relative duties and obliga- Collins, and Coxe; all of them belonging tions. So far back as the year 1646, to the Calvinistic section of the baptist when seven of the London churches denomination; yet they maintained published a confession of their faith, that it was the duty of sinners to they stated in the twenty-fifth article, believe the glorious gospel of the blessed that "the preaching of the gospel to God, and to bring forth fruits meet for the conversion of sinners is absolutely repentance. Benjamin Keach was a free," warranting "the naked soul, a contemporary of those venerable men, sinner and ungodly, to receive Christ and few persons in our day will doubt crucified, who is made a prince and a his soundness in the faith, but he did Saviour for such sinners as through the not shun to warn sinners of their gospel shall be brought to believe on danger, or to urge upon them the him."* Thirty years later, when the duties of repentance and faith; for subtle points involved in this contro- when preaching to his unconverted versy had disturbed a few churches in hearers he said, "Labour to get a full the west of England by raising doubts sight and sense of your lost and undone in the minds of individuals respecting condition by nature. Labour to get an the obligation of unconverted men to interest in Jesus Christ. How long pray, Andrew Gifford of Bristol wrote hath he stood knocking at the door of to the London ministers for advice and your hearts. Oh, fear lest he depart! instruction, and received from them an Sinner, hasten to him and open the admirable letter, which Ivimey has door." Bunyan was of the same age given entire. "If it be objected," say and stamp as Keach, though vastly his the writers, "that such persons have superior. Let us hear the glorious! not the Spirit, therefore ought not to dreamer on his manner of preaching pray; this objection is not cogent, for- the gospel. Here is a specimen from his asmuch as neither the want of the sermon to "Jerusalem Sinners." "SinSpirit's immediate motions to, or its ner, go in thy own colours to Jesus assistance in the duty, doth not take off Christ. Put thyself among the most the obligation to the duty. If it would, vile, and let him alone to put thee then also from every other duty; and among the children. Thou art as it consequently all religion be cashiered. were called by name to come in for If the obligations to this and other mercy. 'Begin at Jerusalem' is thy call duties were suspended merely for want and authority to come. Wherefore up of such motions and assistance, then man, and shoulder it. Say, stand aside unconverted persons are so far from devil, Christ calls me. Stand away unsinning in the omission of such duties, belief, Christ calls me. Stand away all that it is their duty to omit them. Tis my discouraging apprehensions, for my certain no man can, without the assist

* Crosby, vel i. Appendix, page 16.

Ivimey, vol. i. p. 417-420,
Sermon for Mr. John Norcot.

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