Alexander (Emperor) his Consultation with the French Marshals, 363-4 Alkalies, New Vegetable, 473 Allen's Anecdote of Dr. Parr's early As- sumption of Clerical Dignity, 351
Ambrogetti, his melancholy, 60 American Inquisitiveness defended, 507 America, by a Citizen of the United States, 192-political condition and prospects of the United States, 193-198-Spanish American Republics, 198-202-religious state of Spanish America, 203-Hayti, 204---international relations between America and Christendom, 205-208 American Indians, views of, 279---whether descended from the Hebrews, ib.
America, influence of its republican ex- amples on Europe, 344
America, Travels of the Duke of Saxe Weimar in, 95
Amulet, by Mr. S. C. Hall, 531-its en- gravings, ib. Verses, by Mrs. Hemans,
quoted, ib. Morning Dream, by T. K. Hervey, quoted, 532-Verses by Fre- derick Muller, quoted, 533-Essay, by Robert Hall, quoted, 535-7 Ancillon's (Friedrich) Meditations of Ex- tremes, 549
Andes, ascent of, 173---175 Angles, the regicide, 338---his letter re-
specting M. Mabreuil, 335 Animal Magnetising, process of, 523-its abuses, 524
Anonymous Voyages and Travels repre- hended, 167---169
Anniversary, by Allan Cunningham, 525- character of the engravings, 526-of the Literary Contents, ib. - Mr. Lockhart's Hymn to the Virgin, 527-" Female Beauty," quoted, 528-Verses, by Johu Mayne, quoted, 530
Annuals (the) for 1829, their competition,
Aurora Borealis, 6 Austrian politics, 340
BADCOCK, his hand in White's Bampton Lectures, 352
Balmat, Saussure's guide to the summit of of Mont Blanc, account of, 408 Bampton Lectures of White, written by Badcock and Dr. Parr, 352
Baour Lormian, his Durante, 89---charac- ter as a poet, ib.---his translation of Os- sian's Address to the Sun, 90---appoint- ed poet Laureat by Napoleon, 91---cha- racter of his Duranti, 94 Barge riots at Shawnee, 512 Barker's Parriana, 79
Barker's Parriana compared with Dr.
J. Johnstone's memoirs of him, 549 Barry, the painter, anecdote of. 430 Barton's (Bernard) Fisher Girl, 392 Benavides, escape of, 176 Bennet, (Dr.) character of, 354 Bernay, description of, 185 Blannerhasset, (Mr.) interesting account of him, 507
Blumenbach's Physiology, by Elliotson, 522-character of the Work, ib.-the author's additions and omissions, 523-- Dr. Elliotson's notes, ib. his belief in phrenology and his doubts of Animal Magnetism, ib.-Criminal Abuses arising from Magnetising, 524-Race of the Mamelukes in Egypt, 525
Bohemians of Belgium, account of, 507
![[blocks in formation]](,138,440,456)
Causes, celebrated ones of the right of na- tions, 138
Celtic Etymologies, 157-161 Charles 1., sketches of, 14---character of, 19---journal of court of, ib.---trial of, ex- tract from, 20
Charles II., court of, intrigues, &c. 27-30 Chemistry, elements of, by Dr. Turner, 465-Dictionary of, by Ure, 466- Sciences to which it is related, 466 Christendom and America, their inter- national relations, 20-8
Christian, King of Denmark, account of,
Christmas-box, by Crofton Croker, charac- terised, 415
Bonn, university of, liberal system in the, Clennell, the painter, melancholy history
Bookmaking, requisites of, 214 Bonstetten's Letters to Matthison, with extracts, 136
Boston, state of prison of, 97
Bourbon, revolution extraordinary, 340 Boursier, widow, trial for poisoning, 325 Bowyear's (Miss) anecdotes of Dr. Parr's childhood, 350
Brachinidae, their singular means of de- fence, 374
Brand's Voyage to Peru, 104---character of the work, 105---Pampas, 106--- natives of the Pampas, 107, 108---So- ciety in Mendoza, 108-109---Passage of the eastern Cordillera, 110-113--- Opera at Rio Janeiro, 114---Panipas, and the natives of, 106-108 Brettel's Sketches in verse; 549 Brighton, shampooing baths at, 257 Brion (Admiral) character of, 17 British Insects, by Stephens, 369---their variety, 372
Court of St. Petersburgh, introduction to the, 270 Criminal Trials, French, 325
Criminal Trials (French) 437-Castaing tried for poisoning, ib. -Trial of Filleron, a deaf and dumb man, 438-acquitted, 440-Trial of Descoutures, ib. Ro- mantic Love Story, 440-441-Trial of Courvier, 444-found guilty, 446 Croker's (Crofton) Christmas-box, 415 Cromwell, singularity of his success, 475- his character, 476-487-mingled charac- ter of bigotry and business of his soldiers, 477-Godwin's account of his principles and disposition, 478-portraits of, 479- baffled in his schemes of ambition, 481-3 -Milton's account of, 484-5-his po- litical errors, 488
Cunningham, Allan, his Anniversary, 525
![[blocks in formation]](,555,440,664)
EARTH, theories of the, 323 Eau de Cologne, original manufactory and receipt for, 260
Ebers' Seven Years of the King's Theatre, 53---on the exposures of private indi- viduals, 55---pecuniary history of the opera, 55---defects of committee ma- nagement, 56---anecdote of Mad. Cam- porese, 57, 58---Mad. Ronzi de Begnis, 53, 59---Ambrogetti, his melancholy, 60 --- Mademoiselle Noblet, 61---accounts for the season of 1821, 62---Miseries of an Opera Director, 63
Etymology, singular one of Chute, 511 Europe, whether it will remain monarchi-
cal or become republican, 341 Europe, its future destinies, 339 Evans' Designs of Russia, 120---policy of the Emperor of Russia, 121---character of the Emperor Nicholas, 122---power of Russia, 124---Ottoman army, ib.--- consequences to England, the Conquest of Turkey, 126-134
FACETIOUS Letter from Dr. Parr, 356 Fall of the Ohio, 511
Fanaticism in Edinburgh, 34
Fashions in Literature and their conse-
Fearn's Anti-Tooke, 416---character of the work, 417---his views of Language, 417-18
Fearn's Correspondence with Dugald Stewart, 88
Fellowes' Historical Skerches of Charles I., Cromwell, Charles II., &c., 14---Duties and performances of the Historic Muse, 14-15---defects and merits of the Sketches, 16, 17---example of the quaint style of 1655, 18---character of Charles I., 19---Extract from the journal of the court for trial of King Charles I., 20--- Dring's Catalogue of the Lords, &c., 23 "Female Beauty," quoted, 528 Female Character, its differences, 30 Female Writers, their distinguishing cha- racteristics, 311
Field of Forty Footsteps, a tale, 310--- Scene laid in the site of the London University, 314---Miss Porter's Ramble in the vicinity of Russell Square, quoted, 315---plot of the tale, 316---extracts from, 317-322---merits of the Tale, 322 Field's Account of Dr. Parr compared with Dr. J. Johnstone's Memoirs of him, 349 Fine Arts, terms objected to, 209 Foreign names of American cities 509 Forget-me-not (the) its prints characte- rised, 378---Literary matter, 379... "The Guiding Star," by Knight, quoted, ib.... "Waste," ib.---Mrs. Heman's "Lights and Shades," 380---Delta's "Blind Piper," quoted, 380---Miss Keating's verses, quoted, 382 Forsyth's First Lines of Chemistry, 545 Fox (Charles James) fond of Botany, 370 France, Tour in, by a spinster, 183 France, social life in, 24 Franklin's (Captain) Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1
Probability of a north-west Passage, 2- Scenery on the Mackenzie River, 4-- Hare Indians, 4---Winter Amusements, 5---Aurora Borealis, 6---Anecdote of a Seaman, 6---in danger from the natives, 7---Esquimeaux Encampment, 10--- Appearance of Whales, 13---Rocks on fire, 13
Franklin's Grave, 103 French Criminal Trials, 325 Friendship's Offering characterized, 402---
Verses, by John Clare, quoted, ib. Fiction, disadvantages of, 232
GAEL, origin and descent of the, 145 Gallantry of an American judge at Cincin- natti, 510
Gem (the) by Thomas Hood, 389---En. gravings of, their merits. 390 Literary Defects, ib.-"Death of Keeldar," by Sir Walter Scott, quoted, 390-392- "The Fisher Girl," by B. Barton, quoted, 392
Genoa and the Genoese, 188-191 Geneva, Tour in the States of, by a Spin- ster, 183
Geology, conversations on, 221-State of the science, 221-3 German Grammar. 281 German philosophy, 448-9----theological scepticism, 446 German poetry, survey of, 543 Godwin (Mrs. C. G.), her Wanderer's Legacy characterised, 547 Godwin's Commonwealth of England, 474 ---his character of Cromwel, 478 Good Friday, Catholic ceremonies on ex- plained, 164, &c.
Governments, affinity between and the people, 338 Grammar of the German language, 281 Grant's Origin and Descent of the Gael, 145-Celtic Etymologies, 157-161 Granville's (Dr. A. B.) St. Petersburgh, 258-Character of the work, 258-260 and 424-Eau de Cologne, 260-Steam
navigation of the Rhine, 261-Liberal system in the University of Bonn, 262- Mechanics' Institution at Frankfort, 263 -Lands Industrie Comptoir, of Weimar, 264-Mademoiselle Sontag, 266-Jew- ish musical instrument, ib. Bird's-eye view of St. Petersburgh, 267-9-Meteor in Russia, 270-Dr. G.'s introduction at Court, 270-2-Dinner at Count Woron- zow's, 273-The Grand Duke Constan- tine, 274-6
Gray, the poet, an entomologist, 370-His Latin hexameters, ib.
![[blocks in formation]](,418,433,398)
Harwood's Curative Influence of the South-
ern Coast of England, 247-Mildness of the climate of Hastings, 248-Sea-coast advantages for invalids, 249-situation of Hastings, 252-sea-bathing, 253-7 Hastings, climate of for invalids, 248-252 Hayti, its political relations, 204 Heaven, Vision of, by Montgomery, 301-
extracts from, 302-faults of, 303 Hell, Vision of, by Montgomery, 303-ех- tracts from, 304,5
Hemans (Mrs.) her "Lights and Shades" quoted, 380-her verses quoted, 388 Herbert Lacy, a Novel, reviewed, 41-cha- racters in the work, 41-outline of the story, ib.-extract from, 44-46-charac- ter of the story, 47
Herculaneum, excavations at, 283 Hereditary Monarchies, their advantages,
Johnstone's (Dr. John) works, memoirs, and correspondence of Dr. Samuel Parr, 345-compared with the publications of Field and Barker, 349-Miss Bowyear's account of Dr. Parr's childhood, 350- Anecdote of his early assumption of cle- riçal dignity, 351-Bampton Lectures of Professor White, written by Drs. Parr and Badcock, 352-Parr compared with Warburton, 353-Parr's high corres- pondents, ib.-Character of Dr. Bennet, 354-Dr. Parr on the Catholic Question, 355-his facetious epistle to the Presi dent of Magdalen College, 356-cha- racter of. Dr. John Johnstone's work, 357 Johnstone's (John) specimens of the Poets of Britain, 277-character of the book, 278.
Josephine's divorce, 69-71 Josephine, memoirs of, 402-her adven- ture with a sorceress, 411 Juvenile Forget me Not, by Mrs. Hall, characterised, 537
KANT'S Philosophy, 448 Kauffmann (Angelica), anecdote of, 435 Kett (Rev. Henry), character of, 87 Klattorski's German Grammar, 281 Keating's (Miss E. A.) verses quoted, 382 Kenedy's origin and affinity of languages, 145-One primitive tongue denied, 149 -Greek, Latin, and Gothic, from Sans- crit, 149, 153, 155-far-fetched ety- mologies, 155
King's Theatre, seven years of, by Ebers,
Kinsey's Portugal illustrated, 285-Late events alluded to, ib. and 286-Faults of the work, 287-Merits, 288-Lisbon dandy, 289-poverty of the Portuguese physicians, 290-Oporto at the dismis- sion of Saldanha, 291-Portuguese pea- santry, 292-Scenery at Viamra, 293- Valenca described, 293-4-Inn at Ponte
de Lima, 294---convent at Tibaëns, 296 ---Vineyards of Oporto, and state of the wine trade, 298-9
Kit Wallis, a sketch quoted, 386 Knight, the Comedian, his 'Guiding Star"
and his "Waste," quoted, 379 Kuzzilbash (the), a Novel, 236---outline of the story, 236---extracts from, 237-
LAMB (Charles), his widow reprehended, 390
Language may be studied under two dif- ferent views, 416 Legislation, errors of, 24 Liberalisme in France, 338 Life in India, a Novel, characterised, 501 Lima, desert shores of, 178 Lisbon dandy described, 209 Literary Souvenir, 393---character of the engravings in, ib. and 394---extract from, "Cleopatra embarking on the Cydnus," by Hervey, 394---" The Sisters," ex- tracts from, 395-400---" The Youngling of the Flock," quoted, 400-402
Lockhart (J. G.), his Hymn to the Virgin,
Log-book---subaltern's, 115
MACDONALD (Marshal), his character, 363 Mackenzie River and its scenery, 4 Mamelukes cannot propagate their race in Egypt, 525
Maria Louisa (the Empress), destitution of, 365 Marmont, his character, 363
Marriage in High Life, a Novel, character- ised, 489---outline of the story and of the characters, 490---extracts from, 492, 3
Maubreuil (Guerry de), trial of, 325-.. history of, 328---Plot proposed by Tal- leyrand, ib.---Maubreuil's escape from prison, ib.---in his second trial acquitted by the Cour Royale, 329---his subse- quent trials and appeals, 330---his exile in England, ib.---his assault of Talley- rand, 331---his trial and defence for this assault, 331-2---Anglès, the regicide, summoned as a witness, 333---Anglès' letter, 335---Talleyrand's verbal com- munication, ib. and 336---M. Maubreuil seizes the Queen of Westphalia's jewels,
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