We have compounded on. Auf. Read it not, noble lords; But tell the traitor, in the high'st degree He hath abused your powers. Cor. Traitor! how now! Auf. Cor. Ay, traitor, Marcius ! Marcius! Auf. Ay, Marcius, Caius Marcius: dost thou I'll grace thee with that robbery, thy stol'n name You lords and heads o' the state, perfidiously Cor. 90 Hear'st thou, Mars? 100 Auf Name not the god, thou boy of tears! Cor. Auf. No more. Ha! Cor. Measureless liar, thou hast made my heart Too great for what contains it. 'Boy'! O slave! Pardon me, lords, 'tis the first time that ever I was forced to scold. grave lords, : Your judgements, my Must give this cur the lie and his own notion— First Lord. Peace, both, and hear me speak. Cor. Cut me to pieces, Volsces; men and lads, Stain all your edges on me. 'Boy'! false hound! If you have writ your annals true, 'tis there, That, like an eagle in a dove-cote, I Flutter'd your Volscians in Corioli: Alone I did it. Auf. 'Boy'! Why, noble lords, Will you be put in mind of his blind fortune, 'Fore your own eyes and ears? All Consp. Let him die for 't. 120 All the people. 'Tear him to pieces.' presently.' 'He killed my son.' 'He killed my cousin Marcus.' father.' 'Do it 'My daughter.' 'He killed my Sec. Lord. Peace, ho! no outrage: peace! This orb o' the earth. His last offences to us Cor. O that I had him, 130 With six Aufidiuses, or more, his tribe, Auf. Insolent villain! All Consp. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill him! [The Conspirators draw, and kill Corio- Lords. Hold, hold, hold, hold! Auf. My noble masters, hear me speak. First Lord. O Tullus, Sec. Lord. Thou hast done a deed whereat valour will weep. Third Lord. Tread not upon him. Masters all, be quiet; Put up your swords. 128. judicious, judicial, lawful. Auf. My lords, when you shall know—as in this rage, Myself your loyal servant, or endure First Lord. Bear from hence his body; And mourn you for him: let him be regarded Did follow to his urn. Sec. Lord. His own impatience Takes from Aufidius a great part of blame. Auf. My rage is gone; And I am struck with sorrow. Assist. [Exeunt, bearing the body of Corio 139. did owe you, made you liable to. 140 150 VOL. X 145 L |