Imágenes de páginas

finely portrayed. His opinions seem the natural growth of a mind in which imagination uniformly appears to be the aseendant faculty. His remarks, which are frequently ingenious, sometimes profound, but occasionally of a doubtful tendency, are of that metaphysical cast which we might expect from a solitary thinker; but whose metaphysics partake more of poetry than of philosophy. The combination of ingenuous egotism and reserve, of arrogance and modesty, of energy and weakness, which gives to the character of the Majolo much of its picturesque effect, is well delineated, and we conceive, perfectly natural. But it is time to introduce the Majolo himself to our readers. We must first inform them, on the authority of Mr. Galt, that the Majoli are children of Sardinian peasants, who are invited to come to Cagliari, to serve in families for their food and lodging, on condition of being allowed to attend the schools of an institution formed for the purpose of affording an opportunity to humble born genius to expand its faculties and acquire distinction.'

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Some of them rise to high situations; the greater number, however, return back to the provinces and relapse into their hereditary rusticity; but the effects of their previous instruction remain; and sometimes, in remote and obscure valleys, the traveller meets with a peasant who, in the uncouth and savage garb of the country, shews a tincture of the polish and intelligence of the town.' p. 8.

The effect of the Majolo's appearance is very naturally described. It is to be remarked, that the sentiments delivered by the Author in the first person, are what he conceives to be generally professed by the world.'

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There was a tone of ease and equality in the way with which he expressed himself, that added something like a feeling of mortification to the surprise with which I continued to be still more strongly affected. His politeness had nothing of assumption in it, but the very idea of a person in so humble a walk of life, putting himself on a level with me, almost impressed me with a sense of inferiority. I felt as if` my consequence was rebuked by his genius, and though perfectly unconscious of having received any other treatment than the most marked respect, a shade of dislike came across my mind, and, without the slightest cause, I thought the Majolo an arrogant and presuming fellow. It was impossible to deny to myself that he was a man of talent; his eye, his manner, his person, his language were indisputable proofs that he was no ordinary man. But the deference to

which I had always been accustomed, was set aside by his self-possession, and although there was not a particle of familiarity in his address, such was the obvious independence of his mind, that it displeased my pride. In natural endowment I was not disposed to pretend to an equality, and in experience I was willing to acknowledge that he had the advantage of seniority, but his lofty consciousness of independence, was, to say the plain truth, excessively disagreeable.

He had something so indescribably high about him, that I should have hesitated to offer him any favour, and yet at the same time, his frankness was so manly, that I should not have been surprised at any request which he might have made.' pp. 11, 12.

The Author is the Majolo's guest. While Benedetta is setting out the table, his host proposes to play a few of the provincial airs of Oliastro.

After a rich and chromatic symphony, as if to contrast the intricacies of refinement with the charms of natural simplicity, he played in succession, a number of tender and sprightly airs. This performance seemed to partake of the nature of his own character. It had in it a degree of precision, often unpleasing, but now and then it rounded itself into an expression so full, so generous, and so noble, that perhaps, few professional musicians could have excelled it. I began indeed to imagine that he might have been himself a public performer, but just as the thought arose in my mind, a little blemish in his playing, some defect of the time, and harshness of the cadence, convinced me that he was only an amateur.' pp. 16, 17.

His remarks upon national music would suggest an interesting topic of speculation, had we an opportunity of verifying the assertion on which they are founded; that the Scottish music bears a striking resemblance to that of Sardinia. There is no part of the world,' observes the Majolo, where the country is 'mountainous, in which the music is not wild, abrupt, and ' mournful.'

Music is the medium by which the universal feelings of mankind are expressed, and man in similar circumstances is always the same sort of creature. He is affected by the mountainous circumstances of Epirus, of Sardinia, and of Scotland, with similar emotions, and the only difference in the universal language of these countries, is a difference of accent, a provincial peculiarity.'

The Majolo now proceeds to satisfy the curiosity of his guest with respect to his history, informing him before-hand that his tale will consist rather of observations than adventures. Accordingly, he is perpetually digressing from his desultory narrative into reflections of a philosophizing cast; which display, for the most part, correct observation, and amiable feeling, but exhibit a singular deficiency of religious knowledge, not excusable even in a Sardinian peasant. The notions of the Majolo concerning Destiny, as a kind of moral chemistry,' as a chain formed by links of physical causes,' and other sceptical hints of this kind, are so vague as to appear connected with no very determinate opinions in the Author's mind, and they may, therefore, be passed over as harmless instances of the cloudiness of idea into which an ambitious fondness for philosophical conjecture is likely to lead a person, in the absence of correct moral

guidance. There is some truth, however, mixed with much absurdity of expression, in the following specimen.

"I have noticed,' said the Majolo, that character is seldom understood by estimating the qualities of the mind. Do you not generally find some occult impulse so modifying the nature of man in active life, that he scarcely seems the same sort of being whom you had contemplated unemployed? Compare the moral and intellectual features of any individual among your acquaintance, with the effect of his character on yourself, or in the circle of society in which he is placed, and you will be convinced that it is not by them, but by the way in which he is actuated, that you ought to make choice of him as a friend, or shun him as an enemy. There is nothing more deceitful than to trust a man on account of his qualities; in every case where you do so, and leave out of consideration what appears to be his destiny, you will never cease to repent the connection. There is very little inherent difference between the qualities of the good and the bad; the effects which their course of action produces in society make the former criminals and the latter judges; and, therefore, the laws of all nations wisely regard guilt, as characterised by circumstances, dependent as much on the life and conduct of the person who commits it, as on the actual amount of the injury which it inflicts on the sufferer.

"Don Lopez was one of that class of persons who, without the smallest particle of generous sentiment in their composition, are constrained, by the impulse of destiny, to act in all affairs with unvaried frankness, and the appearance of possessing a liberal and munificent heart. In every thing the selfishness of his nature was constantly manifested. He studied the enjoyments of his palate with the solicitude of devotion; but as he delighted as much in cheerful company as in luxurious dishes and delicate wines, he drew around his table a circle of pleasant companions, and had the reputation of being a good hospitable fellow. He was proud and vain to an excessive degree, and yet such was his happy fortune, that neither of these disagreeable qualities were allowed to show themselves in their true colours. His sensuality being social, acted as a medium to his arrogance and presumption, and so changed their natural complexion in every manifestation, that they took the colour of virtues, as the crimson blood in the veins appears blue when seen through the soft smooth skin of voluptuous beauty Not one of his associates were was) ignorant of his disposition, and yet they constantly treated him as one of the best of men, and spoke of his faults with indulgence. Not one of them had the slightest faith in his friendship, and yet he was the most intimate friend with which each of them respectively associated. He had, however, the good fortune to possess not only that instinctive discernment of the tendency of affairs, which enables a man to know when to speculate upon contingencies, but also that disregard of the consequences of tailure, which emboldens the adventurous to risk more than their all upon the probability of great ultimate profit. He was, therefore, considered not only as the most liberal, but one of the most fortunate merchants in all Sassari, and this opinion procured him more OL. V.-N. S. G

credit than, perhaps, was ever before enjoyed by any trader in Sardinia; for in this island mercantile probity is rarer than among you in England; and that wonderful confidence between man and man, which enables your countrymen to work miracles both in political and mercantile finance, is here almost entirely unknown."' pp. 85-88.

Many of the Majolo's general observations, which appear at first paradoxical, or which startle by their boldness or novelty, will be found, on examination, to contain a portion of truth, but to be erroneous from the partial and defective views on which they are founded. Were he to commence the career of life afresh, he is made to say, there is no profession he would prefer to that of a merchant; and the following is the reason he assigns.

"The vital principle of commerce is founded on faith in the general probity of human nature. The lawyer thrives by the vices of mankind, and his hopes of fortune can only be realized by the prevalence of dishonesty. The utility of the priest is founded on the necessity of curbing the dispositions of the heart: men, in his eyes, are savage animals that must be chained to prevent them from doing mischief. The soldier, the hero! builds his monument with the ruins of nations. The statesman is the adversary of the natural freedom of man, and the artificer of crimes that are offensive only to his usurpations; and the author, or if you think fit, the philosopher is the disseminator of notions, for the effects of which he does not hold himself responsible, but regards the punishment for promulgating the most pernicious as attempts to shackle the human mind. The mer chant, however, lives by cultivating amity between nation and nation; his profit is obtained by promoting the benefit of others; his barks explore the remotest regions, and carry with them knowledge on their prow, and the seeds of industry in their cargoes.".

I could, with difficulty, keep from smiling, as he proceeded in this manner. He suddenly frowned, and looking at me with a steadiness of eye that was almost stern, said, "are you an Englishman, sir, and do not think this true?"" pp. 103-105.

The following description given by the Majolo, of his first efforts to obtain literary eminence, may indirectly serve to illustrate some of our preceding remarks. Many an ardent young adventurer, prompted by the restlessness of imagination, has, probably, experienced a similar perplexity amid the distracting variety of intellectual pursuits, in no one of which, imagination could promise to supply the deficiency of more solid qualifications, or to shorten the laborious process of acquirement.

"From that moment, I saw the necessity of applying my mind to attain some degree of pre-eminence in a particular study. The diffi culty was, to find one in which the merits of my own efforts might ap pear, and that what I might produce should be acknowledged as my own. Before fixing, my mind rambled over almost every branch of science and literature. I applied to mathematics with the enthusiasm of a poet, but I found that the laws of demonstrations were too

despotic for my imagination. I turned to metaphysics, and the science seemed but a system of plausibilities, continually subject to be dissolved. Chymistry, under the direction of Vincellos, next drew my attention; but although he admitted that I showed some ability in conjecturing what might be the result of experiments, he soon told me of what, indeed, I was so soon conscious, that I wanted the steadiness of application necessary to the delicacies of analizing. "But my ardour was not to be subdued. I felt and confessed my natural unfitness for prosecuting science; but the wide region of general literature lay open before me, and a thousand paths, all leading to the glittering domes and pinnacles of the same edifice in which the consequential deemed a niche was prepared for him, invited me to advance. With an intensity of application, that was either natural or had become habitual, I entered upon that of history; but soon found that I could not set down my foot without placing it on the print of some predecessor The world, I perceived, had long before discovered the way of preserving every thing of the past that deserves to be transmitted to posterity; and I wearied myself among the broken arches and fallen pillars of antiquarian curiosity, in the hope of meeting with some suitable topic that might ensure to me free access to the temple. The search was vain; the lights of my learning were but tapers and only made the darkness visible which broods in the labyrinths of antiquity. I abandoned my attempt to explore their ruinous recesses, less, however, satisfied that they contained no hid. den treasures, than convinced of the inadequacy of my means to discover them.

"During the time that I was thus casting about for a proper object of regular study, I had amused myself in writing occasional little songs and ballads in the provincial dialect of Oliastro. And a copy of one of these, partly ludicrous and partly pathetic, happened to fall into the hands of a Benedictine monk, who was so much pleased with it, that he took the trouble of requesting Vincellos to make us acquainted. This incident was a great triumph over Hitherto

nobody knew the extent of his proficiency, and although he has since fully verified the solidity of his just pretensions to superiority, it seemed then to every body more assumed than legitimate. But in the request of the monk there was a decisive homage paid to something peculiarly my own. From that moment it appeared to me, that, were I to cultivate my talent for poetry I might be enabled to inspire the public with sentiments respecting me similar to those of the monk."' pp. 120-123.

There is a great deal of picturesque description in this little volume, and in the delineations of character, are some very successful displays of ability. Some of the portraits, we apprehend, are from life. The character of Count Waltzerstein is finely developed; and the Majolo's physiognomical discoveries, though they may appear fanciful, are certainly justified by abundant indications of a real correspondence between 'the physical form, and the intellectual character.'

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