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THE HE excellences of the ESTEY ORGAN may not be told in an ordinary advertisement. This is more fitly done in the Illustrated Catalogue, which contains engravings, from photographs, of many elegant styles, with full descriptions of their attractive features. The Catalogue is sent free to all applicants.

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The largest and best-appointed School of Music, Literature, and Art


MUSIC is taught in all its departments, Instrumental and Vocal, including Pianoforte, Organ, Violin, and all Orchestral and Band Instruments, Voice Culture and Singing, Harmony, Theory, and Orchestration, Church Music, Oratorio and Chorus Practice, Art of Conducting; also, Tuning and Repairing Pianos and Organs. All under the very best teachers, in classes and private.

SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS.-Drawing, Painting, and Modelling from Casts and from Nature, in Crayon, Water and Oil Colors; Portraiture and China Decorating with some of the best artists in the country. In classes and private.

COLLEGE OF ORATORY.- Vocal Technique, Elocution, Rhetorical Oratory, Dramatic and Lyric Art. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES.- French, German, and Italian, under the best foreign professors. Thorough course leading to diploma. SCHOOL OF GENERAL LITERATURE. - Common and higher English branches, Latin, Mathematics and Literature.

THE NEW HOME is located in the heart of Boston, confessedly the musical, literary, and artistic centre of America. The beautiful park in front, and the surrounding broad streets, make it both healthful and delightful. It is splendidly equipped for both home and the schools, furnishing home accommodations for 500 lady students, and class accommodations for 3,000 lady and gentlemen students.

COLLATERAL ADVANTAGES.-Well-equipped gymnasium, resident physician, large musical and general library; and free classes, lectures by eminent specialists, recitals, concerts, etc., amounting to 180 hours per term.

RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE FACULTIES.-The maestro Augusto Rotoli, the great Italian tenor and singing teacher; Mr. Charles E. Tinney, basso and singing teacher, late of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Herr Carl Faelten, pianist and teacher; Leandro Campanari, violin virtuoso and teacher; Professor W. J. Rolfe, the eminent Shakspearian scholar and critic; Mr. William Willard, the famous portrait painter; and Mile. Emilie Faller, from Paris.

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-six students, from fifty-six States, Territories, British Provinces, and foreign countries, in attendance during the current year.

TUITION, $5 to $20 per term. Board and room, including steam-heat, electric light, etc., $4.50 to $7.50 per week. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 9, 1886.

Send for new and beautifully illustrated Calendar, free, to

E. TOURJÉE, Director, Franklin Square, Boston.



HE excellences of the ESTEY ORGAN may not be told in an ordinary advertisement. This is more fitly done in the Illustrated Catalogue, which contains engravings, from photographs, of many elegant styles, with full descriptions of their attractive features. The Catalogue is sent free to all applicants.


The largest and best-appointed School of Music, Literature, and Art


MUSIC is taught in all its departments, Instrumental and Vocal, including Pianoforte, Organ, Violin, and all Orchestral and Band Instruments, Voice Culture and Singing, Harmony, Theory, and Orchestration, Church Music, Oratorio and Chorus Practice, Art of Conducting; also, Tuning and Repairing Pianos and Organs. All under the very best teachers, in classes and private.

SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS.-Drawing, Painting, and Modelling from Casts and from Nature, in Crayon, Water and Oil Colors; Portraiture and China Decorating with some of the best artists in the country. In classes and private.

COLLEGE OF ORATORY.- Vocal Technique, Elocution, Rhetorical Oratory, Dramatic and Lyric Art. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. - French, German, and Italian, under the best foreign professors. Thorough course leading to diploma.

SCHOOL OF GENERAL LITERATURE.-Common and higher English branches, Latin, Mathematics and Literature.

THE NEW HOME is located in the heart of Boston, confessedly the musical, literary, and artistic centre of America. The beautiful park in front, and the surrounding broad streets, make it both healthful and delightful. It is splendidly equipped for both home and the schools, furnishing home accommodations for 500 lady students, and class accommodations for 3,000 lady and gentlemen students.

COLLATERAL ADVANTAGES.-Well-equipped gymnasium, resident physician, large musical and general library; and free classes, lectures by eminent specialists, recitals, concerts, etc., amounting to 180 hours per term.

RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE FACULTIES.-The maestro Augusto Rotoli, the great Italian tenor and singing teacher; Mr. Charles E. Tinney, basso and singing teacher, late of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Herr Carl Faelten, pianist and teacher; Leandro Campanari, violin virtuoso and teacher; Professor W. J. Rolfe, the eminent Shakspearian scholar and critic; Mr. William Willard, the famous portrait painter; and Mile. Emilie Faller, from Paris.

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-six students, from fifty-six States, Territories, British Provinces, and foreign countries, in attendance during the current year.

TUITION, $5 to $20 per term. Board and room, including steam-heat, electric light, etc., $4.50 to $7.50 per week. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 9, 1886.

Send for new and beautifully illustrated Calendar, free, to

E. TOURJÉE, Director, Franklin Square, Boston.


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Many are enquiring how they may gain some reliable infor mation, in a condensed form, concerning the early history of our mission work, its progress and results up to the present time. This book fills the bill exactly, so far as our Baptist Missions are concerned. It tells who our missionaries were and are, when they were sent out, the fields occupied, the obstacles overcome, and the results reached. To any who have not had an opportunity to inform themselves, this book is just what they need.


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We are constantly receiving calls for an epitomized history of the several missions of the Union.

It is invaluable to those who wish to prepare matter for the missionary concerts and the mission circles in our churches. There is no book that can fill the place of Dr. Smith's "Missionary Sketches." The name of the author is a sufficient guaranty for its historical accuracy.


Mission Rooms, Tremont Temple,

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