CYMBELINE ACT I. SCENE I. Britain. The garden of Cymbeline's palace. Enter two Gentlemen. First Gent. You do not meet a man but frowns: our bloods No more obey the heavens than our courtiers Still seem as does the king. Sec. Gent. But what's the matter? First Gent. His daughter, and the heir of's He purposed to his wife's sole son—a widow 1. bloods, dispositions. 3. king. Tyrwhitt's correction for Ff king's. Many conjectural emendations have been proposed; but the sense is clear, though idiomatically expressed : -the courtiers' faces reflect the king's mood as absolutely as our dispositions the varying influence of the stars. 6. referr'd herself, committed her destiny. Sec. Gent. None but the king? First Gent. He that hath lost her too; so is the queen, That most desired the match; but not a courtier, Of the king's looks, hath a heart that is not Sec. Gent. And why so? First Gent. He that hath miss'd the princess is a thing Too bad for bad report: and he that hath her— So fair an outward and such stuff within Endows a man but he. Sec. Gent. You speak him far. First Gent. I do extend him, sir, within him self, Crush him together rather than unfold His measure duly. Sec. Gent. What's his name and birth? First Gent. I cannot delve him to the root: his father Was called Sicilius, who did join his honour 22. compare, compare himself with him. 24. speak him far, give his merits a large compass. ΤΟ 20 30 29. join his honour, brought his renowned soldiership to the service of Cassibelan. 31. Tenantius, the father of Cymbeline. Two other sons, who in the wars o' the time Died with their swords in hand; for which their father, Then old and fond of issue, took such sorrow And in 's spring became a harvest, lived in court— He had two sons: if this be worth your hearing, Which way they went. 49. feated, shaped, fashioned. 51. price, worth. 52. Proclaims how she esteem'd him. By a slight change of construction this is substituted 40 50 60 for proclaims what he was (to his mistress). 60. no guess in knowledge, none which approves itself as true. Sec. Gent. How long is this ago? First Gent. Some twenty years. Sec. Gent. That a king's children should be so convey'd, So slackly guarded, and the search so slow, That could not trace them! First Gent. Howsoe'er 'tis strange, Or that the negligence may well be laugh'd at, Sec. Gent. I do well believe you. First Gent. We must forbear: here comes the gentleman, The queen, and princess. [Exeunt. Enter the QUEEN, POSTHUMUS, and IMOGEN. Queen. No, be assured you shall not find me, daughter, After the slander of most stepmothers, Evil-eyed unto you: you're my prisoner, but For you, Posthumus, So soon as I can win the offended king, I will be known your advocate: marry, yet Post. I will from hence to-day. Queen. 70 Please your highness, I'll fetch a turn about the garden, pitying Imo. Dissembling courtesy! How fine this tyrant [Exit. Can tickle where she wounds! My dearest hus band, I something fear my father's wrath; but nothing- His rage can do on me: you must be gone; Post. My queen! my mistress ! O lady, weep no more, lest I give cause To be suspected of more tenderness Than doth become a man. I will remain Who to my father was a friend, to me Known but by letter: thither write, my queen, Queen. Re-enter QUEEN. Be brief, I pray you: If the king come, I shall incur I know not move him To walk this way: I never do him wrong, [Exit. Post. Should we be taking leave As long a term as yet we have to live, The loathness to depart would grow. Imo. Nay, stay a little : IOI. Though ink be made of gall. Ox-gall was actually one of the constituents of Elizabethan ink, as is shown by contem Adieu ! porary receipts for making it. 105. buy my injuries, give me satisfaction for the wrongs I do him. |