Queen. Weeps she still, say'st thou? Dost She will not quench and let instructions enter When thou shalt bring me word she loves my son, I'll tell thee on the instant thou art then 50 As great as is thy master, greater, for box: Pisanio takes it up.] Thou takest up 60 That I mean to thee. Tell thy mistress how As thou 'lt desire; and then myself, I chiefly, 56. decay, destroy. [Exit Pisanio. changest on, with what good 1 A sly and constant knave, Not to be shaked; the agent for his master And the remembrancer of her to hold The hand-fast to her lord. I have given him that Which, if he take, shall quite unpeople her Of liegers for her sweet, and which she after, Except she bend her humour, shall be assured To taste of too. Re-enter PISANIO and Ladies. So, so well done, well done: The violets, cowslips, and the primroses, 80 But when to my good lord I prove untrue, I'll choke myself: there's all I'll do for you. [Exit. SCENE VI. The same. palace. Another room in the Enter IMOGEN. Imo. A father cruel, and a step-dame false; A foolish suitor to a wedded lady, That hath her husband banish'd ;-O, that hus band! My supreme crown of grief! and those repeated As my two brothers, happy! but most miserable 78. hand-fast, marriage engagement. 80. liegers, 'resident am bassadors,' agents, advocates. 7. glorious, bent on glory. How mean soe'er, that have their honest wills, Enter PISANIO and IACHIMO. Pis. Madam, a noble gentleman of Rome, Comes from my lord with letters. Change you, madam ? The worthy Leonatus is in safety And greets your highness dearly. Imo. You 're kindly welcome. [Presents a letter. Thanks, good sir: Iach. [Aside] All of her that is out of door most rich! If she be furnish'd with a mind so rare, She is alone the Arabian bird, and I Have lost the wager. Boldness be my friend! Rather, directly fly. Imo. [Reads] He is one of the noblest note, to whose kindnesses I am most infinitely tied. Reflect upon him accordingly, as you value your trust So far I read aloud : But even the very middle of my heart LEONATUS.' Is warm'd by the rest, and takes it thankfully. Thanks, fairest lady. 10 20 30 25. trust; she breaks off abruptly without reading 'the rest' aloud. The dash indicating this was substituted for the period of the Ff by Boswell. L What, are men mad? Hath nature given them To see this vaulted arch, and the rich crop Imo. What makes your admiration ? Iach. It cannot be i' the eye, for apes and monkeys 'Twixt two such shes would chatter this way and Contemn with mows the other; nor i' the judge ment, For idiots in this case of favour would Imo. What is the matter, trow? The cloyed will, That satiate yet unsatisfied desire, that tub Longs after for the garbage. Imo. What, dear sir, Thus raps you? Are you well? 40 50 33. crop, teeming expanse. 35. twinn'd, indistinguishably similar. 36. number'd, made up of a host of small parts (pebbles). Cf. the pebbled shore,' Sonn. lx. Theobald conjectured unnumber'd. 37. Partition make, distinguish. 37. spectacles, organs of vision. 38. admiration, wonder. 40. shes, women. ib. chatter this way, show their preference for one by chattering in her direction. 42. case of favour, question of relative beauty. 44, 45. Sluttishness, when confronted with such absolute excellence, would excite qualms of loathing in Lust itself. 47. trow, I wonder. 51. raps you, transports you. Iach. Thanks, madam; well. [To Pisanio] My man's abode where I did leave him: he Is strange and peevish. I was going, sir, [Exit. To give him welcome. beseech you? Iach. Well, madam. Imo. Is he disposed to mirth? I hope he is. So merry and so gamesome: he is call'd The Briton reveller. Imo. When he was here, He did incline to sadness, and oft-times Not knowing why. Iach. I never saw him sad. A Gallian girl at home; he furnaces The thick sighs from him, whiles the jolly Briton- What woman is, yea, what she cannot choose Assured bondage?' Imo. Will my lord say so? Iach. Ay, madam, with his eyes in flood with laughter : It is a recreation to be by And hear him mock the Frenchman. But, heavens know, 52. desire my man's abode, (like fire). bid my servant stay. 66. furnaces, belches forth 70. proof, experience. 60 70 |