Did the sea toss upon our shore this chest: 'Tis of some wreck. Cer. Set 't down, let's look upon 't. Sec. Gent. 'Tis like a coffin, sir. Cer. Whate'er it be, 'Tis wondrous heavy. Wrench it open straight: If the sea's stomach be o'ercharged with gold, 'Tis a good constraint of fortune it belches upon us. Sec. Gent. 'Tis so, my lord. Cer. How close 'tis caulk'd and bitumed! Did the sea cast it up? First Serv. I never saw so huge a billow, sir, As toss'd it upon shore. Cer. Wrench it open; Soft! it smells most sweetly in my sense. Sec. Gent. A delicate odour. Cer. As ever hit my nostril. So, up with it. O you most potent gods! what's here? a corse! First Gent. Most strange! Cer. Shrouded in cloth of state; balm'd and entreasured With full bags of spices! A passport too! Apollo, perfect me in the characters! [Reads from a scroll. 'Here I give to understand, If e'er this coffin drive a-land, This queen, worth all our mundane cost. If thou livest, Pericles, thou hast a heart That even cracks for woe! This chanced to-night. 55. Fortune has done well in forcing it to disgorge upon our coast.' Death may usurp on nature many hours, I heard of an Egyptian That had nine hours lien dead, Who was by good appliance recovered. Re-enter a Servant, with boxes, napkins, Well said, well said; the fire and cloths. The viol once more: how thou stirr'st, thou block! The music there!-I pray you, give her air. Gentlemen, This queen will live nature awakes; a warmth she hath not been entranced Above five hours: see how she gins to blow dead. 90 (but lying for lien is clearly wrong). 84 f. This passage is probably Recover'd bodies nine hours lying corrupt. The corresponding place in the novel makes the cure exercised by, not upon, 'Egyptians': 'I have read of some Egyptians who, after four hours' death, have raised impoverished bodies like to this, unto their former health.' Hudson has plausibly restored the lines thus: Of an Egyptian I have heard who had by good appliances 90. viol. The Ff and three later Qq have vial, i.e. ‘phial'; and it is possible that Wilkins understood it so, as he says: When pouring a precious liquor into her mouth, he perceived warmth,' etc. But the context strongly suggests that the reference is to music. Her eyelids, cases to those heavenly jewels Begin to part their fringes of bright gold; Do appear, to make the world twice rich. Live, Thai. [She moves. O dear Diana, What world Where am I? Where's my lord? is this? Sec. Gent. Is not this strange? First Gent. Cer. Most rare. Hush, my gentle neighbours ! Lend me your hands; to the next chamber bear her. Get linen now this matter must be look'd to, And Esculapius guide us! [Exeunt, carrying her away. SCENE III. Tarsus. A room in Cleon's house. Enter PERICLES, Cleon, DIONYZA, and LYCHO- Per. Most honour'd Cleon, I must needs be My twelve months are expired, and Tyrus stands 106. Where am 1? etc. Thaisa's words are from Gower, Conf. Am. (bk. viii.). In the 65 VOL. IV 100 110 novel, Cerimon, with a physician's instinct, gives a reassuring answer to her questions. F In a litigious peace. You, and your lady, Make up the rest upon you! The gods Cle. Your shafts of fortune, though they hurt Per. We cannot but obey To give her princely training, that she may be Cle. By you relieved, would force me to my duty: The gods revenge it upon me and mine, Per. I believe you; Your honour and your goodness teach me to 't, Unscissar'd shall this hair of mine remain, ΤΟ 20, -30 Dion. I have one myself, Who shall not be more dear to my respect Than yours, my lord. Per. Madam, my thanks and prayers. Cle. We'll bring your grace e'en to the edge o' the shore, Then give you up to the mask'd Neptune and Per. Your offer. I will embrace Come, dearest madam. O, no tears, Lychorida, no tears: [Exeunt. SCENE IV. Ephesus. A room in Cerimon's house. Enter CERIMON and THAISA. Cer. Madam, this letter, and some certain Lay with you in your coffer: which are now That I was shipp'd at sea, I well remember, I cannot rightly say. But since King Pericles, My wedded lord, I ne'er shall see again, A vestal livery will I take me to, And never more have joy. Cer. Madam, if this you purpose as ye speak, 36. the mask'd Neptune, the sea-god in his calmest aspect. 6. on my eaning time, when I 40 ΤΟ was on the point of being delivered. |