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strong, was the answer of a wise and temperate man. He also, in his turn, not foreseeing so much benefit to the Scriptures, as some others did, from Dr. Kennicott's plan for collating Hebrew manuscripts, and correcting the Hebrew text, wrote against that undertaking; expressing his objections and suspicions, and giving his name to the world, without any fear or reserve. But so it came to pass, from the moderation and farther experience of both the parties, that, though their acquaintance began in hostility, they at length contracted a friendship for each other, which brought on an interchange of every kind office between them, and lasted to the end of their lives, and is now subsisting between their families. To all men of learning, who mean well to the cause of truth and piety, while they are warmly opposing one another, may their example be a lasting admonition! But let not this observation be carried farther than it will go :

-Non ut

Serpentes avibus geminentur, tigribus agni.

In his intercourse with his own family, while the treasures of his mind afforded them some daily opportunities of improvement, the sweetness of his humour was to them a perennial fountain of entertainment. He had the rare and happy talent of disarming all the little vexatious incidents of life of their power to molest, by giving them some unexpected turn. And occurrences of a more serious nature, even some of a frightful aspect, were treated by him with the like ease and pleasantry; of which I could give some remarkable instances.

Surely, the life of such a man as this ought not to be forgotten. You and I, who saw and heard so much of it, shall, I trust, never recollect it without being the better for it: and, if we can succeed in shewing it so truly to the world, that they also may be the better for it, we shall do them an acceptable service. I have heard it said, and I was a little discouraged by it, that Dr. Horne was a person, whose life was not productive of events considerable enough to furnish matter for a history. But they, who judge thus, have taken but a superficial view of human life; and do not rightly measure the importance of the different events which happen to different sorts of men. Dr. Horne, I must allow, was no circumnavigator: he neither sailed with Drake, Anson, nor Cooke; but he was

a man, whose mind surveyed the intellectual world, and brought home from thence many excellent observations for the benefit of his native country. He was no military commander; he took no cities; he conquered no countries; but he spent his life in subduing his passions, and in teaching us how to do the same. He fought no battles by land or by sea; but he opposed the enemies of God and his truth, and obtained some victories which are worthy to be recorded. He was no prime minister to any earthly potentate; but he was a minister to the King of Heaven and Earth: an office at least as useful to mankind, and in the administration of which no minister to any earthly king ever exceeded him in zeal and fidelity. He made no splendid discoveries in natural history; but he did what was better: he applied universal nature to the improve, ment of the mind, and the illustration of heavenly doctrines. I call these events: not such as make a great noise and signify little; but such as are little celebrated, and of great signification. The same difference is found between Dr. Horne and some other men who have been the subject of history, as between the life of a bee, and that of the wasp or hornet. The latter may boast of their encroachments and depredations, and value themselves on being a plague and a terror to mankind. But let it rather be my amusement to follow and observe the motions of the bee. Her journies are always pleasant; the objects of her attention are beautiful to the eye, and she passes none of them over without examining what is to be extracted from them: her workmanship is admirable; her œconomy is a lesson of wisdom to the world: she may be accounted little among them that fly, but the fruit of her labour is the chief of sweet things.

You know, Sir, to what interruptions my life has been subject for thirty years past, and there is some tender ground before us, on which I am to tread as lightly as truth will permit; you will pardon me therefore if my progress hath not been so quick as you could have wished; and believe me to be, as I have long been,

Dear Sir,

Your most affectionate and

obliged humble servant,





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IN publishing the Memoirs of the Life of Bishop Horne, my intention was only to give a true idea of that good man, as it presented itself to my memory and affections; and to produce an edifying book, rather than a formal history. I flatter myself it has done some good; and I hope it may do more. If any offence has been given, I can only say it was no part of my plan: but it is a common fault with plain Christians, who know little of the world, to tell more truth than is wanted; and they have nothing left but a good conscience to support them under the mistake.

Some few exceptions have been made to the performance by little cavillers, which are not worth mentioning: but I brought myself into the most serious difficulty of all, by representing Bishop Horne as an Hutchinsonian; which thing (it seems) ought not to have been done; as it was strongly suggested to me, from the late learned Doctor Farmer, while my work was in hand. On this matter I beg leave to explain myself a little. I never said, nor did I ever think, that Bishop Horne owed every thing to Hutchinson, or was his implicit follower. I knew the contrary: but this I will say, because I know it to be true, that he owed to him the beginning of his extensive knowledge; for such a beginning as he made placed him on a new spot of high ground; from which he took all his prospects of religion and learning; and saw that whole road lying before him, which he afterwards pursued, with so much pleasure to himself, and benefit to the world. This declaration, however clear it may be to me, is more than some of my readers will be willing to admit, or able to bear. I perceive, by what has been written, that, if it can be effected, Bishop Horne must

be taken away from the Hutchinsonians: or, if that cannot be

done, his character must not be set too high; we must beware of exaggeration; he must be represented as good and pious, rather than wise or great. This comes not from the truth, but from the times: and it is what we must expect to hear, till the times shall alter, and a few stumbling-blocks shall be removed out of the way. After what I had related, with so little disguise, concerning the studies of Doctor Horne, I could foresee that his character, excellent as it is, had a fiery trial to pass: I therefore prepared myself to see-what I have seen.

But, while I heard some things which were unpleasant, I heard others which gave me encouragement. For, though it was commonly reported, that I had bestowed too many words upon a cause which neither required nor deserved them, one of the wisest men of this age, who is an host of himself, wished I had said more; it being a cause of which the world heard much, but knew little, and wanted to know more. I shall take this opportunity of satisfying their curiosity as faithfully as I can.

But I find myself called upon, by the way, to justify the Bishop against an unexpected accusation of a late author; who charges him with fancifulness and presumption: for what reason, and with how much justice, learning, and judgment, we shall see presently: and I am glad this second edition was deferred, because the delay has given me an opportunity of seeing some things, of which I ought not to be ignorant.

In a New Biographical Dictionary, a life of Doctor Horne is inserted; the author of which speaks of him with as much caution, as a man would handle hot coals. For what he is pleased to say of me, as a writer of Doctor Horne's life, I am much obliged to him; and I think it more than I deserve or desire: but, I should be false to the Bishop's memory, were I to allow his account of him to be either just or true. He gives him the praise of being a blameless man! (cold enough!) when, they that have eyes to see, and judgment to discern, must discover him to be, both for matter and manner, one of the first orators and teachers this church can boast; and that he often displays a rich vein of wit, rarely indeed to be found in a man of so much sweetness and good temper. What a poor figure does Priestley make in the hands of the Under-graduate! And the great philosopher, Hume, in the letter to Dr. Adam Smith! Where the Bishop is reflected upon, for being an Hutchinsonian, it is al

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lowed, nevertheless, that he might be partly right in his natural philosophy; though I do not understand the biographer's method of making it out; and I question whether he understood it himself. But then it is added, that "if he proceeded to a supposed analogy between material and immaterial things, and compared the agency of the Son and Holy Ghost to that of light and air in the natural world; it will surely be thought, that he went upon very uncertain and fanciful, not to say, presumptuous grounds." I thank him for speaking out. But is this true divinity? Is there then no analogy between things natural and divine? And have I been beating the air, and writing a volume, to prove and explain it, and demonstrate the great use and value of it; and has this author discovered at last, that there is no such thing? How mortifying is it to me to hear, that so much of the labour of my life has been thrown away! This analogy, which he will not suffer Bishop Horne to suppose, without being fanciful and presumptuous, has been admitted and insisted upon, as plain and certain, by the best Divines of the Christian Church; who used it, and admired it, because they found it in the word of God: and it holds particularly in the two great objects of nature air and light, where this modern divine (for such I suppose him) cannot see it himself, and will not permit us to see it without him. Was not the presence of the Divine Spirit, on the day of Pentecost, announced to the senses of men by the sound of a rushing, mighty wind? Did not our Saviour, in his discourse with Nicodemus, illustrate the agency of the Divine Spirit by that of the natural? The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Why did he communicate the Holy Ghost under the outward sign of breathing upon them, if no comparison is to be made between the sign and the thing signified? The word inspiration, which is the act of the Holy Ghost, denotes a blowing or breathing as of the air; and the name Spirit is common to the natural air and to the Holy Ghost. What is the meaning of all this? Does the word of God make comparisons, and put one thing for another; and shall we say there is no analogy or likeness: that is, no sense or propriety in the substitution? That would indeed be presumptuous, if not blasphemous: and the author would not have entangled himself in this manner, if he had not

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