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they by no means consider them as insurmountable. They admit that applications of this nature are numerous and urgent, but still hope for the assistance of that enlightened and most liberal body of Christians with whom they are connected.

Allow me then to give the follow ing statement of their present circumstances. The debt upon the Chapel is still 700, but by their own exertions and engaged assistance on the part of some friends, a list of whom with their subscriptions is now before me, they have it in their power to reduce it below 400/., as the sum of 311. 19s. 6d. is already at their command. This is in proof that they are in earnest, and most anxious to support the sacred cause in which we are all embarked, and still to enjoy the advantages and blessings of a pure and conscientious worship in the place in which they have for many years been accustomed to meet. I am requested to state that the above sum of 3117. 19s. 6d. is engaged for, on condition that the society succeed in their appeal to the liberality of the Unitarian public in carrying it up to 700%, and thus setting them free from the above pressure. Nor will any subscriptions be called for till the whole shall be subscribed. It is also an act of justice to the mortgagee to state here that his subscription is 1007.

Could the above be happily accomplished, the society will then find themselves at liberty for the necessary future exertions, and a regular or stated ministry might in no distant period be established among them. But if they unhappily fail, the property must of course be disposed of, and the society be possibly dispersed -a society once flourishing, and who were then ever ready to extend to others, in circumstances of pressure, their friendly aid.

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the possible power of Infinity itself to create a being not subject to moral and natural ill," or, as he afterwards explains it, to pain and misery.

How far your correspondent Mr. Hinton's claim to novelty in his speculations is well founded, I will not stop to inquire; but I should imagine that those who are acquainted with the pages of Archbishop King, Soame Jenyns, and Dr. Southwood Smith, on this difficult question, will not feel disposed to make so ample a conces sion as he may consider either himself or Rusticus (p. 85) entitled to receive.

If the origin of evil is to be ascribed solely to the inability of the Deity to create an equal; if liability to error and misery must necessarily attach to every being not absolutely perfect; then it follows that intelligences of the highest order, “angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven," must be subject to the danger of erroneous conduct, and all its fatal consequences; and what is still more material, that the state of the righteous hereafter will be a state of uncertainty and peril. The unalloyed felicity which they are taught to expect after the present life, cannot, on this supposition, be permanently ensured to them, because it is utterly, impossible that their Almighty Benefactor can make them his equals; and they who have been exalted to a condition of bliss, of which we can now form no adequate conception, may possibly in after ages forfeit that elevation, and sink as low in the abyss of wretchedness and horror. With such sentiments let it be ob served, the popular creed rejected by the Unitarians respecting the fate of the fallen angels, is perfectly in uni son. Should it be said, however, that the Deity having promised an eternity of happiness to those who have rendered themselves worthy of it, will assuredly adhere to his promise, I answer that, according to the doctrine advocated by Mr. H., since the Supreme Ruler cannot work impossibilities, all the energies of Omnipotence will not enable him to give unlimited duration to that happiness which, however exalted, must, from the imperfection of his creatures, be ever liable to interruption and failure.

If, again, it is alleged that he may

nevertheless prolong this state of felicity by repeated renewals, and fresh exertions of his power, I reply, that had it been his will he might by the frequent exertion of the same power have perpetuated such a state from the beginning, and might if consistent with his wisdom have rendered permanent by the same means, such a concurrence of moral circumstances as would in the first instance have prevented the wrong volitions of his rational creatures. In short, if it was impossible for the Divine Being to prevent the intrusion of evil into his works at any one period, it will be equally impossible at all times; for no improvements in the human mind, no future expedients adopted in the counsels of the Most High, can ever diminish the absurdity of supposing him capable of communicating to his creatures his own infinite and adorable attributes.

This cause, therefore, I confess, does not appear to me to afford a satisfactory solution of the difficulty in question. Where a gradation of intelligent creatures is the system adopted, and this we have reason to suppose is the only one consistent with optimist, the evils arising from imperfection must unavoidably exist; but surely the evils proceeding solely from this source, if, indeed, they deserve that name, may easily be imagined to take place, without the necessity of those dreadful ills to which human life is at present subject. The mere negation of higher privileges and blessings may well consist both with the benevolence of the great Parent of nature, and with the happiness of his offspring; and, indeed, I am at a loss to conceive why limited attributes are incapable of subsisting with no other ills than those of imperfection, which may be comparatively insignificant, or why they should be altogether incompatible with an exemption from inoral and physical evils, in the common acceptation of those terins. The supposition, that the misery of the human race, in all the multifarious forins which it daily assumes, could not possibly be prevented in the original formation of the world, must inevitably impress the mind with degrading ideas of the attributes of the Supreme Being, and present the most

gloomy view of his superintending providence. According to this comfortless theory, the man who is called to endure the exacerbations of some incurable disease, or who is sinking under the destructive oppression of mental anguish, has no other consolation than the reflection that infinite benevolence, though aided by infinite power, could not have prevented the infliction of those ills, and, what is more, can afford no security against their recurrence.

Admitting, however, the impossibility of excluding the tortures of body and distraction of mind incident to the species, created as they were with so much inherent imperfection, we may still venture to ask why creative power should proceed so low in the scale of existence, and why it should not have been confined to those parts in the series, of which the unavoidable imperfection does not imply any excess of misery. If the lower ranks in the descending gradation could not be created without subjecting them to the tremendous liability here supposed, may we not inquire, without impiety, in what consisted the necessity of creating them at all? Non-existence must be infinitely preferable to a continued preponderance of pain; and there can be no imaginable cause, therefore, for the creation of so inferior a being as man, except the communication of happiness. If, then, on the one hand, it be affirmed that the overwhelming evils to which some part of the human race are subject could not be prevented, and cannot be remedied, is not the original purpose of the Creator defeated, and the most glorious of his attributes rendered abortive? On the other hand, if it be alleged that the miseries of which we are speaking can be remedied, then I should contend, that allowing the author of them to be possessed of infinite power, they might with equal ease have been altogether avoided.

It seems to be an opinion authorized by the creed of almost every denomination of Christians, that the imperfections of the human race are so numerous and so predominant, that by far the greater part of the species will fail in securing the ultimate felicity promised to the obedient; and hence, if the first supposition be true, that

liability to misconduct, and the evils resulting from it were inevitable, the inference will be, that the majority of mankind were created, (as every Supralapsarian Calvinist really believes,) with the full purpose of their becoming interminably wretched; for no other motive could operate to call them into existence.

There are, however, persons of more enlightened understandings, and less gloomy temperaments, who consider the natural and moral evils by which we are now surrounded, to be all capable of effectual remedy, and who believe that every order of rational intelligences will be ultimately and completely happy. They admit, indeed, that the evils of imperfection are the necessary results of creation itself, and particularly in a system which consists of a subordination of ranks; but since they perceive that in the human species, though all created with the same liability, many individuals are exempt from those dreadful maladies of body and mind to which others are subject, they naturally conclude that these calamities might have been originally avoided, and that, consequently, they are ordained for some wise and benevolent purpose, and which, in truth, can be no other than because they will contribute to render the aggregate sum of felicity greater than it would have been on any other conceivable plan. Why pain should be made essentially instrumental in the production of enjoyment, is a mysterious question, which it is not within the circumscribed powers of man to solve; but that moral and physical evils are, in fact, subservient to great and useful purposes, cannot be doubted by those who have paid any attention to the subject of these remarks.

Among the various hypotheses which have been framed to account for the admission of moral evil into the world, there are four only that in the eye of the modern philosopher can be deemed worthy of regard. While some speculatists are of opinion, as we have just seen, that its admission could not have been prevented, even by Omnipotence, as long as imperfect beings are brought into existence, others maintain, (and this is the most prevalent belief,) that it must be attributed to the abuse of

that freedom of the will with which man is endowed as an accountable creature. A third scheme has been proposed by an acute but a fanciful writer, who is better known to the world by his remarks on the internal evidences of Christianity. He contends, that since natural evil was unavoidable, it was necessary, in order to prevent its being inflicted on the innocent, that some persons should be brought into existence, who, by their misconduct, would contract moral depravity, and who would, on that account, merit the misery which it was impossible to exclude altogether from the creation. The last, and, in my opinion, the most satisfactory expla nation of the difficulty before us, represents both moral as well as natural evil, as appointed by the Supreme Being, with the sole view of producing a greater sum of good than could otherwise take place, and teaches us to believe, that by the ultimate resteration of the whole human race to virtue and happiness, evil, in all its numberless and terrific forms, will finally and eternally vanish.

A most formidable objection to the three first of these hypotheses is, that since the ultimate prevalence of unmixed happiness cannot be deduced from them, it follows that with regard to a large proportion of mankind, it would have been better for them that they should not have been born. But if the last can be established, there is no human being to whom the communication of existence will not in the end have been an inestimable blessing, and the divine attributes will be at once vindicated from those degrading conceptions which it is impossible on any other scheme not to entertain.

It is not improbable that your correspondent Mr. H. may hold the doctrine of universal restoration, but it is difficult to say how he can reconcile it with the belief that it is beyond the efficacy of Omnipotence itself to exempt inferior beings not only from liability to miscalculation, fallibility and error, but from the moral certainty of feeling their effects.




Stapleton, near Bristol,
Sept. 4, 1823.

N reply to the remarks of your
correspondent Mr. Eaton, in your
last Number, (p. 465,) upon the sub-
ject of my communication, on "the
Introduction of Evil," in your Num-
ber for July last, (pp. 378-380,) I
beg leave to state, that he is mistaken
in supposing that in proposing my
hypothesis, which asserts that evil is
the necessary inheritance of all cre-
ated intelligences, and that every
being not infinite must be liable to
error and evil, I had not "foreseen
or provided for a consequence of the
greatest magnitude," which results
from it (i. e.) the existence of evil in
heaven itself. The fact is, that I had
in the original composition compri-
sing this hypothesis both foreseen and
asserted this inference, and in the
conclusion of my letter to you on this
subject I gave an intimation, that
"there were some other inferences
drawn from the foregoing hypothesis
which I did not think necessary to set
forth," and the necessary existence of
evil in a future state formed one of
these suppressed inferences: my rea-
son for suppressing which, was the
fear that it might shock minds unused
to metaphysical inquiries, and thus
with many other novel truths do in-
jury upon its first promulgation, al-
though I am fully persuaded that
every truth, however shocking to ex-
isting prejudices, must eventually
produce good. I did not, however,
wish to risk the production even of
temporary injury, if it could be avoid-
ed; but our worthy friend having now
forced this inference to come unwil-
lingly from its concealment, I will
give it in the words in which it stands
in the original composition, and shall
fearlessly enter on its justification,
as I am not in the habit of shrink-
ing from any conclusion whatever to
which truth appears to lead (i. e.):
"4thly. The foregoing hypothesis

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shews that though the perfection of the righteous in a future state may be far more exalted than perhaps even the highest created intelligence can now possibly conceive, yet must it fall short of infinite perfection, which belongs alone to God; since the attributes of created intelligences can never become infinite by future glorification, though thereby they will doubtless be matured and improved far beyond all present calculation or conception. Some small degree of alloy must be admitted, since it is contrary to the hypothesis upon which these inferences are drawn, that any created intelligence can exist without some portion of evil; although the portion of evil which may then be necessary by its counteraction to produce pleasure, may be so almost infinitely refined, as not at present to be capable of conception, as distinct from purity and bliss: and thus constitute the highest happiness of which created beings can possibly be susceptible."

Mr. Eaton's feelings are alarmed, as I confess mine were, when this last inference first arose in my mind, "a doubt at the thought of casting upon the unmixed happiness promised to the righteous;" but if that gentle-1 man will keep strictly in view the principle on which my hypothesis founds the existence of happiness, and "justifies the ways of God to man," in the unavoidable existence of evil, he will find that his objection will cease; since it will appear that not only all creation, but that all happiness, is necessarily inseparable from evil; that evil is alike essential to the production of both; that pleasure could not possibly exist without its contrast-pain and anxiety; that it is indeed their legitimate offspring; and that it is beyond the power of infinity itself to produce it without their agency, in minds constructed with limited attributes; since to produce happiness in such minds, change, fluctuation, counteraction and pursuit, causing the sensations of plea

except God. And another of these inferences substantiates the mechanical nature of the human mind, and the doctrine of philosophical necessity; but your usually crowded columns forbid my transcribing them for insertion.

sure and pain, become indispensably necessary; and these effects can only arise from contending or opposite causes, one of which necessarily iden tifies itself with what we call evil. Mr. E. asks," How can we be sure of enjoying (unalloyed) happiness or perfection in heaven itself? For when there, we shall still be created beings, and as finite then as we are now, consequently as liable to miscalculation, failure and error." Now, so far from being sure of unchangeable happiness in a future state, my hypothesis proves that it is only on the ground of our being sure that no such inactive stagnant happiness can exist, that we can expect any happiness there at all; since the happiness of all created beings necessarily supposes change, transition, fluctuation, pursuit, hope and fear, grounded of course upon contending or opposite causes, one of which must be evil, as two opposite and contending causes cannot both be of the same nature or principle.

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Mr. E. overstrains the conclusion to be drawn from my hypothesis, in supposing that it implies, that we shall remain as finite then as now, and as liable to miscalculation, failure and error," as we are at present; for though in heaven we shall assuredly remain "created beings and finite," and still liable to miscalculation, failure and error," since both our existence and our happiness will be then, as they are now, inseparably and necessarily connected with these facts and liabilities; but the hypothesis by no means implies, that we shall be so liable to these things as now, nor so finite then as now, but the very contrary, inasmuch as it shews, that our mental powers will be astonishingly enlarged beyond what "eye hath seen or ear heard, or hath entered into the heart of man to conceive;" and in the measure in which they are so enlarged, and in proportion as we are enabled to perceive the consequences of our own conduct, and to secure the intended effects of our own designs, in that very proportion our happiness must increase. We have, indeed, a full example and illustration of this fact in the present life, since the wise and calculating avoid much more evil than the ignorant and unthinking and could we now ascertain the exact proportion in which

that increase of knowledge would take place, the same rule would, I doubt not, shew us the exact increase of our happiness; and which may there. fore be so far beyond our present conceptions, as to appear absolutely infinite, inasmuch as it defies our utmost calculation; but infinite it never can be for the reasons before assigned.

With respect to "unmixed happiness being promised to the righteous in the gospel," I would only observe, that it is impossible that any word in any language can be of such extensive and unlimited meaning, as to comprise the promise of infinite happiness, either in degree or duration, (and unmixed happiness can be no less than infinite,) since as language cannot exceed idea, and seldom, indeed, comes up to it; and as we have no idea whatever of infinity, all expressions in allusion to future bliss, as well as to future punishment, must have a relative or limited meaning; and can really mean no more than this-a longer time or higher degree than we can calculate: and that this is the case in the original languages of the Scriptures, I have often noticed; and, hence, have frequently found an advantage in argument with the assertors of endless torment, when they have urged that the Greek alveg implies endless duration, because it is used in reference to future happiness; and particularly that, in Matt. XXV. 46, alwvoy is used even in the same verse, in reference to happiness as well as to punishment; and, therefore, must have a like meaning in both cases, supposing, of course, that I should readily admit its endless meaning as to future happiness: but I have replied that this word in neither case signifies endless or infinite, either in duration, degree or nature, but only what its primitive signification imports, age-lasting or limited, or an indefinitely long period: and this is in perfect unison with the third as well as fourth inferences I have drawn from the hypothesis; the former of which denies the capacity of any creature to possess the attribute of immortality, and requires renewals of existence in a future state, to prolong it to an infinite period; and which faith in the goodness of the Almighty teaches us to rely upon. No

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