J.H. 1825 RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS. AN ESSAY. BY THE REV. JAMES BROWN, D. D. LATE OF BARNWELL, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Author of An Attempt towards a New Historical and Political Explanation A SECOND EDITION, GREATLY ENLARGED. Nullius addictus jurare in verba Majistri.-HORACE, Epist. 1. 14. LONDON: SOLD BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, & Co.; JAMES RIDGWAY; AND GEORGE 1824. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Evil extirpate! Universal Peace! Britain Preserved. It is only a persuasion of the importance of the subject, that could induce the Author of the following Essay to attempt to recall attention to it; and to endeavour to bring together from various sources what he has at different times thought, and written, on the interesting subject of Universal Restoration. He is especially aware of the danger he incurs, in hazarding the judgment of the public, when he is sensible that from the infirmities of age, and imperfect recollection, after he has passed the utmost period prescribed to human life, he must fall far short of his original aim, when he first assumed the subject. Something on the doctrine of Universal Restoration of the Redemption of the World; but far out of the common train of conceptions exhibited by theologians, was the subject upon which the Author first thought of trying what A |