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posure of the anti-christian abominations, by means of which "the simplicity that there is in Christ" has been defaced and desecrated, and the profession of Christianity converted into the kingdom of the clergy. These topics being thus stated, discussed, and defended against the opposition of all who had the temerity to attack them, the Christian Baptist, ceased, in order to give place to

2. THE MILLENNIAL HARBINGER, edited also by ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, and published at Bethany, in the state of Virginia. This periodical, of which I am in possession of the first four volumes, and expect to receive the fifth shortly, commenced its career in the month of January, 1830, and is still continuing its course with undiminished power and energy-pleading the same cause as the Christian Baptist had previously done, and essentially advancing the Redeemer's kingdom throughout the American continent. The "Harbinger" is upon a considerably larger scale than the former journal-better printed and on better paper-the monthly numbers for each year form an octavo volume of between six and seven hundred pages, and is, in all respects, a truly respectable publication. The essays which I shall be enabled to extract from this masterly production, and lay before my Christian brethren and friends on this side the Atlantic, through the medium of its younger brother, will, I confidently persuade myself, prove a source of much profitable instruction to them, as well as of edification and comfort. The remaining pages of the present number shall be occupied with a specimen of these masterly Essays.

[By A. Campbell.]

CHRISTIANITY is the perfection of that divine philanthropy which was gradually developing itself for four thou sand years. It is the bright effulgence of every divine attribute, mingling and harmonising, as the different colours in the rainbow in the bright shining after rain, into one complete system of perfections-the perfection of GLORY

to God in the highest heaven, the perfection of PEACE on earth, and the perfection of GOOD-WILL among men.

The eyes of patriarchs and prophets, of saints and martyrs, from Adam to John the Baptist, with longing expectation, were looking forward to some glorious age, indistinctly apprehended, but ardently desired. Each messenger sent from heaven, fraught with the communications of the Divine Spirit, to illuminate, to reprove, and to correct the patriarchs and the house of Israel, was brightening the prospect and chastening the views of the people concerning the glory of the COMING AGE. The "FOUNDER OF THE FUTURE AGE," as one of Israel's prophets styles the Messiah, was exhibited, in the emblems of the prophetic style, as arising, expanding, and brightening to view; from the glistening "Star of Jacob," to the radiating "Sun of Righteousness," with salutiferous and vivifying rays.

The person, character, and reign of Messiah the Prince, exhausted all the beauties of language, all the grandeur and resplendencies of creation, to give some faint resemblances of them. In adumbrating Emmanuel and his realm, "Nature mingles colours not her own." She mingles the brighter splendours of things celestial with things terrestrial, and kindly suits the picture to our impaired faculties. She brings the rose of Sharon and the lily of the vales-the mild lustre of the richest gems, and the brightest radiance of the choicest metals. She makes the stars of heaven sparkle in his hand, and the brightness of the sun shine in his face. She causes the mountains to flow down at his presence; his advent to gladden the solitary place; before him "the deserts to rejoice, and blossom as the rose." To the desert, at his approach, she gives the glory of Lebanon, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon.

Under his peaceful banner and gracious sceptre, the wolf dwells with the lamb; the leopard lies down with the kid; the calf, the young lion, and the fattling, in harmony follow the mandates of a child; the cow and bear feed together; their young ones lie down in concord; and the lion eats straw like the ox. The sucking child plays on the hole of the asp; and the weaned child puts its hand on the cockatrice's den. Under this munificent government the wilderness becomes a fruitful field; and the field once esteemed

fruitful is counted for a forest. He makes the eyes of the blind to see; the ears of the deaf to hear; and the tongue of the dumb to speak. The stammerer becomes eloquent, and the wise men of other times become as babes. He brings the captive from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison-house. His people march forth with joy; they are led forth with pe: ce. The mountains and the hills break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field clap their hands.

"He shall judge the poor of the people; he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. They shall fear him as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations. He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass; as showers that water the earth. In his days shall the righteous flourish, and abundance of peace as long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the end's of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him, and his enemies shall lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth, the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and the needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. He shall redeem their souls from deceit and violence; and precious shall their blood be in his sight. There shall be, in his day, a handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. His name shall endure for ever; his name shall be continued as long as the sun and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed." Psalm lxxii. 4-17. Such were the glorious things spoken of Zion and her King by holy kings and ancient seers, fired with prophetic impulse. These are but a taste of the sweetness which flows in the stream of prophecy, which revived, cheered, and animated the drooping, disconsolate, and afflicted hearts of the righteous ancients. Such things they uttered who saw his glory and spake of him. These prospective views of Messiah and his institution prepare us to expect the brightest exhibi

tion of glory in himself, and the highest degree of moral excellence and felicity in the subjects of his reign.

The fulness of time is come. Messiah appears. But lo! he has no form nor comeliness. He comes forth as a languishing shoot from a dry and sterile soil. He comes to his own, and his own receive him not. He comes to the people who had the visions of the Almighty, and who heard the prophecies of the Spirit concerning him; yet they reject him as an impostor. They recognise no charms in his person-no glory in his purposed reign. Their hearts are infatuated with worldly notions, and they view him with a prejudiced eye. They see no diadem upon his head-no sceptre in his hand. They see no gorgeous apparel upon his person-no nobles nor princes in his train. They hear no sound of the trumpet-no confused sound of mighty warriors preparing for battle. They see no garments rolled in blood, nor captives led in chains. They are offended at the meanness of his parentage; at the humble birth and character of his attendants; and at his own insignificant appearance. His glories, and their views of glory, correspond in no one instance. His glory was that of unparalleled condescension, incomparable humility, meekness, and love. The most resplendant gems in his crown were his abject poverty, his patient endurance of the grossest indignities, and the unreserved devotion of his whole soul, as the righteous servant of Jehovah. His victories were not those of a mighty chieftain at the head of many thousands, marching through opposing ranks, demolishing citadels, devastating countries, causing iron gates to open at his approach, and leading bound to his triumphal chariot his captive enemies. No! his victories were the conquest of all temptations, of death, and of him that had the power of death. He triumphed over all principalities and powers of darkness, error, and death. In his death and resurrection he gained the greatest conquest ever won: he vanquished death and the grave; he obtained eternal redemption: he opened the gates of Paradise, and procured an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading, for all them that look for deliverance. Such were the personal achievements of the Captain of our Salvation.

The precepts of his institution correspond with his ap

pearance and deportment among men. He inculcates a morality pure as himself, and such as must render his disciples superior to all the world besides. He gives no scope to any malignant passions, and checks every principle that would lead to war, oppression, or cruelty. His precepts respect not merely the overt act, but the principles from which all overt acts of wickedness proceed. Ambition, pride, avarice, lust, malevolence, are denounced, as really criminal, as the actions to which they give rise. His precepts are no dry, lifeless system of morality, to be forced upon his disciples, or to be worn as an outside garment ; but they are inculcated by arguments and considerations which, when apprehended, engrave them upon the heart, and render them of easy practice. The reason, the nature, and the import of his death, afford, to those who understand it, an argument that gives life and vigour to all his precepts, and that makes his yoke easy and his burthen light.

When we turn our attention to the character and exploits of his first disciples, his ambassadors to the world, what an illustrious exhibition of the excellency of his doctrine, and of the purity of his morals do they afford! In them how conspicuous faith, hope, and love! What zeal, what patience, what self-denial, what deadness to the world! How gladly they spend and are spent in the good work of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope! They glory in reproaches, in privations, in stripes, in imprisonments, in all manner of sufferings; yea, in death itself, for the Son of Man's sake. How freely, how cheerfully, how laboriously they performed the ministry which they had received! They look for no applause, for no stipend, no fixed salary, no lucrative office, no honourable title among men. They have continually in their eye the example of their Chief, "looking off from the ancients to JESUS the Captain and Finisher of the Faith, who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down on the right hand of God." Amidst their enemies and false friends, how calm, how meek, how prudent, how resolute, how persevering! They exhibit virtues, in comparison of which, the virtues of all other religionists appear either as splendid sins, or as meagre empty names. Such was the character of the ambassadors and subordinate ministers of the New Institution.

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