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That a certain number of Advocates fhall assemble twice a week, at a proper office, where the poor fhall be at liberty to confult them, and to reprefent their respective cafes. On which the faid Advocates, who are to be pi'd and rewarded according to their merit out of the above-mentoned fund, are to take the feveral cafes into confideration, and to advile the confulting parties thereon, either on the propriety of accommedating the differences with their adverfary, or on the legitimacy of their own pretenfions.

That when matters are not to be accommodated to the fatisfaction of the parties, the faid Advocates fhall proceed to bring the causes of the faid poor and indigent clients before the proper courts; the expences of which are to be paid out of the general flock thus raised.

If the poor lofe their cause, they are to be at no expence; but if they gain it, and the damages be confiderable, fo much is to be deducted out of that fum, as will pay all the incidental charges, which the adverse party is not obliged by the fentence of the court to refund.

How far this project be practicable or expedient in France, we cannot take upon us to fay; but that fuch an inflitution, if it could take place, would be a very humane and charitable one in this country, is certain. Not but that we are in fome doubt, whether it might not tend as much to the emolument of the Gentlemen of the law, as to the good of the community in general.

Art. 17. Reflections critiques, fur le premier chapitre du Septieme Tome des Oeuvres de M. de Voltaire, au fujet des Juifs. Or, Critical Reflections on Mr. Voltaire's Account of the Jews. 12mo. Paris, 1763.

If the ingenious Author of this apology for the Jews, had not made fo great a diltinétion between those of the Portugueze and the Dutch nations, he might have been efteemed a candid, as he is otherwife a polie and able advocate. But there is fomething to partial and invidious, however juft, in that distinction, to entitle him to the honour of being the Defender of the Jewish people in general. Mr. de Voltaire, indeed, is faid to have felt the force of our Author's remonstrances, and to have retracted, in a private letter, the fevere expreffions he made use of; promiling to foften or correct them in a future edition of his works: but if Mr. Voltaire thinks himself to blame in having imputed to a whole nation the vices of feveral individuals, our Apologift must be, in a great degree, equally guilty, for fhifting off the burthen from the fhoulders only of his own party the Portuguefe and Spaniards, and leaving it on thofe of the Poles and Germans; who, fo far as they are Jews, are probably no worfe than their brethren. That the former having been hitherto more rich, have been more liberally educated, and have been admitted on a more friendly footing into the polite world, is very certain; but how far that pre-eminence is to be attributed to the dininguifheu caufes our Author lays down, or to others more modern or obvious, we cannot take upon us to fay.

Art. 18. Effaie fur le Luxe. Or, An Effay on Luxury. 8vo. Amfterdam, 1762.


This is a forcible, and not impertinent, dec.mara g by which our Author means rather the extravagant ? what fome Writers have meant by that term [+ Pinto, formerly of Amfterdam, Author of the abov Jews, and is well worthy the perufal and maura caus inhabitants of a populous and commercial cra, da s fterdam and London.

Art. 19. Nouveaux Amusemens des Eaux à 32 tif & utile à ceux qui vont boire ces Eau Tim That is, New Ainufements for the

ftructive Performance for all thofe whi reser 12mo. 1763.

This work is a very different kind of a perio been fo long known under the fame tine an leged to be as frivolous as useless. The prem on the contrary, a very inftructive and ing of a circumftantial account of the nam effected by them; of the manner of characters of the people ufually to be me ral hiftory of the country; intermixe: curious anecdotes, relative to the amm place. It is written by Dr. Limbor profeffion, as well as in the literary ma

Art. 20. Verdediging van de er fence of the Dutch Nati thrown out against the verfal History. 8vo.

This is a fpirited and in of the Dutch, in the verfal Hiftory; the refute the facts and

Art. 21. Johan 7 Stragis Affyri tionem feje the Author :: time of H

Mr. Het t

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quotes feveral examples, taken from Hiborians and Travelers of one, who affirm, that large caravans, and fometimes whole arma, bot been almost inftantanecully foficaced by these defrative was le deed, the certainty of this fact is hardly to be casted fayc to be given to the relations of Travelers. Now, Mr. Men var thinks it of little confequence to enga re, whether this perietta which destroyed the army of serta terit, wr the elete a fr tural and miraculous extition of tumise power, or wheter baud happen in the natural and ordinary course of things For, enn ferping it to be the latter, viz. that it was an occurred ceskich mal trainą happen according to the giual course of Providence; none addre tell that event but God, or affure Hezexuch of the defraction of ha enemies.

Art. 22. Abrégé de l' Hiftoire Ecclefin tique. Or, An Abridg ment of the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. By Mr. Formey. 2 Vols. 12mo. 1763.

Never surely was there so ind- fatigable a Writer as Mr. Forney! the Wits have formerly diverted themiclves with foch rapid Compain, by talking of their having mills to make verfes with; but really one world be apt to imagine, by the number and variety of our Author's works, that he must have hit upon fome mechanical contrivance equal y expedi tious and du able.

Art. 23. Hiftoire de l'Imperatrice Irene. Or, The History of the Empref. Irene. 12mo. Paris, 1762.


It is furprizing, fays the ingenious Author of this Hiftory, that no Writer hath hitherto taken the trouble to collect the feveral anecdotes relative to this Princefs, from the feveral ancient Authors who have ∞. \" cañonally mentioned her extraordinary character. Certain it is, that her reign was as fingular and remarkable, as her elevation to the throne was fudden and unexpected. Born of an obfcure, tho' not ignoble family, fhe could have no pretenfions, or expectation, to mount the throne of the Emperors of the Eaft. Leon, the fon of Conftantine, however, no fooner faw her make her appearance at Conftantinople, than he became enamoured of her; and, upon her renunciation of the worship images, to which he was extremely attached, married her, with his father's approbation. So long as Leon lived, indeed, this Princess made no extraordinary figure; but, after his death, fhe appeared with all the dignity and fplendour of an Emprefs, and manifefted the most uncom mon talents for political intrigue, and all the finifter arts of govern ment. The tranfactions recorded in this history are very interesting i the reflections, for the most part, juft and pertinent.


N. B. As it would take up too much room, and afford but little en tertainment to the generality of our Readers, to print a Lift of all the Foreign Publications, we are obliged to confine ourselves to the most po pular and interefting: a method which we hope will fufficiently gratify the curiofity of thofe Friends who were fo particularly defirous we extend this part of our plan.


Our foreign Correfpondents, whom we may have heretofore neglected, will alfo find, that fuch neglect hath been owing, not to want of incli nation, but of opportunity, to oblige them.





CCENTS, Greek, Dr. Gally's
fecond differtation on, 345.
ADRIANOPLE, rural and romantic
fcenes in the environs of, 463.
AGRICULTURE, general error in
fyftematic Writers on that fub-
ject, 120. Hints for improving
the agriculture of Great Britain,
ALEXIS, fon to Czar Peter, his
unhappy catastrophe,
Caufes of his miscondu&t, ib.
ALPS, collective view of, 378.
Poetical sketch of the natural
hiftory of these ftupendous moun-
tains, ib.
ANNE, queen, iniquity of her go.
vernment, in the four laft years
of her reign, 206, feq.
ANNET'S profecution difapproved,
168, the Note.
ASSURANCE of filvation, an or-
thodox account of, 313.
ATTENDANCE in parliament, an
indifpenfable duty, 126.
ATHENS, modern, the travellers
to, deficient in tafte for the po.
lite arts, 306. Its antiquity de-
fcribed, ib. See Le Roy.

B birth of the prince of Wales,

birth of the prince of Wales,
in the Oxford collection, criti-
ciled, 18.
BALLARD, Mr. his verfes on the

birth of the prince of Wales, in
the Oxford collection, commend-
ed, 22.
BANK, propofal for a national one,


of England, reasons for dif-

folving it, 181.
BARK, medicinal, by whom firft


introduced into practice here,
and for what diforders, 55.
BAWDY-Houfes, low and mean
ones only, to be fuppreffed, 405.
BEAUMONT, Chriftopher, Arch-
bishop of Paris, his improper at-
tack of Mr. Rouffeau, on ac-
count of his Emilius, 224.
BEAUTY, extraordinary, rather to
be avoided than coveted in ma-
trimony, 95.

BEES, abfurd cruelty of the vul
gar method of managing thofe
ufeful infects, 187. Mr. White's
more humane, as well as more
profitable method, recommend-
BENNET, Mr. his farcaftical re-
mark in the house of commons,
on the royal partiality to a Scotch
Minifter, in the reign of Charles
the IId. 193.


BILL of Mortality of prime mini-
fters, 165.

of Rights, formed and paff-
ed, 416. The palladium of the
BIOGRAPHERS, use and import-
British conftitution, ib.
ance of their labours, 30. Their
ufual defects, 31, 36, 37.
BIOGRAPHY, hints towards an im-
BIRCH, Col. his fpirited expreffion,
proved plan for a fyftem of, 34-
in the house of commons, in re-
gard to the Duke of Lauderdale
130. Palliates the warmth
another member, in the w
ling debate about a supply
On king James's abdi


fpeech in the house of co
on the fpeaker's being
counfellor, 127.

BRASPHEMY, ftatute against, beft
defender of the Jewish legifla-
tor, 395.
BLOOD of St. Januarius, the li-

[blocks in formation]

ABAL, a miniftry distinguished

quefaction of, no bungling trick, C by that name, 129.


BODIES, organized, their mode of

generation, 524..
BOLINGBROKE, lord, artfully var-
nifhes over the peace of Utrecht,
206. His fophiftry obvious, ib.
BOSCAWEN, Mr. his fpeech in the
houfe of commons against arbi-
trary power, 412.
BOSSUET, bishop of Meaux, his
letter to the pope, giving an ac-
count of the dauphin's ftudies,
325. Character of this prelate,

BOTANNIC Garden, at Chelfea, a
donation of Sir Hans Sloane's,
to the apothecary's company,
and on what terms, 52.
BRAMINS of India, fome account

of 474-

BREWER, Mr. his fpeech in the
houfe of commons on the king's
negative voice to bills, 422.
BRIBERY, in parliamentary elec-
tions, refolution against it, in the
houfe of commons, in the reign
of Charles II. 194.
BROMLEY, Mr. his remark in the
houfe of commons on the king's
negative voice to bills, 423.
BUCKINGHAM, duke of, juftifies

himfelf before the house of com-
mons, 131. Debate thereupon,
BUTE, earl of, his adminiftration
accufed of endeavouring to in-
creafe the power of the crown,
210. And to maintain an un-
duc influence over the parlia-
ment, ib. Inftance produced in
fupport of the charge, 211. Other
charges against him, ib. Not
the contriver of Annet's profe-
cution, 237. Abused in a de-
dication, 241. High panegyric
on him, in Dr. Smollet's hiftory,

[ocr errors]

CABINET Councils, debate on, in
the house of commons, 420.
CAMBRIC Manufacture, one efta-
blished in Suffex, 372.
CATECHISM, that ufually taught to
children abfurd, 90.
A good
one very neceffary, ib.
CASES in Phyfic, cured by thom.
apple, monkfhood, henbane,
wolfsbane, &c. 499 to 460.
CAREW, Sir Nicholas, his fhrewd
remark, in a debate on the flate !
of the nation, 189. On a
breach of privilege, 260. On
the feizure of Montagu's papers,
CARTWRIGHT, Mr. his verfes on
the birth of the prince of Wales
in the Oxford collection, con-
mended, 21.
CAVENDISH, Lord, complains of
bribery and corruption in the
houfe of commons, 134. Speaks
in the wrangling debate on a
fupply, 262.

CECILIA's Day, humourous ode
on, by Mr. Thornton, 479-
CHARLES II his anfwer to an ad-

drefs of the commons, concern-
ing the recall of his fubjects from
the French king's fervice, 190.
Debate on that anfwer, ib. His
parliament no lefs jealous of
him than of the French, 197.
His fcandalous mifgovernment,
ib. Corrupted by his refidence
in France, 257. Infatuation of
the people at his restoration,
without any limitation of prero-
gative, ib. The parliament's
jealoufy of him juftified, 263.
A penfioner to France, 264-
266. His regard for the papifts,
CHASTITY, held in no efteem a-
mong the Greeks, 535.


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