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in turn contracts separately and by itself, no other action of the heart occurring at the same time; for this is by no means the case. The two auricles contract and dilate together, and it is the same with respect to the ventricles, whose motions are simultaneous also; the contraction of one part, and the dilatation of the other, both occurring at the same period. It may be observed here, that when the contraction of the heart is mentioned in general terms, that of the ventricles is always alluded to.

On each action of the ventricles, the whole of the heart is carried smartly forwards, and the point of this organ comes in contact with the left side of the chest, between the sixth and seventh true ribs, where its pulsation may be easily felt. From this circumstance, a controversy has arisen among physiologists, respecting the mode in which the contraction takes place; some supposing the heart at that instant to be elongated; and others, with better reason, affirming it to be shortened; and numerous were the animals sacrificed, to prove the truth of each assertion. The question is now set at rest, as it is ascer tained that the external portion of the ventricles is drawn towards the septum or partition between them, and the apex or point towards the base; the displacement of the heart being therefore to be attributed to the influx of blood into the auricles, and to its expulsion from the ventricles, by which the aorta and pulmonary artery are distended.

The pulsations of the heart during health vary much, according to the sex, habits, or temperament of the individual; their frequency, however, decreasing from infancy to old age. In the new-born infant, the pulse may be estimated at 140 per minute; at the end of the first year, 124-second, 110-third and fourth, 96;-in youth, from 80 to 86-manhood, 75-old age, 60. But as life advances farther, the pulse is found so variable, that no accurate estimate can be taken.

The heart, through the medium of 59 ATHENEUM, VOL. 1, 3d series.

the nerves, is greatly influenced by the passions and affections of the mind; its action is modified and often accelerated by the slightest emotion; and diseases of every kind control, diminish, and even excite its powers. By this derangement other parts of the system are influenced; for the animal frame may be said to resemble a piece of mechanism, furnished with numerous wheels depending on and giving aid to each other; but let one be displaced or put out of order, the whole is thrown into confusion. Fainting, for instance, we know is often occasioned by emotions of the mind, by which, through the medium of the nerves, the action of the heart is diminished, and less blood is consequently sent through the vessels to the brain. Now, from this deficiency, the nervous power of the brain becomes diminished, or even for a time suspended, as it depends materially on the circulation, and the body sinks inanimate; nor perhaps would it recover, had not the heart the property of still preserving its power of contraction to a certain degree, which, as the blood begins again to circulate slowly through the brain, it more and more recovers; and as it recovers, sends forth by degrees a still greater portion of blood, till at last the whole circulation becomes fully restored. Hence we see the reason why persons fainting should be placed in a horizontal position, with the head as low or lower than the rest of the body.

The arteries, we have before stated, may be considered as ramifications of one great trunk; they are composed of three coats, the external one consisting merely of cellular membrane, the middle one of fibres encircling the artery, and asserted by many to be muscular; and the internal one, a thin membrane calculated to give strength to the artery, and afford at the same time, by the smoothness of its surface, a free and easy passage to the blood.

The veins also in like manner are composed of three coats; but as their structure is much more delicate than that of arteries, it is a diffi

cult matter to demonstrate the fact, while, on the contrary, the coats of arteries from their structure easily admit of separation. The arteries and veins are both elastic, and capa

ble of dilatation to a considerable degree; but the latter possess this power more remarkably than the former, and it is astonishing to how great an extent this may be carried without injury.


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I HAD long entertained an ardent wish to see the Vale of Covadonga, so celebrated in the earlier era of Spanish history. A visit which I paid to a friend, who lived part of the year at Canga de Onis, at length afforded me an opportunity of indulging these wishes, little suspecting the sort of adventure to which they gave rise. The distance from my friend's house to the renowned spot was not inconveniently great; and, accordingly, having procured a strong mule-a sort of accommodation peculiarly adapted to the nature of the ramble-I set out, full of romantic enthusiasm, for this my first chivalric expedition. A few hours' travelling brought me to the scene of my anticipated delight. As I gradually approached the hallowed

spot, my heart throbbed with unusual emotion; nor could I view the glowing beauty, the wildness, the majestic grandeur of the distant scene, without feeling my heart awakened to every sensation of awe and admiration. The silence which reigned around seemed to reach the inmost soul; a solemn, breathless stillness hung over those imposing solitudes, and afforded a majestic picture of repose. irregular variety and beautifully picturesque appearance of the surrounding objects excited the liveliest feelings of surprise. Here gigantic masses of rock rose majestically through the green foliage in which they were embosomed; and there the vale was flanked with numerous mountain ravines. Uncouth and shapeless clus


ters of wild shrubs at intervals met the sight, strikingly contrasting with the trees, irregularly strewn over the hill-sides, and added to the wild beauties of the prospect. I visited the famous cavern, where the Goths are said to have taken refuge at the time of the Moorish invasion, and where a chapel of rude workmanship commemorates to this day the stubborn resistance made in favor of barbarian independence.

Having thus paid my devoirs to the genius of the place, I mounted a little eminence near the chapel; and there, inspired by the deep silence of the scene, my mind insensibly fell into a train of absorbing contemplation. Methought I was carried back to ages long gone by, and that the stirring scenes of an epoch so mournful to my country were rehearsed anew. With these ideas of despondency and gloom, came mingled others, of vigorous feats and daring exploits, which served to enliven my melancholy views. "Here," I mentally exclaimed-" in this sacred spot, with mighty efforts of heroism, was commenced that series of valorous achievements, destined in process of time to rescue the mother country from the usurping grasp of her invading Mahomedan foes. In these wild and awful solitudes-fit emblems of the spirit of liberty and independence !-slavery and oppression could never take firm root; the soil was unpropitious to its growth; the mountain-air proved too strong for the sickly parasitical tribe. It was here, indeed, that the renowned Prince Pelagius checked the overwhelming and victorious career of the Moors. Yes! on this hallowed spot was the first little semblance of a nation instituted-a nation which, insignificant in its origin, became, in aftertimes, like the Roman, warlike and powerful, not unworthy to contend with the ancient mistress of the world."

These thoughts awakened a thousand others of congenial nature; and, insensibly, I fell into a profound reverie, more delicious to intellectual consciousness than even the softest slum


Then the shadows of heroes long dead passed in review before me; they stood out vividly before the vision of my heated imagination; they seemed to breathe with life, and I endowed them with new feelings and passions. The forms of Pelagius, Alfonso, Truela, and others, passed in awful sadness before my sight; and I hailed with enthusiasm those warriors who had escaped the enervating influence of the corrupted court of the unfortunate Don Rodrigo. In this mysterious trance I had remained some time, when, suddenly, my musings were interrupted by a shrill scream, which reverberated mournfully along those solitudes: I turned quickly to learn whence the cry of sorrow proceeded, and my curiosity was soon satisfied.

Not far from the place where I stood, I perceived a female form, in an attitude of terrific alarm, looking intently upon me, and apparently wavering what course to pursue. She seemed in the first bloom of womanhood, and her wretched attire accorded well with the strangeness of her look and her wild deportment. Her arms and legs were bare, and a tattered garment was the only dress she wore. Long tresses of raven hair flowed, unrestrained, along her back, and partly covered her bosom. Her countenance was pale and emaciated, and a flash of vivid eagerness shot at intervals from her dark eyes. Yet, amidst the disorder and misery of her appearance, there were still remains of uncommon beauty in her wasted form and features.

This unexpected apparition startled me from my dream. How such a be→ ing could be found in those wild solitudes, was to me a source of painful conjecture. That she was deranged was the idea that most strongly occurred to my mind; but yet how she had contrived to escape from her friends, and wander so far from human habitations, strangely perplexed me. I gaz→ ed upon her for some time in silence, and an expression of alarm became perceptible in her looks; I waived

my hand in friendly token for her to approach; but she retreated, with looks of timid apprehension.

I then resolved to show her that I came only as a friend, and advanced towards her. My intention, however, was baffled; for, in a moment, this strange being banished from my view, like a phantom'; and I continued some moments gazing at the spot, doubting if what I had seen were real.

Struck at this unusual incident, I felt an intense curiosity to learn farther particulars, as such an incident could not fail to make a strong impression on my feelings. For some time, therefore, I endeavored to trace the course of the fugitive; but all my efforts proved in vain. Better acquainted than I with the secret passes of that complicated wilderness, she had baffled my pursuit. I was at length compelled to retrace my steps; the shadows of evening were fast descending, and I felt apprehensive lest a cheerless night of anxiety and pain would be the probable reward of my romantic adventure.

With some difficulty I regained the little eminence, and, mounting my mule, I endeavored to make my way toward Canga de Onis; but the animal did not, in any way, seem to enter into my views, and flatly refused to advance with the expedition I wished. After an hour's peregrination, I descried the little hamlet of Riera, chiefly composed of several stray huts, sheltered by a small wood.

A thought crossed my mind, that I might learn from the inmates of these miserable tenements some particulars concerning the strange female; and, under this impression, I proceeded towards the place. On arriving at the entrance of the first hut, I found an old and a young goatherd, who appeared as much surprised at my visit there, as I was with their uncouth dress and bewildered looks. I hastened to remove their suspicions.

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My good friends,” said I, “ you seem startled at my approach ;

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The word demand did not tend to remove the anxiety of the simple goatherds, and they evinced unequivocal signs of mistrust in their still lengthened visages.

"Gently, gently; you quite misapprehend me ;-what I wish to demand of you is only information—a cheap commodity, I imagine, and which no doubt you can conveniently spare, if it indeed be that you possess it."

"Well, Senor," said the elder goatherd, somewhat reassured, “such I may contrive to bestow."

"That's rightly spoken. Now tell me, do you know anything concerning a strange being that seems to haunt these places ?"

"Strange beings, Senor! I don't quite understand what you mean. Sure enough, there's no lack of strange beings hereabouts. In the first place, there's that wicked tia majura, as great a witch as ever deserved to be burnt. Ah! Senor, did you but see her chin! Virgen Santa! what a suspicious chin! Then her mustachios, and her unnatural-looking eye! Well, I always cross myself whenever she comes into my mind; and I can assure you that I am constantly thinking about the witch."

Why, then, my honest fellow, your time must be, if not very profitably, at least very piously occupied, in prayer against her spells."

The old man returned no comment, but fervently made the sign of the cross-in which devout operation he was joined by his younger companion, whom I concluded to be his son. After a short pause, the speaker continued :

"Then there is the cripple tailor, who came from Oviedo-a very ugly

little man; and then such things as he tells of the foreign parts he has visited!-and a great kingdom, called Madrid; to which, no doubt, he arrived in some large ship! Oh! Sir, he is a very learned man; but Heaven preserve me from all his wisdom!"

"Hold, my honest fellow; I mean not to dispute the claims of those whom you mention to be called strange beings; but the person of whom I speak is neither the witch with the long chin, nor the learned cripple tailor."

"Then," quoth the son, "may hap you mean, Senor, the mischievous hunchback who made his appearance amongst us some days ago. He was full of tricks, the wicked, deformed monster ! But he is no longer here. Some say that he returned to Oviedo, seeing how roughly he was treated, and how carefully shunned, by all honest people. For my part, Senor, I verily think he was carried away by the devil, one of whose imps he surely is. Certainly, his sudden coming and going was very mysterious."

"Well, well, if his Satanic majesty got hold of his promising subject, and carried him to the regions below, it is not likely he should send him back to a place where his first mission was attended with such indifferent success. Besides, the strange being to whom I allude is neither old, ugly, nor, do I believe, mischievous-but a young, beautiful female, whose sudden apparition in these wild passes, no less than the strangeness of her demeanor, have naturally excited my deepest interest and curiosity to learn the particulars of her history."

The son retreated in visible dismay as I pronounced these words. I perceived that I had touched upon a very tender topic, and this circumstance only tended to heighten my curiosity.

"Ah! Senor," cried the young goatherd, crossing himself, " Dios nos defrenda! when did you meet with her was she very near this place ?" "Not far, certainly; perhaps a mile or so."

"A mile? only a mile? Good

Heavens ! Why, she approaches nearer every day.-Father, what shall we do?"

The old goatherd neither answered nor moved a muscle, but preserved a most profound gravity.

"Now, young friend," said I, "your suspicions and awful looks appear to me singularly out of time and place: I see no cause for such demonstrations. What, in the name of wonder, can you apprehend from a poor female? Do you know anything of her?"

"No, Senor; we know nothing; and there precisely lies the mischief. How came she here ?what does she want? No good, I trow! Depend upon it, my very honored master, she is possessed-she has an evil spirit. Yes, yes! I would take my oath she has a demon in her body."

"Indeed! that's a curious guest, to be sure. I suppose you have some very powerful proof to support your opinion?"

"She has often been heard communing with some one, very mysteriously, when no living soul was near. Perico Matos, a shrewd fellow, saw her twice; and I think that I once heard her myself. Now, it is very clear, Senor, that she was communing with the wicked sprite. Oh! never go near that horrid woman-that malignant being, I should say for the female form is only a deceit; and I would swear that she is no more a woman than I am myself."

"Hush! Anton, thou foolish boy!" interposed the father, in a reproving tone, "how long wilt thou indulge in that silly belief? I have often told thee she is no devil, but a poor woman out of her wits-a wild maniac, who has no doubt committed some grievous crime, for which she is tormented only by the demon of remorse. Perhaps she wanders in these solitudes to do penance for her sin, and obtain mercy from above.”

I thought the father's account of the female the most reasonable of the two; but the son favored us with a very incredulous shake of the head,

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