Imágenes de páginas

Faux pus Fr.-A false step.-A mistake, a deviation from rec. titude.

Felo de se.-A felon of himself.

Femme couverte. Fr.-A covered, or married woman.
Femme sole. Fr.-A spinster-woman unmarried.

Fiat.--Let it be done.

Fiat lux.--Let there be light.

Fieri Facias.-Cause it to be done.

Fille de chambre. Fr.-A chambermaid.
Finem respice.-Look to the end.
Fort. Fr.-Chief excellence.
Fugam fecit.--He has taken to flight.
Functus officio.-Discharged of duty.
Gratis. For nothing.--Free of cost.
Gratis dictum.--Said for nothing.

Habeas corpus.--You may have the body.

Habeas corpus ad prosequendum.--You may have the body in order to prosecute.

Habeas corpus ad respondendum.-You may have the body to


Habeas corpus ad satisfaciendum.—You may have, the body to satisfy.

Habere facias possessionem. -You shall cause to take possession.
Habere facias visum.--You shall cause a view to be taken.
Hors de combat. Fr.-Out of condition to fight.

Ibidem.-Ibid.-In the same place.-A note of reference.
I. E. an abbreviation of id est.-That is.

Ignis fatuus.--A foolish fire.--Will o' the Wisp.
Ignoramus.-We are ignorant.-An uninformed blockhead.
Ignorantia facti excusat.-Ignorance of the fact excuses.

I. H. S.--An abbreviation of Jesus Hominum Salvator.-Jesus the Saviour of mankind.

Imperium in imperio.-A government existing within another government as Pennsylvania within the general government of the United States.

Imprimatur.-Let it be printed.

Impromptu.-In readiness.-A witticism made out of hand.
In capite.--In the head.

Incognito.-Unknown.-In disguise.

In curia.-In the court.

In dubiis. In matters of doubt.-In cases of uncertainty
In equilibrio. In an even poise.

In esse.-In being.--In existence.

In extenso. At large-in full.

In foro conscientia. Before the tribunal of conscience.
In futuro.-In future.-Henceforth.

In loco. In the place. In the proper place. Upon the spot.
Innuendo.-By signifying.-Thereby intimating.

In presenti. At the present time.

In presenti.-At the present time.
In rerum natura.—In the nature of things.

Instar omnium.-Like all the rest.

In statu quo.-In the state in which it was.

Interregnum. The interval between the death of one king, and the succession of another.

In terrorem.-In terror.-As a warning.
In toto. In the whole-altogether-entirely.
In transitu.-On the passage.

Ipse dixit. He said it himself.-On his ipse dixit-on his mere


Ipsisima verba.-The very words—the literal meaning.
Ipso facto.-In the fact itself.

Ipso jure.-By the law itself.

Ita lex scripta est. Thus the law is written.
Judicium Dei.-The judgment of God.

Judicium parium, aut leges terræ.-The judgment of our peers, or the law of the land.

Jure humaro.-By human law.

Jure divino.-By divine law.
Jus civile.-The civil law.

Jus gentium.-The law of nations.

Lapsus lingua.-A slip of the tongue.
Latitat. He lurks.

Levari facias--Cause a levy to be made.

Lex loci. The law, or custom of the place.

Lex neminem cogit ad impossibilia.—The law compels no man to impossibilities.

Lex non scripta.-The unwritten law.

Lex scripta. The written or statute law.

Lex talionis.-The law of retaliation.

Lex terræ.-The law of the land.

Litera scripta manet.-The written letter remains.

Literatim.--Letter by letter.

Locum tenens.-One who holds the place of another.

Locus sigilli. The place of the seal-denoted by L. S.

Dusus naturæ.-A play or freak of nature.

Magna Charta.-The great Charter.

Magna est veritas et prævalebit.-Truth is most powerful, and

will ultimately prevail.

Maia fide.--In bad faith.-With a design to deceive.

Malum in se.-A thing evil in itself.

Mandamus.--We order.

Mauvaise honte. Fr.-False shame.

Maximum.-The greatest possible.

Mediocria firma.-The middle station is the safest.

Memento mori.--Remember death.

Memoria in æterna.-In eternal remembrance.


Minimum.-The smallest possible.
Minutia.-Trifles.-To enter into minutia.
Mirabile dictu!--Wonderful to tell!

Mirabile visu!--Wonderful to behold!


Mirum in modum.-In a wonderful manner.

Misnomer. Fr.-The mistake of a name; or using one name for another.

Modus operandi.-The method or manner of operating.

Multum in parvo.-Much in little.-A great deal said in a few words.

Necessitas non habet legem.-Necessity has no law.

Ne exeat.-Let him not go out.

Nem. con. for nemine contradicente, and,

Nem. diss. for nemine dissentiente.-No person opposing or disagreeing. These two phrases are synonymous.

Ne plus ultra.-Nothing more beyond.

Nil debet.-He owes nothing.-The usual plea in an action of debt.

Nil dicit. He says nothing.

Nisi prius.--Unless before.

Nolens, volens.-Willing or unwilling.

Noli me tangere.-Do not touch me.

Nolle prosequi-To be unwilling to proceed.

Non assumpsit.-He did not assume, or take to himself.

Non compos mentis.-Not of sound mind.-In a delirium of lu


Non conscire sibi.-Conscious of no fault.

Non constat.--It does not appear.

Non est inventus.-He has not been found.
Non nobis solum.-Not merely for ourselves.
Non obstante-Notwithstanding.

Non sequitur.-It does not follow.
Nosce teipsum.--Know thyself.
Nota bene.-Mark well.

Nucleus.-The kernel.

Nudum pactum.-A naked agreement.
Nulla bona.-No goods.

Nunc aut nunquam.-Now or never.

On dit. Fr. It is said.-It is an on dit.-It is merely a loose report.

Onus probandi.-The burden of proving.

Opera pretium est.-" It is worth while" to hear or to attend.
Ore tenus. From the mouth.-The testimony was ore tenus.
O tempora! O mores!-Oh the times and the manners.
Pacta conventa.--Conditions agreed upon.

Panacea. From the Greek.-A remedy for all diseases.
Par excellence. Fr.--By way of eminence.

Pari passu.-With an equal pace.--By a similar gradation.

Paritur pax bello. CORN. NEP.-Peace is produced by war.
Particeps criminis.-A partaker in the crime--an accessary.
Passim.-Every where.--In various places.
Pater noster.--Our father.

Pater patria.-The father of his country.
Penchant. Fr.-Propensity, inclination, desire.
Per annum.-Per diem.-By the year--by the day.
Per se. By itself.--No man likes mustard per se.
Perseverando.-By perseverance.

Pluries.-At several times.

Posse comitatus.--The power of the county.
Posse videor.--The appearance of being able.


Post factum, nullum consilium.-After the deed is done, there is no use in consultation.

Post mortem.-After death.
Postulata.-Things required.

Primum mobile.-The first cause of motion.
Primus inter pares.-The first amongst his equals.
Principia non homines.--Principles-not Men.
Pro bono publico.-For the public good.

Pro confesso.--As if conceded.

Pro et con.-For and against.

Pro hac vice.--For this turn.

Pro libertate patriæ.--For the liberty of my country.
Pro patria. For my country.

Promenade. Fr.-A walk--a fashionable place for walking.
Pro tempore.-For the time.

Quantum.-How much.--The quantum.-The due proportion. Quantum libet.--As much as you please.

Quantum meruit.-As much as he has deserved.

Quantum sufficit.-A sufficient quantity.

Quid nunc. What now?-What is the news at present?
Quid pro quo.-What for what.-An equivalent.

Qui facit per alium, facit per se.-What a man does by another, he does by or through himself.

Qui non negat, fatetur.-He who does not deny, virtually confesses.

Qui non proficit, deficit.-He who does not advance, goes back. ward.

Qui prior est tempore, potior est jure.-He who is first in point of time, has the advantage in point of law.

Qui tam.-Who as well.

Quoad hoc.-As far as this.-Or, as relates to this matter.

Quo animo?--With what mind?

Quo jure. By what right.

Quorum.--Of whom, or-a sufficient number to proceed in busi


Quorum pars fui.-Of whom I was one.-In which I have par ticipated.

Quota.- How much-how many.

Quo warranto.-By what warrant.

Respondeat superior.-Let the principal answer.
Respublica.--The common-weal.-The general interest.
Salvo jure.--Saving the right.—A clause of exception.
Sanctum Sanctorum.-The Holy of Holies.

Sang froid. Fr.-Cold blood.-Indifference, apathy.
Sans changer. Fr.-Without changing.
Scire facias.-Cause it to be known.
Secundum artem.-According to art.

Secundum formam statuti.—According to the form of the statute.
Seriatim.-In order.--According to place or seniority.

Sic transit gloria mundi.-Thus fades the glory of this world. Sicut ante.--As before.

Sine cura.-Without charge.-A sinecure.

Sine die.-Without a day.-The business was deferred sine die. Sine dubio.-Without doubt;-assuredly.

Sine invidia.-Without envy.-Not speaking invidiously.

Sine odio.-Without hatred.-I speak sine odio.

Sine qua non.-A thing without which another cannot be.
Soi-disant. Fr.-Self-called.

Sola nobilitas virtus.-Virtue alone true nobility.

Sub poena.-Under a penalty.

Sub silentio.-In silence.

Succedaneum.-A substitute.-A matter substituted.
Sui generis. Of its own kind.

Summum bonum.-The chief good.

Supersedeas. You may remove or set aside.

Super subjectam materiam.-On the matter submitted.
Super visum corporis.-Upon a view of the body.
Tant mieux. Fr-So much the better.
Tant pis. Fr-So much the worse.

Te Deum (laudamus.)--Thee, Lord, (we praise.)
Tempus omnia revelat.-Time reveals all things.
Terra incognita.-An unknown land or country.

Tete a tete. Fr.-Head to head.-In close conversation.
Tout bien ou rien. Fr.-The whole or nothing.
Tout ensemble. Fr.-The whole taken together.
Tuebor.-I will defend.

Ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum.—Where the law is uncertain, there is no law.

Ubi libertas, ibi patria.—Where liberty dwells, there is my country.

Ult-ultimus.-The last.

Unique. Fr.-Sole, singular, extraordinary.

Vade mecum.-Go with me.

Vedettes. Fr.-Sentinels on horseback.

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