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which the wild beasts 'tween decks, cooped by sixes in berths of five feet three inches, had no conception.

On this particular evening, however, the cuddy was dull. Dinner fell flat, and con

versation languished.

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No signs of a breeze, Mr. Best?" asked Blunt, as the first officer came in and took his

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"These--he he!-awful calms," says Mrs. Vickers. "A week, is it not Captain Blunt?” "Thirteen days, mum," growled Blunt.

"I remember, off the Coromandel Coast," put in cheerful Pine, "when we had the plague in the Rattlesnake"

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Captain Vickers, another glass of wine?" cries Blunt, hastening to cut the anecdote short. Thank you, no more. I have the head



"Headache-um-don't wonder at it, going down among those fellows. It is infamous the way they crowd these ships. Here we have over two hundred souls on board, and not boat room for half of 'em."

"Two hundred souls! Vickers.

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Surely not," says "By the King's Regulations

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One hundred and eighty convicts, fifty soldiers, thirty in ship's crew, all told, and—

how many?-one, two, three-seven in the cuddy. How many do you make that?" "We are just a little crowded this time," says Best.

"It is very wrong," says Vickers, pompously. "Very wrong. By the King's Regulations-

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But the subject of the King's Regulations was even more distasteful to the cuddy than Pine's interminable anecdotes, and Mrs. Vickers hastened to change the subject.

"Are you not heartily tired of this dreadful life, Mr. Frere ?”

"Well, it is not exactly the life I had hoped to lead," said Frere, rubbing a freckled hand over his stubborn red hair; "but I must make the best of it."

"Yes, indeed," said the lady in that subdued manner with which one comments upon a well-known accident, "it must have been a great shock to you to be so suddenly deprived of so large a fortune."

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Not only that, but to find that the black sheep who got it all, sailed for India within a week of my uncle's death! Lady Devine got a letter from him on the day of the funeral to say that he had taken his passage in the Hydaspes for Calcutta, and never meant to come back again!"

"Sir Richard Devine left no other children?"


No, only this mysterious Dick, whom I never saw, but who must have hated me." These family quarrels are Poor Lady Devine to lose

"Dear, dear!

dreadful things.

in one day a husband and a son!"

"And the next morning to hear of the murder of her cousin! You know that we are connected with the Bellasis family. My aunt's father married a sister of the second Lord Bellasis."

"Indeed. That was a horrible murder. So you think that the dreadful man you pointed. out the other day, did it?"

"The jury seemed to think not," said Mr. Frere, with a laugh; "but I don't know anybody else who could have a motive for it. However, I'll go on deck and have a smoke."

"I wonder what induced that old hunks of a shipbuilder to try and cut off his only son in favour of a cub of that sort," said Surgeon Pine to Captain Vickers as the broad back of Mr. Maurice Frere disappeared up the companion.

"Some boyish follies abroad, I believe; self-made men are always impatient of extravagance. But it is hard upon Frere. He is not a bad sort of fellow for all his roughness, and when a young man finds that an accident.

deprives him of a quarter of a million of money and leaves him without a sixpence beyond his commission in a marching regiment under orders for a convict settlement, he has some reason to rail against fate."

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How was it that the son came in for the money after all, then ?"

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Why it seems that when old Devine returned from sending for his lawyer to alter his will, he got a fit of apoplexy, the result of his rage, I suppose, Ι and when they opened his. room door in the morning they found him dead."

"And the son's away on the sea somewhere," said Mr. Vickers, "and knows nothing of his good fortune. It is quite a romance."

“I am glad that Frere did not get the money," said Pine, grimly sticking to his prejudice; "I have seldom seen a face I liked. less, even among my yellow jackets yonder." "Oh dear, Dr. Pine! How can you?" interjected Mrs. Vickers.

"'Pon my soul, ma'am, some of them have mixed in good society, I can tell you. There's pickpockets and swindlers down below who have lived in the best company."

"Dreadful wretches!" cried Mrs. Vickers, shaking out her skirts. "John, I will go on deck."

At the signal, the party rose.

"Ecod, Pine," says Captain Blunt, as the two were left alone together, "you and I are always putting our foot into it!"

"Women are always in the way aboard ship," returned Pine.

"Ah! doctor, you don't mean that, I know,” said a rich soft voice at his elbow.

It was Sarah Purfoy emerging from her cabin.

"Here is the wench!" cries Blunt. "We were talking of your eyes, my dear."

"Well, they'll bear talking about, captain, won't they?" asked she, turning them full upon him.

"By the Lord, they will!" says Blunt, smacking his hand on the table. They're the finest eyes I've seen in my life, and they've got the reddest lips under 'm that

"Let me pass, Captain Blunt, if you please. Thank you, doctor."

And before the admiring commander could prevent her, she modestly swept out of the cuddy.

"She's a fine piece of goods, eh ?" asked Blunt, watching her. "A spice o' the devil in her, too."

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